
Destiny Enchanted

When a millennial darkness is awakened, it's up to a playboy and his friends to stop darkness itself. But he's oblivious of his inevitable future! What could be written in his fate? What would be the outcome of challenging the AGELESS DANGER? ************* "In you lies the future". "What do you mean?". "You possess the seed of Godan and the extremities of Sizzetov. The power you choose most will become your being". ***************** "So literally, you are going to fight your elder brother?". "Yes, as the son of Hell" I replied. ************* "What have you done?". "It was a mistake, I swear". "That's gonna cost your world, pureblood". "You just released Vladimir, father of Dracula. Now you'll have to stop him from ripping the worlds apart". ***************** "So the US government knows about you people?". "Not just them, but some other governments. We stopped being their weapons since the World War II". *************** "How is my hard earned money being spent?". "Very well, sir!". "Is the prototype ready?". "Yes, Mr. President". .......................... "He shall be my weapon of ultimate destruction. Ragnarok 2.0; the end of all gods, heaven or earth!". **************** "Mr. President, we finally cracked the puzzle. We accessed the magical realm". "Good, let's send our old friends a new message". **************** "A masked vigilante goes around killing magical beings. He calls himself Ragnarok". ************* "Who are you then?" His answer made me to look up in shock. "I am Merlin!". *************** I couldn't believe my eyes. The sea of bodies everywhere; all in vain! Sizzetov won at last! *************** "Thank you for your sacrifice, my son. Now, Godan's next!". "You are just a psycho, Sizzetov!". I closed my eyes, succumbing to eternal rest. Discord link: https://discord.gg/A8NsYKrqhG

CommanderHugo · 奇幻
72 Chs



As the bodyguard tried to touch her, she grabbed his hand and twisted it so hard that the cracking sounds was louder than his screams.

A single punch from her sent him flying into the air.

She got up from the chair and raked it up like a football. She kicked it effortlessly towards another bodyguard who wanted to shoot.

He shot the roof rapidly as a result.

Shadow ordered all his men to attack her.

As they were running simultaneously towards her, they corked their guns. She swung herself in a semi-circle with her outstretched hand. All the guards stopped running.

Surprisingly, their heads fell down to the ground.

I looked at her hand again but found no weapon.

Shadow looked on unbelievably and fell out of his chair in fright.

"The Viper's Sting. You are the Valkyrie!".

"You are of the magical realm. You must be a Death-Merchant".

"Please, spare me! I'll never hassle you again".

She walked closer to him. He dragged himself on the floor away from her, begging for his life.

She picked him up with a hand and began to choke him.

"You're not Death-Merchant Shadow. Where is your boss?".

He was gurgling words as he gasped for air.

"He... He...He...!".

"Fine! I'll just send him a message then!".

"Pl..Plea... Please".

She threw him towards the wall and repeated her killer-move.

His chest and limbs were sliced into two.

She turned to me, smeared with blood.

I was scared of her. She was animalistic.

"Get away from me!".

"Dre, don't freak out but...!".

"No wonder you could effectively spar with me in swordplay".

"Calm down. I can explain!".

"Little wonder you were so good against the palace knights".

"Listen to me!".

Soon, sirens were heard and screeching of tires followed.

"Come with me, Dre".

"No. I'm safer with the cops".

"No time for argument, Dre. Come here".


I started to shift back and turned to run.

"Fuck!" I heard her say before something flat hit me from behind.

That was the last I remembered.


I went to see Weldon in the lab. I had the power supply ready for the test-drive.

As I entered, Weldon was working on the serum from last time.

"How's it going?".

"Better than nothing, I guess".

"I got the power supply ready".

"Really? That's wonderful. How would you sneak it in here without notice?".

"Gilbert's on it, man".

He was silent.

"Smart chap you got as a son".

He continued working.

"I just hope that you keep your promise to him".

"I promise you, I will".

"When should I expect the power?".

"In 4 days".

He sighed deeply. He stopped working and sat on a chair beside me.

"I'm tired, man. Nothing seems to work".

I took two lagers from the fridge and gave him one.

"What do you mean?".

"After the anomaly detected in New York City, the creature has gone off the grid".

"I'm not surprised".


"Hela already bought half of the shares of the ULD. We were only hanging on a thread to connect to the servers. Hela cut it loose. Privacy policies, she said".

"Let's not do this anymore, Alex. Let's go far away from here and leave everything behind".

"What? If I'm not found useful to Wiccian, he could just kill me and my family".

"He could kill you now also".

I placed my hand on his shoulders.

"We'll get through this. Let's put our hopes on the Veil-Shredder".

"What if it fails too? How do we stop Wiccian?".

"That'll be my problem to settle".

"Ours, you mean".

I squeezed his shoulder lightly, grateful in my heart for such a loyal friend.