
The Switch

Hi. My name is Claire. I'm your average teenager with nothing interesting going for her. I like reading, late night talk shows and ofcourse, not showing up to school.

Hold that gasp. I'm not a truant like you think I am. I've never skipped school a day in my life and I suspect that if I had the opportunity I'd still choose school.

I have a secret but if I tell you it won't be much of a secret now would it? Oh it doesn't matter now I suppose- time is running out. I have to tell you everything and hopefully you won't judge me too.

Here's where it all began:

*Flashback to two years ago*

"Claire Ramona Woods!" My mum screamed my name from the bottom of the staircase. It was always the same routine every morning to get me to wake up for school.

My eyes fluttered open and I dashed around in a frantic attempt to get ready. I quickly undressed and hopped into the jacuzzi for a well-deserved shower.

This day started quite beautifully. The birds were out singing, the sun was out, it was all so perfect.

"Bye mum." I hug my mum after grabbing an apple from the kitchen counter.

"I love you so much Claire. Please be a good girl" I nodded my head and cocked my head in a curious way. Mum was never this emotional.

I headed out of the door with a happy tune that had been stuck on repeat in my mind. It was the song from a TV commercial, but which one?

I was only a few skips away from the house when I heard it: The sound that changed everything. Three gunshots sounded from inside and in a brief moment the house blew up. Right.in.front.of.my.eyes. It was all so sudden that I didn't have the time to hear my mum's scream or register the hands that held me back from running into the flames.

"No! Let me go!" I yelled frantically. I was able to escape those selfish hands and run into the wreck. I immediately wished I hadn't for lying on the ground was the mangled body of my mother, eyes flaming.

What do you think I did next? No, don't try to guess.