
Doomsday Ascension

The world is darker than our shadows. That is what everyone assumes until they experience it themselves. This experience makes you doubt your sanity. Some years ago, the discovery of energy crystals was made. They were said to be stones carrying immense energies the world had never seen before. The crystals were later on improved and utilized to improve work both industrially and domestically. They were used to power hospitals where children were born. Children born under this light began to evolve with extraordinary powers. Throughout the years most generations without the powers perished and the planet was now run by the hierarchy of strength in power. The appearance of these crystals got the attention of other creatures around the world and the safety of the world was no longer assured. Those who weren't born in hospitals powered by these stones were left powerless to be feasted upon by society. The corrupt system must be put in check but who knew it was far worse than that? Abel was one of them. He was an orphan left to fend for himself in this world ruled by those with iron hands. Abel could have stayed at the bottom of the food chain forever but he couldn't take it any more the embarrassment had to stop for good. ------- "The world is a tragedy for one and a blessing to the other, that's why I have to get stronger and protect those who can't stand on their own", Abel said to himself as he stared at the rectangular screen in front of his eyes. [Host has been found] [The bonding process is to begin right away]

Wevolire · 奇幻
31 Chs

The illusion was cool but nothing lasts

All he could do was hope he could run out of the school before they could spot him, by this way he would be gone before they notice. He never wanted to retreat but his strength wasn't enough. That was what he thought.

Reaching out to the door knob of the classroom, his excitement was already skyrocketing because of the free stat points he had gained. He closed his eyes as he breathed in the cool air of freedom which awaited him on the other side. Few minutes had passed when he opened the door and yet still he had not heard the familiar voices of those who assaulted him verbally in his class.

"Why is that idiot standing at the entrance again", a student muttered out. All the other students who had heard what their fellow mate said, looked in his direction only to find the jet black haired boy standing at the entrance with his eyes closed. This hair wavered effortlessly around his shoulders.

Abel opened his eyes when he had heard the derogatory remark. He was shocked to his bone by what he was seeing. He was back inside the cafeteria where he had tried his best to leave.

"Get him!", a familiar voiced commanded and two figures were already running in his direction.

"What is this?", Abel asked as he rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand.

[Illusion detected]

[Error! Illusion cannot be cleared due to low mental fortitude stat points]

[User has been caught up in an illusion]

[Main quest available]

[Defeat the illusionist


5 stat points

100 exp points

Punishment: unknown]

The system messages had made him aware of the tricky situation he was caught up in. One least mistake could cost him his dignity. Although his dignity had already been trampled upon he wasn't going to allow it to go any further.

"Defeat the illusionist, you say. What if I try to take on all of them in on go", he said with fire in his eyes.

[Good, the system acknowledges the willpower of the user]

"Words of encouragement I suppose. Do you think I'm going to lose?".

[Obviously but you humans have your own way of turning things around]

The excitement from having a challenge made his body scream with joy. "Let's do this"

"Transfer 3 stat points to mental fortitude, a single point to strength and another to the speed.", he finally proclaimed. With this all his stat points were wasted.

[Points have been successfully distributed as commanded by the user]

[Good luck]

Abel could feel the power moving through his veins at that instant. Although it was small and almost unnoticeable, he could feel the stability of his mind increasing gradually.

[10% of illusion has been blocked]

[User still suffers from the effects of the illusion]

"I can sense the difference between reality and some of the illusion", he mumbled in excitement.


A giant metal fist came rushing towards his face out of thin air. It seemed to have been detached from a body and was moving on its own. He dodged the apparent incoming attack only to realise that it was just an illusion.


He was sent flying in a distance. The real attack had hit him right on his frail ribs. His ribs had been fractured by the sneak attack. Full Recovery had been activated to take care of the damage already and he was good to go.

Abel sat on the ground and stared ahead. He was trying to stay calm but he knew that couldn't be helped since a sneak attack could take place at any point in time. His anxiety was rising slowly.

[Apathy is at 6%]

The system had showed the percentage of his energy that was getting used up at the moment.

Minutes passed and there was no attack coming his way. He got up from the floor while holding his ribs.

"My grandma can hit harder that! Is this all you have? My ribs are perfectly fine", he taunted.


The same metal fist appeared in front of him again rushing towards his face. This time he stood firmly and waited for the hand to get to his face. When it had reached its target it disintegrated into tiny particles and were scattered away.


He was sent flying again due to the impact of the sneak attack.

[30% of illusion has been blocked]

Ralph had confirmed his hypothesis and was now ready for the next attack. He stood up again from the floor and witnessed the whole place glitch for some few seconds. Within these seconds he had effectively memorized the position of his various enemies.

There were three of them and the one delivering the damage was already on his way to deal another one.

The fist appeared once again. This time its speed had increased but Abel knew what it was already. Instead he ducked and readied his fist. Since the attacker had already predicted what he thought was going to happen, he had rushed in with all his strength.


The sound erupted through the fake cafeteria. This time there were two fists that had been involved in the collision.


The sound of bones breaking was also heard when the fists collided. Abel wasted no time and grabbed the hand before it could get away and pulled the body towards his direction.

Bam! Bam!

The joyous sound was heard once again. Skulls we getting crushed as the assault continued. This was no bullying but an alter humiliation.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

The sound still continued. The body of the attacker was getting numb since it couldn't heal on its own as the latter could. Abel was happy to give him a beating he would never forget.

Riley stood and watched the whole thing unfold without helping his goon. It was evident that he didn't care about their well being and was only using them for his selfish gains.

It as also evident that the other goon was the one using the illusion magicka. He stood very close to Riley so there was no chance of Abel being able to get him.

Abel continued his onslaught as his head bashed the skull of the goon he had caught. "Feel the pain you made me pass through everyday! This is for making my life a living hell!", he shouted as he folded his fist while holding on to the fella with his other hand.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Within some few seconds the guy had already received ten punches in his face. His nose had sunk in due to the intensity of the punches.

He finally dropped the lifeless body of the boy when he was finally satisfied with his assault.

He had a wonderful ear-to-ear grin on his face as he stared at where he thought Riley was.

"This is the monster you have created out of this poor boy with a frail body. Aren't you happy of your creation? Why aren't you laughing like you always do? Isn't this funny?", he taunted.


His diabolical laugh echoed throughout the whole noisy fake cafeteria.



Within an instance a huge fire ball was already heading towards his direction. Abel knew that he could dodge the incoming projectile but he had something diabolical in mind. He picked up the lifeless body he had dropped to the floor and decided to use it as a meat shield.

[Daily quest has been completed (3/3)

Reward 10 exp

3 stat points]

Abel stared at the body in shock as the realisation had hit him."This guy has a mass above 50kg, wow! With all this and you still feasted on a boy like me. Well, you just got eaten by your lunch. How does it feel?".

The fireball reached the body but was quickly dispersed by its caster. "Now is my chance", Abel said as he dragged the body towards Riley who was deep in thought.

After several quick movements he was close to the place he thought they were. Instead of hitting Riley right away, he crushed both the body he was dragging and himself into the other goon.

[100% of illusion has been blocked]

[Illusion has been successfully blocked]

[User no longer suffers from the effects of the illusion]

Once the message had appeared, the whole cafeteria begun to shift back to how it was. Abel could now see vividly where they were. They were at the rooftop the school.

The guy tried to get himself out of the situation he was in but Abel had already gained the upper hand. "Hey, Don't move! Don't move!. Face the punishment of your sin like a man", he muttered out with the same ear-to-ear grin on his face again.

"Please forgive me, I am sorry. I didn't mean to do you harm, I had no choice ", the boy pleaded.


Abel placed his index finger on the guy's lips signalling him to keep quiet. "Don't cry okay, because you have pleaded, yours is not going to be painful ", he said and maintained his grin.


The sound was heard and blood was already spreading across the floor. Abel dipped his hand in the blood and begun to laugh out uncontrollably. "His body could not take the pleasure it was feeling. He had slammed the boy's head onto the solid tiled floors of the place. This act continued until his hands were drenched in blood.

Riley looked at the maniac on the floor with a look of disbelief and annoyance on his face.

He tried to move away but he was shocked to realise that Abel was already staring at his face with his evil grin still present. It was as if he was looking into the eyes of a predator who wouldn't care to spare its prey at all cost.

Riley had goosebumps just by staring at the grin which stood proudly on Abel's face. He was shocked and couldn't pull himself together. "Where are all these chilly vibes coming from?", he asked himself.

Abel noticed that his bully was now shaking in his boots. It got so bad that it was now visible to the eye. "Oh, so this is how it looks like when the hunter becomes hunted", he muttered to himself. He was reliving the whole scene in his head. It was something he would never forget.

Riley tried to pull himself together. Both of his palms began to glow with red flames. He was finally out of the shock and was ready to fight back.

"You will pay for what you have done to my goons!", he shouted out with his temper rising.

"I dare you! If not then GO HOME AND HIDE YOUR HEAD BETWEEN YOUR LEGS, YOU LAP DOG!!", Abel screamed with excitement.

(Please if any error is spotted don't hesitate to notify me. Together let's keep the fire burning, Thank you)


Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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