
Class: Polymath - From Star Wars & Beyond

After serving for an eternity… Arlo was freed of his duty, only to find himself in a dangerous situation where his tales of films, television shows, animation and cartoons were gifted ack to him as reality. With the Radix Network System beside him and his old friend, Arlo starts his journey in the Star Wars Universe. His goal… To change the universe for the better and stabilise everlasting peace without greater powers interfering. Using his Polymath Class to help him achieve the impossible, Arlo began the journey to write his Myth...

PhantomMedjay · 电影同人
27 Chs

[The First Step Away from Fate…]

"… Never expected your strength to be this overwhelmingly powerful."

"Thank you for the compliment, Master."

Arlo chose not to correct Khalizar who'd misunderstood his comment as a compliment when in fact he was quite literally petrified by her capabilities as a Temple Spirit with an unlimited source of energy to draw from.

After Yeixrian connected Khalizar to the Empyrean Dimension, the Temple Spirit started to regain her strength over the Dromund System and the various planetary bodies that rested within its boundary.

Dromund Kalakar was the first to affected by Khalizar because of its location, as it was the planetary body that the moon, Kalakar Six, revolved around.

Khalizar could access the infinite source of the Empyrean Dimension to create and mould whatever she pleased, with materials being sourced from the dimension as well.

Access to the dimension allowed Khalizar to use the void to open a gate for the resources to come through.

Watching from the Tempest, Arlo saw Khalizar opening dozens of Void Gates, releasing tons of material into outer space.

Through her connection with the Empyrean Dimension and its refined Energy Source, Khalizar was able to utilise energy to meld the materials into various shapes or circuitries.

Khalizar decided to use the materials to recreate the Shipyard of Dromund Kalakar, which was known to build some of the fastest and deadliest Starfighters during the Old Sith Empire.


When Arlo asked for the rough estimate for when the Shipyards would be completed, Khalizar believed it wouldn't take longer than a few days.

It wasn't the only planet in the Dromund System that saw itself receiving a makeover.

As Khalizar regnited her connection to a planetary body within the Dromund System, they were recognised by the System and registered as Worlds in Arlo's control.

This happened repeatedly, with various rewards and items being issued to Arlo at once.

Arlo scanned his eyes over the System Notifications, only to be attracted by the rewards from Dromund Kaas.

Because the planet had great value to the Sith Empire of the past, the rewards ended up being quite unique and powerful, surprising Arlo.

A Dark and Light Force Temple was rewarded to Arlo, with the two items being Elite Graded, but the main item that caught Arlo's attention was the Imperial Citadel.

He could use it to build an Imperial Citadel within the Empyrean Dimension or outside of it.

The characteristics of the Imperial Citadel could recreate a city much the same as Coruscant but on a grander scale with its own uniqueness added to the structure.

Yeixrian immediately started work on developing the Citadel of the Empyrean Dimension that would easily transcend any and all structures of the hidden world.

She wanted to focus on Khalizar, but Arlo assured her that he had his eyes on the Temple Spirit, allowing the Divine Guardian to begin the new changes to the Empyrean Dimension.


While watching over Khalizar, Arlo decided to access the System Store as it notified him of certain sales on items being removed in due course.

Before the items were taken away, Arlo discovered several things in the immense list that he could utilise now or take advantage of in the coming future.

One of his first purchases was the Library of the Mystic Arts, a collection of knowledge related to magic of the Marvel Universe.

After the purchase was made, the contents of the library were all added to Arlo's Inventory to be accessed whenever he so chose to, but also, the System modified the reward to work within the Force Universe.

The spells and formations would focus on drawing energy from the modified Energy Source of the Empyrean Dimension.

Because of its altered and influenced state was susceptible to improvements, certain System processes allowed the Empyrean Dimension Energy Source to accepted by the knowledge of the Mystic Arts.

Arlo believed this was in part because of the Mortal grading of the Library of the Mystic Arts, but the System informed him that the grading was relevant to the building structure of the library.

The System explained that the library structure would safely hold the knowledge of the Mystic Arts, but as higher grades were purchases, the library structure would grow and take on substantially more knowledge related to Mystical Arts.

For now, though, Arlo realised the information would take up some time to read through, as the Mortal Grade, Library of the Mystic Arts, gave him plenty of books, scrolls, and artifacts to read and examine.

Just from the layout of the library structure, Arlo figured it would take him months to read through everything and safely understand the information.

Another purchase Arlo made was Mystical Arts Users, who were graded the same as the library, and capable of wielding the knowledge in the library.

Similar to the other people spawning from the Genetic Hall, they would arrive each day at the hall before moving onto the lands of the Mystical Arts.

Yeixrian decided to build a city dedicated to the Mystic Arts and their users.

The nature of the city was built to closely resemble nature and a holistic landscape that would help the Mystical Art Users during their training and studies.

Of course, it was moved far away from heavily populated areas of the dimension, but the abilities of the Mystical Art Users would help them travel around freely.

Public transport systems were still available but ideally the residents of the Mystical Arts city would be able to travel freely.


Arlo also purchased various medicinal herbs and plants to add to the Empyrean Dimension, but the last major purchases made before he drained his System Credits empty, Arlo found a fantasy race to help increase the number of residents on the Empyrean Dimension.

Elves capable of utilising the knowledge provided by the Library of the Mystic Arts were bought by Arlo, but their Grade was only Uncommon, meaning they couldn't be spawned from the Genetic Hall.

This meant the last purchase Arlo could make was the Seed of the World Tree, an item required for the birth of Elves and other mythical species, but also accessible by the Divine Guardian, Yeixrian.

Arlo wasn't aware of the exact decisions Yeixrian could make after controlling a sprouted World Tree, but he understood it would help taking control of planetary bodies when the Seeds of Nio'dai and (@#$) ran out.

After the purchases were completed, Yeixrian took over the management of the items and started their implementation within the Empyrean Dimension.

Yeixrian sped up growth of the World Tree after it was planted by feeding it the Spring Essence of the Void Energy Source.

The Spring Essence enhanced the growth of the World Tree to give itself greater affinity with nature but also improving the constitution of the Elves and any following race that would spawn through the World Tree.

But as this happened, Khalizar also found herself improving and drastically changing for the better as her affinity with the Force Energy of the Universe and Energy Source of the Empyrean Dimension grew to allow her access to various elements.

This helped her understand various aspects she wasn't aware of in the past, from knowledge related to various elements but also materials.

All of the information that entered her knowledge database gave Khalizar the strength to improve the construction of the Shipyard and other various structures she chose to build.

Yeixrian was aware of this change in Khalizar but chose not to inform Arlo as it wouldn't change anything in regards to the work Khalizar was conducting.

The Divine Guardian decided however it wasn't necessary to pass on such information because it wouldn't change anything and told Arlo to move on.

Arlo thought about examining the rest of the Esstran Sector, like the Horuset System which contained Korriban, a planet attached to the Dark Side of the Force.

It contained many different Sith Artifacts and graves of Dark Lords, making the whole planet a major Dark Side Force Nexus that couldn't be removed without slowly cleansing the various points of interest across the planet.

Thankfully the rewards issued by the System for the completion of the quest regarding Leto and Karae helped him decide that it was acceptable to take on a small tour of Korriban.




[New Quest Updated!]

[The First Step Away from Fate…]

[Description: Host has arrived on a Sith World, formerly part of the Sith Empire thousands of years ago.

Kalakar Six is a moon of Dromund Kalakar, a former Sith Empire shipyard known for its construction capabilities, is now a forgotten place, rarely visited by travellers who would be influenced by the Dark Side nexus.

Recently, Kalakar Six has flared up, sending a pulse through the Dark Side of the Force across the galaxy.

This attracted the attention of the Jedi High Council, who sent Karae Nalvas and his Master to investigate the reason for the Dark Side to flare up, however they aren't aware that the Dark Side nexus on Kalakar Six is much too strong for Karae Nalvas to handle]

[Host needs to:

- (Complete) Intervene in Karae Nalvas destiny from taking a turn towards the Dark Side of the Force

- (Complete) Help Karae Nalvas understand the Dark Side to reenforce his connection to the Light Side

- (Complete) Help Jedi Master Leto Farstric explore the ruins of the Sith Academy and Temple]

[Quest Status: Complete]

[Evaluation: A]

[Host has helped stabiles the emotions of Karae Nalvas to take on a path unique to him, after the Force's destiny for him was changed.

Jedi Master Leto Farstric has accepted the dangers of the galaxy that were long thought to be extinct, allowing his awareness to grow and extent beyond his former self]


- 32,500 Experience Points

- 30,000 System Credits

- Orbital Security Station (Rare Grade)

- Orbital Security Force Creation Card (Rare Grade)

- Force Sensitive Warrior Creation Card (Rare Grade)]



[System Function – Player Network – Activated!]

[Scanning…] […] […] […] [Done…!]

[New Location Discovered: Korriban +1,000 EXP]


[You are the First Player to enter Korriban!]

[You have gained 1,000 Reputation Points and status: Watched]

[Locals of Korriban will watch your every step careful, as they fear the unknown, even if you pronounce yourself a member of the Star-Void Grand Guild]


- 1,500 Experience Points

- 1,500 System Credits

- Sith Temple Keystone (Required to access Hidden Dungeon)

- Sith Holocron (Rare Grade)]

