
DC :Vampire Queen

Our MC wakes up in DC Universe, confused and annoyed And worried about his weird family and what he should Do in his new like in a world of heroes and villains because he can't think he will fit either of those so what will he Do now Check out how a terrifying new girl on the block of DC can Do Discord link: https://discord.gg/MBFcEVeS If you Dont know how to open it in app go to website

Otaku_Gamer_00007 · 漫画同人
31 Chs

Today is the Day 3

All three exchange looks: Kid Flash looks at Robin, then to Aqualad, who exchanges a small glance with both of them. Then all three turn to Roy, but Robin's eyes have gone wide beneath the lenses of his mask.and Rose was looking around to find something to Distract herself from the clones ramblings.

Roy's voice drops. "You're kidding, right?" The four don't object. "You're playing their game?" His anger is growing again, worse this time. "Why?! Today was supposed to be the day, step one in becoming full-fledged members of the League."

"Well, sure," Kid Flash speaks up, looking at the other three proteges. "But I thought step one was the tour of the HQ." He sits up straighter and looks at the older teen.

"Except the Hall isn't the League's real HQ." Green Arrow looks mildly surprised, while Aquaman's eyes bug in shock. Not to mention all three proteges' mouths drop open, and Rose rolles her eyes and Flash's expression is shock, Robin's is paired with surprise, and Aqualad has a look of confusion. "I bet they never told you it's just a false front for tourists." Green Arrow's eyes widen, but he looks less surprised in a shocked kind of way and more like he can't believe his protege is revealing this in front of the other proteges and Leaguers. However, Aquaman's shock fades, and as he takes one look at Green Arrow, he calms down entirely. "And a pit stop for catching Zeta-beam teleporter-tubes to the real thing," he gestures upward with his right hand to indicate his next words. "an orbiting satellite called the Watchtower."

Green Arrow turns, meeting Batman's glare, which is likely what made him turn toward the Dark Knight in the first place. "I know, I know, but I thought we could make an exception." Batman continues to glare. "Or not."

Aquaman steps forward slightly. "You're not helping your cause here, son. Stand down or..."

"Or what?" he demands. "You'll send me to my room? And I'm not your son!" He snaps, then turns to Green Arrow. "I'm not even his." His anger seems to dissipate as he continues speaking. "I thought I was his partner, but not anymore." He emphasizes his point by taking off the canary-yellow hat and throwing it to the ground.

All three younger proteges can only watch in wide-eyed shock.but Rose finally spoke up,"Finally the pain in the ass is going away I was so close to just eating him whole, go away looser".

"Guess they were right about you three," Roy comments angrily as he walks between the four, who stand up in an attempt to either say something or physically block his path. "You're not ready. and you freek why are you even here is a question he said"to Rose and they all watch as he leaves the library.

They can't dwell on it for long, as an alarm begins blaring from the computer. They turn and find Superman on the screen.

"Superman to the Justice League," the Kryptonian begins. "There has been an explosion at Project Cadmus. It's on fire."

The members of the Justice League step up to the computer. "I've had my suspicions about Cadmus. This may present the perfect opportunity to-" Batman begins but is cut off as another alarm interrupts.

"Zatara to the Justice League," the Magician appears on a small screen in the lower right-hand corner. "The sorcerer Wotan is using the Amulet of Attan to blot out the Sun." Now he has their full attention. "Requesting a full League response."

"Superman?" Batman questions. (as in thats even a question)

"It's a small fire," the big blue boy scout assures. "Local authorities have it under control."

"Then Cadmus can wait," the Dark Knight states, then presses a key on the massive keyboard below. "All Leaguers, rendezvous at Zatara's coordinates. Batman out."

The three proteges step up to their mentors.

"Stay put," Batman states, barely even looking at them before giving his order.

"What?" Robin questions, shocked. "Why?"

"This is a League mission," Aquaman says.

"You're not trained," Flash continues.

"Since when?" Kid Flash demands mere moments after the last syllable leaves his mentor's mouth.

Flash is prepared to clarify. "I meant you're not trained to work as part of this team," he says, gesturing to the other two mentors beside him and, by extension, the computer with Zatara still visible.

"There will be other missions when you're ready," Aquaman states calmly.

"But for now, stay put," Batman glares at the end to emphasize his point. The screen turns completely black behind him, making his lenses stand out even more.

All three look sad, but as their mentors walk away, anger crosses their faces.

And Rose looked Bored and can be cutting grass right now.

"Glad you didn't bring you-know-who," Green Arrow teases Martian Manhunter with a slight tone.

"Indeed," the alien agrees quickly.

They walk in behind Aquaman, Batman, and Flash, but Red Tornado looks at them for a moment before following. Then the door closes.