Darkness. It beckons. Endlessness justifies itself and regardless of the whims of those beneath it and it brings forth its own purpose. Regardless of the cost And by a simple coincident, hell in the form of Damien is brought upon the world and countless others. Join Damien Black, the horror himself, on a petrifying but fun adventure filled with blood, ecstasy and kick-ass music; Beneath the darkness lies truth, are you mad enough to fear it? ...... (Hey! Author here, still figuring out how to be a good writer so ALL Criticism is appreciated, just maintain your manners. This is my first writing, and may be re-written depending if it is good or not. Initially put this on Scribble hub, now adding it here. Uploads are wacky, but trying to put something good. Hoping not to cut myself on the amount of edge I'm trying to add in this novel without making it cringe. Hope everyone enjoys the show!)
Darkness as far as the eye can see.
Which is ironic, since I can't see anything.
A horizon of black is all I observe. Though since I can't see myself, I'm not sure whether I'm seeing anything.
My senses are there. I seem to maintain my sense of smell as well, along with instinctual senses people often don't rely on; Pressure in the lungs, feeling of where your body parts are.
Wait, hallucinations aren't a sense. That's not assuring.
My 'body' also feels very, very odd. It feels almost distorted, like... it feels empty, yet my 'lungs' can sense something sludge like moving through it.
And some hallucinations again. I'm starting to see countless eyes everywhere, though most of them are blurred.
I do feel though, and that's really bizarre since why the fuck am I feeling anything at all?
This 'end of the world' place has me messed up, I mean, I can't tell whether I'm in some lucid dream, or even alive.
I'm hearing slight whispers.
This is why you don't buy lucid dream kits on Etsy.
Wait, that was a hallucination!
Fuck. What in the Globulus whale is happening exactly?!
It feels like this place has both volume and pressure, even though it appears to be nothingness; I can still feel my bones and muscles, but not my skin; anything that should scream 'Touch' and 'texture' have replaced it with an icy frost.
This could be some phantom sensation messing with me.
I mean, my body fluids feel uncategorized, like someone threw everything in a blender and called it a day.
My organs are 'there', most of them? But also, less 'there' than they're supposed to be.
Like living gelatin, pumping viscous and cold slush repeatedly throughout your body mass. I can barely here it, but it sounds like the soft movements of a dying fish.
My intestines, pancreas, and bladder, along with a few other organs, seem to be missing. Though the lack of pain is a key fact in my incredibly calm state. That and the 'blindness'.
Again, can't see, going with feeling right now. And I feel like any exterior force, gravity and the such, have been forcefully pushed back by wherever the hell I am. Again, this is one hell of an LSD trip.
The worst sensation so far is the upper spine, right under the base of the skull;
it's like tiny needles poking through my nerves, itching, scratching, away at my skull, my bones;
I feel a vibration twisting and turning into my body, without any consideration to my wellbeing.
What a prickly feeling.
Comedy helps with the madness.
Though, I feel everything in my spine and unlike all the other goop, it feels malleable;
it's like hard ceramic, but also factory rubber. It also feels like someone shoved said rubber into a waffle maker, filling it with gaps and pockets of... actually, can't say.
Anyhow, my prattling can only go on forever.
I feel, and I use that term loosely, waves and ripples coming from somewhere nearby.
or is it far?
Can't tell, cuz I can't see.
The obvious choice in this situation, where I feel like a sack of sand, would be to do jack shit, but I can actually move.
I think.
My body won't move, it's like someone carved me out of marble and plywood.
No joints to move, but mi good ol' bones still have some weight. (Slaps proverbial knee)
My 'Body' and position seem to go wherever I try. Am I distorting the fabric of space-time? It feels like I'm putting a finger into a higher dimensional pond, and using the current from the ripples to move me. Though the very description is apt for this sensation.
This place is a mental escape room, I swear.
I mean, it's like any sign of Physical laws were compartmentalized and thrown farther than a Mach 10 missile. Any and all laws of physics were thrown into a 'where's Waldo' book, then recolored just to fuck with its readers.
Ah fuck it.'
I've got nothing to do... or loose at this point.
Well, with nothing to do, I had wandered into the dark...
And wandered.
… and wandered.
…..... And- For fucking fucksilcles. If I was in the Sahara, I would have been killed by vultures.
I mean really, how far can a no-boundary void really go?
Well, time in this place seems to be but a side hustle for its dimensional prism scheme and I can only really go on forever, again, got nothing to lose.
But the ripples of said proverbial pond seem to be getting more frequent.
Just as chaotic, almost epileptic, but frequent.
..And more and more frequent.
A whish of high speeds colored in hundreds of black ashes, a torrent of slicing space and shifting waves of motion. I could feel the weight, the mass of whatever was doing that, and it likened itself to a moon.
Though the only reason I could see the particles of blackened ash where a moment ago I was blind, was most likely due to the Eldritch looking entity, cloaked in the very darkness of the void, appearing right in front of me.
... shit.