
D Shark Unit

Altros Ximen left his house, his family everything behind. For what? For his dream! For his country! BUT! When he entered the military, he realised that the world isn't how it looks like. It's a cruel place. It's a dog eat dog world. and he... he is just a frog in well! Not even a dog! However, due to someone's blessings or due to some deep trap he receives a system. A system that will help him and 'D Shark Unit' to reach the peak and claim the world. Let's enjoy the journey of Altros and D Shark Unit! Hell Yeah!! ---- Updates: I'll update whenever I am free. It can be regular, it can be irregular. I don't know. But I'll definitely try my best. ---- You can join my discord server here: https://discord.gg/cr4jDrA ---- Note: Cover art isn't mine. The original artist can notify me and I'll take it down.

Phantom_Bear · 军事
9 Chs

Ch 1 | Joining D Shark Unit

"Altros Ximen!"

"Yes Sir!" A lean, brown man with not so handsome face or muscular body stepped forward and gave a military salute to the old man standing in front of him, along with a huge bulky man by his side.

"You barely passed health examinations. So, after talking with all other commanders, we decided to let you join the D Shark Unit. The hero beside me is your new team leader from now on. Go, join your team now!" The old man was in his late fifties but his voice thundered inside the military tent and made the line of young fresh meat standing in front of him shudder in fear and respect.

Altros listened to the instructions passed down to him and his face changed. His previously solemn and grave face was now beaming with joy.

To think that he passed the physical examination with his body condition was already great but to think that he'll also be assigned to a working unit was like giving meat to a person who has not tasted a single grain in the past month or two.

But, he knew this wasn't the time for him to show his joy or act wildly and thus he hurriedly controlled his emotions and gave another military salute to the bulky man beside the old man, "Altros Ximen, reporting on duty sir!"

Pleased with the reaction of this newcomer, the bulky man, Sean Ohfa, Leader of the D Shark Unit nodded his head solemnly. Though, he was pretty displeased internally, by the fact that he was getting a candidate with just passable standards, compared to those bastards from the 'Sea Horse Unit" who managed to fish out the black horse from this batch of recruits.

'Haiz… let's see how many days, will this new tender meat last for in this world?'

The old man waved his hand then dismissed both Bulky Leader Sean and the newbie Altros.

Both of them gave another salute to the old man before they went out of the tent, with Altros following closely behind the Leader Sean.

Time passed from seconds to minutes and the duo continued marching forward in the direction of thick vegetation, without uttering a word.

Finally, after ten minutes of silence, Altros wasn't able to bear with the silence and asked excitedly and nervously, "Leader, where are we going? Are we heading towards the camp of D Shark Unit to meet other members?"

However, the man ahead of him merely shook his head in denial, before speaking solemnly after a few moments of silence, "We are going to head towards hell to train you up. Let's see if you survive to join the D Shark Unit before you can see your teammates."

Altros, "..."

'Will I really die before even meeting my teammates and taking a step towards my dream? Then why the hell did I runoff from my dead fish like life? Now I'll be dead human instead of fish!"


This is Bear here.

I really like to keep chapters short unlike other novels and I won't really fill up space with fillers. So enjoy short crisp chapters.

Thanks for reading.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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