
Dragon Ball: Legendary RPG

An average man, living an average life, dies. He soon discovers that life was a game in Alpha, and now he is welcomed into Beta. Join his world of superpowers, supervillains and an ever-evolving game world that challenges his views on life and morality (DB, DBZ, DB Heroes, DB Super, DB Heroes, DB Xenoverse, DB Multiverse, DBGT, Game Powers).

BrolySuper · 漫画同人
5 Chs

Chapter 2

Disclaimer: I do not own the 'Dragon Ball' anime, manga or video games, and the only thing I own is my 'Oc' along with this alternate/parallel story that I wrote for fun.

Dragon Ball: Legendary RPG

Chapter 2: Wow …



"KameHameHa!" Attacks / Skills / Ki / Technique

Reading / News / Intercoms


I lay still in bed for a moment, adjusting to the changes I was feeling. My body, my mind, my personality; everything was changing in response to entering a new world. I actually felt a little smarter, compared to my previous life, but I also felt a little weaker.

"I guess the statistics in this 'Game' actually have meaning?" I thought.

BINGO! You have obtained +1 Intelligence for deciphering an aspect of the game!

"Oh, well then! Apparently, my stats were much smoother than I originally expected."

As I stared at the ceiling of the room, a small blue box appeared in the corner of my right eye. Turning to it, I saw that it said, 'Start tutorial?' I reached out and touched it, hoping that it would probably work like the manga. The world changed around me, leaving me in a white, empty world, faintly reminiscent of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

"Welcome to Dragon Ball: Legendary RPG! In this tutorial, you'll learn the basics of Ki, movement, energy manipulation, system management, and how to interact with the world. Would you like to get started?"

Another blue box said. I 'clicked' OK, which caused a green box to appear.

Mission accepted!

Learn how to play the game (Tutorial!)

Reward: 100XP

Failure: N/A

Hint: swipe, tap or think on the prompts to interact.

In my head I thought 'close' at the prompt, and it disappeared instantly. Pretty intuitive, actually. Especially since this world will be quite dangerous, and a random prompt could distract me. Having to play a message would be quite difficult at times. Another prompt quickly followed that one. I followed it, learning how to move my Ki, concentrate it, and use it for actions. basic energy attacks were as simple as concentrating my Ki in the palm of my hand and pushing. Flying was a bit more difficult, but knowing that Videl managed it, I figured I'd get it somehow.

Part of the tutorial covered the options menu, which I think may be the most misleading part of the whole system. That is, 'Subtitles'! I could understand any conversation, from any distance, as long as I could see them talking, it wasn't even necessary to hear them. I progressed fairly quickly until I finished the final part of the tutorial. I cover how to suppress my energy and increase power to gain access to all my energy. With my current low power level, but knowing that I am a Legendary Super Saiyan I had to be careful not to die from too much energy.

Mission completed!


Learn how to play the game (Tutorial!)

Reward: 100XP

1900XP for level 2.

I closed that ad, the world shimmered back, leaving me once again in the room.

"Well, that was quick-"

"Brother? ... What are you whispering?"

I froze in my place upon hearing the unfamiliar voice, but I slowly turned around anyway, meeting another boy of my own age; according to the skills I bought I saw my brother's information, and this was it:

Name: Hōrensō

Title: The Gray Masked One

Race: Mutant Saiyan Anomaly

Age: 5 years old

Status: Alive

HP: 26,400

Level: 11

He is your twin brother; he was born before you with approximately 20,000 units of Ki and for this reason he was trained by his parents when he turned 5 years old; while you were separated from the fights because you were still weak for such training. Although this does not mean that you were left aside by them, on the contrary, both were raised with much affection especially by your mother.

I widened my eyes like saucers when I saw the enormous power with which my twin brother was born; it was such an impact that I temporarily forgot what I had read ... But I suddenly came to myself, and saw that Hōrensō had a sleepy look on his face.

"I ... Sorry for waking you up, brother ... I was just daydreaming."

I watched as Hōrensō formed a small smile despite being half asleep.

"Don't worry, brother. Now sleep, that in a few hours you will begin your training with father, mother, and me of course."

Mission Alert!

Family Training

Objective: Make a good impression on your family!

Bonus objective N°- 1: ?

Bonus objective N°- 2: ?

Bonus objective N°- 3: ?

Reward: 1000XP

Failure: Loss of respect from your brother, disappointment from your parents, -3 of Charisma.

Hint: Don't lose.

Again, I was taken by surprise the moment I saw the first official assignment in my new life, but I quickly came to my senses and with the same level of mental quickness thought 'Accept' when prompted.

"Okay, brother ... Bye."

As he turned over in his bed to 'sleep' he heard his brother go to his respective bed and whispered a 'goodnight' before falling into a deep sleep; no doubt he was an easy sleeper. Obviously, I didn't fall asleep and again rolled over to start looking around the room I was in and shared with Hōrensō.

"Well... it's certainly a good time." I thought with a small smile as I remembered that my new life was in my favorite anime.

Fortunately, the tutorial covered part of the world itself, so I wasn't completely lost. I was currently located on Planet Earth (this I certainly didn't expect, but at the same time I was encouraged because I might meet Bulma or even Goku), the forest around me, is near Mount Paoz and that made me even more excited.

Most of the planet's population was composed of Humans, but there were also mutants and other anthropomorphic beings (which obviously there were not in my previous life); all living together in peace, which certainly took me by surprise again. I was currently living with my parents and twin brother.

The year was 762; Freezer had been killed by Bardock 25 years ago, but the supreme reign of the ice domain ended completely when in the year 744, when Broly with only 5 years old killed Cooler and his father King Cold in cold blood in a battle or rather a really terrifying massacre. An entire planet was destroyed with their battle, and it is said that the whole universe was shaken by their unforgettable fight that was transmitted by mistake by the Cold demons' ship.

King Vegeta was overthrown from the throne by a certain low-class Saiyan (who challenged him to a battle) when the former did not listen to him that Freezer was coming to destroy the Planet; now renamed New Sadala.

This was all mostly meaningless, in the grand scheme of things, but knowing it would help me blend in. Much more was taught in the tutorial, but we'll get to that when it's relevant. The most important thing for you to know right now is that tomorrow is the "Test".

In a few hours, his parents would test him for the first time and it depends on how he did is how his family would begin to see him in the future as a possible Saiyan Warrior or not ... But, I would definitely make everyone proud of me because I wasn't going to give up so easily even though I was weaker than my twin brother.

I still had no idea who my parents were, as I had no real memories of the last 5 years, just a hazy summary. Anyway, tomorrow I was sure I would give my family a little surprise, and I would immediately be in the middle of it.

I spent a little time studying my twin brother, 'feeling' his power level. In my case I had only 36 units of Ki (at the moment), I was definitely way below Hōrensō who was about 100,000. I would definitely be snagging the second level of power sense when I could.


By studying other people, you have created a Skill!

Observe Level 1. 0.0%

Allows you to see details about the people you study. Gives greater depth with higher levels. Limited in scope by current level.

Reward: 50XP

1850XP up to level 2.

"Well ... It's certainly a good time." I thought with my gaze still on Hōrensō, but I was suddenly snapped out of it when I heard voices that I immediately recognized.

I quickly used the 'Observe' skill on my parents who were at the door of the room.

Name: Broly

Title: The Legendary Super Saiyan

Race: Anomaly Saiyan

Age: 23 years old

Status: Alive

HP: 33,482,751

Level: ?

Broly is the Legendary Super Saiyan; born once every few generations, the Legendary Super Saiyan is chaos incarnate. Born with infinite potential, they quickly reach a point of no return, their rage as infinite as their monstrous power. Luckily for the universe, Broly was somehow 'tamed' by a lower-class Saiyan woman who made him gawk at many things to the point of choosing her as a companion and mother of his children.

Name: Kakaroko

Title: The First Super Saiyan Woman. Former Saiyan Princess

Race: Saiyan

Age: 23 years old

Status: Alive

HP: 17,102,282

Level: ?

Kakaroko is a lower-class Saiyan; daughter of Bardock and Gine. She has an older brother named Raditz. As her father overthrew the former King Vegeta; he is now the new monarch of the Saiyan race and because of this she is a Princess, but in the end, she renounced her title by choosing Broly as her partner and father of her children; this obviously angered everyone, especially her family because she chose an abomination over them.


With use, you have leveled up 'Observe!'

Reward: 25XP

1825XP up to level 2.

Observe Lvl2 22.7%

Allows you to see details about the people you study. Gives greater depth with higher levels. Limited in scope by current level.


With use, you have leveled up 'Observe!'

Reward: 25XP

1800XP up to level 2.

Observe Lvl3 17.2%

Allows you to see details about the people you study. Gives greater depth with higher levels. Limited in scope by current level.

"It can't be..."

I was left in shock at this unexpected revelation, but certainly interesting from his point of view because having a certain Saiyan couple as parents would make his power increase rapidly in training and not to mention the techniques, he would learn ... Though he suddenly put those thoughts aside to listen to his parents' conversation, which was about to end.

"Fudensō will make it, and he'll be as strong as Hōrensō. I'm sure of it, Broly."

"I hope so, Kakaroko."

With a big smile on my face at my mother's words, I decided that now would be a good time to sleep and be prepared for the test. Besides, this body is practically brand new, such as it is! I opened the menu and saved the game in the first slot. I lay down on my bed and effortlessly drifted off to sleep.


End of Chapter Two


The chapter has 1900 words.


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