
DC: Jackie Chan Adventures

born in Gotham living in a warehouse. after work trying to make a life for himself but who would have guessed that a dragon would crash in and followed by heroes and with their power they banish the dragon only for Alex to get sucked in as well. Watch as Alex Survives and gain powers and come back stronger. All events and stories take place on Earth 16 the young justice universe. All DC and Jackie chan Adventures properties belong to their respective owner’s this is for fun.

DrakeBerger · 电视同人
20 Chs

Old man Liu

When Alex awakens, he discovers himself in a cave filled with shattered boxes from his warehouse. He feels comforted as he notices his belongings next to him. Alex then observed that his arm and leg were bandaged. He attempted to get up, but his head began to hurt, so he sat back down. Alex was hungry and thirsty, so he opened his bag and took out his water and beef jerky. When he's halfway through the beef jerky, he hears the same footsteps he heard earlier, so Alex puts the food away and slowly rises to greet the person who saved him. When he sees the individual, he is surprised to see an old man with a Chinese appearance and modern-looking clothes that have seen better days, covered with black and purple snakeskin and wearing a mask on his belt.

"Hello," I say, extending my hand at him. "Who exactly are you?"

"Ah, English is so nice to hear after talking in archaic Chinese for so long." "It's nice to meet you," he said cheerfully. I'm Liu, an elderly man who has been stranded here for months."

"It's a pleasure to meet you." My name is Alex z Ander, but please address me as Alex." "How did you get here?" I ask.

"Well, that's a long story, but let me first tell you where." He begins to tell me something, but I cut him off.

"I know this is the Nether realm, home to demons, and we are trapped here," I tell him. "I got trapped here by accident when a demon named Shendu was sent back, with me following behind."

"So Shendu got sent back; that means there's no way out," Liu thinks to himself, looking down and dejected.

"So, how did you get here?" I inquired again, this time capturing his attention.

"First and foremost, you should be aware that the demons have been imprisoned for ages. When Xiao Fung, the wind demon, was sent back by some heroes a few months earlier, someone opened a doorway that allowed them to escape. Regrettably, I was hiding in a vase that was sucked into the gateway." He says he's still looking down. "After that, I was stuck here, hoping to be rescued, when I met some humans who are the descendants of the first slaves who were trapped here when the demons first arrived." The Chi wizards were unconcerned about the few humans who were sent here at the time. All humans here will be humiliated and tortured."

"The ones who opened the portals were called the dark hand," I explained. I'm outraged with them for starting this nonsense. "The heroes were Batman and three others whose identities I don't know."

Liu explains the layout of the nether region after we discuss it some more. We went to bed after a lengthy discussion.

Months passed while I learned how to live in the nether dimension, and I had a few run-ins with Hsi Wu, forcing me to hide effectively. Because if you see him lurking, he will apprehend you. When Alex's water ran out, Liu told him where he might get more: by swallowing the blood of the demon snakes that live everywhere here. They can resist being corrupted and also utilize the chi spell "Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai Di Zao" to kill the snakes. He can easily kill them with it and his dagger, even if he is still young and feeble. When asked why Liu wears snake skin, he explains that it helps them blend in and provides some protection from demons. So Liu created a set for him out of the skin of the demon snake he killed, sewing it together with bone needles and snake tendons.

They've been selling the contents of the boxes to other humans for helpful items they've gathered, such as discarded Shendu scales that can strengthen our armor. Water brought from Bai Tza region, but largely information like, "Never go to Dai Gui and Tso Lans territory; they have the best senses and will find you." The majority of the demons slept for extended periods of time, but the best information was how to mislead the Shadowkhan in Shendus' domain and get access to his palace. Alex hasn't yet notified Liu that he can kill Shendu, so he's taking his time to figure out the best approach to murdering Shendu, seizing his power, and finding a way out for everyone.

They're on their way back now after hunting a swarm of demon snakes, whose blood and meat should last us a week or two if they don't overeat. He hears a scream and notifies Liu, and they hastily hide, watching the skies as Hsi Wu soars above them, clutching a bloodied body in his feet. After about ten minutes, we resumed our stroll while Alex spoke with Liu.

"Fucking hate that bastard; who do you think got caught?" I inquired of him. "I don't think Fang, Li, Baihu, or Aang would be apprehended."

"Probably someone new to the area; his territory has deteriorated for the people left there since Shendu returned," he says. "Be thankful you didn't get caught when you first arrived."

Alex shivers at the prospect of being captured by any of the demons present. They skinned the snakes and preserved the flesh with salt, which they traded for when they came home. Alex walked to his sleeping part of the cave after eating with Liu and laid down on his bed, thinking about how to stop Hsi Wu before going to bed.

Time passes quickly. Things have gotten worse in the last three years. Po Kong had been keeping a passage out of the nether realm hidden. Bai Tza discovered it when she unexpectedly visited her sister and discovered her trying to expand the opening to get out. Bai Tza was furious that she had hidden this, and the demons fought one another until they discovered it went to the Sadow realm, another lost realm full of adversaries. They are now defending it and preparing for war. Hearing that there is an escape route, the last humans have been flocking to Po Kong's area to try their luck and flee. Only to be captured by her or the others and, with black magic, transformed into weapons to use against their adversary. Alex and Liu have been remaining away from the action until things calm down, and they've traveled to a remote location with a few others they trust and set up a concealed camp.

Today it's Alex and Liu's turn to look for food; they'll have to travel further because the region surrounding us has been cleared out. The demons have been gathering them to use in combat; thus, food is becoming scarce for them right now, and the group may split away soon. They were fortunate today, but when they returned to their camp, Alex was puzzled as to where everyone had gone. Alex turned to speak to Liu when he was grabbed and forced beneath the snake corpses.

"Shush and stay quiet," Liu says gravely to Alex as he turns around, walks in deeper, and calls out to the others.

"Where are you guys?" "I brought food!" "Where are you?" he yells.

As a low, growling voice speaks, scratching noses may be heard. "Sorry, but they can come out; they're not here right now, but I can take you to them if you want." Hsi Wu emerged with a chalky, laughing voice. He stepped outside and approached Liu.

"Are they dead?" Liu inquires.

"Not yet; we have a use for you; we can't waste resources anymore." Hsi Wu informs him:

"Good," Liu murmured as he pulled out his bone sword and began chanting "Yu Mo Gui Gwai F," but Hsi Wu knocked his weapon out of his grasp and choked him.

"Damn Shendu for letting you peasants find that spell!" he cries, hurling Liu across the room, stepping and breaking the blade as he approached him, and catching him up as he prepares to fly away.

"Fuck you!" Liu yells as he pulls out a hidden shive and stabs Hsi Wu in the knee.

"You cretin!" Hsi Wu releases himself and swipes his claws across Liu's chest, shrieking.

"Noooo!!" I had had enough. As terrified as he was, Alex raced out from under the snake carcasses and charged at Hsi Wu, yelling "Yu Mo Gui Gwai Fai Di Zao." He stabbed Hsi Wu in the right wing and dragged it down, cutting him. Hsi Wu shrieked and leaped up, attempting to fly as best he could while yelling, "He'll kill me as he flees." Alex rushes up to Liu and, seeing that he's barely breathing, crouches down next to him and wraps his arms around him.

"Liu. Please, Liu, do not die. Alex sobs as he looks at the guy he calls grandpa, a man who has done more for him than anybody else, a man who saved him on his first day. "Please, I need you."

A raspy voice yells "You don't need me, son. You must leave immediately." He begins coughing and then says, "Quieter." "I know you have that dagger; when you took it out for the first time, I heard everything... you can stop Shendu forever and get out of here with his power; without me, you have a better chance, so take it and know I'm proud of you, so help others and live a good life." Liu dies with a smile on his face in Alex's arms.


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