
Dc Warlock

A high school student gets killed on his way to school and wakes up in the DC universe in the body of an 8-year-old kid, living on the streets of Macau. Luckily whatever brought him to this universe fraught with dangers didn't leave him empty-handed. The SI is a Warlock with the ability to bargain for souls and use the energy those souls generate to wield magic. Release schedule: once a week on fridays. Disclaimer: All copyrighted characters and works belong to their respective owners!

Heavens_Monarch · 漫画同人
25 Chs


Sorry for the late chapter once again. My writing and release schedule are completely out of whack because of my late Phantom chapter on Wednesday.

Now, with no further ado, chapter 22.


It became clear early in our sexual relationship that Cassandra loved sex. I mean, what isn't there to like about making the person you love feel good while feeling just as good yourself?

It was just as clear that she didn't have any problems with other girls sharing our bed as long as we both liked that person.

So it came as no big surprise to me that when Nina walked in on us having sex in my office, rather than feeling embarrassed or ashamed, she felt my attraction to Nina and seduced her into our bed. In her mind, it was a win-win situation. She got to have another partner that could make her feel good and, I the person she loved the most, would also get to enjoy myself more.

Sometimes it is scary how simple yet complex Cassandra's mind operated. There was simply no jealousy in any bone of her body when it came to sex. The only thing she got jealous over was when she thought I wanted someone more than her, and that is hardly a problem when our minds were pretty much open books to each other.

Which brings us back to the present, with Cassandra's lithe body squirming under the considerable bigger body of Starfire, who was busy nibbling on Cassandra's nipples while I fucked her from behind on her hands and knees.

The sound of flesh striking flesh filled the room as my groin met her ass cheeks.

It was all I could do to not cum immediately at the sight before me and the furnace-like heat that Starfire's pussy was outputting as she tightened around my cock.

Any lesser man's dick would have been pulverized into nothing by the force of her pussy tightening around it. Fortunately, I was made of sterner stuff than normal humans. Instead, I took hold of her flaming red hair and thrust even harder into her wet tunnel.

At first, I was a bit surprised that Starfire chose to have sex with not just me but Cassandra as well just like that, but after thinking about it for a moment, it kind of made sense.

Tamaran, Starfire's homeworld, was a lot more open about the body and sex than earth. Starfire was 2 years older than Cassandra and me and was clearly not a virgin, so it wasn't all that strange that sex was just that sex to her.

She had also been held captive and experimented on for who knows how long. She probably just wanted to take her mind off her worries and blow off some steam, and if that meant sleeping with a guy she is attracted to. Who is going to judge her?

Certainly not me.

In an unexpected move, Starfire extracted herself from my cock, spun around, and pushed me on my back.

"My turn!" Starfire said, smirking down at me.

I watch in amusement as she squats down and positions her wet slit over my still hard shaft. My tip slowly spreads her lower lips wide as she pushes down onto it, inch after inch slowly disappearing into her tight slit.

Starfire moans in pleasure as she finally felt her ass make contact with his groin. The position they were in making sure that every last inch of Alexander's shaft was penetrating her.

She felt so full.

His shaft was reaching depths inside her that had never been touched before.

After a moment of getting used to being filled to the brim, she started moving. She bumbled around briefly before settling in a steady rhythm as she moved up and down on his dick, screaming her pleasure for all to hear the whole time.

I had only a moment to admire Starfire's bouncing breasts before Cassandra took advantage of our new position, and my view got blocked by her tight ass and dripping slit.

The last thing I saw before my tongue went to work on Cassandra's pussy was the dueling tongues of Cassandra and Starfire as they kissed above me.

I waited a second for Starfire to get into a good tempo before matching her rhythm, thrusting upwards every time she slammed downwards.

Each time their groins met in a mighty strike, a jolt of pleasure moved through Starfire like electricity, charging and overloading her nerves with rapture like never before. Her moans quickly filled the room, even with her mouth occupied with kissing Cassandra.

"I-I am..ah..close," Starfire's voice trembled in pleasure as she braced herself with her hands on my chests, her hips a blur as she sped up, slamming her ass harder and harder down on my cock.

The magically enhanced bed under us started to squeak worryingly, making me fear that it was about to break even though I made it durable enough to withstand anything less than a nuclear explosion.

Starfire takes me to the hilt one last time before her hands on my chest start shaking, and she cums around my cock, her slit clenching down on my dick tighter than ever before.

Groaning, I grab hold of Starfire's hips and hold her steady as I thrust into her, pounding on the entrance of her womb with everything I have. Starfire's eyes cross in bliss, and her legs shake wildly as my thrusts prolong her already mind breaking orgasm.

I let out one last grunt before blowing my load deep inside Starfire, filling her insides with a seemingly endless wave of cum.

Cassandra lets out a scream of pleasure before joining us in our explosive release, cumming on my tongue and drenching my face with her juices.

Starfire falls backward at the head of the bed, unable to do anything but lie there and shake from the aftermath of the biggest orgasm in her life. Cassandra, on the other hand, falls forward with her head in my lap, her warm breath making my dick twitch and spurt one last time.

All three of us were breathing hard from exertion.

"Don't worry. I made it so that I shoot blanks unless I want otherwise," I tell Starfire as she looks at her freshly creampied pussy with worry.

It was a necessary precaution with how much Cassandra and I had sex. And we sure as fuck weren't ready for any kids. It was either this or condoms...and well fuck condoms.

Seeing Starfire's confused face, I remembered that she wasn't from earth and wouldn't understand our sayings.

"You won't get pregnant," I explained in clear words.

"Good," Starfire answered, looking relieved.

Taking a look at Cassandra's slit fluttering empty air in need in front of my face, I frown.

I have my pride as a man, after all. I don't want any of my women going unsatisfied so long as I could help it. While Cassandra and Starfire had an inhuman amount of stamina, Starfire more so than Cassandra, mine was literally inexhaustible as long as I had even one drop of soul-energy left over.

Lifting Cassandra up, I lie her down on her front with her head down in Starfire's creampied pussy and her ass pointing up.

"Get licking," I ordered her before leaning forward and kissing a moaning Starfire as Cassandra does exactly that.

Taking hold of my still hard shaft, I line myself up with Cassandra's absolutely soaking slit and thrust inside.

>>>>(END LEMON)<<<<

"Morning," Starfire yawned as she joined Cassandra, Seraphina, and me at the breakfast table, as naked as the day she was born.

As I said before, Tamaraneans had a more open outlook on nudity and skinship than the people of earth. There was no shame in being naked to them.

Seraphina made a beeline to her as soon as she noticed Starfire, basking in the solar energy that Starfire automatically gave off.

"Morning," I greeted after swallowing a bite of bacon, my eyes getting drawn to Starfire's tits like magnets as she scooped up some food on her plate. No matter how many times I saw them, it always feels like the very first time.

Next to me, Cassandra nodded in greeting while stuffing her face with pancakes, her eyes locked to the news playing on tv. It wasn't obvious, but Cassandra was a little put off that her best friend decided to sit on Starfire's shoulder rather than hers where she normally sat.

It has been a week since Starfire, or as she was called when she made an effort to fit in with human society, Kory Anders dropped into our lives. Literally.

At first, she wanted to leave earth as soon as possible and go out searching for her sister in the vast emptiness of outer space so that the two of them could liberate their people from the grubby hands of the Citadel, but I convinced her to hold off from doing that for now.

Being one of the strongest examples of her race, Starfire had the ability to sustain herself with nothing more than the solar energy she absorbs from the sun. That and her ability to fly faster than light when in space made it possible for her to fly from planet to planet without the need for a spaceship.

But even then, it would take her months to get to a planet advanced enough to have space travel, let alone have contact with other races and get access to a spaceship.

Instead, I showed her the Gordanian engineers I had saved from Trogaar's ship before it exploded and convinced her to stay with us while the engineers made a space-worthy ship for us.

Space adventure, here we come!

After making a deal for their souls, I hid the Gordanian engineers in one of my underground bases, where they were currently building our ship and advancing the technology base of my company by decades in their spare time.

At first, I wasn't sure If I should show them to Starfire, their race having taken her prisoner and all, but it seems I had been worrying for nothing.

According to Starfire, the Gordanians ranked their people by size and strength when they were born. And the engineers, having been born smaller and weaker than the other Gordanians, were at the very bottom of that ranking. They were just as much the slaves of Trogaar as she was.

That explains why they went along with my demands as easily as they did. They are used to being slaves and ordered around. Hell, I am probably treating them better than they have ever been treated before, except for the whole taking their soul thing, that is.

Seraphina spent most of her time with them, after all. With her being a fire and earth Elemental, she was a great help in obtaining and shaping rare elements that the Gordanian engineers needed to do their jobs.

I couldn't in good conscience treat her colleagues like shit, not if they hadn't done anything to deserve that kind of treatment.

Cassandra let out a little squeal of delight, startling all of us.

I turned her to see what was going on, only to notice that she hadn't taken her eyes off the tv the whole time. Turning to the tv, I saw that the news was broadcasting the live fight between Wonder woman and Cheetah or rather two blurs in the form of Wonder Woman and Cheetah from a news copter.

They were moving so fast that you could only really see them when they slowed down or were hit by the other.

Cassandra always was a fan of Wonder Woman, not that I blamed her. A hot Amazonian woman that could fight as well as she looked and was wearing a bathing suit while doing so; Yes, please.

"Why don't you two wear masks and costumes like the rest of your world's Superheroes and Villains?" Starfire asked curiously as we all watched how the Wonder Woman looking blur beat down the Cheetah looking one.

"Superheroes and Villains wear masks to hide their identity so that they don't have to deal with the repercussions of their actions. Even when everyone already knows who they are, they still keep wearing their costumes because it already has become normal to them," I paused when a particularly crazy clown came to mind, "or they are just plain crazy."

"Cassandra and I just don't care all that much if people know who we are, but that doesn't mean we don't have our own secret identities."

While I don't care for all that secret identity mess, I knew that giving myself a name would be better than letting someone from the press give me a stupid name like Magicman. Lois Lane has already shown how imaginative she could be with a name like Superman.

"What are your Superhero names?" Starfire asked excitedly.

I didn't correct her that Cassandra and I aren't strictly what you would call Superheroes, "I go by Warlock, and Cassandra is Orphan."

And wasn't that a surprise when she came up with that name out of nowhere.

I kid you not, even when the second half of her life had completely changed from her comic counterpart, she still ended up choosing the name Orphan for herself without any input from me.

I guess some things are just destined to happen in a certain way.

Starfire mumbled our names for a second, testing them out before nodding, "should I also get a superhero name?"

"You already have one," I told her, "Starfire."

"But that is my real name," Starfire said, confused.

"Yea, but no one knows that. While you stay on earth, your name is Kory Anders."

"I see," Kory said after a while, but it was clear that she still didn't get the concept of Superhero identities entirely. I opened my mouth to explain it a bit better when I felt one of my beacons activate and call for me.

Beacon? I can already hear you ask.

Well, my beacons, or rather cards, were a lazy man's solution to having to go door to door to get souls.

The cards themselves looked like nothing special. They were simple black business cards with Warlock written on one side in blood-red lettering, and a magic circle on the other side in the same color.

What is impressive, however, is what they do. The cards have the ability to search the whole world for desperate people who are willing to do anything to have their desires fulfilled, like sell their souls.

And when they find such a person, they go to them and wait for the right moment to activate and call me. Of course, I put a few more conditions on which kind of people they should search for, but that is essentially what they do.

This way, I get new souls and something to do at the same time without having to search for either. As long as they aren't my enemies, I don't mind working for my souls, tit for tat, so to say.

Not to mention it's something to do. I was going crazy being cooped inside this mansion all the time with no action.

Something must have shown on my face because Starfire gave me an inquisitive look, and even Cassandra and Seraphina had taken their eyes off the tv to look at me when they felt my surprise through our link.

I stood up, my silk pajamas transforming into a black suit with a blood-red tie, "one of my cards has found me my very first client!"

"I will see you girls later," I kissed Cassandra and Starfire on the lips and patted Seraphina on her fiery head, "have fun roaming the city."

Cass and Seraphina were going to take Starfire to see the city and what humans do in their free time, which usually ends with me following behind their footsteps with bags upon bags of clothes in my arms.

I was supposed to accompany them today too but thank god I dodged that bullet.

"Be safe," Cassandra said in response.

I nodded seriously at that, while my cards were secured against anyone tampering with them to lure me into a trap, you can never be too careful.

In case of interference or thousands of other things that could go wrong, I gave the cards the ability to summon me when all the conditions I have set have been fulfilled. I, of course, can refuse the summon if I wanted to. But with this being my first job, there is no way I'm going to do that!

Reaching for the feeling of the card calling me, I let it whisk me away.


I arrived in an office in the middle of a red magic circle created by the card. I really need to come up with a cool name for them.

A woman was standing behind a desk, staring at me in fear.

She looked to be in her late forties to early fifties and had dark brown hair pulled into a bun, her real age was actually only 42. The worry lines on her face and stress made her look older than she was.

By the look of the office and the clothes she was wearing, she was pretty well off.

"Who...What are you?!" The woman cried out, clutching my card worriedly in her right hand.

"You should already know who I am. My card would have told you about me before summoning me here," I frowned. Did my card malfunction? That was highly improbable, but not impossible, per se. It was a prototype, after all.

A quick scan of the card still clutched in the woman's iron grip shows nothing wrong with the card itself and that it indeed told her about summoning a being that could make her every desire come true for a price before summoning me like it was designed to do.

I saw the realization slowly dawn on her as she looked down at the card in her hand in fear before throwing it away from her.

Ah, so she did get the memo.

Lifting my hand, I made the card float into it before absorbing it, and with it the information it had gathered on my new client. The card had various conditions someone had to complete before it would make itself known to the summoner and summon me but to be sure, I made it capable of gathering information on the summoners so that I could see what kind of people they are with my own eyes.

"What do you want?" the woman asked, straightening up.

She had calmed down instead of growing more hysterical from my show of power, and was that hope that was shining in her eyes?


"Instead of asking me what I want, you should be asking your heart what you want," I answered, "my card came to you, which means there is a desire you desperately want to be fulfilled. The question is what is it."

Of course, she had something she desperately wanted. She had searched everywhere for a solution before she found the card just lying innocently on her office table one day, calling to her. But that didn't mean she was going to trust the weirdo in front of her just like that.

Angela looked at the strange teenager standing in front of her. At least she thought he was a teenager going by his voice and figure, for some reason she couldn't see his face, or rather she couldn't remember his face longer than a second.

What has she gotten herself into?!

"Are you a demon?" Angela asked, her eyes narrowing in suspicion.


"What are you then?!" she was starting to get frustrated.

"I am the contractor, and you are the client," I answered before putting some soul-energy in my voice, "Now, what is it that you desire?"

"I want you to save my son," Angela voiced out immediately in monotone, her eyes becoming slightly muddled before she snapped out of it.

Good, we are finally getting somewhere.

Angela looked around puzzled before taking a step back in fear when she comprehended what I had done.

I waited a second for her to come to peace with the realization that I could force her to talk whether she wanted to or not before continuing, "Go on."

Seeing that I could just pull the information I wanted out of her, she started telling me her story under her own power.

"A few months ago, my husband came home from a business trip to Mexico acting strangely, jumping at shadows, and being suspicious of everything," Angela's voice was hard and cold, "one morning he just woke up and left for Mexico without saying anything to anyone, a few days after he left our son started acting weird, attacking and snarling at everyone, screaming in weird languages before falling into a deep coma."

"I tried everything I could think off. I hired the best doctors money could buy, called for priests from every imaginable religion, but no one could tell me what was wrong with my son, except that he was possessed by a demon."

Ah, which explains her need to know if I was a demon. As far as she knew, I could be in cahoots with the one possessing her son.

"I even hired several Magicians but no one could help me."

I snorted a little when she said she hired Magicians. After Zatara came out as a real Magician, people started to believe more and more in magic, but that also brought all sorts of charlatans out of the woods trying to make a quick buck from gullible people.

There is no way those holier than thou Homo-Magi are going to help out the common people with their problems, and that is if you manage to find one outside their mysterious cities.

Of course, there were other practitioners of the Mystic arts out there but it was a toss-up whether they could really help you or make things worse.

"And where is your husband now?" I'm not sure if her son is truly possessed by a demon, or if it is all inside her head, but what matters is what she believes and is willing to pay for my help.

"He is dead," Angela answered, a single tear falling from her eye, "he was found ripped apart in a forest in Mexico. The Mexican authorities have concluded that he died from a wild animal attack, but what they don't know is that my husband hated the woods. He was a city man. He had no business being in a forest."

"Hmm," I hummed, "you think that the Demon killed your husband before possessing your son."


"Okay," I said after a moment of thought, "I will save you, son."

"And what do you want in return," Angela asked suspiciously. She looked like a woman that had given up hope and was waiting for the other shoe to drop. Not really all that strange with how much money she no doubt must have spent on charlatans and miracle cures, that hadn't helped a bit.

"You want me to save your son's eternal soul from a Demon. It is only fair that you pay something of the same worth. A soul for a soul."

You would think that I wouldn't care about one measly soul now that I have a thousand of them in my possession, but every drop counts when making an ocean. As the saying goes, even mosquito meat is meat.

It also doesn't help that I realized too late that if someone I had a contract with for soul-energy dies, I don't receive any more energy from them. It was kind of obvious if you think about it, but I didn't stop to think about what would happen if one of my contractors died when I was making deals with them.

I had to change my whole approach, and yes, getting someone to sell their soul instead of only their soul-energy was a lot harder to do, don't get me wrong, it isn't impossible or even all that hard, but it was still more difficult.

"I thought you said you weren't a demon!" Angela spat out, raising her guard.

"And I didn't lie," I stated drily, "Demons aren't the only beings in the universe that barter for souls, you know."

"So I won't be going to hell after I die from doing this?" She asked hesitantly.


"And you are sure that you can help my son?" She asked again to make sure.

"Yes, and if for some reason I can't I'm not allowed to take your soul. The deal is helping your son for your soul, after all," I explained one last time before making a contract flame into existence in front of us.

The conditions of our deal were written in clear and legible words. The only thing missing was Angela's signature.

Angela looked at the contract floating in front of her, making sure that there were no hidden clauses or anything else.

She hesitated, this was her last chance to call it quits and find another way to save her son, but she knew that she was fooling herself, there was no other way to save her son. She had searched everywhere, and this here was her only real lead in months.

Her son had gotten thinner and thinner as the months went by and was nothing more than skin and bones at this point. No matter how much they fed him through his feeding tubes nothing was working. His body was ready to give up.

Sometimes she wondered if her son's spirit was even still in that sickly body, and whether everything she was doing was even worth it, or if it was all for nothing and she was simply fooling herself into believing that her son was still alive.

Angela closed her eyes as the thought she had been struggling with for days finally made it to the fore of her mind. She didn't want to admit it to anyone herself most of all, but she had been ready to give up on saving her son when she found the strange card on her desk.

Opening her eyes, she took a pen from her desk and signed the contract before she could change her mind.

No matter what happens, she has to see this through. She had to know if her little boy was still in there.

And if she had to trade her soul for that of her son's it was a cheap price to pay.

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