

unknown_20281 · 漫画同人
126 Chs

Chapter 102

Unfortunately, before the war between the three clans ignited again, Vali had completely disappeared.

Come to think of it, I'm afraid it's a lot of bad luck.

He naturally didn't know that Vali, the White Dragon Emperor, was killed by Cao Cao for the reason that "a divine weapon that was delivered to humans can only be held in the hands of humans".

And now...

"According to our information, the place where Valli appeared last seems to be the site of the Troubled Group, right?" Azazel asked in a gloomy tone.

Shem Hasa lightly nodded (Zhao Zhao) his head, his face was equally ugly: "Yes, not only that, recently there are rumors that the hero faction of the disaster group seems to be tracking the traces of the artifact, this kind of thing may not be separated from them. relation."

Azazel closed his eyes, his fists clenched unconsciously.

"Although I have things I want to do now, I am also the Governor of the Fallen Angels after all."

"If I can survive this time, then—"

Before he could finish speaking, a look of surprise and surprise suddenly appeared on his face.


In front of Azazel, a white-haired youth emerged from the forest.

She had a bright and beautiful smile, and her silver-white hair was slightly messy and sweaty.

In the tattered shirt, there are faint red and obscure patterns of unknown meaning.

In the blue eyes, there seems to be a ferocious golden magical light flashing.

Behind him, bright wings of light stretched out.


Vali raised his hand and greeted with a big smile.

"Long time no see, bad old man."

Chapter 170: Our Lady of the Highest Heaven

"Yo, long time no see, bad old man!"

Vali raised his hand and greeted with a hearty smile on his face.

In the blue eyes, there is a golden light lurking.


Even with Asachel's mature and steady personality, he couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

Valli is the grandson of the primordial demon king Lucifer and a child born to humans. At birth, he was born with the light wings of the White Dragon Emperor, the goddess of death.

His grandfather, Rezevim, was amused by the fact that the Goddess created by the God of the Bible actually resided in Lucifer's bloodline.

So he asked his son to persecute his grandson with him.

His father is also afraid of his son's ability to surpass himself, and often abuses him.

And the only mother in the family who wanted to protect him was often beaten for it.

He later escaped from the family and was adopted by the fallen angel governor Asazel after his servants desperately saved him.

It was also under the guidance of Azazel that he learned to communicate with the White Dragon Emperor Arubion, who resided in his body, and used the power of the God-killing Tool.

Azazel, the governor of the fallen angels, had the grace to recreate Vali.

It can be said that without Azazel, Vali would have died long ago as a cowardly human-demon hybrid.

And for Asachel...

Valli, the young man he watched and personally guided from weak to strong, from cowardly to the cheerful and confident look he is today, is no different from his own son.

Even if he knew that this adopted son was quite restless, and went all day to mingle with those terrorists, he would turn a blind eye and let it go as long as it wasn't too much.


"Azazel! Come back!"

Shem Hasa's expression changed suddenly, he raised his hand and pressed Azazel's shoulder, trying his best to drag him back.


Azazel's face was blank, and he tilted his head slightly.

Then, he raised his hand and wiped it on his face.

On the fingers, the dark red bloodstains are particularly eye-catching.

"Wally, do you know what you're doing?"

he asked softly.

Wally, who suddenly appeared here, had too many doubts.

However, the ecstasy just now broke his vigilance as the Governor of the Fallen Angels.

Almost subconsciously, he just thought of Vali's direction and took a few steps closer.

If it wasn't for Shem Hasa who dragged him back in time just now—

Then, his head may have been chopped off by Vali, his dear adopted son.

"This kind of thing..."

Azazel spat lightly, and the blood stained on his fingers fell to the ground.

"It can't be explained by the term rebellious period."

"Of course I know, that's why I came to you on purpose."

Wally Lucifer had a bright smile on his face, his blue pupils were dotted with dazzling golden light, and a fiery red stigmata was engraved on his chest.

"Fight, that's all."

"I am eager to fight, I am eager to defeat the strong. But beyond that, my greatest hope is to defeat you, my lord."

The light wings behind the contemporary White Dragon Emperor are shining brightly, smiling happily.

However, the fighting intent and determination in his eyes can prove that what he said is true.

He had the idea of ​​defeating the righteous father who saved his life.

It is precisely because Azazel is his true father that he must defeat the opponent by himself.

"The only one who can defeat you and lead you to the Sanctuary of Gold is me!"

Sanctuary of Gold? what is that?

Such doubts flashed in Azazel's heart, but after all, due to the gap in intelligence, he couldn't spy.

In this regard, Wally seems to have no explanation.

But it doesn't matter.

Because at this time, there are more important things than exploring Vali's words.

"It's really distressing, wanting to defeat adults, wanting to prove one's strength, is indeed what children in the rebellious period often show."

Azazel scratched his somewhat tousled brown hair, and his eyes widened with dark circles.

"But, unfortunately, I still have a lot of work to do."

"If you really want something to play with you, why don't I buy you a spinning top? If you really can't, you can ask who has a little yellow duck in the bathroom."

Saying so, the corner of the Fallen Angel Governor's mouth twitched into a sarcastic smile.

Among them, there may be self-deprecation.

"I'm sorry, but I've grown up, and I've stopped playing with those childish things for a long time."

Feeling that Azazel began to respond tit for tat to his (acbd) hostility, Valli suddenly laughed more and more happily.

If he was talking about a strong enemy, just in terms of strength, Azazel was already quite a suitable opponent for him.

As the Fallen Angel Governor, he is strong enough, but not so strong that he despairs.

What's more, I have to admit that Azazel, who once saved him, is indeed the existence he longs to cross.

But before, Valli would not have such an idea.

But now, for Golden Supreme, the concept of life and death can be overturned in a blink of an eye.

If that's the case, then it shouldn't matter if he's a little willful, right?

With this thought in mind, Vali laughed wantonly.

"It's really disturbing, Vali, you've really turned into something incredible."

Azazel closed his eyes, and a certain determination gradually emerged in his words.

"Sure enough, did you still lack guidance during adolescence?"

He sighed.

"It now seems that you should have stopped you as early as when you were hanging out with the lunatics of the Bane."

"Haha, I thought you didn't find out about this kind of thing at first, but if you look at it now, you're still letting me go." Vali smiled happily, "But, now..."

The wind roared and the air vibrated and whined.

The two huge breaths collided instantly.

"The Light Wings of the White Dragon Emperor!"

"The Fallen Dragon's Flash Gun!"

The two people who were the closest to each other collided with each other without hesitation.

Shem Hasa, who was standing next to him, couldn't help but retreat under the impact of the aftermath.

"Wally, even if you are self-willed, you should pick a good time!"

Azazel's eyes widened angrily and he growled.

He, who has always been cynical, showed an angry expression for the first time.

He held a huge light gun, and the black armor shone with golden light and had a dragon-like outline.

Six pairs of jet-black wings spread out on its back, and black feathers fluttered around.

Artificial Artifact - Fallen Dragon's Flash Gun.

"After this period of time, it's time for me to accompany you! But now, no!"

Valli is his adopted son, but the entire race of Fallen Angels is his lifelong effort!

He absolutely cannot tolerate it, the entire fallen angel race was destroyed by the mischief of his adopted son Vali.

Because of this kind of thing...

It might make him regret his actions for saving Vali in the first place, and question whether it was right or wrong.


Wally sneered.

"Do you believe it yourself?"

Asa Shelton was stunned.

And what Vali said next made him completely unable to refute.

"You know me, and I know you. In this situation, you clearly have decided to die, right?"

"It's completely seen through, then..."

Azazel sighed and stroked his tousled hair.

"Get out of the way, or you'll die here, I'm serious."

Shem Hasa, Baiqiu, these two fallen angels, also stood beside Azazel, staring coldly at Vali with hostile eyes. .

Chapter 171 Sleep, my sister

"Wally, I don't need to accompany you now." Azazel's voice was cold and his eyes were like knives, "If you insist on hindering me at this time, then I can only work with my comrades to keep you there. Killed here."

The fallen angel's action this time is to break the death situation faced by the entire race.

Therefore, no matter who is standing in front of them, the entire ethnic group holds the consciousness of smashing them.