
Danmachi: The Crimson Flash

A bored god that is forgotten by everyone. He considered his divinity and eternal life a curse. A curse that haunted him throughout the countless years. For the sake of entertainment, he decided to abandon his godhood and live as a mortal to a random world. As he was creating his mortal body, he found two fragmented souls that interests him. 『Maybe I should use the souls of Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Itachi together to create the ideal mortal body for me.』 However by continuing this, he would totally abandon being a god and all of his godly powers which no gods were willing to risk but not him. 『No need to worry about saying goodbye of my divine body. I'm a forgotten god and not the strongest anyway.』 This story consists of 'Danmachi' anime with some factors of 'Naruto' anime and other masterpieces. Disclaimer: I do not own the cover (source:Pinterest.) Disclaimer: Obviously, I do not own Danmachi and any related materials.

Plagiarist_Astre · 漫画同人
61 Chs

Troublesome Silverback

"You look a little pale Alex. Are you okay?"

Rose asked Alex with a worried tone but to Alex, her voice sounded pleasant and sweet. Placing his backpack at the counter, Alex spoke politely towards Rose.

"Miss Rose, I would like to sell all of this."

With a thud, the bag filled with all the drops he had made a sound when being placed in the counter.


"Is there a problem Miss Rose?"

Alex curiously as Rose had an expression like she had seen something that shouldn't happen.

"You have more than hundreds of Goblins and Kobolds magic stones!"

"Ah that!"

Alex put his hands on his chin musing about that.

"I guess I was fighting for a while as the dungeon just send me this many to fight with."

Rose made a sigh. "I'm starting to regret this relationship."

"Miss Rose, I didn't know we were dating?"

Alex asked with a confused and oblivious expression on his face which made Rose's face turned a little red.

"Huh! You know that's not what I mean."

Alex made a chuckle finally understanding what she meant. Rose on the other hand massage her chin as she thought.

'I didn't even knew so many monsters could be spawned in the first and second floor. What the hell is even going on?'

She then stared at Alex who had an obvious expression saying 'Me too.' if she ever asked him. Rose then glared at Alex and said.

"Young man! Why in the world did you stick around and fight them? Didn't I gave you warnings about the danger of the dungeon before?"

She sound infuriated but Alex could feel her worry in it. What Alex didn't know that she has a tough personality which is the result of experiencing the deaths of her assigned adventurers, so she cares about the safety of the adventurers with the hope of not wanting to experience losing an adventurer again.

"I'm not really sure about that myself Miss Rose. Maybe because I didn't feel fear at that moment?"

Alex answered while tilting his head sideways not really sure if this was the appropriate answer. Veins popped up in her face but she managed to calm her rage.

'If he was able to return from the dungeon safe, that's all matters. Also, he might have really a good fighting ability to obtain this many.'

She thought in her mind as she began to count the total amount of Alex had. After finishing his business in the guild, Alex decided to take a breather after the intense battle he experienced from the dungeon. As he didn't want to use his money to buy some food or to have fun that costs money, Alex decided on strolling and walking around.

"Where should I go?"

There were 8 Main Streets in Orario. Every one of them starts at Babel and stretches all the way to the wall. It would be easy to think that the city is a big cake with 8 slices.

As the streets were crowded with people due to a certain event that took place. Monsterphilia is an event put on once a year by the Ganesha Familia. One of the most powerful familia in Orario.

As Alex was already used in watching it every year before, he was fine without being able to spectate today. Aside from it, he had no intentions of using money he had just obtained to pay for the entrance fee.

Alex who happened to be randomly walking around the Daedalus street, heard some sort of explosion or the sound of objects being crashed.

"Hmm, what's with that commotion?"

Sensing something, Alex focused some magic power in his legs and dashed towards the location where he heard the commotion came from. With his speed, it took him atleast 40 seconds to arrive where it was.

Gazing at the location, Alex found a familiar teen age boy with white hair and a woman dressed in white being chased by an ape like monster.

"Is that Bell?"

Alex questioned as he hid in the corner as he examined the situation before he would take an action. Suddenly, Alex saw Bell charging towards the monster to protect the woman in his side. Alex could see Bell's expression seeing his weapon broke from colliding from the monster's arm.

Bell was smashed to a wall before he could react. Looking at the situation, Alex decided to take action, or atleast distract the beast to give Bell and the woman beside him the chance to escape. With [Flying Thunder God], even he could only use it one last time today, he was confident he could escape.

As Alex was about to assist Bell, he immediately covered and closed his eyes as the area was covered with brilliant light. The light didn't last long and immediately dissipated.

Recovering his eyesight, Alex saw Bell swiftly retreated helding a woman in tow in his hands.

"Shoot it! Maybe my help was unnecessary after all."

Alex muttered with serious expression as the monster was now looking at him. Unlike the goblins and kobolds he had encountered, this one has overwhelming presence which made him feel that his body was shivering.

Ignoring his shivering body, Alex glared back at the monster not intending to back down. Even he had no magic left to cast except for the last [Flying Thunder God] to escape that could make him enter Mind Zero, there was no fear in his eyes.

"It seems like, I had to fight."

Alex noticed that it was shackled by a chain in its wrist. As Alex was about to charge, he paused as he was surprised to the action of the monster in front of him. It's head turned away from him looking at the side where Bell used in his retreat.

"It's ignoring me?"

Even surprised, Alex was sure of it. This monster didn't put him in its eyes and its target was clearly Bell or maybe the woman with him.

"A monster is targeting someone? What is even happening?"

Alex knew that monsters had little to no intellectual capabilities yet this one was showing a sign of intelligence for ignoring him. As the monster was about to leap off, and chase after Bell, Alex reacted.

"Not so fast!"

Pouncing forward, Alex brandished his dagger to its leg followed by his short sword. Just like what happened to Bell, his weapons broke during the contact which made Alex narrow his gaze.

'It wasn't able to pierce through.'

The monster growled in annoyance and stomped it's feet targeting Alex, sensing it, Alex managed to barely dodge by taking a side step. However before Alex could move his body again, the monster punched him hard sending him off to a wall.

Crashing to the wall, Alex groaned in pain. His vision became upside down and blurry. Even feeling the pain, Alex tried his best to suppress it to focus on the monster to avoid losing his life even he was not afraid to death. Looking at the monster, Alex could see it snort before leaving him and rushed to where Bell is.

Due to the pain, Alex was not able to get up immediately and could only see the departing figure of the monster.

"Well at the least, I was able to buy time for Bell to retreat."

Alex muttered before slowly getting up.

"If I was not able to react my body earlier to reduce the impact and damage I would receive, I might have been a goner already."

Due to him adjusting in time, he managed to keep his self alive from its punch but it still left him some broken bones and internal bleeding.

"In the first place, how can a silverback run wild here in Orario?"

A large monkey monster that is covered in white fur with silver fur down the middle. It has great arm strength. It is the highlight among monsters on 11th and 12th Floors. Alex wondered as that shouldn't be possible as Orario has several high level adventures so a silverback should be easy to deal with.

"Well I've did everything I could anyway so its pointless to worry about it. The rest was up to Bell now."

Alex murmured hoping that the teenage boy he had made acquaintance with could overcome this. Now that he couldn't do anything, Alex squeezed the last bit of magic power available on his body, making his body turned to crimson flash, teleporting to his room and entered slumber as he triggered Mind Zero after the use of [Flying Thunder God].

Waking up, Alex unconsciously looked at the window and noticed that it was evening. He then tried to get up from the bed but paused midway as he felt tremendous pain assaulting his body.

"Crap, why is it that first thing I felt after waking up is pain?"

Alex mumbles as his mind and judgment was still cloudy as he had just woken up.

"Ahh! Right."

Alex dejectedly exclaimed remembering that it was because he was beaten up by a silverback without him being to retaliate at all. Suddenly, Alex heard the sound of the door opening. Looking at its direction, Alex saw Kronos coming in.

"Hmmm, you look that you have received quite a beating Alex."

Alex was speechless as it was the first thing Kronos said to him which infuriates him.

"Here, drink this. Luckily I have some healing potion with me."

Kronos tossed a battle of healing potion at Alex which he drink immediately. In an instant, the pain he was feeling disappeared like a lie.

"Thank you very much Kronos. I feel better now."

Kronos smiled hearing that. Before Alex could say another words, Kronos told him to take off his shirt and see his progress today.


Name: Alex Uchiha

Race: High Human

Level: 1


Strength: H- 120> F- 347

Endurance: H- 101> G- 295

Dexterity: H- 116> F- 365

Agility: H- 121> F- 393

Magic: H -142> D- 513

Magic (3 slots):

[Flying Thunder God]

[Fire Style Magic]

[* By kneading Falna in the body into flames, the user can freely manipulate the flames based on the user's will.

* The more and the greater flames are produced, the greater the consumption.

* The amount of damage is proportional to the user's Magic stats.]


Limit Breaker

Adversity Breaker