
clashes of love

Father!!!! , Either you like it or not I am marrying Amy Anderson.She is the woman, I love with all my heart . Prince Jace shouted at his father. No, brother you have forgotten, I was the first guy who asked her out and I am marrying her for sure, there is nothing anyone can do to it not you, not father nor mother!!!! I am the one who she is marrying. Prince Alex retorted. Shut up!!!, you guys are so shameless how could you stooped so low to the a common maid. Get out of my sight, I don't want to see you here, nonsense what impudence king George shouted at his two sons...... ******************************************** Amy Anderson, the 22 years old lady,who is the personal assistant to the princess .Finds her self being proposed by the blood brothers who are prince .she doesn't know what to do because she has someone who she really loves. And the two prince are willing to kill each other because of her . There are also other love triangles in the novel...................................................................

EstherOloruntoba · 现代言情
21 Chs

Chapter nineteen :

As Amy and Janie were about to leave , Amy got a call from her mom , she answered the call , Rachel told her about her leaving the house . Amy hung up when she heard this , and with a sullen look on her face , she told Janie that her mom has left the house .

Janie knew her friend must be disappointed about this ,so she cheered her up , " Amy come on I will still see her sooner or later , at least. am still around ,so I can visit you guys anytime you are all around ."

Ok , then I will see you off to your car , they walked together to Janie car , and hugged each other , Janie opened her door and waved hands to her best friend . She was glad they met again.

Amy heaved and boarded a taxi , she hoped to meet Mirabel at home because the time was already going and she needs to prepare for the bridal shower .

The taxi parked in front of her house and Amy opened the door and stepped out , she walked to her door and opened the door . She knew that Mirabel was not yet back from the party she went to.

She went to the tap and washed her heavy makeup away , she looked at the mirror and touched the swollen eye it was already better now . She applied some balm to it and took her phone , she dialed Mirabel's number but it wasn't available.

Mirabel was dancing with Bethany ,she had forgotten about the dress she had to return to her sister ,her phone was not with her because she was charging it with Bethany's power bank. She was so happy , Chloe and Nora too joined the duo in dancing . And were spraying money any how , Mirabel took some of the money and hid it inside her underwear , she really needed the money the girls were wasting . She was so greedy that she couldn't help but took some money again and hid it in her underwear .

Mirabel quickly excused herself from the girls , she went to the restroom she rolled her panties down and brought out the money , it was actually disturbing her , she counted the money it was up to three thousand dollars , she was so happy she rolled the money and tucked it instead her bra.

She opened the door as she came out, she adjusted her gown , and joined the girls . It was a sorority party, a party for only girls , Bethany had only invited her group and other few rich girls in her class . They danced together wine and ate expensive cookies that cannot be bought by commoners .

Mirabel checked the time on her wrist watch and was shocked at what the time said , she quickly removed her phone from Bethany's power bank . She told the girls she had to quickly leave them now because her sister wants her to accompany her to the bridal shower that would be happening later in the night.

Bethany was thrilled when she heard this , she had never been to a bridal shower before and wanted to follow Mirabel but was disappointed when Mirabel told her the gate pass was only for two .

Mirabel quickly boarded a taxi to her house, she knew Amy must be very angry with her now , as the taxi stopped in front of her house she quickly dashed inside and went straight up to her sister's room. She opened the door and met Amy combing her blonde hair .

"Amy am so sorry I have forgotten about the dress , please don't be annoyed with me " She begged . Amy did not respond she was already twenty minutes late she knew the princess would scold her .

Mirabel removed the dress and handed it over to her sister , she left the room and hoped Amy would forgive her . Amy quickly put on the dress and wore the new shoes to match what it , she checked herself in the mirror ,her makeup was perfect but the bruises in her eyes were still obvious . So she wore dark glasses to cover it.

She left the house Immediately and boarded a taxi to the bridal shower place . She paid her fare and got down from the taxi , she showed the security her gate pass . When she entered the place it was so nice she could hear the distant sound of music coming from inside , she followed the sound of the music and opened the door of the entrance.

The first person she saw was princess Daisy who wore a frown look on her face when they saw each other. "Amy you are forty minutes late , the bride called us out but you were nowhere to be found . So I gave up on your coming " She said .

" Am sorry for being late , something came up and I had to attend to it . My apologies again princess." She pleaded and hoped in her mind that the princess would not reduct from her salary or sack her away. She was going to deal with Mirabel for the cause of all this.

Amy followed the princess and held her purse for her , Princess Daisy was talking with the bride to be . Amy just stood and watched them she was admiring the way the ladies were all moving about happily . Some were taking pictures , other girls there dancing slowly to the music . Amy wished she could also join .

As Amy was still thinking this the door opened and an elegant lady dressed in a long sexy blue gown , walked in . The other ladies started giving her enough space so she could pass freely , Amy looked at the lady who turned out to be Cynthia Justin fiance . She was shocked to see her at the party .

Princess Daisy and the Bride , Sonia came to greet her , Sonia was so happy , if not for Daisy she would not have come in contact with Cynthia . Cynthia smiled and told Sonia she wanted to make a say something. She was allowed and was given a microphone.

"Good day ladies I hope you are all enjoying yourself, well as I can see it seems so. Most of you know me so I don't need to be introducing myself anymore . Well I am here to tell you about my coming bridal shower which is happening very soon. So I will like all of you present here to Also be there ,as she was saying this she spotted Amy beside the princess , suddenly hatred was filled in all her eyes . She regretted her word Immediately , but there was nothing she could do because the ladies here are all high class , so she can't back her word .