
DC: I am Venom (Hiatus)

It's your standard M.O, Someone screwed up causing the death of a young man so they offer him a gift and a chance at reincarnation as compensation. Will be using DCAMU abit altered

Yeager2001 · 漫画同人
12 Chs

Chapter 11: Fire burns

Sorry for late post I accidentally lost my phone at cinema's (FYI, Black Adam is awesome), also I'm sorry to inform I'm going to be off for next three weeks as I catch up on my planning. I kind of rushed this chapter as I get into introducing new villains


30 November 2010

New York, Titans Tower


After our battle with the 'Sinister six' Robin basically increased everyone's training sessions even Beast-boy, who was probably the hardest to train because he was at the age we like to play videogames and eat snacks but then again so was I.

We even have to keep in contact if we leave the tower and we couldn't go out by ourselves which I hated even though I barely go out, knowing myself though if I run into Dr. Light alone I'm likely to kill him if the titans aren't around.

'But then again seems like a good idea... right now'

Ignoring my inner thoughts I focus on the live wires I grabbed with my hands as millions of volts of electricity pumped through my body, it was painful but nessary so I could get stronger.

Exposing myself to more harmful elements I hoped to increase my resistances for any up coming fights that are likely to happen, it was obviously going to be a long process but it would be worth it.

"Ho.. How long... do we need to do this for?" gasped Beast-boy as he continued to shift through different animal forms while fighting Kid-flash, Robin and Speedy were sparring eachother while Bumblebee was practicing aerial maneuvers while shooting moving targets.

"Ahh- Another... ten minutes" replied Robin when suddenly taking a kick to the chest, I never did much sparring except for with Robin because he was the only one I could learn from.

'I could learn to deal with Aerial enemies better by fighting Bumblebee but she's still nervous around me'

Eventually a beeper goes off causing everyone to stopped to take a break as we all sluggishly moved to replace lost fluids, I on the other hand was physically fine besides the strange tingling sensation throughout my body.

'Hopefully I don't get addicted to this'

Trying to get an understanding of Psimon's abilities was a bit tricky because I hadn't bonded with him that long, if I had I would be able to use them instinctually but since I didn't I have to practice them in secret while the team isn't around.

Explaining I somehow developed Psychic abilities from my exposure to Psimon is one thing but after awhile people might make the connection I can mimic people's ablilities, a secret I would rather keep if all possible.

"Hey Dyl, we still on for pizza?" asked Beast-boy.

Turning back to the green boy in purple spandex I smirk, despite everything he's seen me do he never treated me any differently than when we met.

"...Yeah, just gotta freshen up"

"Well come on... Tony's Pizzeria opens in an hour, if we go now we can get there before a line forms" he replied while running back to his room.

'What a goof-ball...'


(Doctor Light Pov)

24 November 2010



"What do you mean, you can't wake him up?"

"I mean I can't wake him up... I don't know what's happened to him but his mind is basically gone, look he has almost nothing coming up in these brain scans" said the terrified doctor as he stood surrounded by many dangerous powered criminals, "Im surprised he's even alive if I'm honest, to actually help I'd need to understand what caused it".

"... Not 'what' doctor, Who"

The room fell silent as the so called 'Sinister Six' looked down at their comatose comrade who they lost on their first battle against the titans, some thought about leaving for a moment if this was the fate of those that tried to fightback.

Getting beat up and thrown in jail was better than never being able to wake up again, the thought alone could cause fear among criminals.

"What do we do?" asked Jinx.

I looked at the serv- *cough* team mate I just lost, he was a vital tool in defeating the team titans with help of his psychic abilities so now I needed to replace him with someone.

I didn't need strategy or finesse now that the 'Heros' knew we were forming to defeat them, now I needed someone who could help over power the titans and then I remembered someone who gave the apparent hero of Metropolis a run for his money.

'I believe his name was...'


(Mc Pov)

5 December 2010

New York, Tony's Pizzeria


'I am so glad I glad I can't get fat, because the way I'm eating is just disgusting. It's like I'm goku or something'

" "Go go go go go!!" "

I could hear the chants of people around me and the others as I ate my eighth box, it was strange but somehow Beast-boy and I started a eating competition with three strangers and it was drawing a crowd.

Beast-boy was on my left eating his fifth box of vegetarian pizza while I had some meatlovers, the other challengers had their own kind either garlic cheese, pepperoni or Hawaiian.

'How this guy eating Pineapple on pizza? gross'

As I finish my eighth box one of the challengers stops eating and runs to the bathroom which is followed by the sound of vomiting.

"And that's Cameron, out of this match leaving only four... Who will be titled pizza master folks" said the Announcer as he rialed up the crowd, Beast-boy was slowing down as he got to his sixth box but I was already half way on my nineth.

Soon another challenger who was eating the pepperoni stood up and walked away in defeat holding his stomach in pain, Beast-boy looked at him in sympathy looking as if he wanted to leave too but he stubbornly stayed.

I eyed up the large obese man next to me as he ate his way to his seventh pizzabox of Garlic cheese, he wouldn't catch up in time as Beast-boy eventually stopped after his sixth box.

It was between me and the large man next to me and the crowd was going wild with the sounds of some even placing beats, I wouldn't lose with my bottomless stomach as I began eating my tenth box.

Now I wasn't savering the flavor just swallowing each slice whole as I quickly finished my tenth and made way for my eleventh, the large man looked at me in shock but didn't give up strangely as he sped up his eating too.

1 minute later...

"Did you really have to eat twenty boxes of pizza? look at the big guy, he started choking and ran off puking it all out by the eleventh box" commented Robin unsure whether to congratulate me or feel sorry for the other guy.

"Well... I didn't start the eating competition" I replied while giving a sly grin to Beast-boy who looked to be regretting his decision, Robin couldn't help but sigh at our joint childish behavior as Speedy came over to join us.

"So how much you make on the bets?"

"It was 6.5/1 you'd drop out by nine, as you kept eating it got higher... got $260, shoulda bet more" he replied as he handled me five notes, it was an easy bet since I could eat constantly without negative effects with my body.

"Well you shouldn't have bet when you knew he would win, that's cheating" argued Robin as we started making our way home.

"Hey it's not my fault if I know who to bet on, besides it ain't hurt nobody" replied Speedy cockily, I couldn't help but laugh at their antics as they reminded me of Beast-boy and I when we got into arguments about games.


'Seriously? like everytime we go out something has to blow up!'

Looking between our small group we all nodded at eachother as we quickly raced off where the sounds of explosions came from, as we raced down a back-alley Beast-boy and I shifted forms while Robin and Speedy pulled out their masks and gear.

I was just surprised Speedy had a folded up compound bow in his jacket with arrows lined around the back of it, with Robin I wasn't surprised that he had his utility belt because he never shuts up about never leaving home without it.

As we make it out of the alleyway our communicators start ringing,

*Hey guys we have two problems. One a burning building least twenty block from your location, and some weirdo in a stolen Lexcorp powersuit flying down central with a flamethrower*

"Wait can you repeat that, did you say a flying person with a flamethrower?"

*Yes now hurry up, Kid-flash and I are on our way*

"On it"


"Okay Beast-boy your with me, we're gonna deal with this flying arsonist. Speedy, Arachna-kid, I want you two to deal with the burning building" said Robin as he quickly flies off using his grapple gun.

'Oh right is idiot doesn't know I'm weak to fire, f*ck I hope my body's resistance is good'

Shifting my back a pair of wings form as I quickly activate my jetpack, Speedy behind me quickly jumps up and grabs my arms as we fly off to deal with the burning building.

In minutes we arrive as I quickly drop Speedy on the ground in-front of the building and make my entry inside, immediately I feel the vicious flames burnings my body as I rushed through the building.

*Arachna I've got a person by the twenty-first floor window, where are you?* Asked Speedy on the Communicator.

"On the seventeenth, there's a kid still in their room I can hear crying"

Smashing through the apartment door there was a sudden backdraft as the surrounding fire blew back in my face, again my body burns as I try ignore the pain.

Soon I spot the child hiding in the corner crying as I quickly scoop him up and dash for the window, as I get closer I cover the child in my bio-mass as I smash through falling to the ground.

Releasing the child to the standing paramedics I quickly jump back onto the burning building as I make my way back up to the twenty-first floor, I could see the woman standing by the window waving her hands as she had opened her window.

'No you idiot!'

*Bbpphhw, Crash*

The flames inside suddenly grew as they blasted out the window burning me before I could save the woman, my body's condition was quickly worse as I crashed into the side of the building before quickly using my grapple to hold me as I shook it off.

*Arachna! Hey Arachna, you okay?* asked Speedy.

"What was she thinking... I was almost there, if she just waited I could of..."

I didn't know what to really think. But I knew if I was faster I might of been able to save her in time, yet I wasn't and as a result she died.


Word count: 1811
