
Devourer In Marvel

Gluttony and greed. A concept every being is accustomed to. Some in greater form or less. But for me,… I'm deeply influenced by these both. During my entire life, no matter how much I ate and feasted upon, I was still hungry.  I ate, I ate, I ate, and I ate but I never lost this constant torture of hunger. I was greedy for more, I needed more! No matter what it was, be it bugs, animals, or even humans themselves, I ate them all! But eventually, this curse I've been stuck with all my life has put me to an end. I thought I was finally free from my curse. But alas, I transmigrated into an alien's body, and the curse never left. And the universe I got transmigrated to, which we called marvel, would cause me great misfortune and agony. Luckily I received a gift upon my arrival here, and sure enough, it fits right with me. I may have started at the bottom of the food chain but soon, I'll make the entire universe my feast and become its devouerer! **** Story will be mix between slow and quick, you won't see a hero in marvel in the first 30 chapters or possibly 40. He needs time to familiarize his powers and what not. So if u don't like it then I suggest ignoring this one. doing this for fun Disclaimer the Marvel universe isn't owned by me except for my OC so yeah. ah also the universe will be an AU Another disclaimer: this story has gore and torture in it that will seem disturbing to others so read at your own risk!

Good_Job_Bud · 漫画同人
33 Chs

A Not So Ordinary Life

Living beings are gluttonous since birth, be it bugs, animals, or humans. They all have the tendencies to eat no matter what age they are

But well you could say my gluttonous behavior was maxed out to the extreme since birth compare to others which I don't mind

Hi, my name is Alex, you don't need to know my last name. I was birth by parents that were kind beings but of course, they are strict as well as they would always scold me if I eat too much which is understandable as we were a poor family

Sadly though I wasn't the only child they gave birth to as my mother gave birth to two other than me. But hey, at least I'm the oldest of the 3 of us

I'll sometimes threaten them to not eat any food but I get scolded every time my parents said to not threatened them

Why though? They know I eat more than others so why the fuck would they scold me is what I said when I was younger as I didn't know what was poor and what was rich

Despite my tendencies of eating a shit ton compare to others, I was quite a skinny person as my metabolism was much bigger than the average human being so that would make me hungry pretty much all the time

I quite see this as a curse as I didn't have much to eat so I resorted to finally hunt some food for myself which my parents didn't know about

When I first started it, I hunted bugs as they were easy to catch but when I took my first bite of that bug, it tasted like I was in heaven. I didn't know why that was the case until much later but I just ignored it throughout my younger days

I was craving for more as that was one of the most delicious things I've ever eaten in my life, so I hunted for more

I didn't mind what it was, be it spider, grasshopper, or beetle. They were all delicious to my eyes despite their ugly appearance

Of course, though I did eat a few poisonous spiders during my crusade of hunting bugs which made me ill a few times but I did somewhat built an immunity to the poison so when I eat poisonous spiders, it just added an extra flavor to them which I don't mind as more flavor the better

But soon I got tired of eating bugs as eating the same thing every day would soon get old and the proportion of bugs I was eating wasn't even enough to make me full at all despite them being very delicious dishes

I even ate a whole ass anthill once plus the food I always eat at home but even that didn't cease my hunger at all and I could tell that my hunger was only increasing every day. Well, that was probably because the food I was eating wasn't enough.

Either that or something was wrong with me. I even told my parents that my hunger was increasing so they took me to the clinic to check it out and all the doctor said I hadn't been eating which is Bullshit as I've been eating a shit ton of food

So since the food I was getting wasn't enough, I've decided to hunt bigger prey. Luckily for me, we happened to have a pet rabbit and It was loved by everyone including me

But soon that thing I love would turn into my meal. When my parents and siblings went to sleep, I took the pet rabbit as well as a kitchen knife into the woods which was quite close to my house

I made sure to grab the kitchen knife that my mother didn't use very much so she wouldn't suspect anything. I even brought a few clothes I could change into just in case I would have blood on my clothes in which I did

Once I went fully into the woods with my pet rabbit, who was suspecting nothing as it was laying on my hand peacefully, I then with some hesitation in the mix killed my pet rabbit I knew for a few years

When I first killed my pet rabbit, my hands were shaking but my hunger was much worse so I couldn't take it anymore and cut open my now dead rabbit's stomach and feast on its organs

Ahhh, it was such a delicious meal when I first feast on it. I ate my pet rabbits organs raw as my hunger was to the extreme at that time and moment but that didn't matter as it was such an amazing meal and my immune system was quite strong so raw meat won't affect me in any shape or form at all

When I was done eating its organs, I wanted more, I was greedy for more food and wanted bigger food than this

So I started my plan on eating bigger animals than this small rabbit. During day time, I would look for dogs or cats to hunt and once I set my target, I would make sure to plan things out smoothly so I wouldn't get caught

Oh, the number of cats and dogs I've catch and feast on in my neighborhood was large. I did cook this one time to make the flavor go up but for some reason, it became nastier so I just stick with pure raw

Of course, the people around the neighborhood notice that their pets were missing. Some thought a wild animal is killing their pets as some of them found their pets corpses so I stick with that story

Sadly my plan wouldn't last long as someone, who was trying to find the wild animal, saw me feast on someone's pet. I didn't notice them so I was caught a day later

Once my parents found out I was the one who ate the rabbit, they locked me in my room with no food whatsoever. The only thing they left me was my TV and my phone which I didn't want

To pass the time, I would watch the marvel movie as marvel was my favorite film. I also read the comics on YouTube as I was too poor to buy the comics in stores.

My anger didn't subdue though. How dare they lock their son with no food at all, are they trying to starve me to death? If so, I will escape this stupid ass room which took a long time since I had little to no energy in my body

When I finally escaped, I noticed my parents and siblings weren't home so I quickly grab a knife from the kitchen and wait until they get home

I waited for a few hours until they got back, and once they did I stab my dad in the neck, killing him instantly

Ahhh, I love seeing the horror of my family's face when I killed my dad. Well I think of them as prey now instead of family

They told me why I was doing this which they knew the answer to but decided to ask. Well I just ignored them and killed my mom next

My 2 sibling who was the only ones remaining didn't know what to do and was standing there crying. I couldn't take their crying any longer and killed them

I was stuck in my room for quite some time so I was definitely hungry so I feast on my parents which I thought I will never do in my life time

Once I bite into my parents' organs, I could feel my body go all giddily as their organs were the most delicious thing I've ever tasted in my life, but they weren't better than my siblings' organs as they were much better. It was probably because they were young

I then run away from home and was now living on the streets. I only ate a few humans in my time during the street but now I'm dying here starving to death

Well It's been a shit life but at least I've eaten some good food in this lifetime. If only I could've eaten more but now that impossible

Oh my vision is fading, I guess this it, I just hope there's more food to eat in my next life

hi ;)

Now that I said hi, imma stock up on chapters as I was stupid in releasing this by itself. Don't worry tho I won't delete it. So don't expect any chapters for a bit maybe

Good_Job_Budcreators' thoughts