
Code: Infinity [Reboot]

Waking up in the world of Franxx and being forced into a game of 'Gods' with multiple penalties imposed on him was not a cup of tea for Ryo. With a loud explosion from a stupid experiment he was performing, Ryo finds himself floating in the void as suddenly a Bizarre Flamboyantly Homosexual Time Stopping Blonde Vampire pops up in front of him, forcing him to go through different worlds and try to survive. But... there was but one particular 'thing' that had made Ryo very 'special'. He tends to get off his way to achieve the 'win', no matter what he needs to sacrifice or get his hands into. Now with a system that can help him (or maybe not) achieve his dreams, how surely can he keep his desire to win the games of so-called 'God' in control, even with multiple penalties that were imposed on him? Is there any chance for him to win at all? If he wins, will he get a 'Happy' Ending? Or will he stay merely as a pawn to the 'Gods' in their grand plans within the cosmos? Read to know more about his future adventure! First World: Darling in the FranXX. Second World: Akame Ga Kill. Third World: ??? ========== 1. Hardcore system. Semi-Sentient. 2. Small Harem. (Or not?) 3. Neutral Evil MC. (Will do his best to gain the highest gains, but won't do pointless evil. Borderline evil.) 4. Very Long Chapters (Around 4k words each.) 5. Dark Plot ======== Note: Shared Multiverse with "Kono DIO Da" fanfic. Sequel to the fanfic. Note 2: Having some basic knowledge about the worlds that he goes in, would be best.

SR_2027 · 漫画同人
45 Chs

Chapter 26 - 'Higher' Level World? More like Higher Entertainment.

Just realized that we have reached a total word count is 115,000 for this Fanfic!!

Don't forget to give me a comment, reply, or power stone! They give me motivation!

Thank you!



As the night passed, the information regarding the incident quickly spread across the whole town. Wanted posters with two posters were posted alongside the rebels of the empire, causing chaos in the town. 

People started to stay in safer places when night came while many left for a safer place, leaving behind the town for their own safety.

The name of Shadow and his Aid, a girl, both clad in black clothes with white hair was spread across the whole town.

Rumors said that they were a small group of pairs who were very vicious and very bloodthirsty and that they killed everyone who came in their way.

They even killed the Imperial soldiers who tried to protect the citizens.

On the other part of the town, Sudou woke up the next and after preparing himself, he walked up to Ryo's room just as tried to knock, but before his back fist touched the door, the door opened as he was met with a surprised but smiling face, making him a bit surprised too.

Scratching his head in awkwardness, Sudou scratched his back head, "Haha. Good Morning, brother. Let's start our journey. I have some work in Imperial Capital, so the sooner we leave, the better." 

This made Ryo smile and reply, "Sure. I was already prepared for the adventure. Hope we reach Imperial City as fast as we can. Haha.", Although the way Ryo said that, made Sudou feel a bit weird, even though he didn't put his finger at.

Shaking his head, he smiled and continued to prepare for their journey.

With that, they both soon got their luggage and found a carriage that was going towards the Imperial City. On their way to search, Sudou talked with the locals and got to know about the recent activities and was agitated with how a new group of rebels had emerged.

Dismissing the news, he shared the news with Ryo as they boarded the carriage and left the town.

As they were on their way, Sudou began to ask and share his stories of his home and hometown with Ryo to pass the time.

Learning how Sudou grew up in a small household with great dreams only to have them crushed by reality, Ryo felt amazed while on the other hand, Sudou learned how Ryo grew up in a distant village that was very prosperous but with the problem of Danger Beasts attaching the people, he decided to move out of his town.

On their way, they were attacked by a few low-grade danger beasts, that were no match to them, making their journey a piece of cake for them.


The very night that Ryo left with Sudou, the town which was in a tense internal situation faced a catastrophe. 

<<People of Campbell. For long, we had lived in a world fear and despair. But worry not for have started our quest to defeat the evil. We are Shadows, live Shadow hunt Shadow.>>

All the inhabitants of the Campbell heard a huge voice whisper to them. For them, it felt as if they heard the voice just behind their ears, making many panics, but their panic was short-lived.


The ground shook as a huge explosion in the dark of night illuminated the sky.

Dark smoke floated in the sky as the huge mansion within the palace located in the center of the town shook.

<<To understand us is to decipher the language of shadows, written in ink secrets and spoken silence unseen. But worry not. People Empire. We hunt shadow, punishing those who know nothing but evil.>>

A voice resonated through the dead of night as many people closed their doors, but looked through their windows, wondering what fate awaited them.

But as each word the voice spoke, it made them feel as if they were witnessing something 'Holy'. Even with panic, many people felt as if they had been waiting for the voice that spoke to them in their minds.

<< My name is Shadow and my goal is to remove the evil within the Empire. Farwell, the night should be colored in Shadow. >>

The people heard the voice for the final time as huge screams of many Danger beasts resonated throughout the night. 

The mansion in which the manager of the town lived was shrouded in flames as many dangerous beasts emerged out of thin air, causing destruction and deaths to all the soldiers protecting the mansion.


"Shit! Quickly! Get me to a safe place! How the hell did this situation take place!? I was notified that the surrounding was cleared off of the Danger Beasts. How the hell can you fucking explain this situation."

"And who the hell is this Shadow bastard!?"

With a huge belly, the town mayor ran with all his might. He was a middle-aged guy. Sweat poured down his face as he screamed at the top of his lungs as he was getting escorted to a safer location through a tunnel hidden underneath a part of the town.

Tens of soldiers ran in front and behind him, trying to protect him. They were experienced in fighting and adored the best of the equipment. Each of them was an Imperial Soldier who was tasked to protect him for a short amount of time.

Just a few minutes ago, the whole situation was calm, although the internal situation was a bit tense with the death of Nick, the people were doing their jobs normally, but that very night the whole town was turned upside down as the Danger Beasts attacked the town from all the direction. 

*Skree!* *Boom*

The whole tunnel shook as the mansion above them raged into rubble, prompting them to run faster, surpassing their limits.

As they ran, they suddenly slowed down as they saw something... or someone walking toward them. Although they were not able to see who it was, they were sure that they were able to feel danger.

*Tap* *Tap* *Tap*

With each step the person took, an unusual tension loomed in the air. Slowly slowly a tall figure, clad-ed in black walked out of their shadow, making their instincts scream. They pointed their weapons over to the person who entered their view.

"A person clad in the purest black... I have heard that you have been causing trouble in MY Town. Are you the bastard who has caused this!? TELL ME!"

With a red face, the Mayor pointed at him, causing the person to open his mouth, "He who lurks in shadows to hunt the shadows... I am Shadow."

"You-You Dare? You dare joke around this situation!? Do you know who the fuck is my brother huh!? He will skin you alive!! What the hell are you guys looking at!? Go and kill that piece of shit!"

As soon as the mayor shouted out at them, all the Imperial soldiers protecting him rushed over with readied weapons and attacked Ryo who was still walking calmly toward the mayor.

*Swish* *Swish* *Bang*


The soldiers looked in confusion as Ryo walked past them, unharmed in any way, making the Mayor look at the person who was now standing less than a meter away from him in horror. 

For them, it was a blink of an eye.

*Splash* *Splash* *Splash* *Splash* 

While the Mayor was confused, all the soldiers who were there were instantly sliced up, making the whole place bloody.

"So you are the mayor? Huh?"

The mayor felt a chill run down his spine as he looked at Ryo pointing his sword. Without any hesitation, he started to run away from Ryo, yelling with all his might. Even though he knew that he was going to die, he wanted to give it a try.

"Where do you think you are going?"

Then everything went black for him.



As 'Ryo' and Sudou were taking a rest after the hard morning lookout, the carriage suddenly started to shake, prompting them to wake up. Sudou yawned as he jumped off the carriage and looked around to find that they had reached the Imperial City.

Although the guards eyed him warily with how he looked like a person from the West and actually wearing a hood, Ryo gave them a slight nod and slipped past them, disappearing into the teeming crowds.

As they entered the city, Ryo was amazed by the view in front of him. Looking at the Imperial City, the city was even more magnificent than he had imagined. The streets were broad and bustling with people, horses, and carts. The buildings were tall and ornate, adorned with intricate carvings and colorful tiles. The air was filled with the sounds of music and joy.

Although the streets were filled with life, the roads were very open and only a few pedestrians were walking through the roads.

What was more attractive was that he felt that the Imperial Capital had a unique feeling of mixing all the styles of old and modern things. Furthermore, his eyes were drawn by what he called a super huge castle built at the heart of the city.

Looking at the castle, 'Ryo' observed that the palace itself was built on a hill that towered nearly 200 meters high, surrounded by several white stone walls nearly 50 meters high, dividing the palace into several levels inside and outside, and completely blocking the sight from the outside of the heart of the city where all the nobles resided.

"Amazing. Right?"

Sudou, who was standing by 'Ryo''s side asked, prompting him to nod. "Yes, it's wonderful.", It was the first time in his life he saw something so big.

"Haha. That's great. I hope you 'enjoy' your journey. By the way... I am in a hurry, so can you... Umm..."

"Oh, yeah! I forgot the payment. Haha."

Laughing, Ryo's hand entered his coat, and took out a small pouch containing 35 coins. He then placed it in Sudou's hand, who began to count the amount to make sure that he was paid the right amount.

After counting the coins, he looked up and with a smile, he said, "Well, we might need to part now. hope you will find the 'fun' you wanted which you even left your hometown for. Oh by the way, there has been a huge need for soldiers in the Imperial City. I advise you to apply for it before it becomes too late."

"Yeah. Thank you for your advice. Hope we see each other again."

With that Sudou disappeared into the crowd, leaving Ryo standing in the crowd. Ryo looked at Sudou's back as he walked away and after seeing him disappearing, he observed the location for an instant and then started to walk through the street, trying to observe and understand the world better.


For Zero Two, who had disguised herself as Ryo, this was the first time she had walked out in such a place, alone on top of that. 

It made her feel so nervous that she wanted to instantly grab a room in the hotel and hide, but her curiosity got hold of her, as she decided to roam the street.

Just as she... or he had started to walk the street, he noticed a group of soldiers marching past, their armor gleaming in the sunlight. They were tall and muscular, with stern expressions and sharp weapons at their sides.

This made 'Ryo' understand that even the normal soldiers were a few times stronger than the normal human beings from his previous life, a boon of being born in a world filled with war.

Ryo knew that he needed to be careful, as he could easily be mistaken for a spy or a threat to the government, especially with his 'hair' color. So he decided to keep a low profile and observe the city from a distance.

Not wanting to gain much attention, Ryo glanced at the passing Imperial police force for an instant analyzed their body, and walked through the crowds, slipping past them without gaining their attention.

As he walked past the masses he couldn't help but feel the unease in the air at how the people were living. Even though they act happy, he was clearly able to perceive the true emotions of people.

The emotional and mind waves that were transversing in the air, left an oppressive feeling in the air for someone like him. It was much much more unsettling than the feeling he felt in Campbell among the people.

It was as if all of them wearing masks over their face. Each had dark emotions brewing within them, ready to bust, but were barely contained.

'Feeling' the emotions, he had started to feel the unease settle down, but he decided to ignore it and walk within the town.


He decided to start by asking around, talking to people, and gathering information.

Learning that the Imperial Capital was ruled by a corrupt government and that the people were oppressed and mistreated, Ryo raised his eyes, as it was quite weird for him to find a ruler abusing their power for something useless for short-term enjoyment.

They could have instead used the ton of useless resources they had amassed to bring a better lifestyle for the people and enjoy a longer-lasting rule by maintaining a better image in front of their people.

The other 'he' learned about was that the government was supported by an organization known as the Jaegers, a group of elite soldiers who acted as Imperial Police Force and were feared by all.

There was a tense sense of unease and tension within the Empire, and Zero Two didn't need her near-supernatural ability to know that.

The people of the Imperial Capital seemed to be living in constant fear. They whispered to each other and looked over their shoulders as if someone was always watching them.

As 'he' walked, he noticed a commotion up ahead. A group of people were gathered around a small square, watching something intently, making him tilt his head in curiosity as he started to walk toward the crowd. But as soon as he walked up to the crowd, his expression turned to that of disgust.

In the middle of the street, several tall wooden crosses were standing vertically on a stage. But that was not the main thing. The reason why the crowd had gathered, and was because, on each of these crosses, there was a person.

These people had their hands and legs pinned directly into the cross as their bodies hung there through those pins. Furthermore, his eyes fell on several posters hanging on the board, but what attracted his attention the most was the one single poster over the board.

On the poster was the face of a person clad in black whose face was hidden in the shadow of the hood. Beneath it was written 'Wanted: Dead or Alive.' with a 'Shadow' word written in bold letters with 5000 gold coins as a reward.

This made 'him' smile a bit but his eyes soon looked at the bodies again.

This scene made Ryo clench his fist and frown deeply as he looked at the scene.

Then taking a deep breath and clenching and unclenching his fist, he walked out of the crowded area and walked away to not waste any more time. It was one of the few times Zero Two had seen such a gruesome scene.

{A/N: Most of Ryo's gory experiments were unknown to Zero Two. The only few times she saw such a gruesome scene were when they were very young and when Ryo tore 'Ayumi's' tongue out.}

It didn't take him long enough for Zero Two to find an inn and book a room for his bit-long stay.


The night fell as the soldiers guarding the wall started to become a bit bored with how they were guarding a place where no one would dare enter, for not at least anytime soon. The Empire has been standing tall and the Revolutionary Army was still weak with very few powerful members.

The Night Raid had just formed and they were yet to make their first raid, making the Empire not so alert.

{A/N: Had a hard time exactly when Night Raid was formed, so AU, I guess? It won't change the 'plot' anyway.}


A guard yawned as he sat at the chair on the city wall. It had been a long time since he had started to work on this shift but he just can't get used to this schedule.

Before he could react, he felt air flow past him, making him cation up and look for the cause of the gusts of wind.

'Huh? Was it wind? Yeah. That might be.' 

With such thoughts, the guard started to doze off again in his position not knowing what kind of monster he might have let in.

'I infiltrated the Imperial City this easily? Looks like I overestimated the powerhouses and the World Will of this world.'

With swift movement, a person clad in black instantly entered the Imperial Capital. Avoiding any bright light, the figure quickly moved through the shadow and quickly reached the inn in which 'Ryo' was living.

Just as he reached the window, the window opened and with a quick grab, the person was quickly pulled into the room. With a quick pull, Ryo hugged the person tightly.

"Darling~! Why did it take you so long!?"

"Hey~ I was looting some people. They got some, you know, a ton of money which they might never use in their life."

Ryo chuckled as he looked at Zero Two who pressed him on the floor, while hugging him over his chest. Chuckling, he rubbed Zero Two's head in awkwardness. Although Zero Two was disguised as him, looking at his face and hugging his body, it felt a bit weird for him.

'If I didn't know for sure who she was, I would have killed her thinking that she was my main personality. I am pretty sure that the 'main personality' is this good at acting.'

Sighing, he kissed Zero Two on the cheeks and broke out of the hug as he walked up to the table in the room and took out some books, a huge locker, and a small scroll with a small seal over it. On the other side, Zero Two followed Ryo to see what he had bought with him.


With a swift slash, Ryo slashed the safe in front of him, causing the outer layer of the safe to instantly cleave into two parts, revealing hundreds of gold coins glittering in the candlelight.

With a quick look, Ryo estimated that there were around 5 to 7 thousand gold coins in the safe. He then looked at Zero Two, who was now crouching by the coins and playing with the coins on the ground with a bored expression. "Zero Two, will you be willing to help me with the plans I have?"

"Hm!? Uhu! Yep. Just tell me what I have to do, Darling!"

Looking at Ryo in excitement, Zero Two's eyes flashed with excitement, this was one of the few times he had ever asked for her help and she honestly wanted to be useful to her 'Darling', making her quickly nod her head in affirmation, making Ryo smile.

His canines showed up as Ryo smiled happily. 'Well, here goes my first buildup of plan. I hope it doesn't get for me, after all, as long as I don't target the 'Main Characters' and don't change the main 'plot', the World Will won't take any actions.'

'Now I just need to make sure some of the things, and everything will start to gear up.'


-- [One Day later] --

"Halt! Who the hell are you!? State your purpose this instant!"

Two guards instantly blocked the path of the person in front of them. When they looked at the person in front of them, their eyes shot up.

In front of them was a beggar-like-looking guy with hunter-green eyes and hair. He looked at someone suspiciously similar to someone whom they couldn't put up their mind on. He looked familiar and not at the same time.

'It's not possible...'

They shook their head and continued to stop the person. The only problem was that he was trying to enter the mansion that they were guarding. The mansion behind them actually belonged to a wealthy noble with a Viscount title. One mistake and they will be fired.

"You! Do you know who you are stopping? I am Ryan! I have an important message for the Viscount! I am from Campbell Town! I am from Baron Nora's workforce!"

With a fierce expression, the person, 'Ryan' shouted to them. Listening to what he said, the two guards showed an expression of disdain. A beggar couldn't have something of interest with a noble.

*Bam!* "Ahhhh!"

With a swift punch, the guard hit the beggar in his face, making him fall on the ground, "Do you think we are a dumbass? Bastard, scam quickly before I kill you right here now!", the guard threatened Ryan.

The kick was so strong that Ryan started to bleed from his broken lips because of the punch. "You-! You-! How dare you hit me!"

"What is going on?"

Listening to the commotion, a person who was just 'lucky' passing by asked what was going on. It was very rare to see a commotion at a noble's front gate, much less a Viscount's.

The person who asked about it was a guy in his late middle age, probably in his late 40s and he was wearing expensive clothes, which were stuck tightly to his round belly.

The person was none other than the Viscount himself.

"Lord Viscount!"

As if surprised by the sudden appearance of Viscount, the guards quickly sweated and straightened themselves and replied, "Lord Viscount! This bastard was causing a commotion in front of your mansion! He is saying that he had something of importance to the Lord. We apologize for not handling the situation quickly."

The Lord Viscount in question narrowed his eyes as he listened to the situation. It was surprising even for him as he usually would be uninterested in such things but today, he found himself attracted to the commotion, "Hmmm..."

He then looked over to the person in question and asked, "You told me that you have something of importance to me, right? Tell me.", with a friendly smile he asked. Although he was bored, he thought, 'Hehe. This person looks so innocent. I hope he provides me with some entertainment...'

As if he found the hope his, 'Ryan' quickly brightened up as he quickly searched through the old rough coat and quickly bought a scroll out from his clothes and gave it to the Viscount.

"Lord Viscount, I am from the Campbell town that is actually managed by your brother. I was guarding the Lord but due to the horde attacking the town because of the involvement of some 'Shadow' bastard! I barely escaped the attack. I hope this will clear up your doubt."

Then with another quick search, Ryan took out a small bottle that contained several blue pills. Extending his hand, Ryan gave it to the Lord Viscount, "There is another thing that the Lord had given to me before he left to escape."

Taking the scroll and the small bottle from the person, the Viscount looked at the seal which was made up of melted wax, and with narrowed eyes hummed. "I see. Good work, soldier. Guards, take the person and give him some hospitality."

With a quick wave of a hand, the Viscount's face turned serious when he came to know that the letter was authentic and was actually from his brother, making him leave the scene, enter his study room, and open the scroll.

Looking at the content of the letter, his face turned a bit grim.

The letter explained how his brother discovered a bottle containing blue pills from the market by some coincidence which was being tracked by some kind of organization that had been helping the Revolution Army.

'Shadow Garden, huh?' 

He quickly took the bottle into his possession and tried to find the purpose of the pill but he was soon hunted by the organization.

In starting the organization sent some weak assassins that were killed before they could reveal anything but soon more powerful assassins were sent after him. So much so that many of his most trusted guards were killed.

Even the letter that he tried to send to his brother, was intercepted before it reached him. So in fear of being killed by the assassins, he sent it to him in the hope of helping him.

Furthermore, he had gained some knowledge regarding the recent assassin sent after him. Which he had attached at the bottom of the scroll.


This made the Viscount curse for his younger brother's stupidity in getting involved in shady work. In anger for giving him, the Viscount such a dangerous item, which might still be traced by the 'Shadow Garden', he could only curse his luck out.

Looking down at the scroll, and the poster was glued to the scroll by the wall of his study with an angry expression, he started to think of a way to escape the organization and the wrath of 'The Revolutionary Army'.

Although he was scared to some extent, he was not so scared that he would go into hiding. 

The Revolutionary Army might have gained some influence, but since the Night Raid hadn't actually reached out and killed any important Noble within the Empire, the Viscount was just a bit scared, but not too much.


Placing the scroll on the table, the Viscount looked at the pill in the bottles. After thinking for a second, he asked one of his soldiers to ask for someone who would help him with the task he had on his hand.




Night fell as the Viscount was sleeping on the bed with a carefree posture. 


The window by the Viscount's room slowly opened as a person wearing a stylish black overcoat entered the room. The sound made due to opening the window was so small that no one could be alerted by it.

With a swift but soundless way, the assassin quickly reached to the bed where the Viscount was sleeping on and held out his sword.


Just as he was about to kill the Viscount, he heard a band noise as he suddenly felt an shard pain in his hands. Then suddenly he felt someone hitting his head, then everything went dark for him.



"Where am I... Huh?"

Feeling his legs and hands tied to a steel chain over a laboratory bed, Sudou looked around in confusion. He saw how he was in a laboratory with a completely white-walled room. Clarity slowly returned to his mind as he quickly tried to free himself, 'How the hell did I get caught!? I have to quickly escape!'

"Oh? You are finally awake! khehehe."

Sudou's eyes widened as he looked at the glass widow by the laboratory bed to which he was attached and grimaced as he looked at the crazy scientist-looking person.

His heart started to beat fast, but realizing his 'mission', he acted crazily, trying to break free from the straps put on him. His mind was in confusion as if it was a mess. He knew the reason why he was there and not at the same time.

"This is great! Now I can take out information from you. Kehehe. I hope you don't reveal anything hehe. The more you resist, the more fun it would be kehehe."

"Hmm! Mhhuh!"


With a swish sound, a door suddenly opened up in the room as the crazy scientist entered the room, followed by two soldiers, making Sudou struggle more. But the more he struggled, the more the scientist smiled in craziness.

'Why the hell did I even enter the mansion and try to assassin the Viscount?'

What he didn't know was that his previous brown eyes had now turned into a bit aqua color. His body was more toned, his teeth were sharper and he looked younger. It was as if he was reborn and had his body redesigned from the very core.

He thought about how he was in the place he is now. The last suspicious thing he remembered was the 'Ryo' guy insisting on making food for him when he himself was ready to make food for both of them.


"Hmm. So you are saying that this is the information that was understood by the torturer, right?"

The Viscount looks at the report with a hand over his mouth as he takes a deep breath. His eyes had turned sharper as he looked at the report. After going through the report again, he looked up at the crazy scientist in front of him, who was sweating with a scared smile standing between two soldiers.

"Take care of him. Send some other guards after you leave this room."

"Yo-Your majesty! You can't do this to me! I am from the main healer team itself! Others will become upset about this! You can't kill me! Your Majest-! Muff!"

The soldiers quickly hit the cheeks of the scientists, making a few of his teeth fall on the ground. They then quickly dragged him out of the room, leaving behind the noble with a hand on his face.

"Hehehehe! Hahaha hehehe hahahhahaha!"

With a creepy grin, the noble wasn't able to hold back his laughter. As he laughed he stood up from his chair, making it fall on the ground, and danced to the middle of the room. On the other hand, soon four or so soldiers enter the room and are astonished to see their master dance in the middle of the room.

"Kill the two soldiers who are taking care of the person who I ordered them to."

"As you wish, Lord Viscount."


"Hehehe... Hehahahhahahahaha!"

In excitement, the Viscount smiled and with a swirl, he reached to his desk and hit it with such force that it broke in two, revealing the bottle containing the blue pills without any hesitation he popped the lid off and dropped the content of the bottle in his mouth while smiling crazily.

From what he learned from the assassin, these pills were the result of their experiment. But out of greed, their lead researcher sold the pills to the black market but before the news could go out, he was murdered while the 'Shadow Garden' started to hunt for the pills.

What amazed him was that these pills turned out to be something amazing. It was said that each of these pills increased the power of the consumer by twice and the assassin sent for the hunt for these pills had consumed one of the pills, which was evident in how strong he was.

Alongside the strength, it also increases the lifespan of the consumer by a decade.

This information made him feel incredible. Who doesn't want to live longer and have more power!?

What he didn't know was that on the other side of the mansion, a guy with hunter-green hair and eyes was also looking in his direction with his eyes narrowed and a gleeful smile.

'Hehe~ It was all worth it~ I was amazed to learn that the mayor was actually a family member of the Viscount and to not get killed in the competition for becoming the heir, he decided to leave and become the mayor of the Campbell town.'

'Although I do have to say that even in this corrupted world, family members do care about each other, which is quite opposite to what I had thought. Nonetheless, the people here turned out to be more cautious & more logical than I thought.'

'It could have been a bit too interesting if everyone was a bit too smarter and cautious. My mind suggestion could become useless for people who have strong willpower and minds. In the end, it won't matter.' 

'The only thing more interesting is that, unlike the previous world, where it took a person a few hours to a day to turn into my slave, people have much stronger 'anti-biotics' making it either hard for my 'pills' to work on them, taking it a few days; or downright don't work at all.'

'Now I understand why this 'World' is considered a 'Higher' level one. The people just have stronger 'resistance' to my manipulation the more they are relevant to the 'plot'. Wonder how the 'World Will' will try to remove me?'

'I am quite excited to see how the 'World Will' use its Paradox Energy. If the previous world was low-level, then this world should have more than four times the Paradox Energy than the last one.'

'Heh. Killing me? Is this 'World' that strong and smart?'

Thinking that Ryo's face was covered with his usual 'smile'. Retracting his 'mind-manipulative' waves that he had been sending to manipulate the Viscount to make him a bit less paranoid and decided to do some random stuff till his pill took effect.

'Hope I get to see some sort of challenge. Not just some manipulative, but physical and mental. Otherwise, it will be very boring.'

' 'Higher' Level World? Heh. More like higher levels of Entertainment.'



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