
Dream Door

Miswat Siddarkk the only princess of the darkk kingdom who gained fame because of her overwhelming strength looks to overthrow her own father to become the first queen to lead the nation "I will be posting this story on RoyalRoad.com," - cheeby_4

Cheeby_4 · 奇幻言情
6 Chs


A pair of eye's with a piercing red glow watch over the soldiers through the dust that was created by the technique "Earth eater" as the dust clears frose is standing next to a pile of bodies in the hole,blood gushing out from the left side of her head she slowly reaches the part where the blood is coming out and we can see that her horn was cut off.

Disgust and anger are two feelings painted across her face to portray the lose of her crimson red horn,as she tries to look for the horn around the hole filled with the soldiers bodies,a blue light shines bright "slice" a blue light is seen cutting through a red color "ahh" frose turns around to see a member of the sword pillar mercenary group falling to the ground gripping a sword full of blood.

"Bastard" frose steps on the mans head popping it like a pimple, "chomp" frose eats her tail that was chopped up in half,taking steps forward with a walk that embodies rage,blood flowing down her chin as her whole body slowly gets covered in scales.once out of the hole she appears to the soldiers as a completely new person.

Red scales all over her body with a gold color between,a new gold horn and a red&gold tail,the soldiers feel helpless as they watch an energy blast the size of a boulder being formed in the air above frose "Rooooaar" the blast is launched it travels at a fast speed cracking any part of earth under it.

"Hold your head high soldiers" kole says loudly "We have got to be thankful for this life as most of us were pulled out of poverty by the princess,we wouldn't want to disappoint her by dying with our hearts filled with fear,plus we have been playing chess with death it's time it takes out of the game"

"Grab" soldiers one by one grab their swords and get up preparing to face the blast straight upfront.before the blast can clash with the soldiers,two hands are shown pressing down a force is drilling the blast down the earth at a lighting speed "Boom bang" as soon as the blast goes off a rumbling sound is heard.

The ground starts going up and down resembling a huge wave,this happens for a rocky two minutes. Frose quickly forms another blast as soon as the rumbling stops but princess miswat uses her new acquired technique "Knife gravity" it drops frose down to the ground,struggling to get up her head is immediately cut off.

"Now that's one nasty technique" princess miswat is captivated by the "Sword gravity"'s power. The technique activates when you press with down with both hands,once the target is down the technique randomly selects a part of the body to cut off,every 20 minutes a part is cut until the target dies.

Loud cheers are heard, "All the tears shed,goodbyes said,let's drink to mourn our lost ones and celebrate our victory" kole says with both hands in the air,each holding a beer and a sword. The princess and soldiers spent two days at the village before the sword pillar mercenary group left for the siddarkk kingdom and the princess to an isolated island that is the cause of envy for the other kingdoms surrounding it.

An island by the name of devils land named and classified by the three kingdoms as useless and dangerous . It was first discovered by the blue crystal kingdom 50 years ago,the reason why it hasn't been discovered all this year's is because it's an island surrounded by a thick purple fog,the purple fog is poison that disappears every 10 years,they confirmed this fact through monitoring the island closely. Another reason why it was hard to find, the blue crystal kingdom confirmed it was because the poison fog only disappears for half a day every ten years.

The blue crystal kingdom released all this information about devils land to the public , which was spread to the other two close kingdoms. The blue crystal did this with the intent that they will take the island out of the hands of the kingdom that conquers it,the reason behind their intentions is because they have failed for the pass 20 years to even lay eyes on devils land shores,the other two kingdoms failed over the next 20 years.For the last ten years the kingdoms who have been hostile against each other decided on a peace treaty until they conquer devils land,so the kingdoms created an allied army.

Cyclops the floating kingdom with their advanced magical item production contributed ten thousand soldiers and fourty thousand floating magical items, Siddarkk kingdom contributed twenty thousand aura soldiers and blue crystal kingdom also contributed twenty thousand magicians.

With an overwhelming army like this, with each person in the army equipped with a floating magical item to fly and fight aerial battles ,surely victory belonged to this allied army,but to their crushing defeat they were met with 100 legend stage monsters,legend monsters have power surpassing the 10 stage scaling system.

The poison that melts every material and living thing that it touches seems like it was a massaging spot for the legend monsters. This two existence are the one's that have been standing in the way of the three kingdom all this past four decades.

With an overwhelming army like this the allied kingdoms came up with a plan that they will kill the water monster which was the only one they saw all this years and create armour that will enable them to pass through the poison fog without taking damage. They were gonna use the floating magical items to fight with it while in the air. But because using the floating magical items has actually gotten them half way close to the island than 40 years ago.

They have awakened all 50 water monsters and 50 flying monsters. This whole operation was a loss to begin with but having fifty thousand of their soldiers get defeated by a single huge griffin and only being able to cut off one of its feathers is a memory that still haunts the three kingdoms.

Losing 30% of their military power and 40% of their kingdoms money in just a few hours is a nightmare repeating itself, everytime they think about the island that they all call useless and dangerous "DEVIL'S LAND"

The reason why this kingdom's have risked their lives all this year's to conquer devils land is because of the towering magic crystal that could be seen a 100km away is what kept the kingdom's from trying again and again.

A magic crystal the size of an average persons hand can help somebody reach the fourth stage as a magician or aura user,it's value is that of building a small town. Magic crystals are rare and they are distributed around the size of a candy. Finding magic crystals or a chunk of it always causes wars among kingdoms. Imagine what a towering amount of magic crystal can help to do,it can help groom millions of soldiers and build 100 kingdoms.

Because magic crystal are hard to find a lot of noble families or lucky people have a mana breathing technique they can raise their levels based on the type of technique they use. Using a crystal to become a magician or aura user is fast you can reach the first stages of both professions within a year but using a mana breathing technique takes a whole two to three years to reach the first stage.

As rare as they are magic crystals and mana breathing techniques,the number of aura users and magicians available in the whole world. Aura users and magicians surpassing the fourth stage are treated hero's and welcomed in almost every kingdom around the world.

Most aura users and magicians are offered to serve in a nobles family's army which comes with it's benefits if accepted,a mansion around the nobles territory with a salary of 500 gold every month,enough gold to feed 100 low class families for a year.

Some magicians and aura users look to make it big by doing their own thing's like opening a small mercenary and if they overcome all that stands in the way of a mercenaries work,the can grow to the point of having a small towns power and the benefits that come with their growth.

There is a reason why people risk their lives to make mercenary groups. They are vast unexplored places in the world of Aura,conquering an area that hasn't been explored no matter if it's a size of a small village or small town, it brings rewards that can shift the world in a different direction.

The unexplored areas are either islands,dungeons and fields filled with different kinds of dangerous monsters and traps. "There's no sacrifice without rewards" those are the words most the people of the world of Aura live by.