In a dark, distant future where Humanity almost wiped themselves out of existence, In a futile War that spanned the entire world. A "villain" that goes by the moniker "Bell" makes a living in the dark underbelly of society, selling her services as a mercenary for hire, who would do and fulfill any request that came under her name as long as she deemed the price was right. Veiled in a mist of intrigued and mystery, follow this villain's story as she undertakes a daunting mission to infiltrate and steal information from what is deemed to be the most secure and dangerous Institution in the continent of Astreia... A place where future heroes are nurtured... the antithesis of her own title... A place that would love nothing more than to bury her six feet under... but in the eyes of this seemingly suicidal villainess... "it might just alleviate my boredom."