
Druid From Marvel

Move to the Marvel world, as a Druid from the Legendary Game "Diablo 2". Previously, a Chinese man moved to the Marvel World, with the abilities of a Druid character which had been filled with various cheating things, with these abilities he only intended to remain humble, but problem after problem came and made it impossible for him to remain humble. Can Alvin overcome all problems? Watch! Give the Power Stone! and add it to the Library! Support me: Patreon.com/Alex_Fabianoki ko-fi.com/alexfabianoki

Alex_Fabianoki · 漫画同人
62 Chs

Chapter 11 The Old Professor and the Supercomputer

 A retired mathematics professor at Columbia University, since Alvin took over the school, the first teacher he "hired" was Nicholas Cage.

 The old man with the same name as the Hollywood star Alvin knew in his previous life, had a rough and fat appearance, had a traditional western cowboy personality, although he did not hesitate when he came, and even strongly refused.

 However, after being repeatedly "invited" to school by Alvin.

 His enthusiasm for teaching was boosted this time. According to Alvin's words, this probably meant that although this school system might not be able to teach someone like Einstein, it would definitely cultivate many mathematical talents.

 He likes the teaching system at this school. Students who do not do their homework will be doubly punished.

 If the student does not respect his teacher, the Department of Correctional Services will teach him to be a man.

 If the student made a big mistake, then the small dark house converted from a warehouse would make him regret it for the rest of his life.

 This place, which is more like a prison than a school, is considered by parents to be the best place to educate students, and is the fairest place for students' futures.

 There are no class distinctions here, all students are treated equally, and heroes are judged based on scores.

 Instead of being like a school outside, they secretly complete classroom assessments for children in the learning phase. Children from ordinary families learn and grow happily.

 Children from wealthy families attend prestigious schools, but face enormous pressure to study, and study other subjects such as art in their free time.

 When they started taking university entrance exams or facing society, children from wealthy families would have a much higher starting point, and a much easier time than children from ordinary families.

 And here, all children are equal, even members of school basketball, baseball and rugby teams at all levels, must ensure that their test scores pass, before they can participate in training.

 Alvin doesn't believe in nonsense like lack of learning talent. If you can exercise well and understand tactics, then you can pass the exam.

 In his previous life, Alvin's son's classmates only scored 85 on an IQ test, but they were forced to pass every subject taught by their teacher.

 So here, Alvin doesn't believe in tears, only in values.

 "Damn it, Alvin, you kidnapped me here, you asked me to teach students, and here I am. But what are you doing that bastard? You put your money on the wall and even put a power grid on it! I don't mind you doing this, but damn, could you buy the teaching equipment I wrote for you first, I don't even have a decent computer. What a bastard, if I can't see you this week. If I want a computer, I will forcibly make love to a computer~"


Alvin, looking at the old man, lets him say what he wants to leave, and protests to Alvin that he is going home and not teaching.

 The man wanted a multimedia teaching center, and Alvin agreed. But if you want a supercomputer, that's overkill. Although teachers can use them, supercomputers are now outdated, but they still cost millions of dollars.

 Where did Alvin get that much money?

 Did you bring some big dogs, to rob the Stark Building and get Stark's supercomputer?

 The old man Nicholas thought for a while, his career in his later years had arrived, and if he wanted to leave, he couldn't say it.

 Alvin shook his head in disappointment and said: "Professor Nicholas, you have to understand that our school is not rich! What can you complain to me about when you go to the Ministry of Education? Our students are only in grade 12, what do you want? Principal Nelson had little funding for the school, and his hair was gray. You're an old professor, you should understand, right? You can be sure that supercomputers will be had. When things get better at the school, we will provide it immediately."

 There is a saying in China that the stones in the gutter are smelly and hard. They talked about people like Professor Nicholas. After listening to Alvin's words, Professor Nicholas did not flinch, looked at Alvin disdainfully, and said: "At first glance, you are a scumbag without higher education. If you want to run a school well, do you think teachers are not important? Do you know how many high-level talents study mathematics and physics in the United States?"

 "To verify the results of your experiments, a supercomputer is needed in the school!As long as you have one, high-level people who come to apply for jobs, believe it or not, can cross your threshold! You fool, only knows how to build walls and buildings, but You don't know that talent is the key to a school."

 After listening to the old professor's words, Alvin was heartbroken. Even though he had never been to college, he had heard the saying that talent was the most important thing.

 Is it okay for you to just hate me?

 Although Alvin was heartbroken, he was still a bachelor and said, "I have no money, what should I do!"

 The old man scolded Alvin and pointed at the street, "No money? Look for gangsters in Hell's Kitchen. Their children will all go to school here. If the school requires it, shouldn't the parents make the effort. As far as I know, Hell's Kitchen has more than 20 large and small gangsters, with an average of 100,000 per family, almost enough, I have an old friend in the supplies department at Columbia University, they want to transfer a supercomputer, and I can get a good price." Alvin blinked, as if someone was above me.

 After listening to Professor Nicholas' words, Alvin took a deep breath. Is this a professor or an animal, and who does gangster mean?

 How does a gangster's temperament survive well into his seventies, in the dangerous world of Marvel?

 But 2 million to buy a supercomputer is a very good price.

 It was a strange idea to look for a gang to split the costs for school affairs.

 These small gangsters are not Kingpins, they have big families and a little money doesn't mean much to them.

 These little gangsters, if you ask him for a dollar, he'll get five dollars from somewhere else.


Alvin would never do something like that.

 Asking gangsters for money cannot be said to be asking for money. This name is clearly unacceptable. They must donate on their own initiative.

 This depends on the quality of teaching at the school and the school's enrollment figures this year.

 With the enrollment numbers, it was easy for these bosses to see that kids could have taken a different path than themselves, and it was easy to raise money, but now it's pretty much impossible.

 Alvin rubbed his nose, wondering if he was looking for gold and asking for alms, but if he caught a sheep and licked its fur vigorously, the sheep would go crazy.

 Alvin looked at Professor Nicholas helplessly and said, "Professor, asking a gang to ask for money is the worst way to do it, you definitely can't do it, you can talk to that side first, it's really not good, I'll take some from the budget of the teaching building in the back."

 "I will ask Nelson to try if he can take out a loan. But this semester must be completed well, and it cannot be fooled without a supercomputer. No high school in America dares to develop a supercomputer."

 Alvin also had no choice. He kidnapped and brought back an uncle. This uncle's abilities cannot be underestimated, but his temper is too bad, and he likes to be angry all the time, so I can't stand it.

 The old man was very satisfied with Alvin's humble attitude, adjusted his tie, and said proudly: "This is my responsibility, there are several smart 12th graders, I can write them a letter of recommendation and go to Columbia University, to let me talk with Professor Wilson, half of these kids could pass 22 in this year's ATC exam. Ha, bastard, the only thing I like about you is the teaching system you set, you can't train a horse without a whip."

 Then his tone changed, like a loan shark asking for an account, "Quickly bring the money, the supercomputer has to be withdrawn first. Nelson will take out a loan to construct the building. I was able to introduce him to several banks, and the people in charge there were all my former students."

 The old man's face looked terrible, like a loan shark who was forcing him to sign an agreement.

 Alvin and Nelson agreed and nodded quickly.

 Seeing Alvin agree, the old man patted him on the shoulder happily, "You won't regret it!"

Note: Yo, this will be a long story, you know I had quite a hard time translating this novel, so if you like reading it, give me a Power Stone, and add to Library!