
Dc: absorbing men {hiatus}

A man reincarnated in DC and has the power to absorb and nullify anything.this story is surrounded by Dc young justice. My first time writing a story list like this so there might be a lot of errors. I hope you enjoy. Disclaimer I do not own young justice or DC

Erin_beast · 奇幻
6 Chs

The apartment

Damn what's that noise and what was that dark place {host has activated the system please identify yourself} what is this blue floating screen in front of my face "umm hello weird in my head are you there". {Affirmative host I am the system please identify yourself} OK system my name is Eli Scott. {Host is called Eli Scott affirmative bringing status}

{host name Eli Scott/???

Hp: 57

Mp: 100

Age: 13

Energy: 1 [a/n One transfers to 100 and energies are the different types of energy he's absorbed]


Vitality: 5

Strength: 5

Agility: 5

Dexterity: 5

Endurance: 6

Intelligence: 7

Wisdom: 5

[a/n: The more energy he absorbs the stronger he becomes]


Abilities :

{Level 1}Nullify: gives you the ability to nullify a few things, not very strong but can grow.{Active/passive}

{level 2} absorb: gives you the ability to absorb certain things, and powers, the reason for high mana, not very strong but can grow{Active/passive}

{Level max}Adaptability: allows you to adapt to anything and is the reason why you are not dead with such high mana at a young age.{Passive}

{Level max}Personal dimension: A dimension where you have all the power also home to the library of heavens path this dimension has a wild Area filled with random items and treasures and inheritances and energy's as well as creatures. {locked} need more energy to activate

{level 1} transform: can only change hair, color nail size, or Eye Color as well as voice.{locked} need more energy to activate.


Skills :

Cleaning {level 4}

Reading {level 4}

Math {level 2}

Social studies {level 2}

English {level 4}

Pickpocketing {level 2}

Stealing {Level 2}

Fighting {level 2} you have fought lots of bullies in Gotham.

Science {level 3} you know what the mitochondria do


Money: 50$ {half you stole the other half you got from your mom}

"So System what do you do because this is confusing where did I get these abilities".

{ Host was born with his abilities, Host is a metahuman and system only shows stats and how to unlock Powers and how to level them up}

"OK I understand you're kind of like a guide right so you teach me things and help me get stronger"

{Affirmative host}

"Eli can get breakfast"

"Coming mom shit she might've heard me, we will continue this later system"

"Good morning Mom"

"Good morning hon what was all that noise up there it sounded like you were talking to someone"

"Huh oh that was just my tv I kind of left it on last night"

"What did I tell you about staying up late you know it's bad for your health"

"Oh come on you don't have the school today it's a Saturday what's the big deal if I stay up an hour later"

" Don't get smart with me Mr."

"Groan ow that hurt Please stop pulling my ear I'm sorry"

"OK just remember not to complain to me when you can't wake up in the mornings now go brush your teeth"

"Sigh OK mom". [a/n this means mental Conversations ()]

(System are you there)

{Affirmative host I shall never leave}

(OK that's weird do you need to say it like that so my question is what type of energies can I absorb and where do I get them)

{Host you can absorb any type of energy and how you get them is you use things to produce this energy or you absorb energy from your area}

Turning on the water as I wash my face the system screams out {Host there is an energy source nearby}


{The running water host}

"So I can absorb energy from a things like this cool things are going to be easy. So how do I absorb it"

{Host ability is still at level two so you must Touch it and focus on it }

"Ok system like this {yes} ok Eli you got this breath in breathe out focus"

" It felt like a flood of energy going through my body "

{host check status}