
Destroying Ninjago

"What the fuck are they doing?" Damien said while pinching the bridge of his nose and shaking his head. On the teen's screen played season 6 of the kid's show Ninjago. "Beating Nadakhan is the simplest thing I could imagine! All you need to do to get rid of him is to wish him to die!"

Stapricious · 电视同人
2 Chs

~Chapter 1~

"What the fuck are they doing?" Damien said while pinching the bridge of his nose and shaking his head. On the teen's screen played season 6 of the kid's show Ninjago. "Beating Nadakhan is the simplest thing I could imagine! All you need to do to get rid of him is to wish him to die!" Damien said while slamming his head into the cushion of his couch.

Damien once again massaged the bridge of his nose before returning his attention to the show. After watching his favorite childhood show all night, Damien was exhausted. *Sigh* "I didn't remember the characters making stupid decisions all the goddamn time; it's almost disappointing." Damien said, his eyes seeming heavy as he struggled to keep them open.

"Well, what am I to expect from a kid's show? For all the characters to be cold and calculated? It is a kid's show, after all." Damien said while plopping his head on the pillow next to him. "But that doesn't change the fact that the Ninja are making weirdy stupid decisions. Have they even used their elemental dragons since the tournament of elements?" Damien muttered while he slowly fell asleep.

[So you think you can do better?]

An ethereal voice said from nowhere in particular. Damien's eyes shot open as he scanned his surrounding in panic.

"How did you get into my house?" Damien said while creeping to the kitchen and grabbing the sharpest knife he could find.

[Foolish child! I will ask again, Do you think you can do better?]

The ethereal voice said while seemingly angry. Damien sneakily took out his phone from his pocket and started dialing 911. "911; what's your emergency?" A woman said on the phone. "My name is Damien, and there is a person in my house. My address is 1298 Belvedere St. please send help quickly!" Damien whispered fast before hanging up and replying to the ethereal voice.

"I would be able to do better; does that satisfy you? Now leave right now! I have a knife, and I'm not afraid to stab you motherfucker!" Damien said as he backed into the kitchen corner, eyes examining the room.

[Then prove it... motherfucker]

The room around Damien swirled and contorted in spirals as Damien himself started feeling unsteady. He leaned on the table with the knife grasped tightly in his hand as his knees buckled under an unknown weight. In a desperate attempt to stop whatever was occurring to him, Damien slapped himself repeatedly.

It helped, if only for a second, as the muddiness encroached on his mind gradually. Eventually, it was too much for Damien, and he fell to the floor with a thump. One could see Damien slowly get sucked into the spiral-like quicksand that was the ground. Damien was gone with no trace of him other than a phone and a knife. The police would come later and file Damien as a missing person.

In a world that wasn't Damien's, A spiral swirled into existence outside of Ninjago city. Damien surfaced from this spiral unconscious and plunged to the grassy ground with a thump. "Huh? What was that?" said a woman now too far away.

Surfacing from the brush was a woman in hiking gear; she had a worried expression when seeing the teenager out cold. "Oh my god, are you okay?" She said as she felt his pulse, only to make a sigh of relief at him still alive.

"I need to get you to a hospital!" She hoisted Damien with some struggle as she dragged him in the general direction of Ninjago. "I wish I had a phone; how stupid of me!" The woman complained. "Ugg..." Damien let out a groan as he strained his eyes.

"Oh, thank god! I was worried I might have to carry you there!" The woman said. "Ugg... where am I?" Damien said while rubbing his temples. The woman stared at him blankly before saying with new resolve, "Now we need to get you to the hospital!" she started dragging Damien more vigorously than before.

"He-Hey lady! What the fuck are you doing!" Now fully awake, Damien shoved the Hiker Lady off of him. "Don't fucking touch me! I have a knife, you crazy Hiker Lady!" Damien raised his hand that once had the knife in it. Damien and the Hiker Lady now stared at this empty hand, the former with bafflement and the latter dumbfoundedness.

"You dumbass! I was only trying to help! And you don't even have a knife!" The woman yelled. "Hey, calm down, Lady. I had the craziest experience with ethereal voices and spirals, and I don't need you shouting in my ear right now." Damien said while crossing his arms. The Hiker Lady gave me a deadpan before saying, "Oh, I get it now... so you were eating mushrooms in the middle of the forest, right?"

"What the fuck are you on about lady' Why would I ever eat mushrooms in the middle of a goddamn forest?!" Damien yelled.


"You know you're a pretty good cook... Hiker Lady," Damien said while slurping up another spaghetti noodle. "You're lucky I'm a good person and didn't feed you dog food, and my name is Bella, not Hiker Lady, you absolute dunce," Bella said, crossing her arms.

'Whatever you say, Hiker Lady...' Damien thought as he slurped some more spaghetti. 'At this point, I've already confirmed that I am in Ninjago City; I could tell by looking at the place. I don't know what happened while I was at my apartment or whether this is even real or not. But it doesn't matter right now; If I am in Ninjago, I need to get stronger quickly before the next villain comes and attacks Ninjago city. I don't know what season the timeline is now; I'll have to research.' Damian thought.

Bella huffed and walked into the kitchen to do some dishes. "Hey... uh... Bella, thank you, for you know, earlier." Bella seemed surprised to hear that; a subtle smirk formed on her face. "It's no problem..." That was all Bella said. "And uh... Bella, do you think I could stay here tonight? I'm homeless..." Damien said while shyly scratching the back of his head.

"... No! You can't stay here! And you don't even look homeless!" Bella was virtually pulling out her hair in frustration.


'Ah, her couch is comfy...' Damien thought as he snuggled into the cushions. 'Okay, I need to think of a plan. Ninjago is dangerous, and people have died in the show, not to mention all the villains. I need to get powerful quickly! I doubt Master Wu would want to teach me Spinjutsu, both of me not having an element and because of his experience with Morro.' Damien snuggly wrapped the blanket around himself.

'Who else can teach me Spinjitsu? Garmadon is out of the question; I do not know where he is right now, let alone convince him to teach me Spinjitsu. Chen doesn't know Spinjitsu, and any of the Ninja would be unreliable teachers. Ugg, who else is there!' Damien rubbed the bridge of his nose.

'Wait... Doesn't Misako know Spinjitsu?' Misako is the Daughter-in-law of the First Spinjitsu Master and the wife of Garmadon; she has shown to know Spinjitsu in the show. 'Wait, why do I even want to learn Spinjitsu in the first place? Other than it's cool; I'm weak, and anything can kill me. I need some power to get what I want! And I can't get stuff like the Staff of Elements or the Scroll of the Forbidden Spinjitsu without having enough strength to steal them!' Damien thought as he slowly drifted to sleep.


Bella watched the peaceful-looking face of the teenager as he slept that she, for some reason, let inside her house. 'Bella! When he wakes up, you tell him to kick the curb!' Bella thought to herself. 'It would be too embarrassing if any of my friends found out I was housing a boy! I could imagine thier smirks right now...' Bella shuddered.

"Hey! Why are you staring at me in my sleep..." Damien said suddenly, startling Bella from her thoughts. "I-I-I... I wasn't staring! I was about to wake you and kick you out of my house!" Bella yelled with a slight tint on her cheeks. "W-Wait, don't kick me out!" Damien said, panicked. "Ya, If you don't get out of my house right now, I'll call the cops!" Bella threatened while pulling out her phone.

"Wait... I realize I haven't told you my name; My name is Damien. And if you kick me out, I will have nowhere to go. You'll be kicking me to the streets," Damien said, desperate. "I... I'm sorry, but you need to leave." Bella said while pointing to her door.


*Slam!* The door slammed behind Damien as he now stood on the sidewalk. *Sigh* 'I guess I will try and see if I can find Misako at the museum.' Damien thought; before shaking his head and proceeding down the street.