
Dark Designs: Tales of Demons & Gods (Bimonthy Updates)

Waking up in Tales of Demons & Gods, surviving is one thing Leroy can do. After living as Liang Yu in Star Martial God Technique, he is able to pass off as a decent person when in this type of Dimensional setting. When he feels like it that is. It is a slow process to change things but it has been done before. Can he build a Safe Heaven in time while making sure those he cares about gain the strength they need to come with him, or will they fail like the others before him did? This is a Fanfiction that will have elements that do not exist in the original series. Events will not take place the same as several interactions for Nie Li. Which makes since he is not the person the reader will follow most of the time. Conversation hat was not covered in the original will be shown with different outcomes than the original author/artist wrote. Because it is a fanfiction which should be kept in mind. If you want no "forced" content, read the original. No profit is made from this.

Magmatide · 漫画同人
125 Chs

Nether Domain Nine Layers Deathlands Part 6 The Death Spiritual God Part 1


Next Morning-


"I will make sure to speak with my father about this." Xiao Yu said. She hesitated to continue even further but took the plunge. "Even though you are not interested in the Trial, I hope you and your people participate. It will go over quite well, I will make sure of it."

"Sure." Shen Yue stop to address her. "Give him these and I am sure it will go a long way for what happens." Inside were pieces of Flame Vortex Glass as well as few Arrays to help cause issues for Zhu Long. "Just make sure he reads everything in there."

There was a letter for the Nether Master to not get in his way if he makes it to the trial. After all, some people needed to be killed in there. And those Demon Beasts needed to be messed with a little.

From information obtained from those in the area so far, more than the stupid Qilin was inside the tower.

"Since we are exchanging gifts," Nie Li had finished preparing something and placed it in a box while know one was looking. "Tell him it is a gift on behalf of Glory City."

"Eh, guess as the Lady of Glory City I should give something as well." Ye Ziyun pulled out an artifact that a member of the Wugui family dropped when attacking. "It is spoils of war but hopefully a fine gift for your father."

"Do not protest and take the gifts." Shen Yue stated. He was very aware some protests were about to start from her. "A smart "man" knows when to take and give. If you, the Nether Master who sits so high is to stupid to look and think everything over, then "Death" is right to claim him."

*Shine!* A wave of Death energy pulled into Shen Yue. It was getting harder to cultivate the Death Law for some reason. Whether because he was in a semi death state, or the confliction of the Death Aspect remained to be seen.

Looking at the Death God Temple, Shen Yue couldn't understand for the life of him why the Nether Master didn't stomp this guy out. It wasn't even hidden really and was pretty out in the open. Hell, the various cultivator families were after its Divine Spark remains and openly talked about it.

Then again, he probably had other crazy shit going on and holding on to his Fate Souls that kept getting wrecked by the crazy-ass Demon Sect in the Other Realm. Why he didn't think more on members of the Divine Feathers Sect and its vermin inside was beyond Shen Yue's understanding.

It was a typical Chinese Monastery in appearance. The bones scattered about were already pulled towards Shen Yue and tossed into the Flame Vortex Core. Those nearby assumed he was some type of bone collector.

"Go!" Shen Yue said simply. The Officers shot out to start demolishing the temple. "I want the roof removed." Duan Jian, Huyan Lanruo, Sikong Hongyue, and Xiao Juang went to take care of that. The other Officers besides the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd remained near him. "Have you learned Fiery Explosion yet?"

"Umm no." Yu Yan stated. "I already know some Area of Effect (AOE) Flame techniques."

"Disappointing. It would allow us to combine the technique to create something devastating. No matter." Shen Yue frowned as he pointed his finger out. A ball of intense white flame started to form. It continued to compress before it grew again. "Let's see how much 1/10 can do."

The Skelton swung its axe around in a threatening manner. Seeing Shen Yue moving towards it slowly, the red eyes flared.

"Poke." Shen Yue said simply.

*Fwooosh!* A beam shot out of the ball of fire like a rushing stream. Smashing directly into the skull and piercing right through it. It went into the building before stopping after a few seconds. Detonating inside the place.

Not piercing through the other side, Shen Yue frowned. He then tossed the rest of the fireball into the air a little, then spiked it at the Skelton remains like a volleyball. it dodged out the way with the attack smashing through the side of the temple and going into the distance.

"Groooahh!" The skeleton roared and took a swing at him. The force pushing out waves if of energy in every direction. It was not enough to push Shen Yue or Yu Yan back. "Gro!" Another swing sent a wave of Death energy towards the two.

"Tch!" Shen Yu stepped forward grabbing it. With a twist, the energy dispated. A few of those in the area tried to head into the ruin. "Since you all think you can take advantage of me, why don't I just let you all die then?"

Shen Yue's eyes glowed a dangerous purple hue. Around his face, the runic lines already appeared. His forces all pulled back from their attacks as he to moved away. Yu Yan hesitating briefly before doing the same.

"Ahh!" The Skelton was no longer pressured. It attacks wildly and killed a few with a single swipe each time.

"A few of them died because of you!" A cultivator shouted out.

"What in the fuckery are you talking about? Who told them to try to sneak pass while my people fought?" Shen Yue was not just going to do the work and let others benefit inside.

Countless weapons and armors were inside there from those who failed and who were lead into the place over the centuries.

"You bastard! How dare you set us up!"

"Stupid." Shen Yue created a few Lightning Lances then threw them at the mouthy cultivators. Faster than they could react, each were struck in the chest. The lightning spread out disrupting their Soul Realms and Nervous System killing them on the spot. "Die for your stupidity!"

*Splat!* The bodies burst then were disintegrated under the power of the raw lightning. Seeing a few demigods dies so easily, the peanut gallery shut their mouths. Effectively cowered on the spot.

"You made the decision yourselves to come to a place called 9 Layer Deathlands. Decided to try an enter a Tomb while others fought. Others you didn't even know or spoke to form a plan to help." Shen Yue shook his head at the sheer audacity of them. "Now why wouldn't I take offense to the name slinging?"

*Bzzzzzt!* In his left hand a web of lightning started circulating.

*Fwish!* A Flame Tornado forming in his right. The Dark Moon Family and a few others understood the power of the Flame Tornado.

"So why shouldn't I just kill all of you right now?" Shen Yue was quite livid the more he thought about it.

"Don't you know who we are?" Someone tried to use their status to influence the situation.

"I don't rightly care who you are. That is why I didn't ask." Shen Yue smirked at them. "You think your family can kill me? They wouldn't even know where to look for me at all. Let alone win a fight when they get there if they do."

"They.. they wouldn't let you get away with this!" Another said.

"But you would be dead.. so.. jokes on you." Shen Yue shrugged at them. Seeing the skeleton looking around and no longer moving, he spread his Astral Sense to see what was going on. "Oh, they snuck in huh?"

Nie Li, Xiao Yu, Lu Piao, and Du Ze snuck inside somehow during the talking.

"Ehem, we got off on the wrong foot senior." A noble by the looks of it said. "How can we right this wrong?"

"Well, just apologize. All of you and stand back. Then afterward you can go in. If there is anything left." Shen Yue felt better after the little venting. His Flame Vortex Core is healing even better than before. 'The Astral Sense mixed with the Heart Method works so well the way I have done it. A large force of spiritual energy should help the process faster.'

"That's it?"

"Well yeah, I am not that much of an asshole. Courtesy and manners go a long way." Shen Yue smiled. One by one they apologized then moved out of the way even further. "Commence the attacks on the temple."

"Nie Li is in there!" Xiao Ninger stated.

"Well.. he should not have gone in there."

"Xiao Yu is also in there." Ye Ziyun added in. "You did just give him some gifts to deliver. I am sure you wouldn't want them wasted."

"Tch!" Shen Yue scoffed. "Fine! Go pursue those who went in! Everyone is free to go into the blasted temple!" They darted off into it, with the Officers switching over to keeping the Skelton from killing any one else.

*Bam!* Shen Yue vanished on the spot, delivering an axe kick to the Skelton. Its skull pushed down on the neck a little from the force. But showed no visible damage.

"Eat up!" Punching down directly on the top of the skull, a few bones gave way. The Flame Tornado was released around it. "Let's see what this does."

*Fwish!* The bones started to scorch then spun around. The Flame Tornado started to grow in size. The wind in the area started to pick up feeding it further. In less than three seconds, it was about 60 meters wide.

"That.. huh.." Shen Yue was at a loss. The Lightning Web in his other hand started to cause tingling. "Who wanted a weapon infused with lightning runes again?" He asked his people.

"I did!" An Officer stated. "My bow still isn't finished. But I have the main parts already." He pulled out some dark twisted wood. "Well, something I plan on tinkering with later."

"Alright." Shen Yue compressed the lightning and dropped it in the box with the wood. Moving around his fingers a bit to make a rune to keep everything stable. "Hopefully you remember that is in there." The officer nodded moving away.

Watching the Flame Tornado run rampant on the outside, they floated about just keeping watch and dismantling the place.




The Officers started pulling the place apart from the outside. The rest went inside to scope the place out. Along the way, Shen Yue storing everything in sight along with Duan Jian.

The others found it odd but didn't say anything. Yu Yan looking at Shen Yue's neck that was glowing. The rune lines looking more and more like various ancient runes. Focusing, she saw the micro inscriptions and runic patterns that were the same as Laws.

"Stop that." The 2nd Officer whispered to her. Her voice was very firm. The others didn't hear of course. "If you spy on him like this, don't get upset when we do it back."

"I... I don't know what you mean." Yu Yan said playing innocent.

"Master Shen Yue already spared you once. Even after finding your previous body had something special in it." The 2nd Officer's voice turned even firmer. "Don't forget who gave you that body and is keeping you hidden from your enemies."

Huyan Lanruo and Sikong Hongyue were dragging weapons on the ground. A closer look revealed liquid filling the marked spots. Disrupting the control the Death Spiritual God had over the place.

"Tch!" Shen Yue felt the energy shifted in the place. Immediately he circulated the Law of Metal into his hands. His bones were already powerful but this just pushed his muscles and skin even further while healing. He was still somewhat tender. "Get lost!"

*Wham!* A punch delivered outward caused the hands that reached out to attack them to go flying back immediately. Both him and Duan Jian smashed the place apart as they ran through. The others just trailing along enjoying the sights.

"Kek Kek Kek!" A voice started to echo throughout the entire place. "I never thought that anyone would actually come in here in such large numbers!"

"The Death Spiritual God." Yu Yan felt the voice to be really weak. 'Maybe Shen Yue knows why? Or that Xiao Yu? But then again, he is already nowhere to be found.'

"There are no treasures in this pace. The tomb is actually my real body!" The Death Spiritual God mocked them. "By Swallowing you, I can regrow my Divine Spark even faster! So keep coming! Kekekeke!"

Those within the place realized it was a bad idea to come inside. Even more so after hearing that. Cutting their losses, they started to retreat immediately. But the place worked against them as several rooms were locked and floors gave away.

*Rumble!* The place started to shake apart as everyone within started attacking to get out. Corner rats were quite dangerous.

Status: Shen Yue Health 2800

Spirit Energy: 40,739,582

Power: 45 Defense: 46

Willpower: 42 Intellect: 43

Connection: 77

Divine Spark: Lightning, Sound, Metal, Beasts, Soul

Laws: Death, Earth, Matrix

Flame Vortex Star Dragon: Heavenly Fate Realm

Metal Seed: 7th tech level

Fire Body: 5th tech level

Astral Sense: 6th tech level

Sword Attainment: 2nd tech level

Magmatidecreators' thoughts