
Douluo Dalu: Bibi Dong is my Martial Soul

(Smuts) - CH 58: Bibi Dong (handjob) CH 72: Bibi Dong (first sex) -------------------------- (A/N: This book isn't a copy, it's just that I've transferred it from my second account, That_One_Alive_Ali, to this account.) What happens when someone dies, is it the end? Do they just cease to exist? Do they end up in heaven or hell? Do they get reincarnated? Or does something else happen? Well, for our protagonist, a just-barely-out-of-his-teens young man named Ali Lightborne, or Ali Ashborne, it's the third option! When he died in his world of nothing but ordinariness, a R.O.B casually picks someone up, and it happened to be him! Not a simple Random Omnipotent Being though. But a Random Omniversal Being! A being of absolute transcendence! One of his wishes was to have his soul be separated into as many pieces he wanted, and sent to different universes, with their own wishes! And this Ali, wished to be reincarnated in Douluo Dalu 1 (Anime) and for the R.O.B, who he called Crow because he was a crow version of Alien X, to make his life interesting as hell! There will definitely be smut, and it will start with S in the chapter title

That_One_Dead_Ali · 漫画同人
87 Chs

CH 14: Datura Snake

"Well, as planned?" Bibi Dong asked Ah Li beside her. After reaching the gates, Ah Li had found a quiet place around the walls without a single guard. The plan was pretty simple. Bibi Dong, taking advantage of the fact that she could physically touch Ah Li, would throw him over the huge wall. And in the air, Ah Li, taking advantage of his Prey Instinct, would use a hook and rope to not hit the ground too hard and hurt himself.

"As planned." Ah Li nodded and Bibi Dong grabbed his arm. While holding the hook and rope tightly, he got ready to be yeeted into the air. And he didn't wait long either. After Bibi Dong gave the signal, she directly launched him into the air and over the wall!

She herself was forcibly pulled towards him because of being his Martial Soul. But when Ah Li successfully passed the wall, a thought passed through her head. Willing to give it a try, she immediately moved under Ah Li by herself, surprising the young boy.

"Sister Goddess?!" But before Ah Li could question her, she suddenly grabbed him midair in a princess carry, actually stopping his fall and managing to hold him in the air :"... Huh, it actually worked."

"Uhh... Sister Goddess, what did you do?" Ah Li, who was extremely confused at the moment, looked at her and at the ground in confusion. This wasn't part of the plan. Bibi Dong suddenly grabbed him in the air, which really confused him.

"Well, you know how I can touch you, right?" Bibi Dong questioned while still holding him in the air and Ah Li nodded unsurely :"Uhh, yeah, I do. We just used that to our advantage for you to throw me into the sky... Wait a minute... Since you can throw me..."

"Yeah, that's what I thought too." Bibi Dong nodded with tight lips :"Since I can touch you, I thought I could break your fall and hold you up too. And what do you know, it actually worked. And here we are, me holding you in the air."

"... Uhh... Hmm..." But even though he found out the reason, Ah Li was still a little confused by the turn of events. Among the many things he had thought of that he could take advantage of Bibi Dong's ability to touch him, this wasn't one of them. Probably because there were far better and alluring things and options.

"Then why didn't we just do this instead of launching me into the sky?" He questioned, and Bibi Dong shrugged :"Probably because neither of us thought of this? But still, even though it's a surprise, it's a good one. This means that I can help you fly, and there is no need to make getting into Soul Beast Forests complicated in the future."

"Hmm, yeah, you're right. Since it's a good thing, then why complain?" He shrugged, before a blush spread on his face as he looked away and murmured :"Okay... Umm... Sister Goddess, can we go down now...?"

Bibi Dong was a bit confused by his reaction, but quickly figured out the reason. Obviously, she is aware of her beauty. So now, Ah Li, who was a little boy, would obviously be embarrassed by being held in such close contact by her. Getting directly hugged and held like this, like a bride, he'd obviously be a bit embarrassed.

"Oh~? Ah Li, why are you suddenly blushing?" Figuring out the reason, the gorgeous goddess couldn't help but want to tease him :'Fuck, even normally, this kid is just too adorable! Yet now, he looks even more adorable while blushing and being shy!'

Looking at his shy appearance, Bibi Dong's "onee-san" side came to life as she smiled teasingly at him, causing his blush to grow even more :"S-Sister Goddess, please don't tease me..." But his blushing appearance only made Bibi Dong want to tease him more :"Oh, why? I'm just asking why did you suddenly get so shy?"

However, Ah Li didn't answer. Just avoided eye contact with a small and cute pout, causing Bibi Dong's to grow bigger as she whispered :"What's wrong? Did being hugged like this by sister make you all embarrassed?"

"N-no... T-that's not t-the case..." He stuttered. He didn't even dare to look at Bibi Dong's big, pink eyes that were staring down at him teasingly. But fortunately for him, Bibi Dong decided not to tease him too much. While chuckling in amusement, she flew down and put him on the ground before fondly pinching his soft cheeks :"Fine, fine. I won't tease you, cutie."

"Thanks..." He pouted with a blush still lingering on his face :'Mommy Bibi Dong is dangerous...' But even though he looked embarrassed, he felt excited inside. After all, it was going to be a battle of who conquers who in the future! He couldn't help but be excited and aroused at the thought.

He was aroused. And scared. He was scaroused. Very much so.

After the little event that Ah Li would kill to have again, but prepared for it beforehand, they started their mission of finding the Datura Snake that became Tang San's 1st Soul Ring. Obviously, Bibi Dong didn't know the actual reason for them coming here. Wouldn't it be weird if Ah Li told her why they were here? So he had just told her that he wanted to come to a Soul Beast Forest to kill Soul Beasts and stack up "points" to evolve his Abyssal Centipede Martial Soul.

And that was also a huge part of the reason as well. After all, he wasn't going to get points by sitting around and doing nothing. By coming to a Soul Beast Forest, he could hunt down Soul Beasts and gather points. Killing Soul Beasts was a lot less troublesome than killing humans.

If there were too many deaths, there was a chance that he would get hunted down. So, he came to the Soul Beast Forest to kill Soul Beasts. And by killing that Datura Snake, he was sure that he would get a lot of points. So with that in mind, they both set off.

Bibi Dong didn't enter Ah Li's Spiritual Sea and her own Rakshasa Domain this time. Instead, she flew up and checked the situation from the sky. After all, finding someone or something was a lot easier from the sky. In the air, she could find a lot more Soul Beasts.

"Uhh, hey, Sister Goddess!" But just a few minutes after starting, Ah Li called out to his gorgeous Martial Soul. Hearing his call, Bibi Dong came down and raised a curious eyebrow :"What is it, Ah Li?"

"Look." He pointed at a big worm on the tree that he could sense Soul Power from :"How about I kill it? It doesn't seem to be very strong, but if I do that, won't we get a clue as to how many points I'll get from hunting a Soul Beast?"

"Hmm, a 10-year Leaf Worm... Sure. Go ahead then." After getting Bibi Dong's confirmation, instead of dirtying his sword, he picked up a stone and threw it right at the bug without hesitation.


With the sound of getting squeezed, it directly exploded once the stone hit it right in the head. Predator Instinct and Prey Instinct were really useful since he could do things like this without even bothering. Just follow what his muscles and body told him to do, and things would be solved easily.

When it died, a 10-year white Soul Ring came out of its corpse. But even if it was a Soul Beast, Ah Li didn't feel anything out of the ordinary :"Well, that was uneventful. Sister Goddess, can you check that screen in my Spiritual Sea? I don't think it's good for me to lose focus in the Soul Beast Forest."

"Alright, just give me a second." She nodded and disappeared into his Spiritual Sea. Once inside, she checked out the screen to see if there were any changes. And sure enough, there were some new targets and their points.


(Death Counts To Evolve)


Trash -> Normal: 100

Current Points: 52


(Death Count)


Normal Human: 1

Lv 01-10 (Soul Scholar): 2


Normal Insect: 0.1

Normal Animal: 1

10-90-year = 2


"Oh. So regardless of their personal strength, the Soul Beast or Soul Master will give a fixed amount of points based on their cultivation base." Once she saw the changes, she hummed in understanding. Getting out of his Spiritual Sea, Bibi Dong told Ah Li about her discovery.

"Then let's kill whatever Soul Beast we come across while moving deeper into the Soul Beast Forest." Bibi Dong hummed thoughtfully :"While we're here, we should get a grasp of how many points we get from killing. And the stronger Soul Beasts will always be in the deeper parts of the forest."

"Okay, then let's go." Ah Li didn't object, and followed her suggestions. While rushing deeper into the forest, they were, of course, very careful. The current him was very weak, and his life could be threatened if something dangerous happened. Bibi Dong couldn't do anything, but she still kept a lookout, and was careful to quickly take Ah Li away if something happened.


"Ugh... Disgusting..." The black haired boy groaned as he gave his hand a sharp wave to get rid of the blood on his hand. The blood belonged to a 10-year Wind Baboon. But he didn't mind it too much. Gripping onto the short sword stabbed deep into the monkey's eye, he pulled it out and stepped away.

"Are you okay?" Bibi Dong asked as he tilted his head and cracked his neck :"Yeah, I'm alright. It didn't manage to hit me at all." While talking, he couldn't help but feel a bit proud. In the fight against the Wind Baboon, just like when he fought against Xiao Chenyu, he completely controlled the fight from the get go. The Wind Baboon didn't manage to land a single hit on him even once.

"Good, good. That Way of the Spider Martial Art is simply magical when combined with your two Innate Abilities, Predator Instinct and Prey Instinct." The gorgeous milf nodded in satisfaction as well :"And it's good that you were careful yourself as well. Anyway, you've got quite a few points as well. I've kept an eye out, and it's already 92 points! Only a few more, and your Abyssal Centipede will evolve."

"Um um! That's good to hear-" The red eyed boy smiled excitedly, but he was interrupted when his Prey Instinct went absolutely rampant! Not daring to not listen to it, he immediately jumped towards the safest side his Prey Instinct told him to do.

While jumping, he moved in the air and swung his short sword at the attacker. But when it did hit him, Ah Li simply felt like he had struck a rock. After jumping away and landing on the ground, the attacker also landed on the ground with a loud bang following after.

Quickly turning to look,the red eyed boy saw a giant snake of 4 meters. Ink green in color with what looked like fins on the side of his head, the giant snake turned and glared at Ah Li :"Shaaa!!" Upon seeing the appearance of the Soul Beast, Bibi Dong grew serious as she cursed under her breath :"Shit, a Datura Snake! One of over 400-years at that! Ah Li, quickly, we should get out of here!"

"(No!)" But her host immediately refused with an excited smile on his face :"(This Soul Beast is strong, right? And it has a high cultivation base? Then it should definitely give a good amount of points! Sister Goddess, let me see if I can kill it. If not, then you can directly take me and get me out of here.)"

Hearing him, Bibi Dong bit her lip. Her thoughts running a thousand miles a second. But after a quick decision, she sighed and nodded seriously :"Alright, fine. But if I see that you're in danger, I'm immediately taking you away! Got that?"

"Loud and clear." Ah Li whispered with an excited smile as he looked at the giant snake, the Datura Snake, and his current prey.