So this will be switched from an outsiders point of veiw, Hazels point of view and occasionally Cupid's
*Hazels point of view*
Hi, I'm Hazel goddess of break ups, oppositeol of Cupid. Yeah that time you were in a bad point in your relationship, then suddenly either you or your partner said that you should break up and they or you agreed even if they recently said that they would never do that or agree to it? That was me. Both me and Cupid live in the mortal realm, or where you live! There has been a few times we messed when your girlfriend or boyfriend cheated on you, it was either yhey were actually unloyal to you or Cupid accidentally hit them with one of his arrows. That has happened a few times before and he did get punished for it. I won't say what it was since you wouldn't understand it anyways. We are always going around doing our job I mean we do only have to do a certain amount then we can be done but since we don't have a fixed place to stay most of the time we just keep doing our job. I've even before gone to all of the states in the USA in one day because we can teleport. We do hang out alot though and maybe the saying "opposites attract" is true because I think that I might have fallen for him, but I doubt he likes me back even though he doesn't actually have a girlfriend he never really seemed to like me in that way most of the time saying "we're friends remember?". I really wish he did Like me though that would be great.