
Dragonball X: The Ultimate System [Different Path]

This is a Story Centered around a man named Luke. Luke ordered what he believed to be normal collectible Dragon Balls from online. He wanted to add them to his set of Dragonball Z items but found that they were much more than what he thought, like way more! Things take a different turn compared to the original of this story. He is the brother of Raditz and Goku but the middle brother who was born at the same time as Goku/ Kakarot. The original is still being written but this is a different turn in fate.

Monster_Paradise · 漫画同人
90 Chs

Measurement In Strength!

After Kayn learned this skill, he went back to his room after talking to the other Kais for a bit longer. Time passed and his interaction with the other Kais increased, he trashed talked them. Kayn said that the East Kai was too slow and that the South Kai's defense and weight training was nothing to him.

Of course, as competitive as they were, how could they take that insult lying down? East Kai sent one of her disciples to retrieve her scooter to challenge Kayn in a race. He had to fly, while she drove on her scooter through the astroid field.

On a regular day, this would be considered unfair, but no one was normal here. Bardock and Gine came to watch to challenges brought about. Kayn didn't trash-talk the West Kai, he would just defeat his best disciple in a fight to prove himself to him.

The West Kai was all about Offense, while the North Kai(King Kai) was about Technique. West Kai's special Technique was the Thunder Flash he taught to Pikkon.

"North Kai, when will you lose weight, you're still too fat. Come, come over here and work out with my disciples and lose a few pounds." The South Kai found time to talk about King Kai, they always flamed each other when they could.

"Lose weight? There is nothing but muscle underneath this exterior, what do you know? Muscle brains like you can only work out and never think" King Kai flexed 'whatever muscles' he had on his arms.

"I'll race you now, I just hope I don't mess up my beautiful hair." East Kai patted her radiant hair with a haughty voice. This particular Kai was very strict on her disciples and would punish them if they failed.

'You can't fool me, that thing is clearly a wig.'

South Kai pulled out what appeared to be a pistol, no, it was a pistol.

"Are you both ready? Once I shoot this pistol the race will start."

"All fueled up and ready to go!" East Kai's engine roared. Kayn did a few stretches before starting.

"I hope you don't complain after being defeated by me." Kayn said a few words before getting into position.

"Lose, I don't even know the meaning." East Kai scoffed.

"You'll figure it out soon." Kayn said his final words before the race started.

Moments later, the race was won by Kayn. He quickly moved through the asteroid field with no problem, at first, it looked like East Kai was going to win, but he easily passed her. She even used her hyperspeed motorbike move but she was still surpassed.

All of the Kais came to watch, this included the Grand Kai and the West Kai's Disciple, Pikkon. Before Kayn could win, the Grand Kai appeared in front of them both before they could enter the finish line.

Just when the East Kai thought she was deserving of the medal, it was given to Kayn. East Kai wanted to complain, but she could only sigh. Kayn shook his head, she was so far behind him, why was she so disappointed?

Time passed again, Bardock and Gine had gone to King Kai for some serious training before the tournament could begin next month. Bardock and Gine wore 2 tons of weight on each of their limbs while kicking and jabbing in the air.

King Kai just watched with his hand tied behind his back and a smile on his face. Bardock and Gine found that this was too much for them to handle, so King Kai lowered it to 1 ton each.

In this month, all they did was get guidance from King Kai, while Kayn was messing around with his new Technique. A month was nothing and within a moment, it was soon over with the tournament starting on the 1st of the new year.

Kayn stayed in his room most of the time, so he didn't come into contact with most people. But even though he didn't come into contact with almost everyone, he could feel Bardock and Gine's improvement.

Kayn was 1000 percent sure that their power level's had breached the millionth barrier! Gine was obviously stronger, but Bardock didn't lag behind either. But Gine had long bypassed the 1millionth mark.

Bardock's face showed a grin, he seemed to be happy with his progress. Gine just smiled, she didn't seem to think about it too much.

"Wow, you 2 have grown dramatically, I guess training by the tons is better." Kayn trained by the tons as well, but he still wasn't sure how good it was.

"We could only lift 1 ton at first, but we eventually made it up to 2.1 tons." Gine nodded and confirmed.

"This is real power, I need to train more, then Frieza can only die at my hands!" Bardock clenched his fist, he felt empowered.

He felt that it was a matter of time before he could go and kill Frieza. However, he didn't know the depths of Frieza's strength. King Kai was with them, he gave an 'ahem' to let everyone know that he deserved some credit.

Gine laughed in heart and said. "It's all because of King Kai, he deserves the credit for helping us reach this step in power." Gine shoved Bardock's arm, hinting him to praise King Kai.

"Ah, yes, it was all because of his help, King Kai is really amazing." Bardock's voice was somewhat sarcastic but King Kai didn't notice.

"Well, I am a Grand Master, after all. So, this is understandable." King Kai looked like he grew a nose, as it extended like Pinnochio.

"W-what the..." Kayn was speechless.

"Anyway, is there a way to measure their Ki levels, you know, like how Saiyans use Scouters to get an accurate digit?" Kayn wanted to see just how strong Gine and Bardock was, so he asked King Kai if this place had such a device.

"Of course, they have a device like that here. The tournament has already started but none of you will be battling anytime soon." King Kai signaled the group to follow him.

As they were walking toward the measuring area, Kayn asked. "How many people are participating in this Tournament anyway?" Gine and Bardock were also curious and awaited King Kai's answer.

"We were just on time last time, you guys almost missed out. Anyway, the number of participants is 256 in total. There are two rings this time around, so the matches will pass quickly."

No one said anything, they knew with 2 rings, it should be faster. The group soon made it a small building. King Kai led them inside, there were many workers going back and forth but what stood out the most here was a large machine.

"There, this machine. You stand on the platform and powerup to your maximum strength, and it will give you the exact number of your strength." King Kai pointed to the platform next to the machine that had the number Zero on it.

"I'll go first, then." Bardock went first, he jumped onto the platform.

"Okay, you can start now." King Kai said. Afterward, Bardock Began to power up to his peak strength.

The machine input, which was originally 0, shot up. Eventually, it stopped and the number displayed.

It was 1,900,980!

Kayn nodded, this was good progress. Next, it was Gine's turned, she did the same thing and powered up just as Bardock had done.

The number stopped and displayed a solid 3,000,000!

"Wow, this isn't bad." King Kai nodded and said.

"Kayn, do you want to give it a try?" Gine asked.

"Yeah, sure, I'll give it a go." Kayn already knew his exact strength but he decided to do it anyway. He landed on the platform and started to power up slowly before speeding it up to the number he wanted to show.

10 Million.

30 Million.

60 Million.

80 Million.

120 Million.

280 Million.

400 Million.

Bardock and Gine were shocked stupid. The number stopped at 400 million, they felt like their hearts were attempting to escape their bodies to get a breather! Bardock was the most shocked, his son was this power!?

He only stared at Kayn's back with wide eyes, he didn't know how silly he looked right now. Gine only sighed and close her eyes, she then smiled joyously.

"No bad, Kayn." King Kai wasn't an idiot, he knew Kayn was only showing a little of his power. He had been watching Kayn from time to time, he was aware of that strange form where his hair changed.

Kayn leaped down and returned to the group. Bardock still looked shocked, he wanted to ask some questions. Maybe Kayn was doing some sort of secret training or something.

"Good, you've grown far too strong, this is really good!" Bardock spoke these words, he realized he was drooling and came out of his stupor.

"Don't worry, you'll reach this height in no time." Kayn wrapped his arm around Bardock's shoulder, as they left the building toward the tournament area.

To make things faster, Kayn tracked the Grand Kai's Ki signature and used [Instant Transmission] close to where he was.

"W-what was that trick just now? Some teleporting skill or something?" Bardock looked around at the crowd of people cheering, as fights were taking place in both arenas.

"Yeah, something like that." Bardock nodded and didn't ask anymore but he was still thinking of his power scaling.

"It looks like I was right, it's Gine's turn after 4 more fights." King Kai looked at the tournament roster and saw many names crossed out. Gine's turn was coming up, she was up against some bug looking, fellow.

The 4 fights didn't last long and her turn was already upon her.

"Next, Bugby vs Dodger and Mantikis Vs Gine! All four contestants, please enter the ring." The mushroom headed announcer finally called Gine's name.

Gine face turned serious, then she jumped onto the stage. Her opponent was wearing a green robe with many golden decorations on his body. His face resembled a Pray Mantis, no, it was a praying mantis!

He had a humanoid body, but his skin was lime green and his arms had blades outlining them. This was mainly so for his elbows.

"I wish you a good battle, warrior. I will not go easy, but if you don't want to get hurt, you should throw in the towel now." Mantikis' voice was calm and soothing, completely different from how he looked.

"No way." Gine said a couple of words and put up her fighting stance.

"Both rings will start, now!" The bell rang, and both rings turned chaotic.