
doomday in marvel

Lu Yuan was originally just a normal ordinary person, but one day he passed through it and became a day of destruction with a splendid reputation in the DC universe. Doomsday does not refer to a single monster, but a terrifying legion from the technological civilization of Krypton. But Doomsday is not a superman. In fact, it is a terrible biochemical weapon invented by the dead body of Kryptonian who got superhuman power and resurrected. Lu Yuan became one of the doomsdays after just passing through, and entered the core of the sun for 100,000 years. One day, Lu Yuan woke up, but when he flew back to Earth, he found that this place is no longer the Earth of the DC universe. I don’t know why he seems to have come to Marvel? “Isn’t this invincible? Without kryptonite, I would be God.

oni_Wolf · 电影同人
50 Chs

I, Doomsday, Have Been In the Core of the Sun For a Hundred Thousand Years Chapter 45:

eeing that Lu Yuan was still a little puzzled, Fury smiled and continued to explain: "We all know your true identity, as well as the recent change in Tony and Pepper's relationship. So I guess you can't always rely on others. And You are not short of money, are you? With your ability, you will definitely not care where you live, but pay more attention to the comfort of the environment. So I prepared this house in advance. "

"But I'm not sure that you will live here, just to prepare, I didn't expect you to choose here in the end."

Fury is worthy of being the head of the secret agent, and he thought so many calculations.

Lu Yuan also had to give a thumbs up and accepted.

"It's said that it is better to offend a gentleman than a villain, I understand," Lu Yuan couldn't help laughing.

Fury didn't care either, pretending that he didn't understand, and brought up the topic Natasha and Lu Yuan talked about before: "Why did the Stark Group suddenly shut down the weapons department?"

"Who are you working for?" Lu Yuan asked without answering.

Fury couldn't help but smile.

Natasha spread her hands, and she couldn't answer because Lu Yuan always mentioned this question.

Lu Yuan was particularly concerned about S.H.I.E.L.D.'s position, but she shouldn't say such things.

Fury looked at Lu Yuan deeply and sighed: "Okay, I admit that we are indeed here for the position of a certain country this time. You have to understand that the most people in S.H.I.E.L.D. are people of a certain country."

"Look, look, look," Lu Yuan shouted proudly, not knowing who he was showing.

Fury waited for Lu Yuan to calm down before speaking again: "But there is one thing I hope you can understand, even if you have an opinion on a certain country, you cannot deny that a certain country is also a member of the United Nations. So we do things for a certain country. It is not a betrayal. United Nations, do you understand that?"

Well, he was right.

A certain country is also a member of the United Nations. SHIELD does things for the United Nations, and there is nothing wrong with doing things for a certain country, right?

"The most important thing is, Lu Yuan, there is one thing I want you to understand, there is a secret I want to tell you, SHIELD was first established in secret in a certain country, and the first people who established SHIELD were a few people from a certain country. became a subordinate agency of the United Nations," Fury's tone was somewhat warning.

It was like admonishing Lu Yuan that SHIELD originally worked for a certain country, but it was later transferred to the United Nations.

"Besides that, we are not just here today to do something for a certain country, we are also worried about Tony and the Stark Group. Howard Stark, Tony's father, is also one of the original founders of S.H.I.E.L.D. The Shield has made a huge contribution, and we can't leave Tony alone," Fury's expression looked sincere.

This is a time to pick out a lot of relationships.

Fury had a showdown and admitted that S.H.I.E.L.D. did favor a certain country. The reason was very simple. Whether it was a comic or a movie, it was made by a certain country. Can it be directed towards someone else?

Besides, S.H.I.E.L.D. was originally created by a certain country in the setting, and it must be a tool of a certain country.

Lu Yuan didn't have any anger, and there was no reason to be angry, he said with a smile: "You are finally willing to be frank, otherwise I see what you will be doing, and then you have to set up the archway with that face, which is really disgusting and ugly."

Natasha glared at him angrily.

She is the only woman here, and Lu Yuan's words are very disrespectful to girls, and they are hard to hear.

But there was no way to refute Lu Yuan.

Fury was also speechless.

They tried to recruit Lu Yuan to join the S.H.I.E.L.D. or the Avengers several times. They said it well at the beginning, because it was for the United Nations and the world.

The result is not to be a running dog for a certain country?

Fortunately, Lu Yuan saw through them from the very beginning.

"Okay, since you are willing to tell the truth, then I will tell the truth. In fact, Tony and I have been carefully preparing as early as half a year ago. We have lost sight of the arms dealer's business. Giving alms from a certain country, like a beggar, tsk tsk tsk," Lu Yuan said while shaking his head.

Natasha and Fury are speechless. Arms dealers can be said to be the most profitable business. Why do you think a certain country has been unable to enforce that gun ban?

As a result, it became unsightly in his mouth? Too arrogant, right?

However, Lu Yuan didn't really brag, and said to the two with a mysterious look: "We will hold a press conference soon, and then you will know why we did this.".

81. Behind the scenes in the stock market

Fury and Natasha still didn't ask any news, and had to get up and say goodbye.

After getting out, in the car, Natasha started the car and asked Fury, "Is he...still credible?"

Fury remained silent, looked sideways at Lu Yuan standing in front of the door, smiled and waved his hand, but said, "I don't know."

Lu Yuan pretended that he couldn't hear their conversation, waved his hand, and waited for them to drive away before turning around and returning to the house.

And the first time after returning to the house, Lu Yuan's face was sinking like water, and he raised his hand and waved a bright red-strength.

It was the power of the Reality Gem, and with the bright red breath falling to every corner of the room, everything in the room became transparent.

Lu Yuan himself was using his super eyesight to look at every corner of the room.

He was looking for devices like monitors or monitors in the room.

He was careless before and didn't thoroughly investigate the origin of the owner of this house.

If he wanted to, he could use hypnotism to control the people in the agency, and then follow the clues to catch everyone who handled it.

It's just that it's too troublesome, and he's almost invincible, so naturally he didn't do that.

But now it looks like it might need to be taken care of in the future.

After a while, Lu Yuan finally confirmed that there was nothing in the entire villa that should not be there.

It seems that Fury is still very self-aware.

Only then did Lu Yuan nodded with satisfaction, sitting in the position of Fury before, falling into contemplation.

After a while, he suddenly realized.

In fact, the arrival of Fury and Natasha has another purpose. Lu Yuan had mysteriously disappeared for half a year. During this time, only Tony clearly knew that he was in Kama Taj.

But because Lu Yuan flew directly to the Himalayas by his own means, even with Furui's hand-eye-penetrating means, he would have no way of knowing his whereabouts.

Then Lu Yuan went to Capitol Hill with Tony to make a scene the first time he suddenly came back.

Immediately afterwards, the Stark Group announced that it would close the weapons department.

Lu Yuan smiled bitterly, no wonder even Fury showed up in person.

Coupled with the conversation between Natasha and Fury in the car before they left, Lu Yuan knew that they must be worried about what they had been doing in the past six months.

The answer, of course, is that he did not do anything harmful to the earth, but instead removed a huge hidden danger, Dormammu.

Of course, Lu Yuan wouldn't say it, otherwise it would involve a lot of things about the magic side, which would be too troublesome.

"Anyway, they will know after the launch of the mobile phone. When smartphones with leading technology have seized the global market, the mere arms sales are really not worth mentioning," Lu Yuan firmly believed.

Including Tony and Chili Pepper are also sure about this.

The reason is very simple. If Tony is just a weapons businessman, he can only cooperate with the military of a certain country, and cannot cooperate with others.

And the price to sell to the military must not be too high.

Plus there is only one country's military needs.

Still have to get through the network, but also to compete with Hammer Industries?

Are you tired?

Now he has changed his mind to sell mobile phones, which are not weapons and dangerous items, and can cooperate with people all over the world.

Seven billion people in the world, even if only 1% of the people buy their mobile phones, what is the demand?

Also, this is the latest smartphone, and the price is completely set by them.

One is to make money by kneeling, the other is to count money while lying down. How do you still need to hesitate?

So just three days later, the Stark Group finally held this unique press conference.

The reason is that this is the first time that Stark Group, as a familiar arms dealer, has held a mobile phone conference.

Everyone in the outside world was shocked, and some had not had time to react from the Stark Group's "self-defeating" blow to shut down the weapons department.

Some of them didn't even have time to sell the stocks of the Stark Group in their hands, thinking that it was a prank by the bohemian swinger.

Now I have finally come back to my senses. It is said that in just one morning, the stock of Stark Group almost fell below the market.

But what is surprising is that just before the market is about to be locked, a mysterious force suddenly emerged, swallowing all the previously sold stocks in one go.

And I don't know why, just when the stock rose to the point of breaking the market, it suddenly stopped buying.

Some smart people thought this was a sign that someone was going to make a fortune and run away, which scared more people to sell their stocks in one go, and because of the special imagination of stocks, almost no one paid attention to the press conference.

Even later, that mysterious force never appeared again, which further strengthened the thoughts of many people.

Finally, people began to distrust the Stark Group, and countless people followed blindly to sell, making the Stark Group's stock extremely bleak.

But just before it was about to fall below the market again, Stark Group's stock skyrocketed again, and someone bought all the stocks in one go.

How is this going?

Finally, some smart people noticed something, and some even tried to buy a little less stock again.

But now the ticket price has risen to the highest point, sell at a low price and buy at a high price? Isn't that crazy?

And some of those who had sold late twice before were so happy that they continued to sell their stocks.


And this time, that mysterious force no longer hesitates, and now as long as there are stocks sold, the surface will be cleaned up immediately.

The behind-the-scenes forces will not just buy and raise the stock price to a position that is too high, and maintain the highest position at the opening of the day, and then clean up every stock.

It was not until three o'clock in the afternoon that the stock market finally returned to calm.

By this time, almost all the stocks of Stark Group held by a certain countryman have been sold out, which is equivalent to no one in the country holding a stock belonging to Stark Group.

To be honest, someone who can do this is definitely a terrible chaebol.

But no one would have thought that the people who planned and led all of this were actually only two people, and the two teams they each commanded.

Lu Yuan, and Tony.

The two of them, as the two largest shareholders of the current Stark Group, are now ignoring any news about the press conference, and are frantically buying their own shares.

The two teams did not dare to ask more questions, but just followed their orders and kept staring at the stock changes.

Lu Yuan looked back at Tony here.

Tony also smiled and raised a glass to Lu Yuan.

"Starting tomorrow, the value of Stark Group's stock will increase by at least a hundred times."

Even if you spend tens of billions, or even tens of billions today, after tomorrow, you can even recover thousands of trillions, or even trillions.

The stock market is risky, be cautious when entering the market

82. The mobile phone conference has begun

In the stock market, there was such a huge twist today that many people did not expect.

However, Lu Yuan and Tony had already expected it.

Many people think that if Tony is so messed up, the stock price of Stark Group will definitely fall directly to the bottom, or even lock it in advance.

As a result, Lu Yuan and Tony had prepared a large amount of funds in advance, of course, almost all of them were provided by Tony, and Lu Yuan only provided a maximum of 100 million US dollars.

But it was just this one hundred million, because Lu Yuan deliberately waited until the first point near the lock-up point and began to frantically buy it, converting it to the total value of one billion before the value.

And then there was Tony.

In fact, Tony didn't intend to do this at first, because he was confident that as long as the press conference was successfully completed, as long as the mobile phone industry developed smoothly, the Stark Group would never be killed in his hands.

But Lu Yuan said, "You're stupid, "Three Four Zeros" can make a hundred times the profit in one hand, so why not play?"

Although Lu Yuan was not a **** in his previous life and in the DC world, he also knew that the situation in front of him was a once-in-a-lifetime situation.

The Stark Group will never be over. On the contrary, as long as this transition is completed, the Stark Group will change from a group that serves a certain country alone to a super business empire that spans the world and has huge influence in the world.

By that time, the value of the Stark Group will double by more than a hundred times.

People who sell stocks like crazy now will pay hundreds of times more to buy them back.

Didn't even have to sell it.

Tony agreed.

So the two of them handed over the press conference to pepper to deal with it, and the two of them hid here, taking advantage of the poor information to frantically buy their own stocks.