
Cultivating Immortality With a Broken Pagoda

Fang Yuan had a simple ambition of getting into any of the seven large sects and becoming wealthy to provide for his family until he got that pagoda. His goals changed and he now wanted to become an Immortal and conquer the world.

pinaka_ · 玄幻
43 Chs

The First Three Levels of Qi Refining!

Chapter 31: The First Three Levels of Qi Refining!

The trainer was also surprised by the improvement in Fang Yuan, so he focused even more on him.

More focus meant more exercise and hard work, which Fang Yuan didn't complain about. His goal was to get good marks in the entrance so he could get into a good sect or academy, and he was willing to work hard for it.

The trainer was even more impressed by Fang Yuan's willingness. The will to work hard was the most important condition to achieve something in martial arts besides talent. From how quickly Fang Yuan improved, he had good talent, and when it was mixed with hard work, Fang Yuan would touch newer heights.

Fang Yuan had no idea that the improvement due to his pushing his body to the extreme made the trainer believe he had great talent. Even if he knew it, he wouldn't complain.

Time flew by, and soon, it was time for Fang Yuan to leave the gym.

"Thank you, master."

Fang Yuan left after thanking Xu Ling. He was a man in his middle ages and was at the peak of the Qi Refining. He was only waiting to get a Foundation Building Pill, and then he would no longer be a trainer but would get promoted to manager of a gym's branch.

Xu Ling looked at Fang Yuan's back, thinking of something. 

'It's still too early,' he thought in his heart the next moment and returned his focus to the gym. Fang Yuan wasn't the only student.


Fang Yuan inhaled and exhaled a couple of times, and when his mind and heart had completely calmed down, he drank a drop of spiritual liquid.

The next moment, a warm energy rushed through his body. The first three levels of Qi refining focused on strengthening limbs, but the degree of strengthening depended upon the quality of the cultivation art.

Since the art in Fang Yuan's hands was only the most basic, the strengthening was also of that level.

The limbs consisted of hands and legs, and the first three levels focused on that because, at the Qi refining level, a cultivator could only channel energy through limbs, so to become able to handle Qi, they needed to be strengthened.

Fang Yuan immediately got to work and started to channel the spiritual energy, slowly strengthening his limbs.

Time flew by, and soon, the energy in the spiritual liquid was absorbed by Fang Yuan. Due to the low quality of the cultivation art, he was unable to absorb even half of the energy of the liquid.

"If I have a better quality of cultivation art, I can maybe even step into the fourth level before the entrance," Fang Yuan muttered, as the better the quality, a cultivator could cultivate for more cycles.

The more cycles of cultivation, the more the absorbed energy would be.

Unfortunately for him, he needed to earn more if he wanted to purchase better cultivation art. Even the basic one provided by the federation cost a few hundred low spirit stones. With the sale of the high-grade crimson wood tree, he had more than three hundred low spirit stones, but that wasn't enough.

Fang Yuan also didn't want to spend all his savings since the situation in the Mutou world had changed. It was no longer a peaceful world, and he didn't want to face what he faced yesterday again.

Remembering Mutou world, Fang Yuan remembered that he had dug out some trees, so he immediately thought of the space, and following that, his consciousness appeared in the storage space.

He couldn't help but become excited when he saw rows of trees lying in the space. What was even great was that there were two high-grade crimson wood trees, and they looked bigger than the ones he earlier sold to Shengong Linfang.

Other than those, there were sixteen low-quality and four middle-quality crimson wood trees. He could see a mountain of spirit stones in place of the trees.

But when he remembered the condition of the forest and the city, all his excitement disappeared. The people in the Mutou World were as real as him.

'I hope the baby will find a better home,' He couldn't help but think of the baby, for whom he almost sacrificed his future.

But he soon calmed down as he had done his best for the baby. What would happen with the boy was best left up to fate, so there was no point worrying about something that was outside his control.

Fang Yuan then appeared in the portal room and could see the timer moving. He no longer stayed there and returned to his body.

The cultivation session was far from over, and he took out a bottle from his drawer and immediately ate one of the pills.

When Fang Yuan was immersed in cultivation, the Mutou World was changing rapidly.

The zombie attack in Crimson Wood City destroyed the city, killing almost 90% of the population. It was one of the worst tragedies in the history of the world.

The situation was only brought under control when the neighboring cities came to help. There were seven or eight Foundation Building cultivators in the city before the attack, but after it, only two were left, and they were in no good condition either.

The foundation the families had built for decades was brought to nothing in just several days.


Hai Ling exclaimed in surprise when she entered Fang Yuan's tent. The boy was nowhere to be seen.

She couldn't help but worry as his injuries were severe. Even though he had come out of danger, the loss of blood essence was too much and would take years, if not decades, to heal without any natural treasure.

She hurried out of the tent, searching for the boy, but he was nowhere to be found.

While searching, she came across the man who brought the boy. The next moment, both of them started searching for Fang Yuan, unaware that the boy was relaxedly sleeping and snoring on his bed in his room.

(Chapter End.)

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