
DxD: The Dragon Oppai

In a world where destiny weaves its intricate threads, Issei's life takes a remarkable turn. His sacred gear awakens at an early age, leading to intense training with Ddraig, the indomitable Welsh Dragon. But destiny has an unexpected twist in store. Issei forms an unlikely bond with Great Red, the Dragon God. As his strength grows, two captivating newcomers arrive at Kuoh Academy—a silver-haired enchantress and her azure-haired friend. Issei's heart races as he realizes his rival is the beautiful silver-haired girl. -- Like the fanfic, if yes, consider supporting via patron and you will be able to read ahead by webnovel chapters. (P).(A).(T).(R).(E).(O).(N) http://patreon.com/Marin_kitawaga

Orael · 漫画同人
178 Chs

Chapter 20: Proving!!

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"Goodness, this girl is really over-the-top. I've never met someone so excited to hang out with me," Issei thought, shaking his head.

Reluctantly, he texted her back, [Well, it is Friday... I suppose I'm free this weekend. I'm not particularly interested in seeing that movie, but we can hang out later, I guess.]

Serafall quickly replied, [Please! I really want to go see that movie!]

[Then go see it without me,] he messaged back.

[It won't be as fun without you. Please, please go with me. I don't want to go by myself. My sister is being mean to me and already refused to go,] Serafall's response came back almost instantly.

[Alright, fine... I don't understand why you're so insistent on seeing it with me though,] he replied.

[You're the only person I know in this town, and I trust you to keep me safe from all the stalkers,] she shot back.

He let out a sigh and replied, [Am I supposed to be your bodyguard now?]

[Maybe... 😉] she replied, accompanied by a winking face emoji.

With a hint of resignation, he messaged back, [I'll pick you up at six at the bus stop, then.]

[No! I'd prefer you not come to my house. My sister goes to your school and she's a bit controlling. She probably wouldn't approve of me hanging out with one of her classmates. Let's meet at the bus stop instead. There's an amazing mall right next to the movie theater too! I've already bought our tickets for the movie. We should be there by 9! Can't wait to see you tonight!] she responded, adding a flurry of winking and smiling face emojis.

'She already bought the tickets even before I agreed to this? This girl is something else... but hey, at least she's attractive. Wait a minute... her sister goes to Kuoh? How old is Serafall?! I should probably ask her about that when I see her later,' Issei pondered as he put his phone away and headed to school.

Arriving at Kuoh Academy, Issei parked his bike and attracted the usual mix of fearful and admiring glances from onlookers. As he made his way towards the school entrance, he noticed Vali and Tiamat already there.

Vali glanced at him and chuckled, "You're early today, just ten minutes till."

Issei shrugged in response to Vali's comment, continuing his stride towards the entrance. Vali and Tiamat followed closely behind him.

Tiamat, with her light blue hair, nudged Issei with her elbow as she caught up with him. "No comments today? You're not mad that we weren't here yesterday, are you?"

"Nah, yesterday was a pretty chill day," Issei replied absentmindedly, recalling the peculiar events that took place.

Tiamat didn't seem satisfied with his response and scoffed at him. "Yeah, right... Don't lie. You must have been bored out of your mind surrounded by these weak people and uptight devils. I mean, seriously, what kind of dragon wouldn't find this place boring?"

"Spot on, Tiamat. I missed you so much yesterday. I spent the day doodling your name with hearts and gazing longingly out the window, awaiting your glorious return," Issei retorted sarcastically.

Tiamat rewarded his remark with a playful punch, surprising the onlookers who were taken aback by her action. Their surprise grew even more when Issei refrained from retaliating.

Annoyed, Issei shot a glare at Tiamat and warned, "Don't pull that stunt again."

She responded with a cocky smirk, taunting him, "Or what? You want to fight me, Issei? Because I'd enjoy that."

'This situation is tricky. She'll keep pushing until you prove yourself,' Ddraig communicated telepathically to Issei, as the delinquent continued to glare at Tiamat.

'Damn it, Ddraig, you're right. She's really cornering me here. If I retaliate, it'll expose my true strength, but if I let her get away with this, I'll be at her mercy,' Issei thought with frustration.

'You could utilize some of your other dragon powers without revealing the full extent of your sacred gear and my existence. Just enough to demonstrate that you're formidable. However, be cautious. Tiamat is extremely powerful, so don't give her a reason to unleash her full strength,' Ddraig advised.

'Good suggestion,' Issei thought as he proceeded into the school building alongside Vali and Tiamat.

Shortly after they entered, Tiamat stepped in front of Issei and blocked his path. She halted him and demanded, "I haven't heard your answer yet, Issei... Are you up for the challenge?"

"Step aside, Tiamat... We don't need this kind of attention at school. You can settle this later," Vali interjected quietly, aware of the growing crowd gathering to witness the intense confrontation between Issei and Tiamat.

She laughed and casually placed her hands behind her head, saying, "Well, if you insist, Vali... I'll catch you two in class. I'm going to grab a snack. Any preferences?"

"Whatever you get is fine," Vali responded.

Tiamat glanced at Issei and asked, "What about you?"

"I don't really mind," Issei shrugged nonchalantly.

A mischievous smirk formed on Tiamat's face as she remarked, "Oh, don't worry, I know just what to get for you." She then walked away, leaving Issei and Vali at the entrance of the school.

Once Tiamat was out of earshot, Vali sighed and turned to Issei, sharing some advice, "She has this notion that you're incredibly powerful, and you know how dragons get when they hear about someone strong. I'm not suggesting you have to fight her, but it's best to avoid provoking her if possible. Tiamat is still a bit irritated that you won't join us."

"Thanks for the heads up," Issei acknowledged as he and Vali ascended the stairs towards their classroom. As they climbed, a large group of devils passed by on the opposite side, heading downstairs.

Issei and Vali couldn't help but notice that every single one of them turned their heads unabashedly to look at them.

Among the passing devils, Issei recognized a few faces, such as the blond guy Kiba, the blue-haired girl Tsubasa, and, of course, Saji. The rest of the peerage and members of the Gremory family were unfamiliar to him.


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