
Conqueror of the omniverse

Warning! This story will be very slow one.And I will try to finish volume one as soon possible. What happens when a typical otaku is given the chance to visit his favourite anime an manga? Of course he will take it. Follow our mc to his journey of different worlds of fiction. This fanfic is only for wish fulfillment. I just wanted to write about different anime, manga,movie,novel,comics merged into one fanfic. Everything contains in this story is not own by me. It is only for fun and entertainment. ( AN: I mistakenly made this into a novel so i am transforming this into a fanfiction. I hope you forgive my mistake. I am new author. So i didn’t realize it in the beginning. But now please enjoy and share it with others so i can get my views back.) The cover on the book is not mine if someone has it’s ownership or any complain. Please contact me. ( AN : my old email expbar37@gmail.com)

Expbar · 漫画同人
62 Chs

Chapter 58

Adrian pov :

I finished all my preparations. I trained my skills and powers. I also said my goodbyes with my three girls with nice sex session.

Even though it would be a second for them because time would stop I still did it. Now it's time for my departure. I created multiple clones of my body and split my mind with one of them.

I did try to connect to a 2nd clone because my Int was 190. But I could only vaguely feel the clone. I really need another ten points in Int. But I will get that as I kill my enemies. I still could not get new stats in DC world as I didn't face any enemies but Naruto world is different.

There are a lot of enemies. So I will finally see how my stats increases. I also asked a little help from Black Canary. I asked her provide with some hot weapons.

Yes, I will take AK-47, Glock, Grenades and bombs into the shinobi world. I mean why would not I? It will be easy to fight powerful enemies. If I had more money I would have brought a nuke but I need to do with what I have.

I should create a creation skill. I will do it later. I still have more than 3000 of SP. I will keep just in case I need anything. Anyway I think I am done now. Let's go to Naruto. Airi use the World Crystal (normal).

[World gate initiated.

Using World Crystal (normal)

Please select the world ]


[Naruto world has been chosen.

Please describe a minor detail change in the world of Naruto ]

Now what do I want to change? I don't really know which time I will go to so I should change something from the very beginning.

Ohh I know something I want to change. I am doing this simply because of my selfish desires. I want Kaguya Otsutsuki to stay a virgin.

Yes, you heard me right I want the mother of the sage of six paths to remain a virgin. Then how will her children be born you might ask?

It's simple they are just clones created by Kaguya's DNA. Will it be possible to change this?

[ Processing changes. Changes met the requirement. Do you wish to proceed? ]

Ohh good. It actually was a success. I am sorry Kaguya but you will be a thousand year old virgin now. I am sure you will understand.

Now then please proceed further.

[Affirmative ]

Suddenly my whole world changed and I found myself in a forest of some kind. I flew up from the ground and saw a luscious forest beneath me. It was night time. Suddenly a large sound came from in front of me.

*baam* *kata* *creek* *baam*....


A huge roar came from in front of me and I flew with my top speed. I also used my camouflage power from my Metamorphosis skill that I got from Megan. It wasn't true invisibility but it would do for now.

I flew with very fast speed and came to stop. I saw in front of me the iconic village that was called 'Konoha'. I also knew which timeline I came in as I saw a huge nine tailed fox wrecking havoc in the village.

Did I really came at this moment? There was shouting and blood and gore were everywhere. People were laying dead here and there. This is not a good time to be here.

I looked at the dead people around me. I looked at a few ninjas of Konoha rushing towards the giant fox. There were crying and people were in pain. I looked at the hurt people around me.

I could easily help all of them. But I didn't care enough about them. They were meant to die here. And I am no hero. I will only help those that I need for my goals.

I looked around me and just sighed. Then I flew close to the giant fox. The foxes eyes were changed into a sharingan. I could have undo the genjutsu but I didn't again. If I did it will create unknown variables.

The village was busy dealing with the fox so I sneakily moved into the Hokage building. I didn't wanted to alert someone so I only created my normal clone and I split my mind into it.

Then my clone started search different scrolls and ninjutsu techniques. There was also the forbidden arts scroll and many fuinjutsu techniques. I started to record them on a spy camera.

Yes I am from modern era. So why would I waste my time copying them like retard. I can just steal them but that will cause suspicion.

So I will just turn them into digital content and with my technomancy skill it is way too easy. While my clone was doing this, I flew in another place.

It was place where there was a yellow haired ninja was fighting a masked man. I am talking about Naruto's dad Minato and Obito Uchiha who I am targeting for his eyes. I didn't come close to them but I did use my sharingan to see their fighting.

And I saw the famous Rasengan. It is a signature technique of Naruto. Their fight went on as it showed in the anime. Obito is really a bug. He literally dodged everything.

Even if Minato did get a bit of upper hand with his Flying Raijin or Flying Thunder God jutsu, it was still useless. In the end Obito was the winner.

I wonder though if my Kamui dimension and Obito's Kamui dimension are the same. It would be interesting to find out. I could find Obito very easily if that happened.

Anyway, Obito went towards Kushina who was very weak due to her pregnancy. I watched the scene happen where the nine tailed fox attacked the baby Naruto and Kushina and Minato interfered and was fatally wounded.

Minato sealed one half of nine tails in him and other half in Naruto. I activated my Sharingan and saw the whole process of sealing the nine tails. The seals were very complex but I did memorize them.

Then the reaper god as they called came and took Minato's soul away. But before leaving the reaper god looked at me even though I was invisible.

But I guess he is too powerful so he could sense me. I also looked at him and felt a familiar feeling. It was my Shinigami powers.

The reaper god was technically a Shinigami too. So that's how he sensed me. But he didn't speak anything and went away with Minato's soul.

I also saw how the reaper god put Minato's soul in a soul container. I looked at the dead bodies of Minato and Kushina, suddenly I thought of something.

I hurriedly went towards Kushina and I could feel she was near death. I could save her but I won't. It will just be more problem to explain her my situation.

Also Kushina is already taken by Minato. I really don't want to steal other people's wives.

Okay I admit that is a lie. I will steal from only the jerk husbands who doesn't treat their wives right. But Minato was a good husband.

So I won't steal Kushina. Besides I have unlocked a new power after I absorbed my Devil clone.

I can control time to go back in the past. I don't have full control over it as I could only go a day backwards but if I get more stronger I will go back in the past and get Kushina before she meets Minato.It wouldn't be stealing if he didn't have her right.

Anyway I took a little bit of Kushina's flesh and some flock of red hairs from her. I also took a few samples of DNA from Naruto and Minato.

I also stole one of Minato's Flying Raijin kunais. They were very special. Then I waited and surely a few Anbu of Konoha came. There were also some Root members hidden. But they didn't sense me.

Then Hiruzen Sarutobi and Shimura Danzo came. I just looked at this scene. It seems Hiruzen was sad while Danzo was looking at the new Jinjuriki of the nine tails.

I really pity Hiruzen Sarutobi. He was a failure of Hokage. He did more damage than any one else in this village. I don't like him. He is a typical hypocrite. He let Danzo do whatever he wanted.

Danzo planned the massacre of the Uchiha clan yet Hiruzen didn't do anything. Danzo wiped out the entire Senju clan but Hiruzen didn't do anything. Hiruzen can say that everything he did was for the village but it was just his hypocrisy.

I hate Hiruzen more than Danzo. But I am not here to play hero. I am here for my girls and to get stronger. So I left the scene and regrouped with my clone at a broken Orphanage.