

編輯: Nyoi-Bo Studio

A girl really had to protect herself.

Seeing such an outcome, as a woman, she really couldn't stand it.

That child was only nineteen years old. She still had a long life ahead of her. Unfortunately, as a woman, she no longer had the chance to be a mother.

As soon as Pei Rusi finished speaking, Ni Xiaona's mother immediately fainted.

"Honey? Nana's mother? Don't scare me. If something happens to you, I won't be able to live on either!"

Fortunately, there were doctors and nurses beside her. After about ten seconds, the patient's mother finally opened her eyes. However, when she opened her eyes, she couldn't stop her tears.

"Doctor, I want to see my daughter."

"Okay, but you can only go in alone. You have to come out in ten minutes."


In the ICU, Ni Xiaona's mother had come in after changing into an isolation suit. Her eyes were swollen from all that crying.