In a dark, distant future where Humanity almost wiped themselves out of existence, In a futile War that spanned the entire world. A "villain" that goes by the moniker "Bell" makes a living in the dark underbelly of society, selling her services as a mercenary for hire, who would do and fulfill any request that came under her name as long as she deemed the price was right. Veiled in a mist of intrigued and mystery, follow this villain's story as she undertakes a daunting mission to infiltrate and steal information from what is deemed to be the most secure and dangerous Institution in the continent of Astreia... A place where future heroes are nurtured... the antithesis of her own title... A place that would love nothing more than to bury her six feet under... but in the eyes of this seemingly suicidal villainess... "it might just alleviate my boredom."
"She" could barely remember how she came into this world.... she found herself "encased" inside a frail and feeble body...
"she" could not remember anything important at all...
from the bits and pieces she managed to recall...
she still didn't have any clue on who she really was...
and why she was here...
Abused and subjected to numerous experiments that even "she" found it tiresome at some point in time. not because she hated it mind you... in fact she didn't hold any special sort of negative feelings nor attachments to her situation...
"she" felt nothing of sorts...
To the people that tormented her on a daily basis in the guise of paving the way to a brighter future..
or so they claimed...
to the anguish screams and suffering of her fellow test subjects...
she felt absolutely nothing...
just a vast emptiness that couldn't be filled...
she was simply watching everything like she was nothing more than a spectator...
In fact, she was Indeed a sort of spectator funnily enough...
she had neither raised a finger nor spoke to her tormentors about how cruel they were...
how unfair it was...
to stop what they were doing to her...
"she" just laid there unmoving as she watched them take bits and pieces from her body...
"her" blood...
"her" skin...
"her" limbs...
and even "her" organs...
but that didn't really matter to "her"...
she had long since been indifferent to what they were doing to her nor did she care enough to do anything...
"she" simply let them be...
for several years she led a life of being nothing more than a spectator, watching her body get abused to a state that even "she" apathetic and uncaring as she was eventually asked herself...
how was "she" still alive?
several years have passed but somehow she was still alive against all odds...
was "she" incapable of dying? or were these white coat people had been keeping her alive somehow?...
"she" was the only one left...
now that she thought about it...
she could no longer hear the suffering of others...
only the panic voices of those white coats and the rapid clacking of their shoes could be heard from where "she" was kept.
but soon those noises faded too...
Drowned out by a loud roar, which was swiftly followed by a destructive wave of incandescent flames that soon engulf everything "she" knew.
the small world she had lived in for the passed several years was slowly being devoured by the violent flames...
but "she" still felt nothing.
she was neither afraid nor was she resentful...
"she" simply didn't care enough that this might be the last time she ever wakes up...
the pale white woman whose whole body was slowly being eaten by the raging flames, simply remained a expressionless spectator till the end...