

follow the story of Cain, a thief who after stealing a neckless for a couple of crooks nearly dies, only to awaken a spell tree that contains D&D spells as well as other spells from Diablo 4's sorcerer and druid class. follow to find out if Cain uses he new found spells to continue his journey of stealing various powerful artifact across the globe or even the multiverse while being aided by his spells or end up in some old tower crouching on some old books 4/?? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- warning!!! at the beginning everything would spells, the spell progression as he would focus in improving what he has before adding a new spell and each new spell will start from rank one and will need spell points to level up, the spell can also be used to unlock spells so he has to decide where he wants a new spell or improve the ones he has. also no harem, as i find it difficult writing one love interest, so i wont break my mind trying to incorporate more woman. as for the single love interest, i am torn between Morgaine le fey or salina kyle.

Lythan_Page · 电视同人
40 Chs

accepting another job [chapter 4]

did you guys watch The Batman series, if yes, do you guys know the everywhere man right?


As he settled in, Cain reached for his phone once more, this time navigating to YouTube, an unexpected source for his quest, learning to meditate. "Why is it more complicated than breaking an entry? Isn't it supposed to be relaxing?" he grumbled, scrolling through various videos until he found a guide on meditation.

Following the instructions from the overly exposed yoga instructor with the large breast, Cain positioned himself in a comfortable seated posture, closing his eyes as he attempted to tune out the sounds of his surroundings. However, being on constant high alert which he always had to made it challenging to let go completely.

For the first 3 to 4 minutes, Cain struggled to achieve the desired state of deep meditation. He battled against the incessant noise of the world, the thoughts and worries that refused to recede. But with each passing moment, he gradually felt the grip of tension loosening.

A sense of tranquility slowly enveloped him, and Cain noticed something peculiar. He could feel himself fading away, as if his existence was dissolving into the vastness of the universe. Everything around him began to blur, losing its solid form and transforming into ethereal wisps of light.

Time seemed to stretch, and as Cain delved deeper into meditation, the surroundings evaporated completely. The cacophony of the world ceased, leaving him in a realm of profound stillness. There was no sound, no sensation, only a serene emptiness that enveloped him entirely.

A/N: this isn't normal, also he looks like this but skinny and taller, less child like, and yes, the red eyes are natural.

"This is heaven," Cain muttered, his voice barely audible in the profound silence. He felt disconnected from his physical form, as if he had transcended the boundaries of the mundane world. Unaware of his surroundings, oblivious to external stimuli, he existed in a realm separate from the constraints of ordinary perception.

As Cain's consciousness floated in this tranquil expanse, he experienced a profound sense of serenity, untethered from the burdens of his reality. It was as if he had tapped into an alternate dimension, one that resonated with a profound energy and potential.

-scene change-

Cain slowly opened his eyes, the room bathed in a soft glow of morning light. Stretching his limbs, he rose from the bed, feeling a sense of rejuvenation after his deep meditation. The ethereal calmness that filled the air lingered within him, enticing him to delve deeper into his newfound abilities. With a sense of anticipation, he changed into a sleek suit, ensuring each piece fit flawlessly, and freshened up before grabbing his phone.

As he glanced at his phone, a message from Tori, his persistent contractor, caught his attention. [Tori: So, I know you said no, but there's this great job at Star Labs. I know you said no star lap job as it might involve the league, but the contractor is willing to pay us 30 million dollars. If you're up for it, I've sent you the location. If not, well, I don't know what I'm going to do, man.]

Cain found himself torn between skepticism and the allure of a substantial payout. His gaze shifted to the floating screen, revealing his current status.

[ Name: Name: Cain O'brien ]

[Level: 1 (5/100)]

[Spell-Points: 0]

[Mana-Charge: 1/1 (each spell requires a single charge unless specified; charges can be regained with meditation)]


Magic-Field: With a wave of your hand, you create a barrier of arcane energy to deflect ranged attacks, but it can only deflect 1 attack, rank 1 (1 spell point) Cost: 1 charge

Arcane-Blade: An ethereal blade is summoned and launched at high speeds against the target, rank 1 (1 spell point) Cost: 1 charge]

A smile tugged at the corners of Cain's lips as he realized he had recovered an energy charge. "Well, although I didn't find out how long it takes me to recover a single charge, I am glad I recovered one at least," he thought, a renewed sense of purpose igniting within him. With precision, he adjusted his suit, ensuring every detail was perfect before venturing into the dead of night.

-Scene Change-

Gotham City embraced the night, its captivating city lights illuminating the dark corners where hidden crimes unfolded. Amidst the backdrop of shimmering skyscrapers, a fortress of advanced technology stood out—the heavily guarded sanctuary known as Star Labs. From a distance, its sleek exterior seemed innocuous, concealing the groundbreaking innovations and dangerous gadgets contained within. Bathed in the moonlight, the building projected an illusion of tranquility, deceiving any casual onlooker.

Hidden within the shadows, Cain emerged, his attire composed of black trousers and a form-fitting shirt that betrayed no hint of defined muscles. Concealing his identity behind a black mask, he fixed his gaze upon the labyrinthine structure. The air crackled with the anticipation of danger and the promise of hidden treasures.

Undeterred by the elaborate security measures guarding Star Labs, Cain meticulously observed the premises, searching for a weak point amidst the impregnable fortifications. Star Labs, notorious for its cutting-edge technology and constant threat of theft, had become a fortress of sensors, tripwires, and surveillance cameras, prepared to thwart the most audacious of intruders.