
True Story

by SLCPunk1_0_1


This is the true story of me, the author. Which often serves as the inspiration for some of my stories. But this one is 100% true.

When I write erotica I often hear "that's not real! That never happened!" even though I never make a claim that those stories are true, some in fact ARE, although they may not necessarily be about ME. This criticism has motivated me to tell my story.

My name is Brian and this is a true story.. My story. I took liberties with the dialog and had to paraphrase since it took place a number of years ago now, but what happened is all true.

My mom and dad were high school sweethearts in southern California. They got pregnant with me their senior year, and even though he said he was ready to be a father and stayed by her side during the whole pregnancy, he chickened out right after I was born. My mom raised me with the help of my grandmother for the first few years, until she finished school and got a decent job, but then we were on our own.

My father appeared a couple of times when I was young, took me to Chuck E Cheese for the afternoon, or to the beach, but never stuck around, and I say 'Good Riddance!' The last time I saw him I was about 6. My mom did a great job, I never felt I was missing out on anything and I have no regrets about having a single mother as a parent.

About the same time I last saw my biological father (henceforth referred to as simply my father) my mom met the man who would become my step-dad. They got married, and had a few kids of their own. Technically these were my half – brothers and sisters, but I never thought of them that way, they were just my siblings and treated as such.

We moved around the country for my parents jobs, but eventually we found ourselves back in sunny SoCal. To be honest, the vibe there wasn't my cup of tea, so I went out of state of college, but when I graduated with no clear career path in mind, I found myself moving back in with my family.

I landed on my feet and was out on my own in no time, living the single life, full of dating and one night stands. I had several long term relationships, but I cheated on all of them. I definitely had what the kids call a 'GlowUp' after college. In high school I had acne, and confidence issues that kept me from being much of a ladies man. So as I got older my face cleared up and I got a sense of style and sense of self. But that insecure guy who never got the girl was still inside me and he was insatiable. I didn't try to cheat, but I was unable to say 'no' if a girl showed interest. The idea that a woman would want me was still foreign and exciting. If they flirted, I flirted back.. If they asked me out, I said yes… It ended up costing me some very promising girlfriends.. but you live and you learn, and everything happens for a reason, because it lead me to the one who would eventually become my wife.

Not long after I met her I received a strange call from a woman I'd never met before, her name was Andrea, and she was in fact my aunt. She was my father's sister, which explained her absence all my life. Naturally I assumed she was calling on his behalf, or maybe to inform me that he'd died, but it was neither. She wasn't even calling for her own sake either (although she was very eager to get to know me and wanted to meet) she was actually trying to locate me for a half-sister of mine named Grace.

Grace is a few years younger than me and the only daughter my father had. It turns out my father had 4 children, all with different women, and to stick with his routine, he bailed on all of them. The other two were guys, making them my half-brothers, and they were close to the same age as Grace. It seems she knew about me and had always wanted to meet. She'd already met the other two, and I was the last puzzle piece of our scattered family. I really had no interest in meeting her or this aunt of mine, but I went ahead and told Andrea she could forward my number along.

Within 24hours I received a call from Grace. It went exactly the way you'd imagine.. Just a bunch of small talk… She lives just outside of Indianapolis, is married with 3 kids and has a beagle. It wasn't the earth shattering experience I think she was hoping for, but oh well. We spoke a number of times over the next few weeks, and while the conversations got better and more in depth, we were still obviously strangers trying to force a familial bond that wasn't there. And I wasn't making things better by not really having my heart in it. She on the other hand seemed to feel quite differently about how our talks were going. She called me her 'brother' and referred to us as 'family', even saying things like 'I love you' at the end of our calls. I wasn't there yet, and to be honest I didn't have any intention of getting to that level of comfort with her.

She doubled down on our bi-weekly calls with daily texts. To make things worse, Andrea was now talking to me too, also wanting to get to know me. This meant I was constantly repeating myself. I was answering questions about my life that I really didn't even want to, and now I was doing it TWICE! I kept my cool though, I knew their hearts were in the right place, so I put up with it.

A couple months went by and Grace brought up that neither of us knew what the other looked like. Two months ago I wouldn't have cared, but by now I felt a little invested in this 'relationship' so I agreed we should swap pictures.. I don't know if this was a mistake or a blessing.. But she was GORGEOUS! My other sisters were actually very pretty too, but I've never seen them this way before! There was no resemblance whatsoever. For one, I have very dark hair, and she's a blonde. But on top of that, she looked like the kind of girl who poses proactively on Instagram! I even made jokes to myself that 'of course the only way a girl like this would talk to me was if she was related!'. I of course gave her a picture of me, and she thought I was very cute. She said I looked like our father, which of course I barely remembered. She said she had a picture of him and emailed it to me.. I still don't think we look alike, but oh well.

This got me thinking, our one connection was him, yet we hardly talked about him. I had an excuse of course, since I hadn't seen him in over 20 years, but she knew more. I asked her for information, which she was very vague about, then completely shut the topic down. I decided to ask Andrea about him, she was a little more forthcoming, but her details ended after I was born. I asked why Grace wouldn't want to talk about him and she said I'd need to ask her, but not to expect much. I dropped the issue for a few weeks, hopping that talking to her more, and having her get more comfortable with me would allow her to open up. We even moved up to video chats, a change which proved problematic as she was ALWAYS wearing thin cotton shirts and no bra, along with boxer shorts that were rolled up at the top to make them shorter. Sometimes less! Like small tank tops, and panties. She made comments like 'it's no big deal, you're just my brother!'. Her hair and makeup was 'never done' but always looked flawless. I had to continuously remind myself that this was my sister. It was frustrating to say the least, but in any case I won her over and after a couple weeks I asked about our father again and she opened up.

When she was born our father split, but he came and found her when she was older and wanted to 'build a relationship'. He asked her to move in with him and his new wife, Carol. She confided in me that he raped her, repeatedly for years. He threatened her, and threatened to kill her mother if she told her. She tried to tell Carol, but she didn't believe her, and our father punished her for it.

She said it got especially tough after he finally made her cum, a sensation she wasn't expecting. She didn't want to of course, it's a natural reaction, but once she realized that it could feel good, a part of her stopped fighting. She eventually gave in, succumbing to her situation, and accepting it. She would now let it happen and even decided to make the best of it, learning to enjoy it, and using it to her advantage. She could seduce him when she wanted something. She admitted to me that she'd regularly bribe him with oral to get her way. In hindsight she was ashamed, and blamed her self, but it was a means of making it through, and I understood.

It finally ended when Carol actually caught them. He was arrested and even fessed up.. He was still serving time. Andrea knew, her mother knew, and it wasn't a secret that she was trying to keep from the world, but she was afraid of how I'd react knowing the truth, like I'd be scared off. But I was incredibly sympathetic and if anything, knowing this made me actually look at her like a sister. This created a new level of comfort for us. I would refer to her as 'sis' when we spoke, she was ecstatic. This brought us to the next step in our relationship… meeting.

I lived in a very popular part of the country, a place with plenty of hotels and attractions, so naturally I encouraged her to come visit me.. She on the other hand lived in a small town with literally nothing to do, yet still insisted that I come there instead. We were at an impasse. Both trying to convince the other to travel to their homes, it became a game, I'd point out things like theme parks and send her pictures of the beach… she'd send me pictures of cows. Then one day she sent me a picture of her, and it was a very cute picture, nothing sexual, but very cute, like a dating profile picture. I asked what this was, she said

"Here's another reason to come here, it's me thinking of you!"

Flirtatious am I right!? But not overtly, and I wasn't going to jump to conclusions. She admitted that it would just be more convenient for her life if I came there, since she had kids and everything. So I conceded and we agreed that I'd go to Indiana.

Planning began. She suggested I come in the October.. See the leaves change colors, go through a real Midwestern corn maze, that sort of thing. It was currently November, which meant we were looking ahead nearly a year to meet. This was actually very convenient for me, getting time off of work that sort of thing. Until then we kept in touch, but the flirtations continued. In fact as the time went on we conversed more like workplace crushes rather than distant siblings. I didn't know what was coming over me.

When the topic came up of where to stay, I asked for recommendations of a hotel nearby, and she went off the rail. She demanded that I stay with her and her family, and obviously I declined, I didn't want to impose. They lived a modest life. Her husband was a manager at a small restaurant, and she worked at a day care. I told her that she should look into being a Victoria's Secret model, she thought that was hilarious and said something to the effect of..

"Who'd want to see me modeling lingerie? You?" and we laughed. Good thing it was through text that way she couldn't see me blush.

But they had a humble home with 3 kids, and there wasn't a guest room, so I told her I'd simply be more comfortable at a motel than on the couch.

"Don't be silly, I'd put my husband on the couch, and you can sleep with me!" She said.

I'm dead serious, she really said that! I was starting to wonder what she was playing at. Was she just saying outlandish things because she thought it was cute or funny? Was she really this naïve? Or was there something more behind it? Other things were said, like..

"Do you think I'm pretty?"

"I'm thinking of you!"

It felt like two people who had met through online dating and were at the 'flirty getting to know each other stage' before our first date. Our questions had moved from, 'what's your favorite color' and 'what do you do for a living', to 'would you have dated me in high school?' and 'where's the craziest place you've had sex?'. And what's worse is I really liked it, plus I had no doubt she did too. I reached a boiling point during a video chat one day when she asked.

"What do you think of my boobs?" She said it in a slightly ditsy way, cupping them through her thin t-shirt. "They're fake, I got them done a couple years ago and I always wondered if I should've gotten them bigger."

"Um.." The question threw me off "I think they look good… but I can't really tell with a shirt on." I could not believe I just said that. I was mortified. But it didn't even phase her, she lifted up her shirt and showed me her tits!.. They were fantastic! She giggled and jiggled them and asked me if I liked them once more, which I said I did. And then I made up an excuse to hang up.

But it didn't stop, I didn't want it to. She showed me her ass in a thong, talked about her and her husband's sex life. I sent her a text asking for a topless picture.. And she sent it! She even admitted that the weekend I was scheduled to visit, her husband was actually going to be gone on an annual trip with his brother, so I really could share the bed with her if I wanted to. She said it would be chilly and she could use me to stay warm while he wasn't there.

Now keep in mind that this didn't happen over night, she didn't show me her boobs right away. We'd been communicating for close to a year by now, and were less than 6 months away from meeting. So maybe that's why it was able to get to this point, because it was very gradual, we weren't quite family who'd grown up together, but we weren't strangers either. But regardless, I was at war with myself. I knew this was wrong, but I kept it going. She may have only been my half-sister, but this was still completely inappropriate. I didn't know what to think, and I sure as hell didn't have a clue what she was thinking! So I blatantly asked her.. And it went something like this.

"What's going on? Do you have feelings for me or something?" I asked during a conversation in which she was asking if my girlfriend was good in bed.

"What are you taking about?" She asked.

"We're related, you're my sister, you shouldn't be sending me pictures of your tits, and I shouldn't have asked for it! And we shouldn't be discussing our sex lives! I have two other sisters and I've never talked to them about that, I've never even thought about it."

"No I don't like you like that, I'm married, and if that's what you think then I don't want to talk to you anymore!" and she hung up.

I didn't call her or send her any texts. I felt like it was for the best, like pulling off a Band-Aid quickly, and it ended before we did anything that we were really going to regret... But the truth is I missed her, in fact I more than missed her, it was like a breakup, I found myself yearning for our talks and teasing texts. And I guess she felt the same way, because she reached out to me.

"I do have feelings for you, and it's not like a brother.. I've met the other two brothers and I have no attraction to either of them.. But with you.. I don't know, I just want you.. And I want you to want me too." She wrote after more than a week of silence.

"I want you too, and I don't know why. It scares me" I responded.

The term is called Genetic Sexual Attraction, or GSA. It's a physiological and psychological phenomenon where biological relatives who have never met, or have not seen each other for a great period of time, become attracted to one another. It happens shortly after coming into contact for the first time, or in some cases, almost instantly. The reasons are not fully understood, mostly because people in these incestuous relationships are not likely to come forward and talk about their experiences. But it's believed that seeing physical features that you can relate to on someone you don't know can make them more attractive. They tend to have an immediate bond, and a sense of closeness, while still viewing these people as strangers, and thus acceptable sexual partners.

I wasn't aware of all of this at the time, I just knew that Grace and I were inexplicably attracted to one another. Yes she was very good looking, but simply being pretty was not enough that I'd be willing to completely ignore the fact that we were related and fantasize about having sex with her! But that's exactly what we were doing! Once we admitted our desires to each other and to ourselves, it escalated. We were now brazenly flirting. Talking about sex in an unabashed way, including telling each other what we were planning on doing with them once we met, and in turn what we wanted them to do to us. She told me that she likes everything, and gave me free reign to do anything to her body. She let me know that she had her tubes tied after her last child, so 'not to worry'. She asked me what I'd want to do to her first… and I answered honestly.. 'have you suck my dick'. I love head, and finding a woman who does it well is a challenge. She promised me that I wouldn't be disappointed.

The whole time this was going on I'd still been keeping in touch with Andrea, not as frequently as with Grace, but still on a regular basis. It turns out she also lives in Southern California, albeit an hour away, but still, within driving distance for an easy visit. Even so, I'd been declining since I didn't really want to develop more connections with that side of the family, but Grace and Andrea were very close and she was making me feel bad for not visiting our aunt. So I finally gave in and agreed to come over to her place for dinner.

Now the only picture I'd seen of her was from the 80s and they were of her and my father together. She was pretty, but that was nearly 30 years ago at this point. So I showed up at her condo, and was pleasantly surprised to meet a very attractive woman. I could see the girl from the pictures in her stunningly youthful face. She had luscious blonde hair (something from that side of the family I guess), and a voluptuous figure with large breasts and round hips. She stood before me in a sensuous dress that hugged her form. The kind you'd expect her to wear to a fancy lounge for drinks. I on the other hand showed up in cargo pants and a button down shirt that was untucked and had the sleeves rolled up. I apologized profusely, but she insisted that I looked very handsome.

There was an instant spark between us, chemistry, and what seemed like a mutual attraction. It seemed like a first date rather than meeting family for dinner. There was flirting on both sides, but we seemed to make sure it that could've been played off as friendliness. I caught myself checking her out numerous times, and I know she saw it. Her cleavage was too much for me to avoid, and every time she stood up and walked by I couldn't help but watch her. But she never said anything, and I got the feeling she was trying to flaunt what she had.

We talked over dinner and drinks. Our previous chats had always been about me and my life, this time I got to know her. She was divorced, and was unable to bare children of her own, which may explain why she was so drawn to her nieces and nephews. She was a manager in retail. And was surprised when she even divulged to me that my father had molested her quite a bit too, something she never had the guts to come forward about. So when he eventually went to jail, Grace and her developed quite the bond. Becoming something in between mother and friend.. her confidant, a human diary that she confided in.

The conversation then shifted to Grace and I. My aunt asked how we were getting along, and if I was excited to meet her for the first time. My answers were short and simple, mostly just 'yes' and 'no'… I even avoided eye contact. Thinking of Grace in my aunt's presence made me uncomfortable. If only she knew just how well Grace and I were getting along.. Which, as it turned out, she did. There was a brief silence, she was studying me, waiting for information she knew I had but refused to give up. And then she came out with it.

"Grace says she's very excited for your visit. And she tells me you're looking forward to it too…" I just nodded… "she's pretty isn't she, Grace? She said you told her to be an underwear model, that's cute." She said it calmly, nothing accusatory in her voice, just a statement. I looked up at her, trying to wager what she was getting at. "It's ok, I know the two of you are planning on having sex." It was like a punch in the gut, I felt sick. I looked down at my plate, unable to my eye contact again. "She tells me everything, I know about all your talks." I was debating if I could try and deny any of this, but it seemed futile.. And she really didn't seem upset.. So I just went with it, and nodded along. "It's ok, I'm happy for the two of you."

Dinner was over at this point, and I had downed my last glass of wine to try and calm my nerves (it didn't help). So, I excused myself, said it was nice to meet her and tried to leave. But she asked me to stay longer, and keeping a woman who had damming information about me happy, seemed prudent. So I stayed. We sat on the couch and she poured more wine. She chatted, though I wasn't in a talking mood anymore, but I answered questions she asked. Then she threw me another curve ball.

"What do you think of my breasts? They're fake too, I know You've seen Grace's. After she got hers done, I figured I'd give it a try. It was right after my divorce." She turned her body towards me, and was cupping them through her dress. I didn't want to look. Having her know that I was planning on having sex with my sister suddenly made me very aware that this was, in fact, my aunt. I just sort of nodded and mumbled 'uh huh'. "Here let me show you." She said proudly. Her dress was a tube top style, so she just pulled it down, revealing a strapless bra which she unclasped in the front and dropped to the floor. "Well, what do you think?" she asked. I was focused intently on my hands. "Brian look." She almost sounded like she was scolding me. I felt uncomfortable, but the truth is I wanted to look. She asked me again, she obviously wanted the attention. So I did it. They were prefect, fake, but perfect, heavier than Grace's, with a pornstar quality.

Sure this was my aunt, but I'd never met her before. I didn't have innocent memories of her babysitting me, or spending holidays together. To me this was just an attractive older woman who was showing me her beautifully done breast augmentation.. At the time I didn't know why she felt inclined to do so, but I didn't care. Without asking her permission I reached up and clasped one, she just smiled approvingly. My hand was only there for a second, when that thing that usually happens when I touch a bare breast, happened! My dick flinched under my pants, and she noticed. Casually I pulled my hand off and looked away. I sat in silence as I tried to think of a topic to change the subject, but she spoke first.

"Grace tells me that you're looking forward to her giving you a blowjob when you get there. You say they're your favorite." Damnit, Grace told her everything! But I just gulped, and once again muttered 'uh huh'.

She said reaching for my crotch. I flinched, but she was already tugging on the zipper by the time I could react, but now I realized what she was doing, and my body wouldn't let me stop her. The voice inside my head screamed 'whoa! This isn't right!' but I didn't do anything. I just watched as she slid her fingers through the opening of my pants and boxers and pulled out my cock. There was no awkwardness on her part, no hesitation or doubt. She just leaned over and placed it in her mouth. I gasped a little, but not out of reluctance, purely out of pleasure. I didn't take long, and the only warning I gave her that I was about to cum was the grunting that signaled it was too late. She was a champ, she sucked me clean, and then stood up, wiping the sides of her lips.

She took me by the hand and led me to the bedroom, where we both fully undressed. Normally I would've left at this point, I generally didn't have the ability to go back to back. But she urged me into bed with her and proceeded to start sucking on me. Not aggressively, or with the expectation that I'd cum again.. I was barely hard.. But this seemed more for her enjoyment. Licking it, kissing it, fondling my balls, stroking it slowly.

"I wish I'd been around while you were growing up." She said, still looking at my prick. "I'd have given you head every day. You could've had sex with me whenever you wanted. Who knows, I could've even been your first." She was speaking to herself more than to me, but it was turning me on..

The thought of still being that awkward young man, but with a hot aunt who was willing to give it up... I swelled up in her hands and she went back to sucking. When she felt I was ready she climbed on top and inserted me into her wet snatch. I was nowhere near ready to cum, so I just sat back and watched. She came a couple of times, and right when I was nearing my own climax, the thought crept into my mind 'you're screwing your aunt!' But it wasn't the buzz kill you'd think it was. To the contrary, it made it better. I just kept repeating it in my head 'you're fucking your aunt! Those are your aunts tits! You're gonna cum in your aunt!' I'm not proud, but it was really exciting, and gave me an enormous orgasm. We collapsed in the bed, and I eventually composed myself enough to leave but that wasn't the last time.

I began having a full on affair with her. She'd come over when my girlfriend wasn't home, and I'd make up errands to do so I could go to her place. I even called in sick to work one day so I could spend it in bed with her. All the while I was still talking to Grace, planning what sexual escapades we would partake in when I got there. So it really felt like I was cheating on two women. Andrea told me not to say anything to Grace. She said she'd bring it up to her in due time, but for now she didn't want to cause drama before my upcoming trip. Which was right around the corner.

October came in no time, and before I knew it I was flying into Indianapolis. Grace picked me up at the airport, and as soon as we got in the car we were all over each other. Her hands were fidgeting with my pants while we kissed, so I helped. Blindly I fished out my tool and then sat back. She took hold of the base and looked at it in awe. I'm bigger than average, but nothing to admire. She was more in awe that I was finally there, this was finally happening. She finally had her big brother's cock in her hands. Precum oozed out impatiently. And I placed my hand on the back of her head, gently pushing her down.

"Suck my cock sis." I whispered, and she did.

My hand stayed there, a sign of ownership. 'This was my sister, she sucks my cock ', of course she wanted me too, so I wasn't exactly forcing her, but still the feeling of dominance was arousing. It wasn't like me at all.. The fear and reluctance I'd first experienced with Andrea was gone, nearly three months of fucking my aunt had eased any doubts I'd had about coming here to spend a weekend banging my incredibly hot sister. She is still to this day the most universally beautiful woman I've ever met. She was nearing closer to 30 than 20, but looked like a high school homecoming queen. I was more confident now, I spoke while she blew me, things like 'that's it, suck your big brother, I gonna cum so big for you sis!' she made sounds of delight, muddled by my dick. Hearing it out loud, thinking about how wrong it was to be doing this made it so much better, and I had a massive orgasm. Even though I warned her it was coming, it was too much for her and I made quite the mess. When the euphoria wore off and we saw the destruction… my pants were soaked and there were cum shots all over the windshield and dashboard… we laughed and teased one another… like siblings.

Her husband really was gone for the weekend, just like she'd promised, so I slept in her bed. Her kids were all very young and naïve, but to be safe we told them I was staying on the couch. We did everything we could, every position, every hole, its the most I've cum in a four day period. I'd had some great lovers, but with her, I felt like I couldn't get enough.

Sex aside, the purpose of the trip was still for two siblings to get acquainted, so we did other stuff too. She showed me the sights and introduced me to friends, all the while we were sneaking each other glances and touching when no one was looking. When it was over we were sad, and when I got back to California we missed each other.. A lot. Not just the sex, but the person, the comfort, the excitement and the fun.

We continued to talk, turning each other on with dirty texts throughout the day, sending nude pictures when we knew they were with their significant other, playing a risky game that we both liked. I avoided going to see my aunt. It just felt wrong to start that up again. I made excuses and stayed away for over two months, until she showed up at my house. It seemed like a risky move, she didn't know my girlfriend's work schedule, but she figured that if she was home she could just introduce herself and say she came for a visit. But as luck would have it I was home alone. And when I answered the door with an explanation ready, for why I couldn't see her right now, she came right in. I started telling her about how I couldn't sleep with her anymore, She seemed understanding, and said she just wanted to come in for coffee and to ask about my trip. So I allowed it. As I made the coffee, I talked about the trip, avoiding any mention of all the sex that I'm sure she already knew all about. But of course she steered the conversation that way, asking 'how I liked fucking Grace' and 'doesn't she have a great body', and when I walked over to give her the cup, she placed her hand on my bulge and asked 'who sucks your dick better?'. Seconds later I was standing in my kitchen while my aunt was on her knees in front of me proving that she was the best cock sucker.

This incident aside, I really did stop seeing her. And as things were progressing with my girlfriend, I started to pull away from Grace too. We still talked, just not as much, and there was still mention of sex, I just didn't initiate it. After a year we were barely talking once a week. There were little flirtations, but nothing overtly sexual. I honestly thought things were headed for a 'breakup' of sorts, and I was relieved. But then she told me that they were planning on coming to visit us in California. I was petrified. This had disaster written all over it. I was able to nix them staying with us, so a hotel was their only option. But I still wasn't out of the woods.

They came three months later. And I endured the most awkward introductions ever! I met Grace's husband, Grace met my Girlfriend, even Andrea was there, who I hadn't seen in over a year. It was gut wrenching. They were in town for a week, but at least her family was with her and they had an itinerary they wanted to follow. We went to theme parks, baseball games, famous restaurants and all that SoCal has to offer. It looked like I'd be able to avoid having sex with my sister again, but on the last day when I arrived at the hotel to take them to the beach, I was informed that her husband had taken her kids already, so that way we could have lunch and catch up. But instead she took me up to her room. I was telling myself not to do this again, yelling inside my head. But it wasn't loud enough, the view of my sister positioned on all fours on the bed was too enticing. And when she looked over her shoulder at me and said

"Come Fuck me big bother."

The voices of objection were silenced. I screwed her all afternoon. And the next day she left.

Once again I distanced myself from her, but her feelings were reignited. She was calling and texting constantly, I let it go on for awhile, but one day my girlfriend actually proposed to me! I was shocked and moved, I said yes. I now realized that everything with my aunt and sister was just lust, but that I really did love my girlfriend. I was determined to be a good fiancé and eventually husband. So I told Grace this had to stop. I said I loved her, but that I didn't want to risk the relationship with my future wife. She was not understanding. Called me every name in the book and made threats about outing us, but I knew she wouldn't follow through, she had even more to lose than I did. Shortly afterwards Andrea tried getting ahold of me, I'm sure Grace called her. I ignored it and eventually she stopped. Grace's name calling and threats stopped after a couple weeks, and I thought that was the end. A couple months later she texts to tell me that she's fucking both our other half-brothers now, saying that they're better in bed than I am, trying to hurt me. I have no idea if she really did, I never did meet or talk to either of them.

I got married 8 months after getting engaged. And in that time I'm ashamed to admit that I faltered twice… both with my aunt. The first was just a month before the wedding and she reached out to my fiancé saying that she needed my help moving some furniture around. So I was pressured into going. I showed up very annoyed telling her that 'this better not be a trick', she did in fact need my help, but before I left, I succumbed to her feminine wiles. Once she had me in her mouth, she was able to get me in her bed, and we had sex. I hated myself… But then I let it happen again just a couple days before the wedding. I reached out to her, maybe it was cold feet or pre wedding jitters but at least this time it was by choice, or more like weakness. I went over and fucked my aunt one last time. Telling myself that this was me sewing my wild oats before the big day. It was great and that made it hard to walk away from, but when I left I begged her not to talk to me again, and to this day she never has.

This is all true. I ended up going to therapy about it. I was disgusted with myself for having sex with relatives. But for a long time I regretted ending things with them, especially Andrea (mostly because she was closer and more accessible), therapy helped give me the fortitude to stay away. To this day I still find myself thinking of calling her, but the longer it's been the easier it is to resist. Writing erotic- fiction has been my best coping mechanism, writing about desires rather than trying to act on them has helped me. I've never felt a desire to have sex with my otherwise beautiful mother and sisters. But the fantasy is appealing. I even became part of an "incest support group" for a bit. I was stunned at how many of them were part of "consensual-incestual" relationships. Hearing other's stories became much of the inspirations for my stories.

It's widely believed that the victims of sexual abuse are more likely to engage in unhealthy sex lives, such as choosing inappropriate sexual partners. Those who were abused by relatives have a greater chance of later CHOOSING to have sex with other relatives. Victims are also more likely to become victimizers themselves. None of this applies to me directly, I think I'm simply an example of GSA. But it could explain why my seemingly normal aunt and half-Sister, who were themselves raped my their brother and father respectively, were so sexually attracted to me, and insisted on having a sexual relationship with me even though it could've ruined our lives and the lives of others. It may also be the reason it was so hard to walk away even when I tried to end it. They're not to blame, I was just as much at fault. I was an adult and made my own bad choices due to weakness and my own selfish urges.