

Akira, a 14-year-old adventurer, is in Crestania with his goddess Luna. As he descends further into dungeons, he grows stronger with each level, but he also encounters terrifying enemies. Akira will discover that having a team can aid him in navigating the harder dungeon levels, but can he truly do it even with a party? Find out...

AkiraKaze · 奇幻
24 Chs

Why To Always Smile

"Floor 15! Here we are!" Ren yelled in excitement.

"H-hey, don't go to far off, you might fall into the boss room's pit." Akira explained.

"Yea, let's wait for some other Crestania member's to come join us in the boss raid." Miko said.

"But who knows how long it'll take them to even get here, besides It's only the Titan boss." Ren said.

"Titan or not, that thing can crush us with It's foot.:" Miko explained.

"Hey Akira, do you want to check out the room at least?" Ren asked.

Akira thought for a moment, but within a few minutes he decided.

"Yea, sure what could go wrong." Akira said as he stood up from the big rock he was sitting on and walked off towards the dungeon's pathway.

"Do not fall in that pit!" Miko shouted.

After Akira and Ren parted way's from Alice and Miko they both started to talk.

"So why are we checking the room out again?" Akira asked.

"Well, I just want to know what type of terrain we are fighting on." Ren explained.

"From what I can tell, the Titan room is very empty. You can't climb on the walls, run on them or do anything." Akira explained.

"How do you know that?" Ren asked.

"miss Nisha told me, but she told me It could of changed through out the years." Akira said.

Within a few hour's later Akira and Ren walked forward until they reached the Titan's room within a few hours.

"Whoa, this room is so empty!" Ren said.

As Ren kept leaning forward dangerously Akira grabbed him by the shoulder.

"Hey! Be careful Ren, If you fall down you can't escape!" Akira said.

"Don't worry, I won't fall down there." Ren said.

But all of a sudden the dungeon started to shake and Ren and Akira were losing their ground.

"Hold on!" Akira shouted.

But Ren lost his foot hold and fell backwards into the pit, but not a moment to sooner Akira quickly grabbed Ren's hand preventing him from landing into the room.

"Don't let go!" Akira said as Ren was dangling with Akira grabbing his right hand.

Moments later monster's started to show up behind Akira.

"Shit, they're here too..." Akira thought in his head.

"This is not good! I don't have the strength to pull Ren up and neither does Ren..." Akira was thinking as the monsters were closing in on him.

But as the dungeon kept shaking the area was also breaking apart, a piece of the dungeon fell down on Akira and Akira had no choice but to make a leap of faith down the boss pit or else he'd be hit with a rock.

Within minutes later Akira and Ren were knocked out after falling hard on the ground...

Meanwhile Alice and Miko...

"Hey, do you think we should go check on them?" Miko asked.

Alice looked at Miko with a curious look

"Why? They've only been gone for 10 minutes." Alice explained.

"Plus If anything, those 2 can defend themselves." Alice added.

"Wow, that is the most you've talked during this time." Miko said with a surprised expression.

Alice shied away "It's just...not use to talking to others yet...." Alice explained.

"Well, I'm going to find them. Want to come join me Alice?" Miko asked.

Alice sighed "Sure..." Alice agreed.

Back to Akira and Ren.

Akira and Ren both woke up finding themselves in a mysterious colored walled room.

"W-what happened?" Ren asked.

"We fell...WAIT we fell down the boss room!" Akira yelled.

"Yea but where is the boss?" Ren asked.

But all of a sudden a giant shadow covered them.

Both of them slowly turned their heads to see the giant beast in front of them.

"I-I think...that's him" Akira said...

As the big giant stared down on them like ants.

To Be Continued...