
Doulou Dalu — Apocalypse Heart

An unusual tale of a mortal's ascension to godhood. He who is known by different names. He who is not known that bears the flames of rage. He who possess a heart that's not his. He who is a devil that brings despair and hope. He who is a hero to his ally that kills without leaving a blood. He who is a villain to his enemy that brings fear and terror. He who is the maker who forge with death and madness. He who is the bearer of the world's unfortunate beings. He who is a subject that knows nothing but pain. He who is a king that is the most perfect being. Just... who is he? He who is the carrier of flames that seeks for a resolution. Salvation or Destruction. In this world full of countless desires, which path will his heart strives for? (AN: No Harem, but still undecided love interest. Support me on my kofi.com/ishyawrites) .... Note: The cover is not mine if it's yours, you can kindly tell me to remove it. DD3

Ishya_Chan · 漫画同人
51 Chs

First Spirit Soul

Chapter 39 — First Spirit Soul.


Shi Yeng started to madly laugh.

"It'll be satisfying to create a true monster unlike those fakes who barks about being monsters."

Upon hearing her words, I thought of something.

If its monsters…

"You mean the Shrek Academy?"

"Exactly!" Shi Yeng angrily clenched her teeth.

It seems she has bad blood with Shrek Academy.


"I don't care about that."

There was no need to know about their history for now.

"Just give me the special present you promised me."

"Oh, you're right." Shi Yeng nodded as her expression softened.

"Follow me to the cultivation room where nothing can disturb you."

After leaving her office, we both took the soul elevator to another floor.

And as we walked across various special rooms, I saw many soul researchers doing their research and soul experiments with the help of advanced soul technology.

The two of us soon entered inside a white cultivation room.

"Are you ready to absorb your first spirit soul?"

I shook my head.

To resist her spiritual pressure, I used supercharge with soul blood, straining my body and consuming a lot of nutrients.

Fortunately, the reinforced circulatory network and refined blood vessels minimized the damage.

"I need food to recover quickly. Can I eat first?"

"Okay, I'll call someone to bring you some high-quality foods."

Shi Yeng used her soul phone to call one of her assistants.

A few minutes later, I saw someone arriving to deliver a tray of seafoods like shrimps and crabs.

"You brought the soul ball, right?"

"Yes, here's the soul ball."

The employee quickly gave her a small metallic capsule.

"Mnn, thank you."

After receiving her gratitude, the employee happily left the room.

Meanwhile, I've already stuffed and devoured every seafood into my mouth.

Shi Yeng was stunned to see the plates already empty.

"Aren't you afraid of energy indigestion?"

After all, those seafoods or sea spirit beasts were extremely rich with energy!


I could feel a high amount of rich energy surging from within my body.

The energy quality of those seafoods were far greater than normal foods.

I didn't worry since my enhanced digestion was rapidly breaking them down to nourish my countless cells. My internal digestion and absorption process were so powerful that there was no waste—If I added my transformed kidney, there was no need for urine and defecation.

Soon enough, I felt my body becoming recharged to the brim with raging energy and powerful lifeforce energy.

This was my optimal state, so I was now ready for my spirit soul.

"You're done already?"

Shi Yeng grew interested since I absorbed the energy and nutrients so fast.

"Yes." I simply nodded.

"Then here's your spirit soul." Shi Yeng gave me the spherical capsule.

A soul ball.

"Just press the button."

I pressed the button placed on the middle of the soul ball.


A cold white vapor escaped from inside of the soul ball as it started to open.

Inside the soul ball, I saw a translucent cocoon that glowed with resplendent white light.

"What's inside it?" I asked curiously while gazing deeply at the cocoon.

"A special ape."


"That spirit soul is from an extinct race from billions of years ago, so we've named their race as Battle Drum Ape."

I was quite surprised to hear it was from billions of years ago.

"If they're already extinct, then how were you still able to create a spirit soul out of them?"

Shi Yeng calmly explained about the creation of spirit souls.

"The foundation of spirit souls are genetic materials from spirit beasts. And using the genetic materials we extracted from ancient ape fossils, it was possible to create this unique artificial spirit soul."

I knew that was merely the first part, but I was now starting to become interested in the fields of spirit souls.

"I'll now explain more about the details we've researched about the Battle Drum Apes. According to our research, they're spirit beasts with divine strength and inexhaustible endurance similar to a blazing sun. The apes were so powerful that they could overpower true dragons when it comes to their physical body."

"True dragons…"

This was an impressive feat considering that true dragons were the strongest and blessed race of spirit beasts.

Shi Yeng continued.

"And from the place we excavated their fossils, we've found several records that said they were a battle race born from rocks after being blessed by the power of sun. As such, these undying warriors developed a primitive ritual by pounding their arms against their chest to produce drum music to worship the sun. This was a ritual process that ignited their unique yang energy in the heart to produce sounds that brought excitement to them, but utter terror to true dragons."

"We then later found out that their yang energy was born from their unique genetic trait. The unique yang energy allowed their physical power to increase substantially after recovering from injuries, while also allowing them to continuously recover and produce vibrational explosions. This was because their unique yang energy would vibrate their heart to pulse explosively like drums in order to fill their entire body with unique yang, causing them to produce vibrational explosions. If there was a perfect word to describe them, it's what doesn't kill me makes me and my drum stronger."

Shi Yeng finally finished explaining about the Battle Drum Ape.

"I'll give this 1,587 years old spirit soul to you because you have a spirit heart and strong energies. You're perfectly compatible with this newtype spirit soul we created."


An unfamiliar stuff was brought up.

"That spirit soul has an incomplete soul. I termed it as Half Soul. No one has successfully absorbed it, but I guarantee it's safe to absorb."

I grew curious about this new type of spirit soul.

Like how much does it differ from standard spirit souls?

"What's the difference between normal spirit souls?

"You'll absorb it using the usual method, but you must sacrifice a piece of your spiritual power, blood essence, and soul power into the Half Soul to complete it. Theoretically, it would become something like a clone of yourself, allowing you and the clone to share memories, talents, experiences, and other still unknown things. Not only that, they can immediately switch between beast form and human form. Ah, they can also be considered as your own family because they're closely related to you, but still have their own unique soul and personality."

"A family…"

I softly mumbled those words before coming into a decision.

"I'll absorb it."

I was attracted to the potential of this strange spirit soul.

"Then inject your soul power into the membrane to absorb the spirit soul into your martial soul. Once it's been opened, it will die within 24 hours."

Shi Yeng sternly reminded me.

"I know you can absorb it fine, so I'll take my leave now. I still have important matters to accomplish."

After Shi Yeng left the room, I was now alone inside the room.

I silently sat on the floor while gently holding the soul ball.


A sliver of crimson clouds flowed into the translucent membrane.

The smooth membrane was gradually dyed blood red, causing cracks to spread with vibrant purple lights.

A large purple soul ring was now hovering before my eyes.

The membrane shattered to clearly reveal the appearance of Battle Drum Ape.

It was a small muscular ape that appeared majestic and heroic, but the pair of golden fiery eyes were dull and vacant.

Its body color was red and had a white scorching flame over its head. A thick, muscular red tail was also present. It had large hammer-like furry red hands, but its arms turned slightly leaner starting from its elbows and then to its shoulders—looking comical with its hands looking like a gauntlet. It also had several golden crystal plates that cover its body on its shoulders, wrists, knees, and chest.

Apart from those, it also has a muscular white furry upper body with strong explosive red furry legs.

What caught most of my attention was the beautiful crest of white sun carved on the large chest of the ape.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The ape was mindlessly pounding its chest with its hammer-like hands to produce powerful sounds of drums, causing its white flames to grow intense.

Thump! Thump!

My spirit heart was beating excitedly to the sound of drums, screaming that it was the most perfect spirit soul for me.

However, its soul was still in an incomplete state.

To complete its soul, I tore a portion of my spiritual power and soul blood into the ape to complete its soul.

The process of splitting them was quite painful, but I was used to it.

Unknowingly, the life-death energy and true elemental essences were also infused to it.

At the same time, I started to absorb the spirit soul into my spirit heart.

The spirit soul—with a purple soul ring behind it—entered my body to merge with my spirit heart.

The Battle Drum Ape slowly grew transparent before transforming into a pure mass of white energy that circulated throughout my body and then gathered into my spirit heart.

At first, there was no pain or problem because my body, mind, and soul blood were powerful enough.

My entire foundation was solid and tough like steel.

However, I soon felt an extremely hot sensation welling up within my spirit heart that rapidly pumped soul blood.

There was something trying to change the core of my foundation!

I gradually felt my entire burning into ashes from inside out—as if I was thrown into the sun to burn into nothingness.

This extreme scorching sensation was further amplified by the fire star located in my heart!

My fire resistance wasn't enough.

So hot…!

My spirit heart was burning madly like a sun blazing countless of my cells into incineration.

My body was dyed completely red while releasing scalding steam that spread throughout the room.

Even my sweats were being evaporated as they were produced!

The entire room had already turned into a steamy hot sauna.

I felt an extremely hot energy surging wildly throughout my body, causing the inside out of my body to swell and burn excruciatingly.

At the same time, I could feel everything In my body trying to fight and adapt to the scorching heat incinerating my body.

A faint white energy was rapidly coursing my veins to spread throughout my entire body.

But it wasn't entirely bad.

As with every complete circulation of that scorching white light, I could feel countless of my cells evolving as they got rapidly destroyed and regenerated.

I could feel my entire body growing stronger and tougher as my countless cells actively grew denser and powerful, as well as brimming with extremely thick vitality to pursue a higher realm.

At the same time, my spirit heart was transforming under the influence of the white light.

The effect of my spirit heart—Enhanced Adaptation.

Not only that, I also have others helping me to adapt quickly.

After a while, I could feel the scorching pain fading away as my body gradually returned to normal.

An unblemished white fire now burned within my spirit heart just besides the fire star.

The red fire star and white fire were supporting each other.

Aside from that, the white fire was absorbing energy from the atmosphere to strengthen itself before sending out a stream of warm white light across my blood vessels to nourish my cells like life-death energy and true elemental essences.

A resplendent purple soul ring hovered on my spirit heart like a crest. It had a symbol blazing ape.

And no matter what I did, it couldn't leave my body.

However, it was effective for surprise attacks.

I felt the limit shackling my entire being also lifting away.

As for my current rank, it went up to rank 11 because I continued to compress the excess from the purple soul ring.

"It seems like the Battle Drum Ape was really perfect for me."

After the absorption, I could see that my spirit heart had evolved.

Apart from Life-Death Wheel, my spirit heart has now inherited the Unique Yang Attribute of the Battle Drum Ape.

It goes well with my spirit heart since it amplified its functions and amplified my soul blood. It also slowly refined my soul blood more denser and purer.


"My first soul ring ability is….?"

I focused on the soul ring since you were supposed to naturally know the soul ability as if you were born with it.

At this moment —

I abruptly felt the cold force emerging from my hidden energy channels to spread throughout my body.

The cold force is suddenly reacting!

And its target was my spirit heart.











I wonder why?

Read 3+ advanced chapters on my p@treon.com/LordIshya