
DxD: ReKiba

MC takes Kiba's place at the exact moment he is reincarnated by Rias. In exchange, he has to get revenge on everyone involved with the Holy Sword Project. MC is prideful and has his own plans. It will be a harem, but not a big one. I do not own anything except my own MC. Found this picture on Pinterest. The artist is Hikku. Contact me if you want me to take it down. I might post this on other platforms like Royal Road and Scribble Hub.

Alcoholic_Panda · 漫画同人
125 Chs

Biblical Trouble

If you want to read ahead or just support me go check out my Pat. There are a lot of fics and ideas there. Every single one of these fics and chapters will be released eventually. But if you don't want to wait or just want to support me check out the Pat.

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Word Count 2050


Underworld. Capital Lilith

Inside a meeting in Sirzechs office.

Sirzechs, Grayfia, Ajuka and Falbium all had somber expressions.

There were two other screens opened up. Azazel and Michel were in the meeting as well.

"Well let us have it Sirzechs... How bad is it" Azazel says with a sigh. He was really starting to regret this alliance. At least they aren't fighting amongst themselves, which was their primary goal. He really expected more.

Sirzechs let out a long sigh "There are a few topics I need to cover. First of all, is NEXUS. Due to the territory, they have taken in the Underworld. Many Reincarnated Devils have become strays and have fled to their territory."

"I have activated the 'contingency plan' of the Evil Pieces" Ajuka spoke up

Everybody knew he meant the 'corruption' process. The one that turns the Devils Into monsters and slowly kills them. Only the stronger Reincarnated Devils can resist the corruption

"But we have received Reports that the R.Devils that were allowed entry into NEXUS come out several hours later only to be completely fine. Not a trace of monstrous features could be seen, so the pieces have most likely been pulled out safely. They probably left so they could go and bring their family and friends back to NEXUS." Falbium read the report "The number of Devils joining NEXUS is frankly.. staggering"

Sirzechs picked up the conversation " The elders complained a lot.

I executed a few of them under the pretense of causing in-strife in a time of instability. Labeling them as terrorists. The others quickly shut up. But I honestly think the biggest loss is Serafall.

Due to the loss of their pieces. The young Devils have begun reincarnating others to fill in the blank spots of their peerage. This caused a lot of political incidents. Incidents that we have still not settled"

" If this goes on we just might have to do what Seraall said. Cut off the Young Devils' head and send it back to the offended party as an apology" Grayfia who has kept quiet spoke up. She is the most likely person to become the next Leviathan. As she competed with Serafall for that position.

Azazel just facepalmed " So troublesome. It isn't just devils. A few Low-Level Fallen have left Grigori as well. Most likely heading directly to NEXUS. My men have told me a few rumors that they have heard. If they join NEXUS they can train under my Son Dino. and he can make them stronger. I directly called Dino and he says it's the first time he has heard about this.

So due to some weak fallen who whined about his weakness and decided to jump ship and join NEXUS. Now I'm losing men."

" Michael, you have been oddly quiet" Ajuka asked the blond man with a frown

Michael lowered his head a bit "There is no easy way to say this. 50 Angels have left heaven and are on their way to join NEXUS."

"Lord Michael you mean Angels that have Fallen right?" Grayfia asked to clarify

The man shook his head "No. We Fall when we commit a Sin. Those 50 haven't Sinned. 50 pure Angels are on their way to Kyoto"

"How is this possible?" Sirzechs asks Azazel, who was scratching his goatee and then stopped

"...Fuck," Azazel snapped his eyes open "They are just like Helel. (Lucifer before he left) They weren't kicked out of Heaven. They left with their own free will. But how is that possible? Angels would rather die than leave Father's Home. Our Home" Azael said sadly, even though life as a Fallen suits him more, he still misses his home.

Michael shared his brother's feelings " Well they were odd Angels to begin with. They all loved Father deeply. But the one thing that connects them all is Father's ideals of 'Peace'. Fathers dream of World Peace. They decided that NEXUS is the best chance to spread peace in the world. So they left.

And even I the current Leader of Heaven, can see where they are coming from. NEXUS... Is the only faction in the world, that has so many members of different races. Humans, Devils, Fallen, Vampires, Dragons, Yokai, Elves, Fairies. And more and more races are interested in joining them by the day.

Racism is forbidden. All are treated equally. Anybody who is there is of their own free will. And the one who holds them together is Isaiah. His Charisma and Strenght. The teenager who stands at the top. He is everybody's inspiration.

How ironic. That a Devil has done something that I have not. The name Isaiah means Salvation of God. He has brought Salvation to the people. He has created a Paradise on Earth"

Everybody stared at Michael in silence. Azazel looked slightly worried. Michael saw this an smiled tiredly "I apologize for rambling. I'm a bit.. exhausted. Things have not been easy for Heaven. All of us took the 'betrayal' of the 50 Angels quite badly. If they had just fallen things would have been easier... No offense Azazel"

The man chuckled "None taken Michael. I agree with you. This is quite the fucking mess"

"No kidding" Falbium shook his head "We still haven't even gotten to the problems that the Great King Faction is causing" He turned to Sirzechs who nodded

"Zekram Bael. Once Serafal left, he saw a weakness and decided to exploit it. He started to slander us Satans, and is actively trying to gain as much control as he can during this period of instability. And we can't exactly do anything to him. Since technically he hasn't done anything illegal. He is just making things difficult for us. And if we do act against him, then that could easily lead to another Civil War. One that the Devils might not survive. I can beat Zekram, but many of the High Class and lower Classes will die. Lowering our numbers even further. Our enemies will not miss that opportunity"

"Is there any plan against Nexus?" Michel asks in a cautious tone, Sirzechs previous words made the mood even more somber.

Azazel chuckles "What plan? They are untouchable. We can't do anything to them. First of all, everything they did was legal. They hold the moral high ground. And we know how important that is for war.

Second. The reason we are losing so many men is just because they are better than us. It's like looking for a better job. You can't blame them for wanting the better alternative.

Third. The bloody strenght difference. Going by strenght in our combined factions. Sirzechs, Ajuka, Michael, then me. But if we are talking from all of our members then Tobio is stronger than me.

From their side is Isaiah, Tiamat, Kurama the Sage, Dino with 2 Longinuses. Gloxinina the Fairy King. Ingivild Leviathan.

Raphael, Uriel, Falbium, Baraquiel, Shemhazal and Penemue are good. But compared to Yasaka, Veldora and Gasper they wouldn't win. Yokai and Dragon Durability would outlast them. And Time-Stop is such a cheat. Not to mention Sephiroth Graal and Holy Nails.

That group has most of the world's Longinuses. Even if I call back Tobio and Lavinia. With more and more members joining them by the day, we are just outgunned." Azazel spreads his arms and sighs

Ajuka turns to the maid in the room "Grayfia, will you take the title Leviathan as we discussed? You were after all a contender for the title"

Grayfia just sighs "It irks me that I will be getting it only after Serafall left the post. But for our people, I would do it. Even if I don't want to. Serafall left very big shoes that urgently need to be replaced."

Azazel nodded "Putting her in is the right decision. Some people will treat it as a joke, but the younger population will be relieved that the Strongest Queen and former contender for the title. If she is the one stepping up in a time of crisis like this. People will naturally support her"

"Well, that handles the internal stuff. Now what about the external? How is the world handling NEXUS's power play?" Since Serafall wasn't here, Falbium was asking Azazel for information. The man's network was still standing strong.

Azazel crossed his arm and leaned back " Atlantis, Shinto, and some of the Hindu are very concerned. Isaiah's insane growth speed is making him quite the target. Unfortunately for them attacking NEXUS alone is practically suicide as we have already established. They will either leave them alone or join forces and attack NEXUS."

"Hmmmm" Falbium was deep in thought. As the Military Commander of the Devils he was calculating their situation " Its no use. Even if a war should start, we are in no position to support anyone."

"Agreed" Ajuka nodded to his fellow Satan " Trying to get payback will actually harm us even more. Right now our focus should be Stabilizing our own faction, and that goes for all of us. We all have people leaving our ranks and causing discord. The spies are not going to miss this chance. If we have any hope of surviving the events that are to come.. we must start 'cleaning up' our ranks"

Azazel groaned "Ughh, this is going to be such a pain. It's times like these that I wish Kokabiel was still alive. I'd just let him do his thing and gather as many men as possible. All the traitors would have joined him so we could have eliminated all of them at once. *Tsk* A missed opportunity"

"A bit too late for that Azazel. At least you have it somewhat easy. How am I supposed to find traitors in Heaven? They have obviously found a way to betray us without falling. The group that is heading to NEXUS is different.

They are still Angels that believe in our father's ideals, they are just going about it in a different way. And they wouldn't harm their brothers and sisters. But betraying Heaven is like betraying Father.,," Michael looked at his hands, wondering how exactly is he going to handle the situation

Azazel stood up and stretched his back "Welp, sitting around here won't get anything done. I'm going to meet with my cadres and we will start our investigations. I suggest you also hurry up. I got a feeling that whatever big event is going to happen, it's gonna come real soon. And I don't plan on dying. Cya later"

Azazel turned off the call. "I will be going as well. I wish you luck in your endeavors, I could use some myself" Michael also left. Leaving the 3 Satans and the New Leviathan to sit there.

Sirzechs just facepalmed "I just had to be the Satan of Internal Affairs..."

Ajuka punched him lightly on the arm "Stop whining, you were the only one who could do it. The only thing those old geezers listen to is Money and Power. And you have power in spades. I think it's about time that the Satans showed their true powers once again. People forget why we are the ones leading the Devil faction. It's time for some Spring Cleaning"

~ On a beach in Hawaii

Serafall was in her blue bikini relaxing on a sandy white beach. She was sipping a cocktail while enjoying the sun and the sea breeze

"Ahhhh. Why the hell haven't I done this earlier? I'm such an idiot."

Devil pride my ass. I should have left those fools long ago. Now this is the life. I don't think I have ever been so relaxed.

A waiter comes by and drops off a different cocktail

Serafall pulls up her sunglasses and looks at the waiter "I didn't order this"

The waiter smiles "Miss complements from the gentlemen at the bar"

She looks at a bar to see a man raising his drink at her. Serafall looked surprised


Dark Hair- Chick

Purplish Eyes- Check

Glasses- Check

Cute, Awkward Nerd Vibe- Check


He is a male version of Sona.

Might have some connection to the supernatural due to his eyes, but he hasn't recognized me yet, so he is probably not important. He looks weak as well. And I haven't gotten laid in a hundred years so I don't really care.

Mama's getting laid tonight.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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