Lucifer, the Devil, Satan. All of these labels belong to a being of utter evil and darkness, who, in olden times, made the earth look like a wilderness, who spat in the face of the creator. But the members of the Judeo-Christian faith know that he wasn't always like that. He was once a beacon for the whole creation and a guiding light for his brothers and sisters. He was the Morningstar. Then God created man. He favored them above all his creations. And we all know what came after. You know? One must wonder; If God put humans highest on his list, would a human serve as a better Lucifer? Would the outcome of holding that power be different for a mere man? How would that individual cope with all of their responsibilities? For the luck of who wonders, one Samuel Hyoudou is about to find out. Disclaimer!: I do not own the "High School DxD" light novel, manga, or anime. I also do not own the cover art for this book.
The morning sun shined on the town of Kuoh, paving the way for adults to go about their work and students to march toward their schools. But one among the latter stood out. And although it might have something to do with it, it was not for his dashing looks. Rather, it was the degree of anxiousness painted on the teenager's face, as he looked left and right; as if he didn't want to be seen.
You see, eighteen-year-old Samuel is attending Kuoh Academy for the first time. However, he transferred just at the beginning of his third year.
Kuoh Academy is one of those prestigious schools that parents would send their kids to for higher education and a brighter future. On top of that, it was an escalator school; meaning that one could complete the entirety of his/her academic life in it.
So, with the accumulation of those promising aspects, what is it that young Sam is worried about? A distant observer might say: 'he is overwhelmed' or 'unfamiliarity'. Far from it; he was always quick to make friends and make others comfortable around him. Then what is it?
"I'm so going to be jealous of you; you are smart, good-looking, and sociable. You're gonna hog all the girls to yourself!"
The one who uttered those words was walking beside Sam, Issei Hyoudou. He is Sam's younger brother. The difference in names is glaring, but that is because Sam is adopted. The older brother was anxious because of Issei. For a simple yet relevant fact.
"You're gonna fondle all the boobs in the academy while I'll be stuck with porno magazines and videos...Ow!"
"Oh, will you please shut up? Maybe you're used to your classmates shunning you, but I'd rather draw little to no attention when I'm in your company," hitting him lightly on the head, Sam warned.
"Oh, come on! Mother said we should look out for each other," Issei said, sounding annoyed. "The sole purpose you transferred over here was for the both of us to bond."
The older sibling raised an eyebrow. "First off, the whole reason I was in a different high school was because you insisted on ruining my reputation with your behavior in middle school. Second, the sole purpose? That's strange, I could've sworn that the first reason Mom gave was that she was hoping I would be a 'positive influence' on you, that she was praying that I'd 'cure your lecherous infection'."
"And bond," Issei emphasized.
"Sure, will do that. You're being so clingy all of a sudden; If I didn't know any better, I wouldn't believe that you're after something."
"Nope, it's just some good old brotherly love."
"Sure," Sam said sarcastically.
Eventually, the boys entered the gate and parted ways on Sam's demand.
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"Oookay, it's official. This is an asylum," Sam said softly as he walked through the Academy.
"Oh, just take me!" a female said loudly.
"Hey! I've seen him first," another objected.
"He looks foreign. Finally! A male import hottie for a change," Yet another one commented.
"Onii-Sama!" the girls of the first-years and second-years screamed at the top of their lungs.
Rumors of a new transfer third-year have begun making rounds throughout the Academy a week prior. Coincidentally, that was when his parents finalized their decision to transfer him.
These shameless remarks from the female body weren't the only ones thrown at him. Males also had their piece to say:
"Are you kidding me?! Another prince?!"
"He's an incubus, An incubus I tell ya!"
"Go to hell, siren! You hear?!"
The male population of the Academy antagonized him as if they knew him. Deciding he had enough, Sam searched for a spot to relax.
He finally settled on the area behind the old school building.
He leaned his back against the wall and slumped to the ground. SIGH, what is wrong with these people? 'Cure Issei's pervertedness'? How about the entire school?"
"You'll get used to it," a soft male voice said before a shadow loomed over him. What he saw was a tall man with medium black hair, green eyes, and a day stubble beard, wearing a janitor uniform. "you're the second guy to rile up these kids since Kiba. Even he didn't gain this much of a reaction."
"And you are...?" Sam asked, weirded out by this janitor randomly approaching him.
"Sorry! My name is Ryan, I was just bored out of my mind and I was hoping you'd humor me with a conversation if you want."
"Ah, what the hell? You're the first guy to talk to me like a sane person. Sure."
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"Really?! Issei the pervert?!" Ryan asked with a tone of slight surprise.
"Yeah, but people usually avoid or feel uncomfortable around me when I tell them that; you're the first one to not do that!"
"It's just a stark contrast, isn't it? Issei was met with punches, objects thrown his way, and swarms of students chasing him around. And here you are, his big brother, girls practically throwing themselves at you, your juniors declaring you their 'Onii-Sama'. You two couldn't be more different."
"Guess so, but I'm sure this perfect image will shatter into pieces once classes start."
"Hey, you can always add 'adopted' and the girls would look past that. But the boys would try to throw you under the bus."
"I've been meaning to ask: do you know who started the rumors about my transferring?"
"Oh, it was Issei; he started blabbering about it to the entire school."
"Issei?! But why would he do that? He despises popular boys."
"I don't know," Ryan shrugged his shoulders before rubbing his chin, "Though, I did hear him talking with his two henchmen about using you as an aphrodisiac shield against the kendo club."
At that moment, Sam's right eye twitched. He heard Issei complaining countless times about how the Kendo club would chase him around after he and his friends peep at them."
That's all I need to know. Well, class is about to start."
"I need to get to work before they catch me slacking anyway. Been good talking to ya," Ryan waved his hand as he went back to work.
"You too."
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"Hey! Let me see, you two."
"Murasame's bust is too good!"
"Katase's legs are legendary!"
"I said move out of the way."
Issei was pushing his two friends, Matsuda the bald and Motohama eagle-four eyes away, while the two of them were looking through a peephole to the girl's kendo club's changing room. They were blocking his way.
"Why hello there." The boys turned to the newcomer in fear of getting caught. Sam was standing there, with a suspicious and unreadable smile.
"Thank God! Guys, it's just Sam," Issei reassured his friends. Sam hated how perverted his little brother was, but he didn't care or take action against him. He wasn't gonna act like the 'nice guy who will rescue the helpless maidens'; they can protect themselves. And from what he saw from the girls in this academy, they were no better. This wasn't about any of that, this was about how Issei was gonna use him like a tool.
"What're you doing here?"
"Why? Oh, I don't know, I just thought you guys would need your 'aphrodisiac shield'."
"I'm so nervous; I don't know much about kendo.
"In the kendo club's changing room, female students were chatting, until...
"Don't say that, Ai. You..."
"Please don't...Augh!"
"What's going on out there?"
Upon dressing up, they got out to see a peculiar and shocking scene: it was the new student, towering over the bruised and swollen perverted trio who were lying on the floor.
"Let that be a lesson to you: keep me the hell out of your shenanigans." Sam began walking away, paying no attention to the looks and statements the Kendo girls threw at him.
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"Class, today we're welcoming a new student," the teacher announced in front of her classroom. She had short black hair and black eyes, and she wore a black suit, pencil skirt, and shoes. "Now, I'm aware that most of you know that, and how much fuss came out of it, but let's save whatever is left of his first impression. Can I have your word?"
"Yes, Mrs. Leilah," the entire class said in one breath.
"Good. You can come in now," she called out toward the door. The door opened to reveal a young man, with medium dark-brown hair and amber eyes, sporting the academy's blazer and pants.
"Hello, everyone. It's a pleasure to meet you all. My name is Sam Milligan," the newcomer introduced himself.
The teacher looked confused, "Milligan? But your last name on the list reads..."
"It's Milligan ma'am...please?" he pleaded.
"Sorry, but I'm not allowed to introduce students with fake names...I'm so sorry," she said apologetically. She knew exactly why he didn't reveal his current surname.
Sam visibly sighed, "Alright, alright, my name is Sam Hyoudou." Immediately, the class erupted into audible whispers, "Adopted!"
Sam's rather loud declaration did nothing.
"That's enough," the teacher interjected. Now, does anyone have any questions?"
"Are you single?" a girl asked.
Asking the important questions here, aren't we?
"Yes, I am. But I'm not looking for a relationship either...yet."
Another student raised her hand. "You said you were adopted, so, how old were you when that happened?''
Sam seemed hesitant; his expression was uncomfortable. He also didn't want to appear hostile, even slightly, about revealing such a minor inconsequential detail as his age. However, it's his own life, so..."I don't feel comfortable revealing personal information of that degree, sorry."
Although the girl appeared to be disappointed at his reply, he ignored her.
"How is it like living with a pervert like Issei?"
"Fine, I guess. I don't like his more undesirable tendencies. But at the end of the day, he's still my brother, and I still love him as such."
This answer surprised everyone, especially after they were told that he had beaten up the perverted trio. To them, that looked like Sam hated their sinful lust, but to Sam, that was him getting back at his brother for putting him under the spotlight to use him.
"Time's up. Mr. Hyoudou, take the desk next to Mrs. Himejima over there."
He took the seat and turned to his right to see a girl with a voluptuous figure. She had long black hair that was tied in a ponytail and violet eyes. She wore the academy's female uniform in addition to black calf-length socks. She flashed him a smile and he returned it without a word.
The class went on as normal after that, until the bell rang, and students began to leave.
"Mr. Hyoudou? See me when all the classes are over."
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While the last of the students crossed the gate, Sam was walking the empty hallway, heading to see Mrs. Leilah. He was a bit nervous; it was his first day and the teacher asked him to stay after class. He knocked at the door.
"Come in!"
He entered the classroom to see Leilah sitting at her desk. "Take a seat over here." she gestured to the seat beside the desk. He felt uncomfortable because it was practically just a few centimeters from her, but he did as she said regardless.
"So, what's the matter, ma'am?"
She didn't say anything; she just looked deeply into his eyes. Then, she put her right hand on his cheek, caressing it.
Sam was outright afraid now, and it was apparent on his face."Uhhh...Mrs. Leilah? W-what are you doing?"
"I see." Leilah sprang up from her seat, the sudden motion of which caused the brown-haired boy to get up and back away. "So hypnotism is out of the table."
She got out of her desk and Sam was backing away toward the door at a faster pace.
"It seems not all your powers are latent, after all."
Sam's hand was grabbing the doorknob at this point. He quickly realized that this lady was either crazy or a predator. But to surprise Sam further, Leilah sprouted jet-black bat wings out of her back.
Sam freaked the hell out, he slammed the door open and booked it with the speed of Hermes. He continued running down the hallways, "Help! Help! Anybody?!"
He was running for a while, Leilah suspiciously nowhere in his line of sight behind him. He halted as soon as he saw a black magic circle in front of him, Shining on the ground; it had some white shapes and runes on it. Emerging from it was a middle-aged man with long shoulder-length white hair and a short black beard.
"Where do you think you're going, boy?" he took out a blade made of a jaw bone.
Sam's mind was frozen, drained from any forethought. This was sensory overload; his teacher attempted to assault him, bat wings, magic circles, and bone blades. It was all so sudden and fast.
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Meanwhile, Ryan was standing face to face with the bat-winged Leilah, still in his janitor clothes. Leilah was surprised; she could swear she had just seen him right next to the old school building from the classroom window a minute ago, and now she found him in front of the door as soon as she opened it. Moreover, why did Sam not see him?
"Malphas, go back to where you came from."
"And who are you to command me?"
In response, Ryan's green eyes glowed a fiery orange. And to Leilah's horror, from his back, he sprouted twelve golden wings that shined with brilliant gold, "I'm someone who can reduce you to a puddle."
Leilah backed away with a jittering body and an agape mouth. "Impossible! It's you...!" Immediately, she deployed a magenta-colored magic circle under herself before disappearing in a flash of light.
Ryan changed his serious expression to an annoyed one before the glow in his eyes disappeared, "*sigh*...bloody hell," he retracted his wings, directing his gaze to the hallway, "Alright pal, it seems that the supernatural world got a new one."
He then began searching for Sam. He wanted to explain this whole situation to him. He could erase his memory, but he can't do that; not with a target on his back.
"Sam! Sam?! It's alright! It's me, Ryan; I took care of Leilah! You can come out now!" He began calling out as he passed by the halls.
He made a turn, only to be horrified at the scene before him. Sam was lying on the floor in a pool of his blood, with a bleeding stab wound. Ryan rushed at him, "Nonononono, how the hell did this happen?!...ugh, Michael is going to kill me."
Ryan calmed himself while putting a hand on the wound. It released a white light as the wound began closing in. Unexpectedly, Ryan wore a surprised face as the healing process progressed. When all was done, only a hole in Sam's shirt remained and a slow breathing returned to him.
Ryan's expression became strangely content, "So, it was you all along." With a snap of Ryan's fingers, a bright light enveloped him and Sam, leaving no trace of them.
Unbeknown to them, someone was watching this unfold behind a corner.
"I have to tell Rias."
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"Are you sure, Sona? an angel?" a girl with crimson hair asked.
"Yes, Rias," a girl with short black bob-cut hair and glasses answered "I heard noises coming from the school building, so I went to check. By the time I arrived there, he was healing the new student, Sam, from a stab wound. Then they teleported away with Sam still unconscious."
They were both in a dark room with a large desk and some couches and seats. The only light coming from a couple of candles.
"Hmm, maybe he has a Sacred Gear. Then again, angels never got out of their way to collect them." Rias stroked her chin.
"More importantly, how did Sam get injured in the first place? If the angel healed him, it couldn't be him. Maybe it was a fallen?"
"Perhaps, they had a habit of killing sacred gear users in the past, though rumor has it Azazel stopped that practice for twelve years, now. This is serious, that means a new enemy has infiltrated Kuoh. I'll inform Sirzechs."
"We should inform all the Satans."
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"Aaaaah!" Sam woke up screaming. He was breathing rapidly.
Last he remembered, his vision faded into black as a middle-aged man stabbed him with a jawbone. With that memory returning to him, he frantically traced his body all over in panic. To his surprise, he was completely fine except for a hole in his blazer and shirt. He breathed with relief.
"Where in the world am I?"
Looking around him, his jaw dropped. The scene around him was beyond gorgeous. He was in a large forest, with different kinds of trees and plants of all sorts. All of them were fruitful, with not a single blemish in Sam's sight. Beside him, was a large lake with the purest water he had ever seen. And the sky! The sky was so clear with just a few parted clouds to complement the place.
"Wow, this is beautiful! Wait...Was all that crazy stuff real?! Where am I?!"
"It was real," a voice announced. Sam turned around to see a familiar face, "And you're in heaven, Eden to be exact."
"You can stop calling me that, kid." Sam gave a questioning look as 'Ryan' opened his arms wide in presentation, right before he sprouted twelve golden flaming wings, and materialized a halo that resembled a crown above his head, "My name is archangel Uriel."