Follow Dante as he is thrown into a fantasy world. He used to have a normal life on earth until he was in an unfortunate accident that led him to meet God.
Dante was just having a normal weekend eating pizza and watching TV when he heard someone knocking on the door. So he walked up and opened his door. What he saw shocked him he saw ramming through the front of the door. He tried to jump away but it was already too late he was crushed by the vehicle.
When he opened his "eyes" he only saw white so he looked around and finally down on his body. He was surprised to find that he was only a white mannequin body that seemed somewhat blurred. He was woken up from his daze by a voice.
"You might be wondering what's happening so I will explain. You were randomly chosen as a candidate to test the reincarnation system."
"Are you God?"
"I am indeed a being that you would call a God but I am not the God there exist more gods."
"Ok... So what happens now."
"As I said before you will be a tester of the new reincarnation system that we Gods created. You will be the first alpha tester that will see if this new reincarnation system works and see if it affects you."
"So can I deny this?"
"No you can not deny this but we will give you two randomized blessings/curses."
"So why are you making a new reincarnation system?"
"You see it gets really boring for us gods to just sit here and observe you mortals so we decided that we should make something to entertain us. We created this reincarnation system to see how a world will be affected if the souls keep their memories. You have been chosen as the first to try this."
"So what about the blessings/curses."
"Because you are the first reincarnator you will get a head start and therefore you will have both more powerful blessings but they can also be seen as curses. The beta testers will gain one blessing/curse each that is weaker than yours but will still be insanely powerful. The normal reincarnated however will get one blessing that will be only slightly weaker than the beta testers."
"So how long will it take for the other people to reincarnate and how long do I have."
"You will have twenty years until the beta test and it will consist of five beta testers. Then after another twenty years, the "first" official reincarnation will begin and small groups of reincarnated will be reincarnated in each kingdom."
"How will we tell the difference between reincarnated and normal people?"
"You will each have a number marked on you depending on where and which group you are reincarnated in. You will have #A1, A stands for alpha test and one is for your number. Beta testers will have a B while normal reincarnation will only have a body."
"So where will I reincarnate?"
"You will reincarnate in a random body in a random kingdom."
"So how do I get my blessings?"
"You just have to spin a wheel of fortune to see which powers you get."
As he said so a giant wheel appeared in front of me that had a lever that I could pull. So I asked if I should pull it.
"Yes pull the lever it will randomly select two blessings/curses that will follow you in your next life."
So I followed what he said and pulled the lever. The wheel started spinning and going over a multitude of blessings and lands and two. The first one was called immortality while the other was called deaths touch.
"What do these powers do?"
"Immortality will cause you to never die of old age and regenerate all wounds. You will also never die. Deaths touch however will make it so that anything that touches your bare body will die instantly."
"So now that I have these powers what kind of world will I reincarnate into?"
"You will reincarnate in a world that is in the medieval ages that have magic. Any other questions before I reincarnate you."
"Then I will say good luck."
As he said so he felt as if he lost his consciousness. He first felt warmth and realized that he must be in the womb of his mother when he suddenly felt as something was wrong.