
Convergence of Realms

Nearing the end of the 20th century, all across Earth, Rifts started appearing in three different colours; green, red, or blue. With a population of eight billion, one millionth of the human population, has had their souls altered by a Rift. Those altered by the Rifts were named Hunters, and were ranked from E to S. Their bodies enhanced to superhuman levels, granting them supernatural powers, and a Mark across their right palm respective of the Rift that altered them, which also summoned their Familiars. Loyal companions that aided the Hunters in battle. Each Rift was a gateway to another realm of magic, wonder and impossibilities. Filled with legendary treasures, ancient artifacts, magical items, endless resources, and Mana.

Andrew_Nguyen_5695 · 奇幻
79 Chs

Iziel the Dragon King of Calamities

Zeke, Moon, Raven and Red stood in Adrianna's office, looking at her new armour filled with deep concern. "Umm....does it come in any other colour?" Moon asked unimpressed. "That's your issue with it?" Zeke asked looking at her. "What? The picture was so much more flattering." "She's right, it looks very...bland." Raven said. "That's because it comes to life, when you feed it Mana." Adrianna said from behind her desk. "Oh, cool!" Raven said excitedly jogging to it. Zeke snatched her wrist, before she could touch it. "What? Do you want to turn it on?" "No...." He trailed off looking at Adrianna. "She's a World Ranker, and she's keeping her distance." Raven quickly scurried behind Moon. "Would you care to give us a demonstration of this armour?" "I would not." "Great. I picked the one armour that even a World Ranker wouldn't wear." Moon groaned. "Is it Cursed or something?" "It's not Cursed." "Then what's wrong with it? Why ask me about it and keep such a distance from it?" "Try giving it some of your Mana and find out." She said sliding down her seat, ready to hide under her desk.

"Moon-" He spun around. Moon , Raven and Red were already behind Adrianna. "Seriously?" He groaned. "You're invulnerable. You'll be fine." Moon said, only peeking her head over the table. "This is your armour!" "You can have it, if it does something bad." "It won't do anything bad." Adrianna said, with only her eyes cresting over the table. "I'd believe, you more, if you sat up right." "I don't know what you're talking about. I've always sat like this." "No you don't." "Have you been watching me work?" Zeke let out a low growl, she was technically right. The best kind of right. "Fine! What's the worst that could happen?" He said placing his hand out. Adrianna ducked under the table. Moon, Raven and Red held their breaths, too curious and enthralled to see what would happen. Their hearts racing and palms sweaty, they balled their fists up. Zeke placed his hand onto the cool steel. Nothing happened. The three of them took a deep breath of relief. He scoffed. "Was that just to scare-"

The dull lifeless armour sprung to life, with the cold obsidian steel turning bright red, and the accents turned a snow white. The pauldrons roared to life, releasing a stream of raging azure fire. From the spine of the cuirass spawned a large Dragons head with burning crimson eyes. Zeke's eyes bulged, and before he could pull away, its jaws slammed shut over his head. It shook him violently side to side, before tossing him into the wall behind the others. "MOTHER FUCKER!" Zeke shouted standing up. The Dragon head spat. "You dare feel me with such filthy Mana?" Iziel said. "It speaks!?" Raven and Moon shouted. "You could have fucking told me it did that!" Zeke snapped at Adrianna. "Not as fun." She said with a sly smirk, sliding out from her seat. Iziel panned around the room, sniffing the air. "Eugh. The Nephilim realm." She took another whiff, turning her gaze to him. "Child of the Nine." She hissed. "What's that?" Moon and Raven asked. "Long story." Zeke said, stomping over to Iziel. "Here's what's going to happen. You're going to-"

Iziel's head retreated and the armour became lifeless. Zeke's jaw dropped. "Did...did this bitch just hide inside like a turtle!?" He asked staring at Adrianna. "Yeah, she does that." Zeke took the cuirass. "Oi you bitch. You better come out and-" Iziel emerged instantly, snapping her metal jaw over his head, and threw him out the building. "MOTHER...." Moon and Raven quickly rushed to window, watching Zeke hit the ground with a small dust cloud. "He's gonna be angry." Moon said. "Very." "Well, enjoy your new armour. Hope you find a way to tame her." "Tame me? They will never tame me! Once I am free from this prison. I will come and finish my fight with Demon King Nyx!" Adrianna broke out into an uncharacteristically boisterous laugh. "I'm sorry...but you look so stupid just flailing around as a piece of armour. Iziel lunged her head, the cuirass was knocked off balance and the armour crashed into the ground. Adrianna reeled back clutching her stomach. Iziel quickly retreated. Zeke came barging into the room, heaving and sweating, wearing a scowl. "Round three bitch!" He yelled pointing at Iziel.

"Zeke, she's not coming out." Moon said. "Ohohoho! We are not finished!" He took the armour shaking it wildly. "Zeke, your fighting a piece of armour right now." He threw Iziel aside with a growl. "Can't believe I got my ass kicked by an inanimate fucking object." "You're an inanimate fucking object." Iziel muttered quickly. Moon held Zeke back from lunging at the armour.

The three sat around the armour in the kitchen, with Zeke glaring at it. "I hate it." "Why are you so annoyed at it? You've been thrown around before right?" Raven asked. "Yes, by other Hunters, and giant creatures. I draw the line at getting my ass handed to me, by a sentient piece of armour. I mean she doesn't even have arms anymore." "And yet you still got thrown by me." Iziel quickly jabbed. Zeke slammed the table "We're leaving this thing to rust." "Zeke, let me convince her." Raven said. Iziel scoffed at Raven. "Get away from me weakling." "I say we bury her." Raven said. "Agreed." "Guys. Let's be reasonable." Moon said. "I'm sure we can figure something out with the Dragon lady. Like why don't we start with how you became to be known as the Dragon King of Calamities?" She asked with a warm smile. "By not having hair that looks like dried hay." "Let's fucking break this bitch!" They cheered, lobbing the armour outside.

"Do your worst! I will break from this prison!" She roared. The three shrugged her off, walking back inside. Iziel forced herself up right. "You think, leaving me outside, will get rid of me that easily!? I am the Iziel the Dragon King of Calamities! I will bring destruction upon you all! I-" She froze in complete fear. Her jaw quivered and trembled. Red sat in front of her, gesturing for her to be quiet. "Y-yo-you-you'r-you're...you're still alive?" She stammered. Red nodded, she placed a notepad in front of Iziel. Words begun to appear on the page. 'Bond with one of them.' "You can't be serious. Why would you side with those Nephilim!? Free me and I'll be your servant for life. We can survive Convergence together." Red shook her head, flipping the next page over. 'Bond or be erased.' "You're serious. You would serve them? Why?" Red stood on her hind legs. "Fine! I'll bond with the blonde one. I refuse to bond with that Demon child." Red nodded, flipping the notepad. 'Hurt either of them, and you'll experience a fate worse than being turned into armour. Am I clear?' Iziel took a second to compose herself. "Yes. Of course." Red flipped the notepad one last time. 'Keep this a secret. Or you'll become Iziel the last Dragon.'

Red placed her paw onto the notepad, and it turned to ash in a flash of black fire, sauntering back inside. "Blonde girl! Blonde girl!" Moon stormed out. "What!?" She snapped. "Touch me." She looked at Iziel confused. "Uh no?" "I'm trying to bond with you girl!" "Uh Zeke! Can you come out here!?" "Is he your husband?" "What no!" She blushed. "Then why do you need to ask for his permission to do something?" "I don't need his permission. I'm worried that five minutes ago. You hated us. Now you want to bond with me?" "I've changed my mind." "Why?" "Because I can. Now do you want to bond with me or not?" She gave her a sceptical stare. "Hmmm...you're not going to like try and take over my body or kill me right?" "No." "What is it?" Zeke asked coming out. "She wants to bond with me now." "Why?" "Because I don't want to die. Now hurry and up bond with me girl." "Mmmm, what are the terms? You're sentient." Zeke said. "Yeah he's right. I don't want to bond with you, and then you won't shut in my head, and I end up having to kill myself." "Or we could just get someone to remove the bond from you?"

"What would prove, that I am willing to give my soul to that girl?" "Mmmm, say sorry about my hair being bad." "That's it?" "And for throwing me out the window." "You seemed fine." "Let's trash this thing." Red glared at Iziel from behind Moon and Zeke. "No wait! I am..." She took a deep breath composing herself. "I am sorry for throwing you out of the window. It was rude of me. Please accept my apology." "And..." Moon said. She let out a low mumbling growl. "Your hair is good." "That's it? That's all you got?" "You have amazing golden silky hair." "Aaaand?" "Moon, just see if she's lying or not." Zeke said. "Fine." She groaned. "Was just getting fun. Alright, what do I do to bond? Do I say something, when I touch you or-" As her fingers touched the breastplate. She was engulfed a blinding brilliant emerald beam of Mana. Zeke was thrown into the dormitory, the glass shattered.

Moon let out a roar as Iziel's bonded to her, the armour liquefying and moulding around her physique. The accents became a bright gold, with the black layered steel turning a gleaming emerald. Raven came running out. "WHAT THE FUCK JUST BLEW UP MY COMPUTER!?" She froze in complete awe at the sight of Moon. She was clad in draconic looking armour, with a long golden flowing cape, with her helmet being Iziel's head. "We are done girl. I will endeavour to keep you alive, just do not speak to me." "HOLY SHIT!" Raven screamed with a shrill ear piercing voice. Moon joined in, the two jumping up and down with joy, in her new resplendent armour. Zeke freed himself from the dry wall. "Just one day. I want just one day, where I'm not getting thrown around." "ZEKE! ZEKE! LOOK! LOOK! She bonded with me!" He stared at her dumbfounded, and longingly. "You look...you look beautiful." She blushed, shying away. "Oh! Han should see this. Help me take a picture with everything. I'll look so badass!" "OOOOOH! Zeke Shadow out!" Raven said. "Why?"

"Do a pose with her. I'll make the photo of your agency." "Isn't that kind cringey?" "Zeke. Moon is literally a Dragon Knight, and you have a katana made of literal shadows. Take the picture, and help brand yourself." "But-" "Fine, guess I'll take only her picture, and call the agency Moon and Friends." "Eugh fine!" He groaned rolling his eyes, summoning Shadow. "Wait...are you gonna take the picture wearing that?" "Yeah? Why, is there something wrong with it?" Moon came out with Soul-Taker and the Fire tome. "Moon, he won't dress up nice, for your photo." "What why?" "I didn't say that!" He snapped. "I don't own nice things. You know that." "Not even a nice suit? Every man needs to have a nice three piece suit." "I don't have three piece suit money. I don't even have one piece suit money." "Let's get you one!" "I don't wear suits. Have you not noticed that I'm short? Suits don't look good on me." "We'll see about that. Let's go shopping first. Moon think of a pose. We'll be right back." "Girl, I've tried to force him before. It's not possible."

"See, not possible. Now let's just get this photo over and done with." Raven took him by the wrist. "Hey, let go." Raven dragged Zeke out. "Raven, let go." Zeke said, struggling in her grasp. He pushed her away. "Moon help me out." "It's such a hassle. It's like trying to bathe a cat." "Dad, still hasn't cut my credit access yet. We can give him an entire wardrobe make over. It would help with your public image." "Are you seriously gonna force me to go shopping right now?" "Sorry Zeke. She's got a point. You do look mangy and scruffy. Let's give you a makeover." "Counter proposal. I try on a suit, we take a picture, we go home." "Counter-counter proposal. You buy a suit, or I tell everyone you like to be the small spoon." "Everyone does!" He snapped. Raven agreed with him. "Here's my proposal Zeke. You're come with us willingly, and stop wearing these rags, or I'll tell everyone what I saw you watching." He stared her down. "You're bluffing." "I might, or I might not be. Are you really gonna risk it?" "Yeah I might..." "I'm here all day Zeke, walking around these halls with doors that have no security to them." She said with a sly smirk. "Fine. I'll go shopping!" He grunted stomping out. "What do you have on him?" "Absolutely nothing."

"Hmm, wonder what's the limit of this armour?" 'Let me show you a taste.' Iziel said in Moon's mind. Her golden cape splt in half, turning into webbed wings. Moon took Raven under her arm flying out, destroying the front part of the dormitory. She snatched Zeke under her arm, the three of them soared through the sky, with the winds buffeting them. "WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" She screamed with joy. She crashed into the ground as a landing, shattering the concrete and bouncing a few times. Moon leapt up to her feet marvelling at her new armour. "THIS IS AMAZING!!! ARE YOU TWO-" "WHAT THE FUCK!" Zeke and Raven yelled at her, the two shook her violently. "I guess I could work on my landings." She chuckled. 'Thought you weren't gonna speak to me.' 'I will answer when called upon. Now, I'll go to sleep."

Chapter Branding

Moon and Raven stood outside the dressing room, with people staring at her, as she summoned and banished her armour. "This is the greatest day of my life." "What about your first time with him?" "It's tied alright." "Do I have to really try all of these?" Zeke whinged. "Yes!" They barked. The receptionist approached them, a young woman dressed in a black pencil dress, and long blonde hair. "We are closing soon, will you three be much longer?" "You hear that Zeke!? You're causing problems, hurry up and come out." Moon said. "Fine, we're doing one suit then. I'm making an executive decision." "Oh no you don't. You have no sense of fashion. Try them on and we'll figure out which one looks best." Raven said. "Wait." The receptionist said leaning in. "Is that the Immortal inside?" She whispered excitedly. "Yes, it is, and you can help us if you stay open a little bit longer." Moon said with a sly smile. "Actually, let me close the shop early, and we can try on the display suits as well." She hurried off, the two of them excited. "Oh, before I forget." Raven said. She slid a come and hair gel under the curtain. "I'm not styling my hair!" "You're not getting a suit, and keeping your hair looking like a wet mop." "But I thought girls liked the K-Pop star look." "You're not Korean, you don't sing or dance. You look like a mop. So style your hair, or I'll get Moon to do it."

"Fine! I'll just comb my hair back. Stupid fashion. Stupid public perception." "Stop whining and finish up." Moon said. "I've got the display suit and-" The receptionist's jaw dropped with the suit in hand. Moon and Raven turned back letting out a small audible gasp. Zeke wore a navy blue three piece suit , with his hair slicked back and spiked. "I know, I look stupid. Can we go now?" Raven turned to the receptionist. "We'll take fourteen of those, in every shade of navy blue to black." "Of course!" "Wait what? I came for one suit, why do I need fourteen of these?" "Because you look good." Moon said dumbfounded. "What? Are you blind or something? I look like an idiot wearing this..."

Zeke summoned Shadow, pulling the curtain aside. Adrianna stood inside with her hands up. "I'm impressed you actually sensed my presence." "Zeke...How did you do that?" Raven asked. "Zeke gets a weird sense, when he's being watched." He banished Shadow, sighing at her. "I must say you are looking very handsome Mr Chen. That is a good look for you." "My hair feels gross, and this feels like I'm wearing a heavy bill on me." "Zeke. It looks really damn good on you." Moon said eyeing him up and down. "Whatever, let's just take this damn picture already." "May I ask for what purpose?" "We're taking the picture for the agency!" Raven said excited. "What has spurred this on?" "Because I've got this!" Moon said summoning Iziel. Adrianna stumbled back falling to the ground. "You bonded with her!? HOW!?" "HA! Zeke's not the only crazy one here. Think I'll call myself. Moon destroyer of worlds!" 'I will gladly accept death, if you name yourself that.' Iziel said. "Please don't. We're trying to be friendly." Zeke said. "What? Hunters are meant to be scary." "To monsters. Not to random citizens. I don't want to get into trouble across Rifts, because you go around calling yourself the 'Destroyer of Worlds."

"Fine. We'll think of one later." Adrianna sat on the ground dumb founded. "Alright, take a pose." "Oh, we should do this with my weapons!" "Yeah! That'll look even more badass!" Moon's cape split into wings. "NO!" Raven and Zeke yelled at her. "I swear, I'll land properly this time." "Fly yourself! We're gonna walk." "Pussies." Moon muttered. 'She actually bonded with Moon? Why? What would convince her to bond?' "Um, did you need something from us? I'm guessing that's why found us here." Zeke asked. "Ye...yes..!" She stammered quickly rising to her feet. "I came to let you know, that the World Ranking Hunter, that has chosen to fight you all, has agreed to different terms." "And they would be?" "Firstly a three versus one fight, against my son's team. Then a two versus one, against you two." "Okay, we can do that." Zeke said.

"Now, whoever you face, remember that it's okay to lose and-" "It's Damien Hawthorne." Zeke said quickly. Adrianna paused, letting out a long exasperated sigh, pinching her brow. "Okay. How and when?" "The night Constantine came to let us know about the challenge." "Well, that ruins the surprise. Just train and do your best." She said defeated, and disappearing on their next blink. "Never seen her look so upset." Raven said. "Yeah, well let's hurry up and take this damn photo. I want to take a shower, and wear things that breathe." "Zeke, stop being a bitch. It's a nice suit." Raven said. "Any way to talk to your boss?" "Right sorry. Stop being a bitch boss." "Alright, because you're buying these. I'll let that slide." The three returned to the dormitory, standing on the roof with Raven's DSLR camera. "This is excessive." Zeke said blushing. "Oh, stop whining. Strike a pose with your weapon and enjoy." Moon said, slinging Soul-Taker over her shoulder. Taking a natural and relaxed warrior's pose. Zeke awkwardly stood next to her, his body stiff and arms by his side. "Dude, strike an anime pose. You literally have a katana." "I'm not that cringey!" "Today you are!" They snapped.

"Eugh...fine. How's this?" He leant on Moon's shoulder, turning his head to the camera, with his thumb propping Shadow's blade to peak out of the scabbard. "PERFECT!" Raven squealed holding her finger down on the button. Zeke shuddered and composed himself banishing Shadow. "Alright, we're done!" He blushed, marching off. Moon rushed over to Raven to look at the photos. Her heart leapt with joy at the sight. "Man has some modelling chops, if he wasn't so insecure." "We look so cool!" 'Girl, what is this tome for?' Iziel asked. 'It's a tome with a fire spell in it.' 'Open it, show me the incantation.' Moon curiously obliged, opening the tome. 'Tsk, what a weak spell. Ah...it will have to do.' "Do what?" Moon asked aloud. "Uhhh Moon! Your armour!" She pointed, seeing markings being etched into the breast plate. "What is it?" She said looking down. The text inside the tome disappeared. "What did you just do!?" Moon shrieked. 'I've bonded the spell to me.' "But that was my spell!" 'Did you forget, I'm a part of your soul now? Unlike you I do not need permission to force a bond.' "Moon, what's happening?"

'Think of the spell.' 'I call upon-' 'I said think it!' Iziel shouted in her head. Moon winced. "Alright, alright!" "Moon are you okay?" Raven asked concerned. Moon became engulfed in a raging aura of emerald fire. "I'LL TAKE THAT AS A NO!" Raven shouted, backing away. "How...is this.." 'A weak spell, but it will have its merits.' 'Thought I had to say the incantation...' 'I will say it for you, and on your command. Merely think it, and I will conjure it for you.' The fire disappeared with the armour. "What the fuck was that!?" Raven asked. "I just got an incredible power up! I gotta go tell Zeke!" "Pretty sure he's getting changed right now." "It can wait, think I hear him calling for help." Moon said quickly sprinting off the roof. "You gotta admit your feelings girl. It's gonna haunt you!" "Shut up!" She snapped leaping off.

She found Zeke trying to wash his hair in the sink. "Come on man, use the shower." "I already took one. I just want this gunk out of my hair." "Look at what happened!" He looked up to see Moon immolated with emerald fire. "Uh...." "Isn't this amazing!? I don't even have to say the incantation. I just think of the spell, and it turns on. Watch this!" She switched the magic off and on. 'Keep doing that, and you'll run out of Mana.' "Keep doing that, and you'll run out of Mana." Zeke said. 'Great, don't make me agree with that spawn.' "Do I even want to know how that happened?" "Well-" 'Do not tell anyone of my presence in your head. Or I will not co-operate.' "I am...amazing! Duh..." Zeke rolled his eyes. "Whatever. This is good. Once we win. We can get you bonded to Soul-Taker, and save money on carrying things." "How are you so confident, that you're gonna win against a former World Ranker?" Raven asked, sitting down with her laptop. "You have an idea! What is it? Are we gonna cheat?" "What?" He shook his head and frowned at her. "No. We're gonna win fair and squa.ahahahaha. Couldn't even finish the line." He chuckled.

"Wait, you're actually gonna cheat?" Raven asked, hooking up the camera. "Kinda. We have information that Cunt-statine and the other's don't have." "Which is?" Raven asked sceptical. "We know how Weaver fights. Which means, we know what tactic will work against him." "Smart!...How do we know that?" Moon asked. "Weaver's Mana manifests as webbing. Perfect for binding and immobilizing." "Great, how does that apply to you two? You're only ability is durability, and she has no way to contain someone like Damien in a barrier." "Yeah, Zeke. I feel like there are holes in this plan." "Not to mention, you're only actual damaging power, is something you can't turn on at will." "I was getting to that." He let out a sigh. "I want you to remember one thing Song Moon Kim." "Oh, damn did he just call you, by your full name?" "He did." "You get permission to do formation Z once. Only once! Am I clear?" Moon gasped. "Are you serious? We finally get to do formation Z!?" "What the fuck is formation Z, and why does she look like, she had ten orgasms at once?" Zeke went red. "It's a dumb fighting tactic, let's leave it at that." "If it works. It's not dumb." "It is dumb. Fortunately for us. I doubt Damien would expect such a tactic to be used."

"Can one of you please tell me, what formation Z is?" "Well you see." "AH! Not a word." "But, she's our friend. What's the harm-" "You tell her, what it is, and I'll tell her the apple pie incident." Moon gave Raven a glum smile and shrugged. "Sorry. You'll just have to wait." "But! That fight isn't for a like another four more months!" "Then you'll have to wait." *Ring* *ring* "Who's calling me at this time?" Zeke asked. "YOOOOOO!" Han shouted through the phone. Zeke winced pulling the phone away from his ear. "LOVING THE PICTURE!" Zeke frowned. "What picture?" "The one, where you and Moon look like a badass Hunter couple? By the way, love the pose Zeke. 10/10 would cringe again." "What are you talking about?" He chuckled nervously. "We never took a photo like....." Zeke trailed off seeing Raven on her laptop, giving him a nervous smile. "YOU UPLOADED IT!?" "Don't be stupid. I sent it off to Han, so that we could workshop on your branding." "If you could get yourself a nice set of armour to match Moon. We could definitely sell the names; The Immortal Demon Knight, and The Emerald Dragon Knight. I'll check the copyrights."

"What? Stop what you're doing Han." "Why? I'm just doing work as your publicist and stylist." "I didn't hire you!" "Of course not. Moon did." Zeke slowly panned to Moon with an annoyed glare. She smiled at him, pulling down her top a little bit. "That's not gonna work." "Worth a shot." "Eugh...Han, we barely make enough, to make ends meet at times. With Raven, I doubt we'll have enough to pay you a salary or stable wage." "That's fine. I'll live with you guys, and pan handle with Red on my down time." "Why would you want to live with us? You've seen our house. You can't even open the front door." "Moon, tells me that you're gonna use that 1000 chip reward to completely revamp your house. Which means it won't be a complete dump anymore." "Did she now..." He shot daggers at her with an icy glare. She shied away, avoiding eye contact. "Plus, I know you always make enough food to feed Red and Moon for the week. So I'll have plenty of food." "Han, I'm not gonna pay you to do something, I don't even need." "Of course not. I would never ask that of you. Moon will pay me to style her, and then we'll peer pressure or blackmail you into giving in." "You can't peer pressure or blackmail me into dressing up." "How exactly, did they get you into that suit?" Zeke froze letting out a faint gasp. "I'll take your silence as me being right. Look forward to working with you, boss. Stylist and publicist for Sovereignty Champions OUT!"

He took a deep breath, trying to compose himself. "Moon can we please consult on things about our agency first?" "This maybe a bad time, but have you thought of recruiting someone from a blue Rift? It would really complete the name of the company." Raven said. "I'm going for a walk." "What about dinner?" Moon pouted. "You find your own." "But! You're cooking always taste better." "Go buy something." Zeke said walking out. Moon got up from her chair. Zeke popped his head back in. "I've moved the chips, don't even think about using them to buy dinner." "Now you're just being petty!" she whined. "Oh it's alright. I can cook us dinner. How do you feel about zucchini fried rice?" "That depends...are you using day old rice or the microwave bags?" "Why would you use day old rice?" "Zeke! I'm sorry! Let me walk with you!" Moon called out, jogging after him.

Constantine sat with Sakura under his arm and Alexander by his side, across from Weaver in a private dining room. The three of them dressed to impress with Weaver wearing another fine silk suit. "To, what do I owe this pleasure, of being seated with the next generation of the greatest Hunters?" He asked with a smile. "We know you defeated Damien Hawthorne. We're willing to offer anything you want, for insight on how to defeat him." Constantine said. "Tsk, tsk. Cheaters never prosper." He said wagging his finger at them. "What do you want?" "Unfortunately, there is nothing that the three of you could offer me. That would entice me into helping you. Even with your parents being who they are." "Everyone has their price." Sakura said rubbing his leg under the table. She felt thousand of sharp piercing rings form around her leg. She winced clinging onto Constantine. "Before you try and seduce anyone, take some lessons from a succubus first." Weaver dug into his bloody steak, dripping with juices.

"What is your price? You have one." Alexander said slamming his fist on the table. "Out of respect to your mother, and who she is to me. I won't maim you tonight." "My apologies for them, Peter. I understand that you have access to any materialistic thing you could want. Women, money, artifacts, armour, weapons. What I'm offering is our services to you." Weaver placed his fork and knife gently. "Help us defeat Damien, and we'll serve a contract with you." He chuckled. "Now, why would I want three weaklings to work for me?" Alexander clenched his fist. Weaver eyed him with a sly smirk. He flicked his finger up. Alexander shot up to his feet, clawing at his throat. Sakura tried to leap up and free him, only to feel the threads tighten on her leg. She froze, clutching her leg. He stared Constantine down. "Humility and dedication earns my respect. Something the none of you three know." "You think those two have that?" Constantine growled. "They have that in spades. It's something you earn from being born without a silver spoon in your mouth."

Weaver wiped his mouth standing up. He released Alexander and Sakura with a flick of his hand. "Word of advice, for the next time you try to have one of these meetings. To be intimidating. You actually have to be the strongest or smartest person in the room. When you're none. You look like a fucking wanker." He said giving Constantine a gentle pat on the head. Constantine snarled as Weaver sauntered out, he smashed the table with a grunt, chasing after Weaver. "You'll regret this! You'll be working for me one day! Don't you walk away from me!" Weaver made his way down to the public dining room, seeing Moon and Zeke sitting down for dinner. "Mr Chen! Miss Kim!" "Weaver!" They said stunned. "What are you doing here?" "I could ask you two the same thing. Isn't this place a little pricey? Also nice suit." He said marvelling at the fabric. "See. Told you it looked good." "This is a onetime thing." "Why? It's a good look on you." "Enough about me dressing up. What are you doing here? Figured you be enjoying the World Ranker status." "I came to visit my two favourite Hunters. You two have been doing very well for yourselves. I'm very proud of you two."

The two felt their hearts fill with joy. "Wow...thanks..." They said awkwardly. "Not use to praise?" They both nodded, awkwardly scratching their heads. "I hope after your course is done, we can have a little spar. It will be nice to see your progression." "Oh, will you watch our duel?" Moon asked excitedly. "Sadly, I have other things to attend." "Aww, but I want to show you how much we've grown thanks to you." Moon pouted. "WEAVER!" Constantine roared. The restaurant gasped, as he barged in crackling and surging with red lightning. He released a bolt of lightning. Weaver flexed his finger ready to deal with him. Moon pulled Weaver aside, summoning her armour, and catching the bolt in her barrier. Zeke dashed in summoning Shadow, and used Sovereign stance one, knocking Constantine unconscious with the scabbard. Sending teeth and blood flying across the restaurant. Weaver stared on stunned and impressed. "Are you okay?" Moon asked. "I didn't mean to pull you so hard."

"I'm quite okay. Thank you very much for saving me." "You don't have to lie to us." Zeke said, with the two of them banishing their items. "I appreciate the thought and effort." "Do you like my armour? Her name is Iziel." "Iziel....Iziel as in the Dragon King of Calamities. That Iziel?" Moon nodded eagerly. "And that weapon of yours..." "Shadow from Alistair's vault. Although, I've been told this use to look different." Weaver chuckled, pleasantly surprised. "Consider me very impressed." The two high fived. He held his hand out. "I look forward to working with you two, as a fellow Hunter." Moon shook his hand. 'No scales or claws. Iziel agreed to a mutual bond?' He shook Zeke's hand. 'Warm and pink. He didn't turn on his Demon's Blood. But I swear that looked like Eliza's Sovereign stance.' "Thank you for helping us." Zeke and Moon bowed. "Have a good night you two, and enjoy your meal. It's on me." He said placing ten chips onto their table. The two let out a whoop sitting down eagerly. "Should we invite Raven?" Moon asked. "Already on it." Weaver snickered leaving the restaurant, with other students gossiping about Constantine and them.