

"No buts! My word is final. After all, they are the ones who had sued her and they want to withdraw the case so there is no problem. Let them take her. Let us forgive her for trying to end her life because we are still not sure if she will survive and don't even try to remind me about your carelessness. We will talk about that after this!"

The inspector who was a bald man with a huge belly retorted and as if nothing was going on, walked away from the already formed crowd. 

People always liked gossip so it was quick for them to respond to the attractive attention given to them for free.

"Did you hear that? Hurry up and give me the girl. I promise she will be safe in my hands" Mrs Walter said while stretching her hands ready to take the girl from the police officer who was still trying to absorb the information given by his superior.

"No! Let her be! She will go near Alex over my dead body!" Raina exclaimed angrily after a long silence that all the people in the place including her aunt opened their mouths and eyes in disbelief.

What was this dimwit trying to say? Her aunt thought in frustration. She was about to get the girl but her cunning niece wouldn't let it happen.

"Shame on you! Who even allowed you to follow me in here? Get out of my way!" Mrs Walter shouted in anger as she pushed the girl who had come between her and the policeman who was carrying Blessing.

"No! I won't allow that!" Raina exclaimed stubbornly.

She had made up her mind not to allow this to happen no matter what.

"If this girl bleeds to death, I will never forgive you, Raina! You are too spoiled to be my niece! No matter what you do my Alex will never be your husband! He never loved you the way your stupid head thinks but like a sister and to him, you will always be like that. Not the other way round!" Mrs Walter cried out in anger that Raina couldn't believe it at all.

"Aunt, you are saying that to me?" She asked in anger.

"Yes! And I will always remind you that he is your cousin for heaven's sake, not your man! You are obsessed, Raina! This is not love but an obsession. I am taking this.." She was about to vomit everything because of anger but she couldn't. Not now or else she would ruin everything because of this cunning niece of hers. She didn't want the girl to stay anyway. She better just go away to her parents.

Yes, she was taking this girl not because she was going to allow her to marry her son no matter who she was to him but so that she would help her son heal quick. That was what was in her mind. The girl was not in her son's class anyway why should she allow a nobody to marry her handsome and smart son?

'I am sorry Blessing,  I am too selfish but I promise you to treat you well till you get better' Mrs Walter said inwardly.

"Say it, aunt, say it! You want to use her. Yes, I know you, aunty! You.."