
Chapter 77: William Minerva

~Third POV~

As Law was busy treating the other kids, he noticed that a group of three approach him as he sees them armed but glancing at Emma's face, he calms his nerves wondering who they are.

While Law treats the children in the area with his doctor skills Emma began to ask Law with a surprised but excited tone, "Excuse me sir, but are you perhaps William Minerva the one who asked us to come to this location?"

Law hearing this sees that Ray is being cautious and Yugo shook as Law began to speak in a calm tone, "No. I'm not the guy you're searching for the names Water D. Law but just call me Law I'm a doctor. As for this Minerva guy you're looking for you have better chances finding more info with Lucas and the rest."

Emma hearing this frowns but then smiles optimistically at the news as Ray began to question Law while Yugo stood their shock, "Alright then Law why is an adult-like you here in the demon world, and what is your connection to Minerva."

Listening to Emma's words Law continues to treat the kids as he answered her question, "Good question why don't you figure it out."

Ray could only narrow his eyes as Law sighs at this finally giving them an answer, "Sigh… you brats are a handful but if you really want to know head towards the Windmill. The people there would probably be more useful than I am."

Hearing this Ray could only remain silent as Emma was excited to hear that they could get more information so they both have left.

Yugo stood their shock but Law then ask the man in a confused tone, "Say man aren't you going to follow the kids? The leader Lucas here is talking with my group so you might want to know more about this place."

Once Yugo heard the name Lucas his expression pales as he ran as fast as he could wanting to see his friend as Law looked on the scene with an awkward expression, "Well… that was weird… now then are you kids next?"

Meanwhile, the rest of the chat group members were all caught up to speed of what the history of the world listening to the conclusions of Echidna and Lucas everything they know about Minerva.

Just as they listen in, they heard a door opening to reveal Emma and her group as she looked surprised by the scene before them.

Emma was the first to speak as she asked in a curious tone, "Uh… hello there! I'm Emma and this here is Ray, and Mister I was wondering if you know any information about William Minerva?"

Laughter was next heard as Echidna laughed at Emma's greed for knowledge as she indulged the little girl, "Hahaha… Now then little Emma what you want is exactly what we finished talking about actually but sure I don't mind explaining it to you?"

Emma was nodding her head excitedly as Ray listen in, but Yugo finally arrives as he had tears in his eyes seeing Lucas as he did the same, "Lucas… is that-t really you-u my brother from-m Glory Bell together…"

Lucas just comes over and hugs his brother as he responds to him as the chat group members Ruby and Tatsumi leave them some alone time to catch up, "Yeah Yugo… I made it but the others didn't but… I'm glad that you are alive here and now for us to meet again brother."

With the reunion of two family members of the Glory Bell plantation, the chat members recall how these two were separated from each side's perspective as they smile for them because they have survived this long.

Ruby seeing this just feels glad that she was able to help these two out and more determined to finish the mission at hand.

Tatsumi smirks at the scene of the reunion like this as he was also willing to help out more.

Echidna explained to the children everything she knew with Lucas's knowledge to help out Emma and the others.

After a few minutes have passed and the reunion of family members was done everyone Law, Ruby, Echidna, Tatsumi, Yugo, Lucas, Beatrice, and the others waited for Lucas to explain to them everything that has happened.

Emma was surprised by the information as she thinks to herself the situation they are in and surprised that the chat members killed off the demons.

Lucas explained everything to Emma as he began to explain to everyone in the room listening in to the conversation, "… Since they have crushed the demons, we intend to wait for him to come back. I found it here in A08-63 I found out why Minerva summoned us here."

Lucas goes over to a brick wall as he presses a brick that pushes forward as he reveals to everyone a hidden staircase leading downward, "There's a hidden tunnel here. It leads the windmill to the forest. After that there's a door it wouldn't budge at all. It needs a key and you holding that pen I will take you to Minerva's door. To Minerva's true goal."

Listening to Lucas's speech the other chat members were also curious to learn about Minerva's goal in the end bringing them to Goldy Pond.

Going downward to the door everyone was closely wanting to know what happened to Goldy Pond and its true purpose as Emma saw the door with an owl symbol on it.

Using the pen, she opens it to reveal a hologram of the same image that was when the door was open up.

But the rest of the chat group members were surprised by the technology which was used well more so Tatsumi and Ruby considering they saw something that was more technologically advanced.

The two kept this information quiet for now till it was right to confirm the information with Echidna and Law.

Once they open the door they were surprised so much of an actual control room inside as Law was surprised by the scene, "A control room here of all places? This place just keeps getting more mysterious and confusing the second."

Echidna glances at the room with clear fascination as she touched the machinery in the control room, "This… this is something I never expected to be here… it feels cold and dusty looks like no one was here for a long while…"

That was when Emma lead them to another room showing a lake inside the cavern as it glowed in a golden light mezmering everyone but more confusion was clearly expressed.

Ruby seeing the light couldn't help but comment on how beautiful it was, "Whoa! This lake is shining like pure gold! This is something really amazing!"

Echidna and Lucas both went in to touch the golden water but much to the shock of the two they realized that they can't touch the golden water at all!

Echidna seeing this was just stump seeing an impossible simple thing become difficult to do as she examines the water with a confused expression, 'This water here is more unique than anything I have seen before but… none of this makes any sense even with my brilliance there must be something special about this water but what?'

However, their attentions soon go towards the small building floating ahead as they all began to move forward to it inside revealing an elevator.

The group was surprised but there was also a small table with a telephone there, but most didn't pay attention to it at the current time.

Emma and Ray looked on the panel as they used it to open the door or activate the elevator but… "Failure. This use is now suspended."

Hearing this all were confused but that was when ringing was heard from the telephone as they all looked at it as Emma answered the recording leaving everyone with a chill in their spines from the answer from William Minerva himself.

"This is William Minerva I want to briefly convey some information to you who took this phone call, who I believe to be an escapee. First of all, I must give you my deepest apology I'm sorry that elevator is a 'path' that can cross over to human world. However, it can no longer be used. I do not know what month and year you all are living in, but whenever you are hearing this recording, that elevator will not be working as it once was. It was stopped and the 'path' closed. It's my fault, I could not foresee my trusted confidant's betrayal. The Village I made in A08-63 too. It's probably no longer safe… because of that person, it is already ruined or perhaps you guys unfortunately already know that. My real name is James Lately a descendant of the family who made 'The Promise' with them 1000 years ago…"

After that they listened on to the life story of William Minerva or now known as James Lately about his life and the paths leading to the human world as well as a path in the Grace Field plantation and finding the seven walls.

The consequences of breaking the promise and to leaving the choice to the group of how to procced.

"For what has come until now. For what will come after everything that must be done to pass through will be there. You've worked very hard till now. You've probably made many painful memories, yet you've still made it here. I wanted to hear your… no probably all of your… voices. I wanted to see what you looked like. There is light grasp it with your hands. I wish you all the best of luck."

Hearing this everyone from the cattle humans were all relived that Minerva was an ally to them but to the chat members they felt glad that someone like Lately was there to keep the kids a chance.

Now more determined than before then they checked the table to reveal it was a desk and searched thoroughly to find another pen cap, but it was actually a memory chip.

Once they plug it in it revealed to them new information, they can work on to how to get out of there and leave towards where Emma group is located at.