
Devil's Luck[Arc 5: Worlds Apart]

Zenkichi Hitoyoshi is a young man, destined to be chained by fate in the early story of canon. He was a man without ambition, drive, will and talent to become something great. Well, that'll soon change. For better, or for worse. .... AN: Alright, let's do this one last time, probably. Here's another Medaka Box fanfic that I hope it'll get to a hundred chapters before I drop it, or not? It depends on life really. And positive comments and reviews, I don't really care much of power stones(tho, that doesn't mean you can't...) but positive feedback on my work really inspires me more to write. Want to check out my pa-treon and be ahead of your fellow WN kin? Well here's the link: pa–treon.com/FroztDouluo *Just get rid of the dash. Edit: I just changed it to Gilgamesh because... Zenkichi basically almost resembles him at this point(I didn't planned for this happen) Schedule and the amount of chapters I'd be popping out? Tuesday and Thursday(UTC +8), 2–3 chapters a week(it's usually just 2 chapters because I'm slow at making anime related stories).

FroztDouluo · 漫画同人
152 Chs

Chapter 33: Captured

❄️Going to be a short chapter today, I'm sorry. But today(the day I wrote this) isn't really a great day cause some old hag started beating up my dog with a stick cause he was walking by the side of the road, minding his own business.

Outwardly, he looks fine and he isn't yelping when I touch any part of his body so probably no broken bones at least. But he coughs sometimes and couldn't properly bark. I just hope he's fine.😟

❄️Just woke up, I noticed it didn't updated and when I checked on it, it was on the wrong volume!😅 Just fixed it.


Zenkichi eyed the man, Gun, warily. This guy was dangerous, clearly not someone he could just take down without a fight. But that was okay; Zenkichi wasn't planning on backing down either.

He's had enough of letting bad guys walk away from their fight without getting throughly beaten up.

"Bring it on," he said, his iron-hardened fists at the ready.

And with that, the two charged at each other, slamming into each other with incredible force. The sounds of their fists colliding and their bodies slamming against each other echoed throughout the empty school hallway.

Zenkichi pulled his left hand back, aiming to punch Gun's face, but the black-eyed man was quick to dodge to the side and immediately sent consecutive punches to his iron-clad abdomen.

'So it isn't a joke.' Gun inwardly said with a calm face as he pulled back his fists, his knuckles red, his face calm unlike before. 'Not only is his skin as tough as metal, but even his insides. His entire body is made of metal.'

True to what he guessed, Zenkichi felt nothing from his punches and was already charging at him with lightning fast punches and kicks that couldn't be followed with the naked eye, almost all hitting Gun's body and he was surprised to find out Zenkichi's punches was similar to his own!

'Did he just copied my move? That's–' His thoughts was cut off as Zenkichi kneed his face with his right knee cap, sending Gun flying backwards and crashing into a nearby locker.

The impact left a noticeable dent in the metal, but Gun quickly regained his composure and got back on his feet. He smirked at Zenkichi, enjoying the fight.

"You're not bad, kid," Gun said. "But I'm afraid it's time for you to go down."

He charged at Zenkichi again, unleashing a flurry of lightning-fast punches and kicks. Zenkichi took it all without fear and was counterattacking as much as he could, but he was getting tired. That meant The Iron was going to wear off soon and the side effects would come.

"Enough games."

Zenkichi's eyes widened, feeling weightless and the world around him spinning, realizing that he was lifted off the ground again and was spun around by Gun by grabbing his wrist. But that wasn't the surprising part, he felt pain!

'It hurts?!'

On the ground, Zenkichi looked up to see Gun with wide eyes, the latter, with his black demonic eyes, staring back at him with a sadistic glee, smiling maniacally.

"How about we up the fight? This little scuffle wouldn't be enough for a warm up for me."

Zenkichi's eyes narrowed, red light appeared in his eyes, showing it had completely changed.

Instead of his normal black pupils, it expanded around his irises and took the shape of a crimson celtic cross.

Gun noticed this with raised eyebrows and a smirk, happy to see Zenkichi getting serious. He charged at Zenkichi again, but this time, Zenkichi didn't try to dodge or block. Instead, he grabbed Gun's fists and twisted them, causing Gun to yelp in pain.

"You're not the only one with tricks up their sleeve," Zenkichi said with a grin.

He then spun Gun around and slammed him into the ground with incredible force. The impact caused the hallway to shake, and the lockers to rattle.

Gun got up slowly, his body battered and bruised, but he was still grinning. He was enjoying this fight too much to give up now.

"You know, I like you," Gun said, wiping blood from his mouth. "You're just like me. You love a good fight, don't you?"

Zenkichi didn't answer, but he was secretly agreeing with Gun. He loved the rush, the adrenaline, and the satisfaction of a good fight.

The two charged at each other again, this time with even more ferocity than before. The hallway was filled with the sounds of their fists colliding and their bodies slamming into each other.

Finally, after what seemed like hours but was in fact approximately 30 minutes, Gun fell to the ground, seemingly unable to stand. Zenkichi was panting heavily, his body boiling red and aching all over, The Iron was dissipating, but he had won.

He looked down at Gun, who was grinning up at him.

"I've gotta say, this is a different perspective than I'm used to." Gun grunted as he used both his hands to push himself out of the ground, the force he used was enough to get him in the air enough to somersault back on his feet. He let out a breath, cracking his neck around.

'You've got to be fucking kidding me.' Zenkichi's eyes went wide, realizing that most of the injuries he made to Gun were healing. Or was his body so durable that his injuries weren't actually that severe?

Nonetheless, he went into a fighting stance, regardless of the incoming side effects that was about to come that would cause him excruciating pain. If he was going to go down and be captured, then he would at least go down fighting to the end and send a crippling attack.

'Had a couple of new skills but I couldn't fucking use any of them because I don't have neither a bear nor a sword in hand. Goddammit.' He cursed as he analyzed his opponent.

'Although Gun doesn't seem to have some extraordinary skill like Takachiho, that lets him evade my attacks like he has future vision, Gun's more dangerous than him.'

Because unlike the latter, who Zenkichi has complete confidence in taking him down if he can land a hit on him, Gun's fighting capabilities, combat experience, agility to always grab and throw him, and endurance seemed to be on a whole other level.

But Zenkichi was no quitter. He charged at Gun once more, determined to land a blow that would take him down once and for all.

"Alright. Time to stop holding back," Gun said, his countenance calm and smiling. Zenkichi had seen him outstretched his hand towards him, and he was going to dodge but his body went rigid, unbelievable burning sensation spread throughout his now normal fleshy body.

His body was screaming in agony, his mind unable to focus on anything else. He could feel every nerve ending, every muscle, every bone in his body screaming in pain.

'W-What's going on? Why's my body reacting this way?' This wasn't how it happened to him the last time.

Suddenly, a system blue screen appeared in front of his eyes.

[Quincy Awakening in progress>>>]

He was about to scream out in disbelief when he was suddenly sent out flying out of the window, his body ragdolling in the air as he plummeted into the ground, dust and rocks scattering as a crater formed.

Gun blankly stared at the broken window and at his fist.

"Did I use up too much strength in my fist, again?" He said, grumbling.


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I had another story uploaded, an original one, called the: Shut-In Cultivator. Just by the title itself, you can guess what the theme of the story is about.

Anyways, I've only uploaded chapter one for now, but check it out if you're curious.

Goal for patreon: 14/35