
Doulou Dalu — Apocalypse Heart

An unusual tale of a mortal's ascension to godhood. He who is known by different names. He who is not known that bears the flames of rage. He who possess a heart that's not his. He who is a devil that brings despair and hope. He who is a hero to his ally that kills without leaving a blood. He who is a villain to his enemy that brings fear and terror. He who is the maker who forge with death and madness. He who is the bearer of the world's unfortunate beings. He who is a subject that knows nothing but pain. He who is a king that is the most perfect being. Just... who is he? He who is the carrier of flames that seeks for a resolution. Salvation or Destruction. In this world full of countless desires, which path will his heart strives for? (AN: No Harem, but still undecided love interest. Support me on my kofi.com/ishyawrites) .... Note: The cover is not mine if it's yours, you can kindly tell me to remove it. DD3

Ishya_Chan · 漫画同人
51 Chs

Cultivation Method

Chapter 43 — Cultivation Method

After the completion of the Blood Contract Weapons, I was relatively free nowadays.

However, it changed when Shi Yeng privately met with me inside my guest room.

"You're still using the basic soul cultivation method, right?" Shi Yeng asked for confirmation.


Although I was using my own devised method, It was still crude and incomplete due to the lack of proper references from advanced methods.

"Then forget about it. I'll now impart the core cultivation technique that Spirit Pagoda has refined for many years—The Treasured Vortex Method."

I felt very interested to hear those prideful words.

Shi Yeng sat on the bed before placing her palms on my back.

"Try to feel and memorize the flow of soul power I'll infuse into your energy channels. This is the best way to teach it."

I soon felt her tyrannical soul power entering my body.

"I can't feel your energy channels… Only a vast and dense arrangement of blood networks…"

Shi Yeng frowned deeply upon seeing my strange physique.

The dense amount of thick blood vessels didn't surprise her that much. This was a normal occurrence to properly support those who have a monstrous body.

"Only I can sense them because of my strange physique."

This was because the mysterious cold force was hiding them, but I couldn't foolishly reveal that fact—it was my greatest weakness.

Shi Yeng felt there were some secrets, but she knew it was a taboo to ask soul master's about their secrets. This applied to even those who held a student-teacher relationship. Their relationship was also not that close yet.

As for my strange physique, Shi Yeng began to think about a mysterious physique that could be seen either as a curse or a blessing.

Only that could explain my body condition perfectly.

A physique she already had guessed before.

Shi Yeng was now deeply looking at me with strange eyes.

"Your body has Destiny Restriction."

"Destiny Restriction?"

It was my first time to hear such mysterious terms.

"A special physique that's vague and mysterious to the point only a minority of people had Destiny Restriction throughout billions of years. It can either be a curse or blessing since it grants a lifespan that can last for hundreds of years."

I gulped down.

"What does it mean to have it?"

Shi Yeng solemnly stared at my eyes.

"They're forbidden to become God."

That cold sentence was like a blade plunging deeply into my heart.

Shi Yeng then laughed.

"It's only a legend, so don't worry. Even if it's impossible, it's already hard for soul masters to become God."

I nodded while calming myself down, but I felt like it might contain some truths.

"Can you tell more about it?"

Shi Yeng nodded.

"Those who have it are said to be naturally tenacious and have powerful ability to adapt, as well as show excellent prowess to conceal themselves if practiced enough. It's not clear why, but it can either be a product of evolution, or given itself by Destiny Restriction."

"As for the bad sides, it's known that most with Destiny Restriction can't awaken their martial souls and soul power. But even if they did through some unknown means, they can't release their soul power outside their body. This happened to a child that Sea God Tang San tried to awaken along with other children without soul power, but that child later died tragically after becoming a famous dark soul master. Most of the known records about Destiny Restriction came from him. According to him, normal cultivation methods were extremely slow compared to average soul masters. Along with bad fortune clouding him, he eventually lost his mind and harvested countless life using his mind destroying sound waves as Dark Soul Master. Destiny Restriction means that there is no destiny or fate, but I understand that your situation is different from normal Destiny Restriction, so it may be an unknown good variant."

I fell completely silent upon hearing her explanation about Destiny Restrictions.

It was only a restriction for us to suffer.

That famous dark soul master was probably someone with the same cursed blood as me.

Although I showed different signs from him, it was no doubt that I have Destiny Restriction, but for some reason managed to twist my own destiny.

When did it happen?

I felt my heart beating warmly as if comforting me.

Even now you're always helping me..

"I'll start explain the Treasured Vortex Method in words, but I'll still hand you the cultivation manual to study yourself. Just ask me If there's something you can't understand."

I attentively listened to Shi Yeng patiently explaining about the Treasured Vortex Method in a detailed manner.

This cultivation method was the advanced form of basic cultivation technique. Not only that, it also served as the advanced method to operate and control the soul power.

The core aspect of the Treasured Vortex Method was to form a large vortex whenever cultivating or operating the soul power.

This was devised from the main cultivation technique of the Unrivaled Tang Sect—Mysterious Heaven Method.

The Mysterious Heaven Method was the first systemized and advanced cultivation method, so Spirit Pagoda used some ways to obtain this method to devise their own cultivation technique.

After many years of refinement, the Treasured Vortex Method was gradually able to use more meridians and acupoints compared to primitive cultivation methods.

And at present age, the Treasured Vortex Method was now able to circulate across every meridian and acupoints that exist inside the energy channels just like the Mysterious Heaven Method.

If there was a difference, the Treasured Vortex Method formed a large vortex inside the dantian, while the Mysterious Heaven Method formed a whirlpool inside the dantian.

The vortex was created to copy the soul vortex formed during the formation of soul cores, so not only was it effective for cultivating and combat, it was also a method that increased the chance to create a much more powerful soul core in the future.

As such, this was a core cultivation method that only members with high positions and connections could possibly learn.

The formation of the vortex was easy by controlling the soul power to spin rapidly into a large corporeal vortex inside the dantian.

As a result of using the extremely fast rotation speed to form a large corporeal vortex, it gave a much more powerful gathering speed and recovery speed, as well as now having the ability to compress the absorbed natural energy to the very limit to increase the density and power of the soul blood.

Since the method also used every meridian and acupoints to efficiently and smoothly circulate across the energy channels with extreme speed, it had the useful effect of instantly drawing out the soul power from the dantian to spread extremely quickly into any point of the body. It granted instantaneous reaction to the soul power that could potentially burst and move instantly at any point of the body, making it difficult for the enemies to react fast enough.

In simple words, the Treasured Vortex Method bestowed flawless and efficient circulation of soul power throughout the energy channels by using every meridian and acupoints as conduits and engines, allowing for extremely refined, flexible, focused, precise, and smooth control over the soul power at any point of the body.

The Treasured Vortex Method was really different from the basic cultivation method that simply gathered natural energy before letting it simply flow across the major energy channels. Not only wasn't it slow, but it couldn't also compress the soul power.

This advanced cultivation method was the perfect inspiration to create my own cultivation method.

However, there were many problems I encountered.

I didn't have a dantian, meridians, and acupoints, but only had my soul blood and blood vessels to use. My energy channels were completely hidden by the mysterious cold force.

In fact, I lack a deep understanding over the terms called dantian, meridians, and acupoints.

My mother taught them during our short acupuncture sessions, but I didn't understand them that greatly.

"It seems like I can only try to artificially create those things inside my own circulatory network…"

And to achieve that, I need to deeply learn more about them.

After asking Shi Yeng some questions, I went to the library to study many useful books.

























The library hall was very large and luxurious to the eyes.

After I arrived inside, I was nicely greeted by the beautiful librarian, who had grown familiar with me due to my frequent visit to the library.

There were several aisles filled with bookshelves that seemed to stretch out far and wide. There were at least two more floors connected by a spiral staircase in the area that was laid out like the main hall.

This was the evidence of Spirit Pagoda's long history.

The kind librarian once explained this library to me.

According to history, the Library Hall was built when Huo Yuhao, the founder of the Spirit Pagoda, created the spirit souls and left some of his precious knowledge he accumulated until his godly ascension into the Divine Realm. However, the True Library Hall was in Shrek City.

This library hall was only an imitation, but it contained all sorts of copied documents ranging from the various books that past members left behind, to alchemy manuals, spirit souls manuals, and various cultivation manuals.

I grabbed several cultivation methods that ranged from being complete, incomplete, and even failed ones.

There were various failed cultivation methods because it wasn't easy to create cultivation methods. Not everyone was like Sea God Tang San who was able to conjure the Mysterious Heaven Method that was able to change the world of soul masters.

But despite being failures, the failed methods still contained unique insights and strange ideas that went beyond the norms.

Why do I need them?

To create my unique soul blood cultivation method.

It was an unknown path, so I need to find ways to blaze my own unique path.

I need to create a cultivation method that could widen the aperture of my spirit heart, while also being capable of refining it.

As such, I need to devise a method from the Treasured Vortex Method and other cultivation manuals.

The library hall of Spirit Pagoda was the perfect place to accomplish my new objectives.

For the next few weeks, I started to read and comprehend various cultivation manuals.



















"A huge amount of content is not necessarily better. It's important to create large and robust vessels before trying to fill them. The soul blood is my content, so the vessels are my blood vessels? Then why not the spirit heart? Ah, it's because soul blood is contained and transported by the blood vessels."

"I've only tried increasing the quantity and quality of my soul blood by widening the aperture and refining the spirit heart. I never thought of widening and refining my blood vessels which are normally done to the energy channels. But unlike the metaphysical energy channels, the blood vessels would eventually be limited by size and width. In that case, I just need to turn my blood vessels in a metaphysical way to become a perfect vessel to contain the meridians and acupoints."
















"The aspects that control the soul power are the major meridians and acupoints located at different points of the energy channels. They can open and close the channels like a dam, allowing for precise control over soul power."

There were no concepts like meridians and acupoints from the basic cultivation method. I just vaguely encountered those terms from reading books, but remained clueless since I lack them.

"My circulatory system has no meridians nor acupoints. The soul blood just flows like a river. That's why I can't control them precisely at will."

"Since the first step is to transform my circulatory system into a metaphysical vessel, then the second step is to create something that will act like meridians and acupoints in my blood vessels. Let's call them Blood Cores. If I create those Blood Cores, I could potentially control my soul blood at will…"

I was starting to see my own path.

And the prospects made me feel some subtle excitement.

Now that I've opened a unique path, I had to keep going.

I organized the various knowledge I've learned, analyzed the most important parts, and discarded the irrelevant parts to fit the most important parts like puzzles.

It was like composing music, but still different.

I felt my head burning extremely hot from the overwhelming brain activity, but I continued to experiment to create my own cultivation method.

Shi Yeng sometimes came to examine my progress, but she just watched silently and didn't say much.

However, she was inwardly stunned to see me trying to create a different cultivation method from the Treasured Vortex Method.

"Really. You keep surprising me…"






















My progress met a bottleneck. I couldn't find a way to transform my blood vessels into the perfect vessel.

As I pondered deeply, I started to dive deeply into my mind library.

Fortunately, I was soon enlightened after seeing Liu San reading a book about my application of soul circuits into forging weapons.

A crazy idea popped out of my head.

"Aren't the soul circuits and circuit cores of Battle Armours similar to the energy channels of soul masters?" I mused about this crazy idea that went beyond common sense. "

I found the answers.

The solution was by transforming my blood vessels into soul circuits.

"I'll name it Blood Circuit."

The name of my unique cultivation path.

And to accomplish the formation of blood circuits, I definitely needed to deeply learn about soul circuits.

Fortunately, I've already studied soul circuits to create my Blood Contract Weapons. Now I only need to study the soul circuits engraved within Battle Armors, which delved into the realms of Mecha Professions.

I spent days and nights in the Library Hall to focus solely on reading and studying about books.

After I didn't bother to eat or drink, the beautiful librarian began to worry about my health. She failed to convince me to take some breaks, so she feared I would die from exhaustion.

The worried librarian decided to silently provide me tea and snacks everyday.




















"How should I transform my blood vessels into blood circuits? It needs to be created with some kind of special materials…"

I then remembered the special substance I created when I formed the illusionary world inside my spiritual consciousness.

The spiritual figure and spiritual creatures were created by the special substance formed by the combination of spiritual, life-death energy, and yin-yang energy.

But what if I added soul blood and true elemental essences…?

It should be possible to create a special semi-physical substance similar to energy channels.





















On a certain day….

I finally started to create the special semi-physical substance to transform my blood vessels.

The life-death energy, yin-yang energy, and true elemental essences started to combine as whole.

I also began to tore my spiritual power and soul blood to complete the special semi-physical substance, causing their quantity to be significantly reduced.

As the amalgamation of various energies combined together, they began to react to each other before forming into a streak of colorful yet chaotic semi-physical substance.

I then used this special substance to transform the blood vessels of my spirit heart.


My entire body began to shake painfully as I slowly transformed my blood vessels into blood circuits.

After the blood vessels transformed into blood circuits, I recalled the spirit heart to check the state of the blood circuits.

I noticed the previous normal blood vessels of the heart were now entirely covered by a mystical crimson glow even without the reinforced circulatory system.


Although still incomplete, the small amount of new blood circuits were slowly transforming other normal blood vessels into blood circuits even without my intervention.

This unexpected effect hastened the transformation progress.

Once my entire circulatory system was transformed into blood circuits, only then would the true transformation happen.

The creation of blood circuits were also referenced from my spirit heart's reinforced circulatory system

When my spirit heart was usually activated, the spirit heart's internal aperture would extend into my entire circulatory system for reinforcement.

This was how the reinforced circulatory system worked now after the internal aperture opened.

An evolution.

After the completion of blood circuits, it would create a space inside my blood vessels to contain the Blood Cores similar to the energy channels.

This internal space could grow indefinitely larger without affecting the current size of the blood vessels. Even if my spirit heart was inactivated, the creation of blood circuits alone would instantly double the amount of normal purple blood inside my body.

The amount could increase as long as the internal space continued to grow.

As I exited my meditation, I saw the librarian was shocked from watching me convulse erratically before.

I ignored her for now because I continued to form the blood circuits inside my room to avoid distractions.

The transformation of blood vessels into blood circuits wasn't a task that could be easily done in a day.

It must be noted that I have an abnormal amount of dense and thick blood vessels within my body.

As such, I started to patiently form the blood circuits.

The process was extremely painful and exhausting, but I persevered to form the blood circuits.

If I overworked myself, I would shower and eat on time to replenish myself.

As days and weeks flew by…

I managed to completely transform my entire circulatory network into blood circuits after two hellish months.
















The Divine Realm is gone.

It's impossible to become a God.

Then how will I see them again?