
DC: The Enchanter

Previously hailed as the mastermind, The Godfather, behind the world's most significant organization, now reduced to blend into the nameless multitude. Jasper Hughes is about to unleash a seismic shift, rocking the world of heroes and villains, as he ushers in a fresh era of power struggles, organized crime, faction formation, and corruption. "Greedy and corrupt, yet not harming the kind and helpful." "Unforgiving towards those who betray, lie and steal..." These mottos once propelled him to establish the world's most prominent organization and will undoubtedly guide him to triumph once more. This time, he possesses not only unparalleled knowledge and skills but also wields an incomprehensible power – The power of Enchantment. A power that will not make him the Godfather; but THE GOD. TAGS: Selfish Protagonist, Corrupt Protagonist, Superiority Complex, Smut, DC, Empire Building, Corruption, Hypocritical MC https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog Discord: https://discord.com/invite/F3WSt9BwXZ

The_Greedy_Frog · 漫画同人
64 Chs


"It took far longer than expected."

Zatanna was finally able to take a breath of relief.

"Over a hundred days…"

Even with enchantment and her magic combined, it took a very long time to turn the place functional.

All the previously constructed buildings had to be brought down; which included the hideouts of Joker that surrounded the area.

Bringing that down opened a massive area to create a small district-esque place of operations.

A district that the Enchanter already had a name for.

Zatanna especially enjoyed the expansion as it allowed her to finally be able to construct her sacred sanctuary.

The Circus, or more specifically –the Amusement Park.

"Can't believe I am incharge of all this…'

The entire twenty five acres of land was under her, considering that was the land above which the park was built upon.

'He does have this place under his control yet I am made to be the caretaker.' She sighed, but she did not dislike it. 'Well he does have the entire shopping complex, the apartments and the laboratories to look after.'


Jumping off the building, she flew over the place –checking if everything was working perfectly or not.

Most of it was perfect, especially after the place was stacked with people preparing to launch their business.

She didn't know what he did, but the place had suddenly been a hotspot for business.

Not because of establishing the buildings. Gotham had a lot of buildings and hardly people were attracted to them.

But this was different as they had countless investors ready to fund them and countless others who wanted to rent the space to run their business.

'How did he even manage to do all this?'

She mused and while she knew that the man was more than capable of stirring things up, it still was a shocker.

'He went from sharing rent with me because it was expensive to owning a place to run a massive business.'

She was happy for him and also for herself.

Before a few months ago, she was barely making ends meets with the circus.

And because of her luck, she lost even that.

'Now I have an amusement park.'

Like a gift from the heavens, she had received something that she wasn't even sure if she was worthy of.

Flying around the massive estate, she knew where she had to go.

There was a certain person who was specially requested to join them.

And it was time for that person to arrive which was why Zatanna flew straight there –to the laboratory.

And just as expected –right in front of the laboratory the person stood, adorned by her exotic beauty.

Wherever the beauty walked, plant life  flourished. Be it the most barren of the deserts or the soilless glaciers –she was able to sprout plant life with her mere presence.

"You are right on time," Zatanna said, making the other woman sprout a smile as beautiful as the flowers that she wore.

"And he is late." 

The woman was Pamela Lillian Isley, or as she went by –Poison Ivy.

"He should be here soon," Zatanna said, "It's unlike him to be late."

Zatanna and Ivy met for the first time during Zatanna's shopping trip with Jasper. And after that, they didn't contact each other for a very long time.

However, when Joker attacked –Zatanna rushed to help Jasper and Ivy seemed to share the same sentiment.

Despite being together with Ivy during that time, Jasper rushed in his rage and Ivy was left behind.

And that is how Zatanna and Ivy ended up meeting again.

But after that all, Jasper suddenly invited Ivy to join them in their new district.

As a botanical researcher.

Zatanna wasn't sure why they needed a researcher, but she welcomed Ivy nonetheless.

Especially since she knew Ivy had at least some sort of feelings for him.

"It has been a while since I last saw you," Ivy sighed, "Both the previous times that I met you were a mess. Thankfully, this one seems to be better."

It wasn't the best but far better than the earlier two. Especially since the first time Ivy felt like strangling the sorceress, believing her to be Jasper's girlfriend.

And the second time they were there to fight a foe that she wasn't sure if they could beat.

"But I must say," Ivy said in an impressed tone, "In just around a hundred days… you guys managed to achieve quite a lot."

And they did.

"Constructing so many buildings, an amusement park and finding investors," She sounded amazed, "He has been doing a lot."

"That he has."

Nobody knew Jasper better than Zatanna and even she was barely able to unveil a single percentage of Jasper's true motives.

Yet she knew that he was beyond just capable. He was a man that could make even the impossible –possible.

And there was a lot that he was hiding. 

Zatanna could bet that Jasper was doing a lot more behind the scenes –beyond what was just visible to everyone.

And quite possibly…

Some of it was going to be visible very soon.

Especially since the man had just returned.


The summer heat vanished, replaced by a cold and comfortable breeze.

It wasn't a natural phenomenon, but man-made.

And made by a very specific man at that.

The sudden change in the temperature was enough for the two beauties to realize that the very man that they were talking about; had arrived.

"He's here." Zatanna smiled and so did Ivy.


A deep inhale of the fresh air.

A stark contrast to the polluted center of Gotham.

"Truly something that I am proud of."

It wasn't easy purifying the air around this place, but Zatanna's magic and my Enchantment together had been able to do wonders.

Or well…

"My Enchantment IS magic."

This was something that I learnt within the three months I had been out for.

But within that time, I had been able to learn a lot –achieve a lot.

And even find a few new goals.

I felt a massive grin creeping up my face as I placed my hand over my pocket –feeling the small case that I obtained from Lena Luthor.

But this was only a part of what I was aiming for.

There were a lot of other things…

Things out of which, some were good and some horrible.

In that horrible category fell a certain few people as well.


During the time I was roaming around wondering to do, a certain man apparoached me.

A certain magician and one known to be nothing but trouble.


I met the man during my mindless search. And he told me about Klarion and his group were soon going to attack.

He didn't know when, but soon.

"He did say he met Zatanna…"

But maybe she didn't bother with his story. While I was aware of Constantine and his antics, she wasn't and possibly didn't believe him.

It does mean I have an added worry in my list of unending worries, but that's for later.

For now, I had to meet a certain few people –certain women.

And above all else, I am here to inaugurate my new district.

My very own district.



[[A/N: Read 25+ chapters ahead on:


New stuff about to be released in patreon 👀

P.S. Double chapter update lessgo!
