

When an idea comes to mind what do you call it's a concept right? When you have that idea written down on paper it can still be considered a concept while this novel is just a bunch of ideas for novels you may take and use them at your pleasure for each chapter will be something new. Don't let your Nightmare sing (:

Fornicia_Yadrea · 奇幻
134 Chs


I remember the day I got a system so clearly but let me tell you about the world I come from A desolate planet twice the size of your planet Earth nearly inhabitable at least for the human population. There are 12 levels of strength in this world and humans always rank below even the lowest level I was the first to break that. I was the Hero for our kind but I failed them I couldn't save our race even with all the power I gained through the Possessed Theif System.

Compared to the gods of our world I had no power on Planet Euratormiel the dying Life as it's otherwise known. This planet doesn't even have the weakest warrior of any other life planet so I hope you heed my warning and grow to an unimaginable level so that our kind may never be slaves again. The world has very little in resources and little to no water so humans were the labour force being that we were quite capable at physical labour and also cheap on the slave market due to our High costs.

The strength levels are

0 Universal

1 God

2 Demi God

3 Saint

4 Galaxy Eater

5 Black Hole

6 Supernova

7 System Devourer

8 Planet Cracker

9 Nuclear

10 Newborn

11 Mortal

And humans don't even rank at mortal even if a hundred of us team up against them at our peaks using their tech. I got to Nuclear before I died in a battle which was very chaotic until one of them revived me for fun to show me the annihilation of my species. Do you know how painful that was till I found you all maybe you can create an empire to the destroy them. I shall gift you the system to protect this planet for I am at the end of my life young child just make sure they get ready QUICKLY please you are our species last hope.

Wake Up Juino

I hear my mother call so I instantly wake up and see a panel in front of me but I just think 'Wow what a realistic nightmare also why is my VR games system still imprinted upon my eyelid'. I get up getting ready for school but the panel stays in front of my eyes so I look at it and see.

<Possession System>

This system has been granted to you by the last Human from a different Universe that is almost exactly like yours but almost ¥£¶^ years in the future imagine losing with this overpowered system. The functions currently are

Embody Creature

Absorb Embodied Creature

Sperate Creature


This is just a story to get y'alls minds working so taking this idea and modifying it or using it are completely fine these are just made for fun so GL. The previews will vary on how much I don't want to spoil the story in my mind but if you want me to do a certain one just comment at the end of the one you want okay?