
Chronicles of an Unrivaled Undead

After a tragic accident,a man is reincarnated into a realm beyond his imagination. Once a mere bystander in his own life, he now stands on the brink of unspeakable power and privilege. With a new sense of purpose ignited within him, he leaves the shadow of his former self behind and embarks on a journey of self-discovery and redemption As he goes deeper into this strange new world, he encounters creatures of unimaginable strength and beauty, each holding secrets and knowledge beyond his comprehension but nagging doubts still with wonder and into the mystery that surrounds him – can he really escape the confines of his past, or those of this new realm Is he just being tortured? Every time he moved forward, he carried the weight of his will upon himself, he felt the pull of power and glory tempting him to give up everything but beneath the layer of confidence there was a lingering fear share never – what if he fails? What if demons from the past come back to bite him? As he wrestles with these uncertainties, whispers of his ambitions begin to spread around the field. Some point to him as a hero, a savior destined to bring in a new era of prosperity and peace. Others regard him with suspicion and fear, seeing in him the potential for destruction and chaos. In the swirling waters of fate and destiny, he finds himself at a crossroads, torn between the promise of greatness and the specter of his own unworthiness Will he rise to the challenge and claim his rightful place among the gods, or succumb to the doubts and insecurities that have plagued him for the rest of his life? "Chronicles of an Unrivaled Undead" sets the stage for an epic tale of ambition, betrayal and redemption. Join our hero as he navigates the treacherous waters of his destiny, forging a path that will determine the fate of the area for generations to come.

Utsav_Basu · 奇幻
16 Chs

Whispers of Destiny: The Magestic Seven

Kokugen Kuroi, the ruler of the island, summoned the newcomers to share their tales. Gathered within the ancient halls of the castle, the party of seven, survivors of a shipwreck, prepared to reveal their names, roles, and the trials they faced in their homeland of Aetheria1. The air thickened with anticipation as each member prepared to recount their past and, in doing so, unveil the essence of their characters.


The man with a chubby and sturdy body who was wearing a navy blue suit started "Greetings, I am Lavinia Stardust, the Merchant among us. In Aetheria's markets, my word was as good as gold, and my ventures promised prosperity." 

The man with the sword and armor said "I am Marcus Flint, the Warrior. My blade was unmatched in Aetheria, and I fought alongside our king against the formidable Mariscale2." 

The thin guy who was dressed in all black continued "Thalia Swiftstride here, the Summoner. I called upon mystical forces to aid us, but Mariscale's might proved overwhelming."

The lady with a slim body, and not good built curves said: "Cassandra Moonweaver, the Healer. My hands mended wounds and offered solace, but even my skills faltered against the dragon god of water."

The Lion Beast Person said: "Felix Emberheart, the Lioness. My bond with beasts clashed against Mariscale's elemental power."

The busty Elf standing at the left of Felix with a long wooden staff in her hand said: "I am Elara Ravenshadow, the Elf Mage. Nature itself resisted us as Mariscale's dominion spread."

The Phantom who was an undead: "Oberon Stormbreaker, the Phantom. Desperation led me to forbidden arts, but even my dark arts couldn't deceive Mariscale."

Their roles and skills, once significant in the kingdom of Aetheria, now stood as testaments to the challenges they faced against the dragon god Mariscale.

Kuroi remained reserved about his lack of knowledge concerning the water dragon god they mentioned, opting to keep his silence to prevent any awkwardness. He asked, "So, how did you all end up here?"

Lavinia, with a resilient spark in his eyes, began, "In the bustling markets of Aetheria, my name echoed with the clink of coin and the promises of prosperity. As a merchant, I sought fortunes beyond measure. Little did I know, my pursuit of wealth would steer us into the heart of a tempest." Lavinia's gaze held the disappointment of shattered dreams. "In pursuit of profit, I found only loss. Loyalty was our currency, and our ship's betrayal cost us dearly. Abandoned, we faced the wrath of Mariscale alone."

Marcus interjected; his voice gruff with the memory of the battle. "Lavinia led us into that storm, promising riches from the depths. We sailed with Aetheria's king on a quest to face Mariscale, the dragon god of water. Little did we realize the price we'd pay." Marcus' voice carried the weight of clashing steel and the roar of a colossal dragon. "Aetheria's king chose us to confront Mariscale, but our mightiest blows barely scratched its scales. The sea itself rose against us, an ally turned traitor."

Thalia continued the narrative, his gaze distant yet piercing. "Mariscale, a colossal force of nature, awaited us. With each summoning, I attempted to turn the tides, but the sea itself rebelled. Our ship, once a bastion, became a frail vessel against the water god." Thalia's eyes shimmered with memories of summoned creatures battling the water god's onslaught. "I summoned beings from realms unknown, hoping to turn the tide. Yet, Mariscale's power was unmatched. Waves towered over us, and our efforts were swallowed by the sea."

Felix growled, her tale echoing primal struggles. "My strength, rooted in the heart of beasts, clashed with Mariscale's power. Waves battered us, and when our ship abandoned us, I fought to keep us afloat amidst the storm's fury." Felix's recounting was primal, like the beast within. "I fought with tooth and claw, but Mariscale's tail thrashed us aside. The ship we stood on abandoned us, leaving us at the mercy of the raging water dragon."

Oberon's voice was a haunting melody. "Desperation led me to forbidden arts. I conjured illusions to deceive Mariscale, but the dragon saw through the shadows. Our ship, our comrades, vanished as Mariscale's wrath consumed us." Oberon's voice echoed with the whispers of dark incantations. "I delved into forbidden magic, seeking Mariscale's weaknesses. But the dragon's gaze pierced illusions, and our hope faded into the shadows."

Elara added, her voice carrying the ancient wisdom of the elves. "Nature itself recoiled as Mariscale's dominion grew. I communed with the elements, seeking a path to victory, but the dragon's power eclipsed our every effort."

Cassandra's soothing tones followed, hinting at the trials faced. "As a healer, my hands strained to mend the wounds inflicted by Mariscale. But with each clash, hope dwindled, and our ship's betrayal left us at the mercy of the storm."

As their narrative came to an end, the chamber fell into a contemplative silence. The flickering shadows cast by the torches danced upon the faces of the survivors, each bearing the scars of their shared past. Kokugen Kuroi absorbed the weight of their experiences, his eyes reflecting the turmoil within.


After a moment of solemn reflection, Kuroi spoke, his voice a low rumble echoing in the hall, "You have faced the wrath of a god and survived. Abandoned by your king, you stand before me, broken but undefeated. Aetheria's loss is now the Tomb of Voidhearts' gain."

With a decisive gesture, Kuroi continued, "I offer you a new allegiance. Become my underlings, and I shall be your guardian in this realm. Together, we will forge a power that transcends the trials of your past. What say you?"


The survivors, once hopeless and abandoned exchanged glances. Slowly, a spark of determination flickered in their eyes. Lavinia, the merchant, took a step forward, "If you can grant us the strength to defy even a god, then we pledge ourselves to you, Lord Kuroi."

The others nodded in agreement, a silent pact forged in the crucible of their shared hardships. The castle's ancient walls witnessed the birth of an unlikely alliance, a union of shattered heroes and a dark ruler bound by destiny.


As the survivors embraced their newfound allegiance, Kokugen Kuroi, the enigmatic ruler of the Tomb of Voidhearts, stood at the helm of a force that transcended the limitations of mortal strife. The echoes of their stories would shape the future of the island, where shadows and power intertwined in a dance of resilience and redemption.

Were the survivor telling the truth or are they hiding something? Time will tell. For now our Kuroi gained some good supporter.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Utsav_Basucreators' thoughts