
Code Vein Fanfic

I noticed the absolute lack of Code Vein content in here and dropped this since I remembered I had an account... Just the good ol' *original protagonist* is somehow replaced by *main character* Fanfic. But can the MC really rely on his meta-knowledge when a video game becomes his new reality? Let's see how our main character tries to secure a future where he can enjoy his new nigh-immortality in a messed-up world and do his best to get a happy ending!

Jaritorin · 游戏衍生
30 Chs

Waking Up

Death is instant my ass!!!

I laid there bleeding out as a searing pain assaulted my body for fucking MINUTES!!!

Adrenaline would've been nice to avoid dying a painful death, but guess what?! It doesn't work when you are bleeding out!!

The adrenaline will leave your system along with the blood!

Besides, why do I get the adrenaline rush when I am helpless?! I could've used it when the debris was falling on top of me. I could've run away from the damn splash zone of that falling building if just the acute pain of my fucked up foot wouldn't have distracted me!!!


After a little more ranting about my unlucky death, I let out a painful deep breath…

Wait what? Just… how?

I just died, why do I still feel like shit? Why do I still feel things even?

"Ugh…" I groaned, opening my eyes to a new sight.


Yes… that was it.

Some succulent melons were somehow being held together by the strings of a torn white gown. Those strings were holding the dreams of men with the incredible will and stubbornness of all women who don't dress as such so the perverts can stare at them…

I couldn't see anything more within my view, although I wouldn't want to even if there was something else either.

Honestly, I would've thought that I was in heaven that a certain perverted sacred gear user would kill to be in if it wasn't for the fact that I still felt fucked up. But going from beyond fucked up to just fucked up is an improvement that I won't complain about. At least I could move now.

Unfortunately, cupid's kettle drums moved out of my sight while getting a grasp on the state of my body.

A pair of golden eyes met mine. I just stared at them for a second, utterly stunned by their beauty.

"Welcome back." The gorgeous silver-haired woman spoke.

No fucking way…

I stared at her with a slight daze as I tried to regain my composure, the fact that I was seeing her in the state that I was meant only one thing.

One batshit crazy idea was stuck in my mind at that moment.

"Hello… how are you feeling?" She asked, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Well, I've had better days…" I supported myself up with my aching arms and the girl helpfully held my head.

And I saw the destroyed city where Code Vein took place in. Wrecked buildings and devastated streets. The buildings are unnaturally empty of rubble. Most likely have been scavenged thoroughly for supplies long ago. City blocks were demolished by the black obsidian spikes emerging from underground, small shimmers of golden light seeping through their cracks.

They all varied in size as some consumed entire buildings while others were small as a person.

Those were unmistakably the Thorns of Judgment.

Yup, this place is definitely where Code Vein starts… but how and why?


No. Let's leave that for the future me. I have to get myself out of my predicament first before anything else.

"Don't worry, it's okay… I don't remember either." Her soothing voice almost made me feel at ease. Almost, that is.

"So the both of us don't remember anything… isn't that something to worry about?" I grunted, finally managing to properly sit up without her help.

She thought for a moment, "you are correct." The neutrality of her tone did not convey any anxiety.

"Well… we are in the same boat… You woke up before me, so I guess that you have an idea of what to do… Because if not, then… it's time we think of one." I struggled my words through my sore chest. Damn, it even hurts to talk this much?

She nodded in agreement. "Let's satiate our thirst first." She stood up and looked in a certain direction.

Thirst. Right… I am an anime vampire now. Hurray for technically becoming immortal after dying!

If it wasn't because of my weakened state where every fiber of my entire being still hurts like a bitch, and the ever-deepening void in my heart craving for the flesh and blood of what I used to be a minute ago, I would be laughing with joy.

Alas, there is no such thing as a free meal in this world… well, in my previous world… Wait, in this world even more due to the whole world ending thingy.

"Oh well, let's do just that." I groaned, undertaking the duty that takes the most courage to do at the start of every Monday.

Standing up.

Thankfully, I wasn't alone and Io held my arm over her shoulder, supporting me so I wouldn't make my relationship with the ground any more intimate. Such a sweetheart.

"Thank you," I muttered as she guided me to the pale white tree that seemed to have died ages ago. A husk of its former self in the middle of a devastated park, right where a water fountain likely resided once.

Making our way towards the dried Blood Spring, I began to feel the effects of the Blood Thirst. The void in my chest spread outwards, and a feeling of numbness began to overtake my limbs.

Not a good feeling. I can tell you that much.

It went from an annoying feeling of hunger and emptiness to sound hallucinations. They began to drown my thought process and it was difficult to pay attention to my path.

{CRAVE#$÷} {COn5ume!}

{'hungeR} {thirsT'} {biTe H3R necK!} {SATIATE!} {bL0Od} {LifEBlood} {KiLL} {SuRVIVE} 'THRIVE'

{3AT!} {DEV0UR!}

'Don't… Let.. it… Win!'

'Fight it!'

I Fucking Know!

So shut UP!!

The Two Of You!!!

I gritted my teeth as I held back a feral howl.

"God damn, this is irritating…" I growled as half of my vision had gained a tinge of red. The feeling of my head spinning made me want to throw up.

"It's all right." Her tranquil voice worked like a sedative on the stupid whispers. Albeit, the numbness remained.

I just nodded and managed to gain my balance in front of the Blood Spring. Io let me stand on my own but didn't let go of my arm, and she held it near her mouth.

"Do not panic." She told me and bit my finger. The pain wasn't something that bothered me at all.

Adding a gram to a ton of pain didn't even faze me.

I had to wonder how sharp her teeth were to make such a clean cut on my hand- Oh, never mind. We are vampires. We have fangs, of course.

A few drops of my blood fell on the roots of the lifeless pale tree and saw how it came to life.

The white of its roots became vibrant with life as it sprouted branches with leaves rapidly flourishing from them. Small sparks of ice blue light emerged from below and flew up in the sky like fireflies.

Once the extraordinary display of the supernatural white tree came to an end, beads filled with crimson substances bud from the branches.

Io promptly picked one up and handed it to me. "Here, this is for you."

Seriously, when she speaks the annoying whispers will go mute for a second. Something I'm thankful for.

I grabbed the blood bead and realized that the cut on my hand had disappeared. Interestingly, the healing factor bestowed by the BOR Parasite was still considerably strong, even in my weakened state.

I desperately inspected it to understand how to even drink the object that should save my sanity. I didn't want to break it and have all the juice spilled.

The bead had white petals covering the top and bottom of its tear-like shape, leaving the middle uncovered, showing off the red liquid inside it that was seeping vitality.

It even had some red pulp inside it along with the head of a crimson rose at the bottom of the bead.

The crystal-like container felt like glass. Perfectly smooth. Too smooth for it to be natural. A telltale sign that this is, in fact, not natural but artificial.

Blood Beads from the Blood Springs. The legacy of Karen Amamiya, Louis' sister, who sacrificed herself by becoming the Successor of the Heart relic. Taking the burden of becoming the beacon of hope for the Revenants…

Gotta respect that girl, honestly. Will give her my thanks later.

But drinking her blood… or anyone's for that matter…


I decided to drink it before I could go down the rabbit hole that starts with a simple question.

'How can girls bleed for a week and not die?'

"Bottoms up!" I bit the upper white petal and felt blood-like liquid fill my tastebuds.

The taste was, of course, like drinking iron.

A bit different from what blood tastes. I wouldn't say that it's not an iron-like taste, but it is rather unique. I relished the feeling of freshness as all the pain left my body.

It wasn't warm or cold either. It was just at the good point of 'it's just fresh.'

Just like drinking water after a workout.

But better!!

This feeling couldn't be fake. Certainly, this was my new reality.

Really crazy to think about, I don't think that I'm in a product of my imagination where I escaped before dying or something like that.

I'm not that fucking pathetic!

Hahaha. I finally felt more alive than fucked up. Still tired though.

Mental fatigue is still there. My thought process is still a bit muddled. Nonetheless, I felt incredibly at ease after the whispers, and the void in my chest disappeared.

Shit. I'm still in a bad state.

There was no way I could fight the Revenants that will find us when I'm asleep while Io is guarding me.

Speaking of Io. I looked at her as she drank her kool-aid.

Wearing a backless torn-up gown that covered just enough of her legs to not show any panties, if she is even wearing any, will attract unwanted attention. That blood veil didn't do her any favors either. It was in a worse state than her clothing.

I would think of many 18+ stuff if it didn't take my entire brain power to form coherent thoughts.

"Here" I gave her my coat… erm, cape? I had no idea what it was and I'm too tired to care, but it would cover her surely.

I was a walking hot topic mannequin Halloween edition, so I didn't need it.

She looked at me curiously for a second before nodding and putting it on. Now she has something to cover herself with.

With a tired sigh, I sat down and Io did the same after drinking her Blood Bead.

Before I could recline my back on the tree, Io gently pushed the side of my face and made the back of my head land on her lap…

Hell yeah!

"You should rest." Her words made me feel at peace with the fact that I will wake up in a cell if I close my eyes.

Yeah, I will leave that hurdle to the future me!

Screw him in advance!

I've worked hard enough, time for my well-deserved sleep.

Her eyes met mine for a few seconds. Now that I wasn't feeling like a truck had hit me and backed over my body, I gave myself the luxury to look at her features… totally not gawking.

Golden eyes had a certain spark of innocence despite her sinful figure. White and silky smooth hair… none of that seemed fake.

Never seen anyone with an appearance similar to hers, but it didn't seem artificial. Even with breasts as big as her head or those golden eyes. Those couldn't be just some implants or expensive contact lenses.

As well as that marvelous hair that remained pristine white in the apocalypse, it definitely wasn't from bleaching her hair.

For the ROB or whatever entity summoned me into this apocalyptic world with hot chicks…

I thank thee.

That was my last thought before my consciousness was defeated by the almighty Morpheus.


Word count: 2012.

Does anyone remember 2012 being like a fever dream? Like supposedly the world was ending and shit cuz some aztecas' writing on some dumbass rock? Like everyone says the world was gonna end but nothing happened. There was even a fucking movie about it called 2012.

Then there was also the 2000 millennium ending too but I don't remember much because I'm not fossil.

If anyone is wondering about the upload schedule, don't expect weekly updates as my other fanfic is a testament to that.

Jaritorincreators' thoughts