
Department 37

Department 37 is a clandestine organization established by the Indian government with the primary mission of identifying, containing, and neutralizing supernatural anomalies that pose a threat to national and global stability. Operating in the shadows, the agency strives to protect humanity from the unknown and maintain the delicate balance between the natural and supernatural realms.

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Thar Village Anomaly - Survivor Accounts

I. Survivor Testimonies:

In the aftermath of the Thar Village Anomaly in 1957, Department 37 operatives conducted interviews with survivors to gather information on the experiences and consequences of the supernatural incident. Of particular note were the accounts of the sole surviving pregnant woman from the village.

II. Survivor: Sunita Devi


Name: Sunita Devi

Age: 25

Occupation: Homemaker


Sunita Devi was the only pregnant woman in the village during the Thar Village Anomaly. Her testimony provides crucial insights into the devastating effects of the supernatural incident.

Initial Anomaly Effects:

Sunita reported feeling an unusual resonance with the supernatural occurrences even before the villagers became fully aware of the anomaly. She described vivid dreams and a heightened awareness of mystical energies.

Temporal Distortions:

As the anomaly intensified, Sunita experienced distortions in time. She recounted moments of feeling disconnected from the present, as if existing in multiple timelines simultaneously. These temporal disturbances caused disorientation and anxiety.

Protective Aura:

According to Sunita, her pregnancy seemed to create a protective aura around her. While others in the village succumbed to the supernatural forces, she remained unharmed, shielded by an invisible barrier.

Loss of Others:

Sunita expressed profound grief over the loss of her fellow villagers, describing their transformation into otherworldly entities. Her account highlights the emotional toll of witnessing the transformation of friends and family.

Role in Containment:

Despite being pregnant and emotionally distressed, Sunita unintentionally played a crucial role in containing the anomaly. Her presence, surrounded by the protective aura, acted as a natural barrier, preventing the anomaly from spreading beyond the village.

Identification Report: Sunita Devi

I. Identification Process:

In the aftermath of the Thar Village Anomaly in 1957, Department 37 initiated a comprehensive identification process to recognize and evaluate the unique circumstances surrounding Sunita Devi's survival. The objective was to understand the extent of her connection to the anomaly and determine any potential implications for national security.

II. Key Steps in Identification:

Operative Reports:

Department 37 operatives on the ground provided initial reports highlighting the unusual circumstances surrounding Sunita Devi's survival. Her presence and protective aura during the anomaly were flagged as noteworthy.

Medical and Psychological Evaluation:

A team of Department 37 medical and psychological experts conducted thorough evaluations on Sunita Devi. This involved physical examinations, psychological assessments, and screenings for any anomalies or lingering effects from the supernatural incident.

Occult Analysis:

Department 37's occult experts analyzed the mystical aspects of Sunita Devi's presence during the anomaly. This included studying any residual energies, auras, or spiritual connections that might have contributed to her survival.

Temporal Anomaly Assessment:

Given the reported temporal distortions during the anomaly, specialized analysts examined Sunita Devi's experiences to determine if she exhibited any signs of temporal displacement or connection to alternate timelines.

Security Clearance Review:

Sunita Devi's background, including her personal history and connections within the village, was reviewed to ensure that her involvement in the anomaly was not intentional or influenced by external factors.


III. Findings and Assessment:

Protective Aura Confirmation:

The medical and occult evaluations confirmed the existence of a protective aura around Sunita Devi during the Thar Village Anomaly. This protective barrier appeared to shield her from the adverse effects that affected other villagers.

Temporal Stability:

Analysis of temporal anomalies suggested that Sunita Devi did not experience significant disruptions in her own timeline. Her stability during the anomaly was notable and contributed to her unintentional role in containment.

Psychological Resilience:

Sunita Devi's psychological evaluation indicated a remarkable resilience in coping with the traumatic events of the anomaly. Despite the loss of her fellow villagers, she exhibited mental stability and a commitment to secrecy.

Absence of Malicious Intent:

Background checks and security clearance reviews confirmed that Sunita Devi had no known affiliations with occult groups or malicious entities. Her involvement in the anomaly appeared to be purely circumstantial.


IV. Security Clearance:

Level C Clearance Granted:

Based on the findings of the identification process, Sunita Devi was granted a Level C security clearance. This clearance provided her with limited access to classified information related to the Thar Village Anomaly.

Secrecy Agreement:

Sunita Devi willingly signed a secrecy agreement, pledging not to disclose classified information about the supernatural incident. Violation of the agreement is subject to severe consequences under Department 37 security protocols.


V. Ongoing Monitoring:

Medical Surveillance:

Ongoing medical monitoring of Sunita Devi and her child ensures the detection of any potential long-term effects related to the anomaly.

Security Protocol Adherence:

Regular adherence checks verify that Sunita Devi continues to abide by the terms of the secrecy agreement and security clearance restrictions.


VI. Conclusion:

The identification process confirmed Sunita Devi's unique role in the Thar Village Anomaly and provided valuable insights into the supernatural events of 1957. Ongoing monitoring ensures the containment of potential anomalies tied to her experiences.

Anomaly Impact Assessment: Thar Village - Flora and Fauna

I. Overview:

This report details the impact of the Thar Village Anomaly of 1957 on the flora and fauna of the affected area. The supernatural incident not only influenced the human population but also had discernible effects on the natural environment, including vegetation growth and groundwater levels.

II. Anomaly's Influence on Flora:

Accelerated Vegetation Growth:

Witnesses reported a sudden and accelerated growth of vegetation in the vicinity of the anomaly. The Thar Desert, typically arid and inhospitable to extensive plant life, experienced the emergence of lush greenery, including trees, bushes, and flowering plants.

Unnatural Plant Species:

Department 37 operatives observed the presence of plant species not native to the Thar Desert. These plants exhibited vibrant colors and unique features, defying the usual constraints of the region's ecological conditions.

Mystical Floral Patterns:

Some of the plants displayed intricate and mystical patterns on their leaves and blossoms, suggesting a direct connection to the supernatural forces at play. The patterns defied botanical explanations and hinted at occult influences.


III. Anomaly's Influence on Fauna:

Alterations in Animal Behavior:

Local fauna, including insects, birds, and small mammals, exhibited altered behavior patterns. Some species displayed increased activity, while others seemed docile and unresponsive to external stimuli.

Emergence of Unidentified Species:

Witnesses reported sightings of animal species previously unknown to the region. These entities displayed unusual physical characteristics and behaviors, further indicating the anomalous nature of the environment.

Mystical Animal Encounters:

Department 37 operatives documented encounters with animals exhibiting mystical qualities. Reports included instances of animals displaying a heightened awareness of supernatural energies and exhibiting behaviors beyond natural instincts.


IV. Groundwater and Environmental Impact:

Increased Groundwater Levels:

An unexpected consequence of the anomaly was the rise in groundwater levels in the affected area. Wells that were previously dry began to yield water, providing a valuable resource for the revitalized vegetation.

Purification Properties:

Water samples from the newly emerged wells exhibited unusual purification properties. The water appeared to have cleansing effects, removing impurities and contaminants, making it safe for consumption.

Stabilized Ecosystem:

Despite the supernatural influences on flora and fauna, the overall ecosystem demonstrated a degree of stability. The interplay between the accelerated vegetation growth, altered animal behaviors, and increased groundwater levels created a unique, self-sustaining environment.


V. Department 37 Response:

Environmental Analysis:

Department 37 initiated an environmental analysis to understand the long-term effects of the anomaly on the Thar Desert ecosystem. The findings were classified for further study.

Containment Measures:

Operatives implemented measures to contain the spread of anomalous flora and fauna beyond the affected area. This included establishing secure perimeters and monitoring the environmental changes.


VI. Ongoing Monitoring:

Ecological Surveillance:Ongoing surveillance of the Thar Desert ecosystem continues to monitor changes in vegetation, animal behavior, and groundwater levels. Any anomalies detected are subject to further investigation.


VII. Security Clearance:

Access to information regarding the Thar Village Anomaly's impact on flora and fauna requires Level SSS security clearance. Unauthorized access or dissemination is strictly prohibited and subject to severe consequences under Department 37 security protocols.

VIII. Conclusion:

The Thar Village Anomaly had a profound and mystical impact on the local flora and fauna, creating an environment that defied conventional ecological norms. Ongoing monitoring ensures that the effects of the anomaly are understood and contained.