
Dimensional Merchant

Through some streak of luck, he met an avatar of the god of trade and commerce and gained the ability to travel the multiverse back and forth. However, he had to complete mission on regular basis. The main mission is ... profit! He must get material profit to a certain amount. This is the story of how he became the Dimensional Merchant. --- Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

amethystore · 漫画同人
16 Chs

New Feature and Accident

[A/N: I admit that I'm bad with exposition and infodump, so please kindly bear with this chapter.]

Chapter 8: New Feature and Accident

In the following days, the Commerce Guild started displaying the paper and stationery products that they bought from Satria under the 'New Arrival' labeled goods. It become increasingly popular with how unique and the sheer quality of the said product.

The guild didn't even put an effort when marketing it. Because it didn't take too long before a rumor of a fine paper a thousand times better than the so-called Royal Paper appeared in the Commerce Guild. Not only paper, inkless pen, graphite pencil, and ring binder notebook were introduced. It piqued numerous people from various professions such as merchants, nobles, scholars, and even the magician.

It has become some trend in a particular social circle. It's like, you're missing out on something if you haven't bought this amazing product.

"I bought it, guys!" a young apprentice magician bragged his new ring binder to his friends.

"Let me see, let me see!" pestered a short girl with bob-cut hair.

"This is amazing, they don't lie when they said the paper is thinner than silk and whiter than milk."

"The cover ..., it looks like it, but it doesn't feel like leather."

"A fake leather, then?"

"Something like leather can be faked as well? Why? For what?"

"Aldo, did you buy the pen too? Where is it, let me see!"

That one smug apprentice took out the rumored inkless pen. He demonstrated the spring mechanism of the pen which earned a few curious wow and ah from his friends.

"This is amazing ..., who would have thought such ingenuity, and what a delicate mechanism."

"I'm more curious how is it possible to manufacture such a tiny detailed part like this. The one behind this pen must be some kind of genius." commented the nerdy-looking guy.

"They said these products come from Atlantis, you guys know where is that?"

"No idea."

"Must be some amazing place ..., "


While the common people was hyped up by the new novelty, the arrival of this product attracted attention of a certain people. Attracting some rather unwanted attention.

It took three days later before the earth's HVS paper finally ended in the hand of the owner of Forest Fiber Company.

"Here is it, Master Donovan. The rumored Atlantis paper." a butler handed over a stack of paper.

White and thin, just like what he heard from the rumor. It was stark different from the paper that his mills usually produced. He grabbed a sheet and examined it, and the more he looked at it ..., the more worried he became.

"So what do we know about the one who brought it."

"It was a foreigner, brown skin and black hair. Introducing himself as Dimas, he came to the town of Florin in Demarchia county three days ago. Claiming that he came from Atlantis empire via teleportation."

"Teleportation? I need to know more. What about his backing, what do we know about his background? I want everything on him in my desk by the day after tomorrow."

"At the will, sir. I will immediately issue a commission to the Dark Guild."

The Guild is basically an organization composed of like-minded individuals to further and protect their interests. There are numerous guilds in this kingdom, the most known are the Adventure Guild, Commerce Guild, Shipping Guild, Tailor Guild, Blacksmith Guild, etc. However, there exists a guild that operated under the shadow and only some people know about its existence. Assassins, thieves, bandits, rogues, information brokers..., and people of those shady professions gathered and banded together in the organization that they named Dark Guild.

They operated similarly to any other guilds, accepting commissions, and such. But the thing was the kind of job and commission that they accepted is in line with what they're most proficient at. Theft, assassination, kidnap, terrorization, espionage, sabotage ..., those are the job that they accepted, of course, that's also why they have to hide their existence from the public and only certain groups of people who know about them.

"Good, you may leave." the bald middle-aged man dismissed the butler.


Satria spends these two days after his arrival in this world visiting and asking the guilds to find out what he could sell to them. He also visited someplace like the city's slum, and one of the nearby villages. As he finished listing every product that might sell, he was preparing to return back.

From the daily mission and other newbie missions, he gained a total of 4.900 exp and 810 gold from the quest. With the [Exp. and Gold Double Card (7-days)] he doubled that amount making him reach the character level 10. With this level up, his system unlocked a new Feature; Zenith Shop.

[Zenith Shop]: A slightly special shop where you can only buy limited items. The item listed in this shop is randomized from every dimension. The list will be refreshed weekly.

Currently, 8 items are the limit of the listed item. But he is already addicted to this new feature. Just take a look at these items. They're all very interesting.

[Zenith Shop]:

- Rein Core

Description: An item that enhances the Rein of Power, bestowing the user a special Ability or upgrading the already learned ability.

Price: 3.199 Gold

- 7th-ring Abundant Pill (Qixuan Fengfudan)

Description: A first-tier cultivation pill with 69% of medicinal efficacy.

Price: 199 Gold

- Radioactive Spider (Earth-120703)

Description: A genetically modified spider that will grant superhuman powers, such as enhanced speed, strength, and the ability to stick to walls if you get bitten.

Price: 199.999 Gold

- Flesh disk

Description: An 2048 TB flash disk full of porn, JAV, 3D-animated porn, hentai anime, and hentai doujinshi.

Price: 10 Gold

- kyonyuusaimin.apk

Description: Somewhat questionable mobile application that can hypnotize people. Increased effectiveness when used on big-breasted women.

Price: 1.999 Gold

- Well Bag

Description: A water bag able to produce an infinite amount of water.

Price: 119 Gold

- Nine Feathered Heaven Robe

Description: A High-Grade Saint Artifact in the form of a vestment made of the feather of a Phoenix.

Price: 599.000 Gold

- Divine Elixir

Description: An elixir mixed with the tear of divinity. If consumed by a mortal will increase the overall Strength, Endurance, Agility, Stamina, Magic, and Luck.

Price: 69.000 Gold

'Let's see what we have here, hmm .... some skill enhancement item, a pill may be from a cultivation world, Damn, a radioactive spider? You're telling me that it's possible to become the Human Spider?'

That would raise his overall prowess, no joke, he would become a superhuman! As a huge fan of superheroes movie, of course, he dreamt to have some kind of superpower. And he could buy it from this Zenith Shop!

The Shop feature, the normal one, although it has more products listed, it can only sell/buy the thing that was in circulation. Something like this Radioactive Spider is definitely not available for sale in any marvel universe, or at least that's what he knows.

'Too bad it's damn expensive ..., above my purchasing power. Skip!'

Satria continue reading the item description but he was perplexed by what he just read.

'Huh? A flash disk with a capacity of 2 thousand terabytes but filled with damn porn? Just what kind of pervert did that? A Saimin Application? This item getting more random, I bet these two items come from the hentai world.'

The three last items were the infinite water canteen, some exaggerated hanfu robe which may come from a cultivation world, and a vial of divine water that raised his strength.

Because of his limited budget, he only bought Abundant Pill, Porn flashdisk, and the Well Bag.

'I wonder if I open this Well Bag and leave it inside the ocean, can it raise the sea level? Will it make the whole world drown?' he seriously pondered.

Satria shook his head to get rid of that random thought and took out the item he just bought. The Abundant Pill was as big as a glass marble with seven strips, or rings, on its surface.

The 'flesh disk' looks like your regular flash disk, the port is still USB. But with a futuristic and sleek design.

Now, he bought this , USB not because of the porn collection stored in it. What he wanted is the storage capacity of this flash disk. A 2048 TB is just too spacious for today's current storage, even his laptop hard drive only has 1 TB.

Finally, there's the Well Bag. Why is this item only worth around 119 Gold is a question he won't have the answer to. Nevertheless, free water is always desirable. This is an infinite clean water supply!

"I don't know from what cultivation novel is this pill, but I just need to consume it, right?" Satria asked no one in particular.

Without any further ado, he put the pill into his mouth and drank some water from the Well Bag. Originally, he thought that since the pill is too big, bigger than a triple-0 drug capsule then he need water to swallow it. But this pill is miraculous in itself. As the pill entered his mouth and made direct contact with the saliva, it melted just like a snowball in a sizzling hot metal plate.

The medicine entered his stomach, and a cooling sensation spread over his body from his solar plexus. It was followed by a sudden rise in heat from his stomach. At first, it was bearable ..., however, a minute later, it become too much that he crunched his body and clutched his belly, and groaned.

"Arrggghhh ..."

'Fuck, why this is so painful? Damn it!' he cursed amidst the groaning.

Satria realized that the health indicator which was shown as the thin red bar on the upper corner of his vision decreased ever more slowly. Feeling desperate, he drank the Potion of Healing which recover his lost HP.

The potion also alleviated some of the pain, but it was only effective for a short moment. The crutching pain started kicking yet again, this time it started to spread all over his body. He felt like his muscle was teared up apart.

Satria keeps on drinking the Potion of Healing in order to stay alive. The cycle goes on as he drank the potion while enduring the excruciating pain. At some moment, he also activated the Amethyst Barrier.

"ARGGGHHHH!" but right after he activated this skill, the pain intensity skyrocketed and he screamed out of his lung.

Satria passed out as his brain couldn't handle the pain anymore. However, the potent medicinal qi in his body is still there, trying to breach out of his solar plexus.

In the cultivation world which this pill originated from, a cultivator needs to follow some manual in order to refine the qi through the body meridian. Satria of course didn't have those ready at the moment, even though he had no prior knowledge of the human body meridian. Because of this ignorance, the potent medicinal qi from the pill has reached the point where his body couldn't tolerate it anymore and thus it needs to be extracted from his body.

However, the only method is directly by the pores as sweat and heat. This process is what causes the pain, as this stream of intangible energy forced its way through his muscular tissue.

In the first place, the Abundant Pill wasn't meant to be consumed directly. The cultivator uses the pill as a medicinal bath. The medicinal qi of this pill is too potent for an ordinary human normal digestion system. Thus, the cultivator has to absorb the medicinal qi from the outside and then refine it.

Thankfully, he drank the Potion of Healing to keep his body stay alive despite the pain and the damage caused by the overflow of medicinal qi.

The sudden rise of pain right after he activated his Amethyst Barrier also has an explanation behind it. This skill can reflect the damage that the body receives back to the one who causes it. At that time, his body was hurting and when the skill was activated, the pain was registered as an external factor dealing some damage. Thus reflecting the pain back.

However, the pain originated from his body, specifically from his solar plexus. Thus, the damage that reflected back to him and that's only made the pain even worse. It wasn't like the damage got doubled, only about 23% of the damage is reflected. Still, though, it was a substantial amount that made him lose consciousness.

But thanks to that, his body adapted to the abundance of medicinal qi and he even formed a dantian out of luck. The activation of his skill Amethyst Barrier opened a path for channeling the medicinal qi back into his body. It also served as some sort of pseudo qi refining cycle albeit very crude and unrefined. As a result, a simple dantian was formed. Nevertheless, it's still one functioning dantian.

Satria was unconscious on the inn floor. But the newly formed dantian was still working, erratically absorbing the leftover medicinal qi in the air. And it's not absorbing only the medicinal qi that was leaked to the outside, but even this world's magical energy also got incorporated into his dantian.

A purplish-green cloud was condensed in his solar plexus. This is the internal energy or qi that was gathered in his body. With this cloud of qi condensed, he officially entered the first step of immortal cultivation. Houtian Great Realm - Qi Condensation.

Though, one thing that was strange is that ... his body kept passively absorbing this world's magical energy and then refine it into a cloud of internal energy in his dantian.