
Dark Times in Magic

"It's amazing how lies hurt." In a world where magic appears suddenly but is not accessible to everyone, the people who obtain it become criminals and murderers, But me, I went back to my past life when I died, and I came back with magic and a special power, the power to "Know if you lie or not" "I'm going to get revenge on these bastards for taking away everything I loved." I am the hunter and you are the rabbits in my palm.

DuckyAurora · 武侠
2 Chs

0001: Rewind Time

( Tuesday, September 1849, France )

"My life was a mistake, I lost everything." I was standing on the edge of a bridge, shedding my last tears.

I am 41 years old and my life has been a disaster. Cheating, suicide and corruption. This world is shit, it's so shit that if I were God I would have made an apocalypse by now.

My wife, my kids, my parents, I've lost everything. This world is broken, since supernatural people were born, everything has changed... Magic? That's rubbish, only very few people have it and most of them are criminals.

"I have no reason to stay alive anymore."

- Don't do that! - A woman got out of a car and ran towards me, tears in her eyes. But it was too late, I had already pushed myself forward.

- Black eyes... short, black hair... I see, in the end if you loved me, at least I'll be able to sleep infinitely in peace. -

A thud on the stone sounded, my body had already hit the ground, I heard muffled screams and sirens. My body didn't hurt, I didn't feel anything, I didn't want anything anymore. "Thank you God for letting me die without pain. Those were my last words.

[ ... ]

I felt how my body felt better but at the same time lighter, everything felt very good and comfortable, I opened my eyes and I was in a bed, the ceiling was made of sheeting. "This is very familiar to me... Is this a dream, is this seeing your life before you die?"

I moved my hands and my hands were those of a baby. "Wow, I went back in time, what an incredible and realistic dream." I started to move and crawl, the house was made of wood, because before my parents and I were poor, we lived in a poor neighbourhood.

I kept walking and found my mother cooking. - Mum - My mother turned around and the plate she had on top of her fell off. - Honey, the boy just spoke! -

My mother ran to grab me and I started to cry, my parents, I can see them one last time, this is beautiful. "Thank you God."

My parents screamed with excitement over my first word - You saw, his first word was "Mama" - My mother said proudly, my father was a little disappointed that it wasn't his first name. - Sisi, you win, you put down the boy you scared and now he's crying, though.... Why doesn't he scream or say something while crying? He is crying silently. -

Both my parents saw me as tears came out of my face, they were very surprised as my face was not wrinkled and I didn't let out a voice. - I think you messed up the kid now he's got something! - my father shouted.

My mother was silent. - I don't understand... those tears are of extreme sorrow, despite his reaction that's not normal for a baby. - My mother had a strange feeling, she felt something she didn't know.

She was happy, she was crying with happiness, this was incredible, to see my family again was something I couldn't believe, we were poor, yes, but even so, we had a great time.

"Now that I think about it... This dream didn't last long?" I thought while I was wiping my tears, but my parents didn't see me, they were just talking about other subjects.

The night fell, I had had lunch with my family, they gave me porridge, although being in the role of a baby I had to eat it anyway, my parents ate noodles with salt, it was the only thing we could eat.

They put me to bed in a cot and kissed me goodnight, it was the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced. "So when I sleep... I will go to rest eternally... Thank you so much for this long dream God."

I fell asleep with a laugh, it was a spectacular day.

[ ... ]

I opened my eyes and it was morning. "Huh, I'm still here?" My heart started to beat faster, apparently this is not a dream. "That... apparently it's not a dream, that's why everything felt so real... it makes sense, after all, in this world there will be supernatural... So I went back in time!"

My day started again, my father went to sell dough for bread and my mother stayed at home taking care of me, I meanwhile did nothing but I was not bored, I was still happy to be with my family again, and the most exciting thing is that I can live my life again and I can solve many things and mistakes I made in the future.

( 2 Years later )

I passed these years contributing with my family and acting as a baby, but today... - Today you will go to the garden Hobert, I hope you will make new friends. -

The slum had a kindergarten with free accessibility, this is where I met my first childhood friend, Katherine.

I entered the garden, it was morning and dry cold, the aunts greeted me and directed me to my room, my mother from afar said goodbye.

"Maybe I can become a prodigy, in the future I was someone who was academically excellent and on scholarship, I can do something about it. I entered the room and found many children playing with papers and toys, most of them with their clothes in disarray.

"But... I will have to put up with this..."

The teacher let go of my hand and spoke to me: - I hope you have a great time, Hobert, make lots of friends and be the best in this garden, so that in the future you can be someone amazing! -

[ Lie Detected. ]

I just felt an electroshock, a strange sensation, but I know it was a lie.

- Why are you lying? - I grabbed the teacher's hand.

- What do you mean... kid? - The teacher got a little nervous

- Why are you lying? - I repeated again and grabbed her hand tighter.

She let go of my hand since I am very weak at the moment, but she ignored my question and left.

"That I felt... that's not normal."

I made many versions of this first chapter, but this is the one that convinced me the most. Enjoy!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

DuckyAuroracreators' thoughts