
Doulou Dalu — Apocalypse Heart

An unusual tale of a mortal's ascension to godhood. He who is known by different names. He who is not known that bears the flames of rage. He who possess a heart that's not his. He who is a devil that brings despair and hope. He who is a hero to his ally that kills without leaving a blood. He who is a villain to his enemy that brings fear and terror. He who is the maker who forge with death and madness. He who is the bearer of the world's unfortunate beings. He who is a subject that knows nothing but pain. He who is a king that is the most perfect being. Just... who is he? He who is the carrier of flames that seeks for a resolution. Salvation or Destruction. In this world full of countless desires, which path will his heart strives for? (AN: No Harem, but still undecided love interest. Support me on my kofi.com/ishyawrites) .... Note: The cover is not mine if it's yours, you can kindly tell me to remove it. DD3

Ishya_Chan · 漫画同人
51 Chs

Red Rose (2)

Chapter 20 — Red Rose (2)

An amendment on my roadmap or future plans must be done.

I wanted to prepare quietly for my revenge by diligently working hard on my cultivation.

However, the encounter with the gangsters quickly changed my mind.

After investigating more about them, I've learned that they were just henchmen of a crime syndicate.

Lobster Familia.

A syndicate that exists in small cities like Glorybound City. They were known for kidnapping, human trafficking, smuggling drugs, distributing illegal soul guide weapons, and other illegal activities.

I can get stronger using the mysterious life force absorption.

And they were the perfect targets.

At the same time, I wanted those who perform such cruel activities in the entire eastern region to live in terror.

"The only problem is the difficulty of searching for them. Furthermore, there might even be people controlling dangerou mechas."

A crime syndicate is full of criminals who are sly and cunning when hiding from those who want to catch them. They build connections with powerful people through bribery. That's why it was hard to crack their organization down.

"I need a force that can act as my eyes and ears."

An organization to build a network of information hubs.

"The Red Rose…"

Only them were suitable for such a difficult task.

There is a need for Red Rose to settle down within Glorybound City. I need them to spread their influence throughout the entire eastern region. That was also the vision of Red Rose, so there were not many conflicting interests.

"Hopefully, they can also find those beasts who defiled my family and burned down our village."

I clenched my fists tightly with rageful eyes.

Someday, I'll torture them in the most horrible and agonizing way.

I held the soul communicator which I've received from Ning Shui.

"It's time to contact her…"













"Weird. No matter how many times I see this piggy, it's really pleasant to the eyes."

Ning Shui stared at the small crystal pig that shimmered with nine-colored lights on her palm.

If knowledgeable people were to see this crystal pig, they would definitely say it resembles the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda.


"It looks like a piggy bank. Maybe that's why I find it pleasant."

Ning Shui heard from a fortune teller that a piggy bank was a good luck sign for wealth.

"I'll definitely become rich!"

Ning Shui clearly has no chance to awaken the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda. This legendary support spirit was something only a few in the main clan can even awaken due to their bloodline growing thinner.

Although Ning Shui was related to the main clan, she was just a very distant blood to them. She didn't care much about it, but her asshole family was proud of that fact.

"I guess my martial soul is a mutation. Well, I like it either way."

Ning Shui recalled the crystal pig before dropping to the bed.

Looking at the ceiling, she let out a deep sigh with her eyes longing for someone.

"When will Vlad contact me?"

It's been a long time since she had last seen him.

Although she was always exhausted from working everyday, the image of Vlad always filled her with motivation and energy.

The same reaction occurred to the people who were rescued by Vlad.

It was then…

Ringgg…! Ringgg…!

A ringing sound immediately snapped her out of daze.

The reason being the private soul communicator she had reserved only for Vlad was suddenly ringing.

And at an inhuman speed faster than light, she answered the call while abruptly sitting upright.

"Hi, Vlad!"

Ning Shui greeted cheerfully, almost unable to hide her excitement.

She has been waiting for this moment for a long time!

"I have a request."

His cool and soothing voice resounded from the soul communicator.

"What kind of request?"

"I need Red Rose to create a branch on Glorybound City."

"Vlad, are you operating right now in that city? If yes, then I assume you need us to serve as an information network again."

Ning Shui asked with her voice brimming with excitement and joy.

The return of Vlad!

"It is what you think of…"

"Alright! We, Red Rose, will quickly create a branch over there!"

"We'll discuss the rest of the details in person."

"As you wish!"

The call then ended.

"Kyaaah—! To think I can talk to him face to face! I need to put makeup on…"

Ning Shui was definitely joyful that night to the point it was difficult to sleep.

The next day, she contacted some employees to create their branch in Glorybound City.











The Red Rose successfully created their branches in Glorybound City.

That's why there were many flyers in all areas to promote Red Rose. All kinds of means were used for aggressive marketing.

"As expected of Red Rose, you guys have already purchased a building located in the main commerce street."

The main commerce street of Glorybound City was a location that usually has the highest human traffic.

And right now, I was having a conversation with a short cute pink-haired girl. On the other hand, I was wearing a mask since I still plan on hiding my identity.

"Thank you. Actually, we're planning to use that building into a luxurious pavilion to gather information from wealthy people who usually have many connections."

"Hmm, how will you make them come to that pavilion?"

"We'll make the pavilion a good tourist spot by making a beautiful garden of roses. There would also be talented chefs who will make different kinds of dishes. For the attendants, I've placed a requirement where they must look beautiful or handsome and are capable of giving special services like massage and singing. Of course, we don't plan to sell their body, but only their appearance to hook people."

"That's a good idea. You can also hire musicians to make it grander."

Ning Shui nodded.

"Most importantly, the pavilion must become a symbol of wealth. A place where only the wealthy can visit, so that more wealthy people can come and flaunt it to other wealthy people."

"That's definitely a good way to attract those prideful people. Then how do you plan to gather information from those who are not wealthy?"

"We'll build taverns and inns throughout the entire eastern region. It will take some time, but it will definitely be useful for both of us."

"You made a good plan." I nodded my head satisfiedly.

"Thank you!" Ning Shui beamed happily from my words.

"Can you also tell me about the details of Red Rose? I'm curious about how much it has grown."

After all, I was still a shareholder of Red Rose.

"No problem."

Ning Shui happily agreed since she still wanted to keep this conversation longer.

"The influence of Red Rose has already expanded to various villages and small cities. Its rate of expansion is fast, but we still lack a solid foundation. That's why we are prioritizing on scouting talented people to work for us. With more talents coming in, we are able to provide better quality and innovations for our customers."

"How many business fields have Red Rose entered?"

"Red Rose entered various business fields, but most of them are aimed to satisfy ordinary people. Due to the rapid expansions, we have decided to term each branch as Guilds. There are many guilds, but the most profitable guilds are Blacksmith Guild, Cosmetic Guild, Tailor Guild, Delivery Guild, Comic Guild, Dojo Guild, and Food Guild."

"All guilds are tightly connected and help each other since they're under the same Red Rose Brand. It's especially true for the Delivery Guild that acts as logistics not only for the customers, but also for other guilds. For example, they deliver comics and ingredients for the tea shops and taverns under the Food Guild."

I nodded my head in understanding. Red Rose has truly come a long way since they started.

However, I was more interested in the comics which was the most unique thing about Red Rose.

"Can you tell me more about the Comic Guild?"

"Ah, about that, we actually don't know how to proceed with Vlad the Bloodsucker since we've already reached the end of what you told us. The artists and writers from the Comic Guild don't dare to continue with fake stuff, so we put it on hiatus. Instead, they focused on creating all sorts of unique comics with many genres which attracted lots of ordinary people and even spirit masters."

Ning Shui was hesitant to continue further, but she still decided in the end.

"There are many interesting comics that are fictional or based on real life. There are even comics about our own people who have interesting backstories. And that's where R-18 or Adult Comics began to bloom… And it sells high…"

"I see…"

I guess comics about those things will sell really well.

"Scratch that! I'll tell you about the Dojo Guild instead!" Ning Shui said with a flushed face.

"Red Rose Dojo has been constantly recruiting ordinary people with martial arts talent to train them to fight well. They served as guards for our employees in various locations. They also accompany the delivery envoys in case of someone trying to steal from them. In return for the protection, they are treated well and also earn a salary. The Blacksmith Guild even provides them free armor and weapons for first time."

"There's also some cities and villages offering money to Dojo in exchange for the guards or martial artists to protect them. That's why I decided to incorporate a mercenary system to the Dojo Guild, wherein people can send requests with the rewards and the martial artists from the Dojo Guild can accept the request. A small percentage of the reward will go to the Dojo Guild, while the majority will enter their own pockets."

I was amazed by Ning Shui's ingenuity on how to handle the Red Rose Dojo.

"In this way, your Dojo Guild attracts more people and also makes them have a sense of belonging to the Dojo, making it harder for other people to poach them. It also serves as a good way to earn money without needing to rely on the other guilds. And as the Dojo Guild expand, it can also help when gathering information."

As I finished my remarks, I thought of providing some of my views in exchange for her help.

"Are there any problems that Red Rose encountered?"

Ning Shui nodded.

"There are some cases of people trying to imitate Red Rose. Fortunately, the copyright law already exists, so the comics and merchandise are still safe. Still, they are also entering the field of comics, but we have an absolute advantage!"

There was nothing that could be done to the people who wanted to imitate Red Rose.

All they needed to do was to always have the advantage.

"Red Rose needs to prioritize recruiting talents to widen that advantage. If you can, try to poach talents from your enemies and keep the good interest of the public always on you. A good reputation and strong image will help with that. Try to also recruit spirit masters to expand your customer base. Try starting with spirit masters from the food system and support system, which aligns with the direction of Red Rose. Always focusing on the ordinary people is a bad idea."

After reading books from the academy's library, I knew that those types of spirit masters usually have a hard time compared to combat spirit masters.

Ning Shui's eyes lit up upon hearing my suggestions.

"Thank you for the idea. I haven't thought of recruiting spirit masters since I narrowed my vision too much…"

And thus, the cooperation between Red Rose and Vlad reached a new height.

But I wasn't done yet.

"And for Vlad the Bloodsucker… I'll continue sending references based on my new experiences here…"

As I said that, my eyes glinted with a chilling light.

Ning Shui froze and looked at me with expectations.

Through the use of comics, I will make sure that Vlad's terror will never be forgotten.

A warning to those people who desire to commit evil.

Be prepared.

Vlad will come for you.

And hunt you down.

Please donate on my kofi.com/ishyawrites! I really need money for my coffee boost to write! !